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If you work on the inside, the outside will take care of itself

Photo by Leiada Krozjhen on Unsplash

Should we buy first and then find the money to meet our obligations?

In this modern world of consumerism and self-development, we are often led to believe that we should first buy expensive automobiles, costly designer watches, or rare collectibles before we even have the money or the plan to pay for them.

Can you feel worthy with more new gadgets and goods?

The rationale is that once you have made the purchase, albeit, on a line of credit or on time, the solution will manifest and you will have the money at your fingertips to pay for these luxuries. And as a result of owning these costly goods, you will then feel worthy and your self-esteem will get a much needed boast. Is this correct thinking?

With all your heart you hope that your bank account catches-up with your bills

When you buy these products before you have the cash to do so, you hope that your mind will catch-up with your new found status and then come-up with a solution. However, all we need to do is look at the present economic environment to see the results of this kind of thinking. Before our eyes we see that businesses are closing, people are losing their homes, bankruptcies are increasing, and marriages are failing…these are the by-products of this reverse thinking.

We sell our souls for material goods but at what cost to our spiritual development?

It seems that we generally get it confused as we strive for the status of having a material possession at the cost of neglecting our spiritual development. Still, what is happening on the inside determines our results on the outside.  In this world which maintains order and harmony as a result of the Natural Laws, it would seem logical to do just the opposite to achieve your desires. Instead of buying the goods first and hoping for a means to pay for them, invest in yourself first and your connection with your spiritual Self will manifest all that you desire in life.

Connection with our spiritual side manifests the guidance we need to meet our wishes and desires

When you invest in self-development books, tapes, and seminars you have the means to connect with your spiritual Self which will provide the guidance to manifest your physical wants. As you follow your inner world to achieve your goals in the outer world, this kind of thinking cannot result in bankruptcies, evictions, and divorces. This is because you are in control of your destiny and not under the control of banks, bosses, and others.

Express your deep, heartfelt gratitude to the Source for each goal you achieve

Of course, when you do achieve the physical manifestations of the thoughts you hold within your spiritual world, celebrate and express gratitude to the Source for your achievement. You have earned it and should feel that sense of accomplishment in the journey and the goal.

Natural Laws are permanent; material goods are ephemeral; which one are you investing in?

The latest fashions and status symbols come and go quickly in this day and age. What’s hot today ain’t hot tomorrow. Do not stake your future on the ephemeral nature of material goods, rather, place your faith in the permanence of the Natural Laws. When you develop your inner world, the outer world will be much more gratifying. 

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Do not expect your goals on human time, rather, accept your goals on cosmic timelessness.

Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash

There is a cosmic connection between all things that exist in all forms; like and unlike, large and small, tall and short

The founding legends of the ancients are based upon the idea that a godly connection exists between all things – big and small – concomitantly. We now have a better idea of what this connection represents in the modern world.

We live in a holographic universe

Hence, it is now understood that we inhabit a holographic universe where everything exists everywhere at the same instant. This is the case since the beginning of creation parallels the end of creation. At the moment of creation, in a single instant, all knowledge, experiences, circumstances, and conditions required to help us achieve our earthly goals were manifested. It is the Alpha and it is the Omega. It is the Beginning and it is the End.

At creation, everything that was, is and will be manifested

In view of the fact that creation within a holographic universe manifested everything that was, is, or will be, time has no distinctive period or instance, there is simply no separation between the past, present, or future. We must attempt to understand that cosmic timelessness – where the past, present, and future occur simultaneously – cannot be described, measured, or gauged by our contemporary understanding of time as we know it.

Time exists only in the human mind

Time does not exist except in the minds of humankind. This is an artificial concept whose main function is to set parameters for what we did, what we do, or what we will do. Thus, when we set our goals on human time and fail to achieve them by our time, it does not mean that we will not achieve our goal, this simply means that we have placed an incorrect time frame upon when we expect our goals to be realized.

We receive what we want and need by universal timelessness, not by human time

When we fail to receive what we hope to achieve, many give-up on their dreams and lose faith in the Source of the Natural Laws. It is of little wonder they do not get what they want since this kind of thinking and planning is incongruent with cosmic timelessness.

While we are creators, we cannot control universal timelessness…we can only accept it

We cannot control cosmic timelessness. Although the Creator gave us the freewill to set our goals, still, it is not our freewill that manifests our dreams and goals. Once we submit our goals to the Source, we have lost the freewill to decide how and when we will receive what we need or want.

Surrender your needs and wants to the Source

That part of goal achieving is completely out of our hands as the universe sets into motion all the people, conditions, situations, and circumstances which are required to achieve our goals. And it is only when complete harmony exists between all the necessary entities that we receive what we set our sights upon. No amount of wishing, visualizing, or praying can give us the power to control cosmic timelessness.    

Our thoughts of time are inconsistent with the reality of time

Our belief of time is inconsistent with the reality of time. Time only exists in the minds of humankind to organize our lives in an orderly and systematic manner. And this is as far as it should go when setting goals. We should realize that disappointment looms on the horizon when we strive to be in command of cosmic timelessness. Rather, enjoy the natural flow of life with complete faith that the universe will respond to your goals in all instances when harmony exists between the requisite components.

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The ‘Woulda’, ‘Shoulda’, ‘Coulda’ dilemma can rob you of a life of success.

Photo by Jeremy Zero on Unsplash

Did I accomplish too much in my life?

When a person is taking their last breath on this earth, I wonder who would think that they had accomplished far too many things in their life? Of course not, unfortunately, it’s just the opposite where most would believe that they didn’t achieve all that they wanted in their life. However, there are a few things you can do to get the most out of your life.   

Unfulfilled dreams are those that have slipped away

You’ve probably heard it all before: I woulda’ been a great doctor; I shoulda’ finished my degree; I coulda’ traveled the world. These people have unfulfilled dreams that were once important and worthy of achievement, however, for whatever reason have slipped away with time.

We spend more time planning our vacation than our life

If you have a goal, but, never make an effort to reach it, what holds you back? When you ask most people this question, ‘How much time do you spend planning your next vacation?’ the answer will probably not surprise you. Then follow-up this question with, ‘How much time do you spend planning your life?’ Unfortunately, most spend more time planning their next vacation than their life with only 5% of the people ever writing down (and achieving) their goals.

Create a long list of goals; how to achieve them at this point isn’t important

With this in mind, create your personal goal list and write down what you want to achieve in your life. This should be a spontaneous list and you should write down a minimum of 50 things you want to accomplish.

Rank your goals of importance to you

Then break the goals down to the most important, your Number 1 goal, Number 2 and so on. Next, break down your No. 1 goal to a daily to do list. Finally, after a period of time, you can review the past 3, 6, 9, and 12 months to see what has been accomplished. With this action plan, you will quickly see where you are at and where you want to be. 

Don’t wait until everything is perfect, it might not happen

Remember, you don’t have to be an expert to achieve your goals and you certainly don’t have to wait until everything is perfect to accomplish what you want in your life either. What you need to do is set a goal and to take action, however small, to move towards your goal. Let’s hope that you’re not sitting in a rocking chair one day and thinking about your own wouldas’, shouldas’ or couldas’.

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If you don’t have a plan to succeed, you do have a plan to fail.

Natural Laws guide the universe 

Continuous growth and expansion are innate within the universe and thus, within humankind since we are under the influence of the same Natural Laws which guide and sustain our terrestrial home.

Most lack to plan a plan

However, while the universe continues to grow ever larger, humankind often suffers miserably from lack and want. These conditions do not manifest from a malevolent Source, rather, from a lack of planning and action to achieve what we want and deserve from life.

Do you write down your goals? 

It is safe to say that all of us want to succeed in life, still, while we say one thing, we often do just the opposite. Think about your own situation: when was the last time you wrote down your goals? When was the last time that you asked yourself what you wanted to achieve in the next 6 months, 1 year, 2 years, or 5 years?

How long did you take to plan your last vacation? 

Now, think about how much time you have taken to plan your next vacation? I am not a betting man, nevertheless, I would venture to guess that more time is spent planning that winter get-away than where you want to be and what you want to achieve over the next few years.

Written goals and success go hand-in-hand

Sadly, statistics indicate that 95% of us do not commit our goals to paper and coincidentally, there is a correlation between writing down your goals and achieving your goals. When we write down our goals we begin to set in motion the people and the circumstances that are needed to achieve our dreams.

Adventurer John Goddard

Take the example of adventurer, lecturer, author, and explorer, John Goddard (1924-2013). At the age of 15, he made a list of 127 goals he wanted to achieve in his life which included kayaking down the Nile River and climbing the peak of Mt. Kilimanjaro. Before he died at age 88, he had accomplished 120 of his 127 goals. As a teenager, this precocious lad was quoted as saying:

“I was sure that if I planned for it, I could have a life of excitement and fun and knowledge.”

Discipline, deadlines, and dedication

After a lifetime, who some may say is the world’s greatest goal achiever, John Goddard almost achieved every item on his impressive list. How can you achieve what this amazing person accomplished? You need discipline, deadlines, and dedication! Daily, take a few moments to write down the steps needed to bring you closer to your dream and all the while, having commitment so you never give-up on that goal.

Your outer world is a reflection of your inner world

In the end, your outer world is a reflection of your inner world. If you allow the wind to carry you over here and over there, it is safe to say that you will most likely not achieve a long list of accomplishments. Or, if you rely upon fate or chance to achieve what you want from life, you definitely have a plan, albeit, a plan that lacks focus.

We have the means to achieve what we desire to achieve

Be confident; if the Source can provide you with a goal, the Source can provide you with the means to achieve the goal.


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“Gratitude is the absence of resistance; resistance is the absence of gratitude.”

Resistance is a negative vibratory state 

Resistance is a vibrational state of being that manifests from negative feelings such as envy, jealousy, and fury. When one inhabits this unenviable state of being, they lack true connection with the Source and with their Self, in fact, this state is diametrically opposed to the Source and to their Self since we naturally inhabit a positive vibratory state where we think, say, and do good things which then manifest our wants and desires.

Gratitude is a positive vibratory state

Expressing gratitude to the Source every day for your life, no matter how good or how bad you may perceive your life at the present moment, inhibits the flow of resistance that you may face when your life is not as you truly want it to be.

Gratitude is seeing your life through the eyes of the Source

Expressing your gratitude regularly results in experiencing your life through the Source. You cannot become closer to the Source than when you express gratitude, in essence, you are living this physical life seeing things through the eyes of the Source. As such, you are at work and see all the wonderful things about those around you; you are in a traffic jam and see all the wonderful things about your commute; and you are home with your family and see all the wonderful things about your family.

Your awareness creates Source-like experiences in your life 

While others may see aggressive, untrustworthy colleagues, or dangerous and noisy roads, or an irresponsible teenager listening to loud music, you only see the good in those people and things surrounding you in business and social situations. This is truly experiencing a Source-like existence. And with this elevated sense of awareness of the wonderful things that abound in and around your life, your positive vibrational state can only attract more abundance and more happiness as you create a natural barrier which blocks out lack and sorrow from your Self.

Gratitude is not inhabiting a state of want or lack     

While gratitude is a positive thought, word, and action, some may believe to the contrary that gratitude is a state of being in want or lack, in other words, they still have not achieved what they have focused their attention upon and are still striving for that elusive goal. They think that they are still fighting an uphill battle to achieve what they want to achieve. This perception of gratitude is erroneous and this type of thinking can only lead you down a path that is incongruent with your goal. If you believe that gratitude accompanies lack, then you are in a negative vibrational state which can only lead to more lack and this forms a natural barrier to keep you in your unpleasant present – this is a Natural law.

Be sincerely grateful for what you have, where you are, and who you are 

Expressing gratitude simply means that you are truly joyous of what you have in your life at the present moment; this does not mean that you are do not want to achieve more in the future, far from it since we are meant to achieve more and continually expand as the universe itself does. So, if you have an old car and are truly grateful for it, or you live in a small home on the wrong side of town and are truly grateful for it, or if you have a job which just does not provide enough income for the goals you want to achieve but are truly grateful for it anyway, you will surely put all these things behind you since your expression of true gratefulness can only manifest as a positive vibratory state where all that you think, say, and do reflects your inner state of being.

Our inner state creates our vibratory state…cultivate it wisely

Our inner state of being is what manifests our goals and we cannot escape what state we are in even if that state cannot be detected by those around us. Carefully cultivate the state of being you desire since your decisions then manifest as your thoughts, words, and actions which are congruent with that state of being and ultimately your results.

You have complete control of your vibratory state 

Gratitude is the absence of resistance while resistance is the absence of gratitude. Both states cannot coexist within the same cosmic time or within the same physical space. Your feelings and your thoughts, and your feelings and your thoughts alone, determine if the state you inhabit is one of gratitude or one of resistance.

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“Your experiences equal your thoughts.”

There are no limits imposed upon us because of our age, gender, or location

Whether young or old, female or male, rich or poor, we all have the means to achieve and receive what we desire from life. Still, there are some who would disagree with the idea that the Source does not limit possibilities for all of our species, rather, they believe that age, gender, and location prejudice their opportunities to reach the level of success they want from this earthly life.

Our minds manifest our desires

There are no earthly prejudices that can stand in the way of one’s success, however, even though we can freely access the means to manifest our desires, each and every experience that we manifest in our life is a result of the thoughts that we hold in our minds. As a result of this fact, there cannot possibly be anyone or anything that creates roadblocks to success except those which are Self-imposed.

Blame no one for your past, present, or future

If you do not enjoy the level of health that you desire in this life, you are fully responsible for the level of health that you are experiencing at this moment, in the past, and in the future. Your vibrational state equals your state of health. Hence, blame cannot be leveled at anyone or anything else; you are the originator of all your thoughts and you thereof, are the one held responsible for the maintenance of good health and prevention of ill health. As such, contracting a disease has everything to do with your thoughts and nothing to do with the illness; surviving a disease has nothing to do with the illness and has everything to do with your thoughts.

Our prophecy becomes our reality

Self-prophecy becomes Self-reality when those who are in an unhealthy state of vibration listen to and accept that which is told to them by professionals. If you are enjoying good health at the moment, then you have occupied a vibrational state that is positive and have attracted good health and have repelled ill health. There are no limitations or prejudices that stand in your way since the positive state that you enjoy supersedes all the other conditions that you can possible face in your life’s journey here at this state of being.

Your vibrational state creates lack or want…it’s your choice

If you are occupying an unpleasant present where all you are able to attract is lack and poverty, you must take full responsibility that your financial experiences are the results of your thoughts. Your thoughts and your thoughts alone create lack and want in the past, the present, and the future; lack can only result from a continuous occupation of a state of the same and there can be no progress away from this state since your experiences can only result from the vibrational state that you occupy.

Change your vibrational state to change your results 

You must change your vibrational state to change your results. If you have experienced abundance in the past, as well as the present, then if you maintain the identical vibrational state, you can only enjoy more of the same in the future.

Defeat is only temporary…accept it as such and not as an end itself

Frequently, we experience delay when we set goals and they do not manifest upon our Self-imposed schedule, however, it is at this time that we must be strong and not accept defeat, it is only temporary. We must have an open heart as well as an open mind to accept the delays that manifest when we plan our big goals. If we feel fear, we can only manifest lack; if we feel gratitude we manifest plenty in our lives. In the end, your experience of abundance rests solely upon your thoughts of abundance – it is the Law.

Disconnect from the Source manifests negative experiences in life

If you feel isolated, alone, and without support of and for your earthly goals, it sounds like you have experienced disconnect from the Source. A lack of belief in the power of the Laws and the Source manifests as negative experiences in life; it can only be so. These negatives include fear, jealousy, envy, sadness, and can only result in earthly experiences that are identical in nature.

Harmony and alignment create the life you deserve to live 

You cannot possibly expect to receive anything different than what vibrational state you occupy and emit to the universe. Your spiritual well-being cannot and will not change unless you change your thoughts from nonspiritual thoughts to spiritual thoughts. If you have experienced deep joy and fulfillment in your life, no doubt, you have experienced complete harmony and alignment with your Self and the Source. This powerful relationship and wonderful connection to and with your spiritual Self and the benevolent One, can only experience more of the same in the future as well as your past and your present. A spiritual Self is a life of joy, happiness, and fulfillment which cannot be equaled by any bright, shiny, and costly item found on a shelf.

Fill your mind daily with thoughts of gratitude, joy, and belief

Our experiences can only manifest from our thoughts; rely upon the Source to guide you to your personal path of achievement and you can reciprocate this rewarding experience when you fill your mind with thoughts of gratitude and belief. Your life will be a full, gratifying experience that results from the thoughts that you hold in your heart.

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“To manifest abundance, you must focus upon abundance at all times.”

We are magnificent manifesting machines

The Source created humankind, and as such we are magnificent manifesting machines with the ability to achieve what we want in life if we follow the Natural Laws. While each and every one of us that inhabit this terrestrial home has the capability to do so, nevertheless, some lack the ability to do so.

Lack does not originate from the Source

This lack does not originate from the Source; the benevolent One insures there are no exclusions based upon age, income, or intellect or any other variables that exist between the members of humankind. Any lack is based upon a lack of awareness in which manifesting depends entirely upon the vibrational state that you exist within; a positive state manifests progress and gain while a negative state manifests regress and loss. Ultimately, we each have in our facilities the ability to make the decision to end up where we ought to be and this is based upon our vibrational state.

There are equal opportunities for each of us to succeed 

While each of us has the opportunity to manifest wonderful things and experiences in our lives, it appears that some do not share the belief that they have the Source given capability and ability to do so. These people simply do not believe that they can create that which they focus their thoughts upon, they view abundance as something that other people have achieved by chance or fate or lack, and they have no influence upon the abundance offered by the universe as rightfully theirs to attain.

Your gain is not someone else’s loss

They may even view abundance as one person’s loss while another person’s gain. They view abundance as a limited commodity which does not include them in the equation. They view their lack in the present as a sign that they will remain in a state of lack in the future. They view trying to be other than what they presently are as a futile and childlike fantasy, hence, they simply exist to endure a life of unpleasant presents. They exist within a negative state of vibration and attract and receive that which they emit to the universe.

Consistency of thought manifests success; inconsistency of thought manifests failure

Then we have the others who succeed at some of their ventures some of the time and fail at others the rest of the time. While they have focus upon abundance for short periods of time, they lack the consistency to maintain and sustain their focus of abundance over long periods of time. These people achieve what they set out to do since they are in a positive vibratory state, however, once they attempt to reach another one of their goals, they may falter (which is only temporary due to a delay), which then results in lower level of belief and faith which helps them shift into a negative vibratory state. In a sense, they follow the proverbial two steps forward and one step back. While they mainly believe in the Laws; when things are going as they expect and want, hence, feeling positive, they have setbacks due their fear of losing what they have achieved, hence, feeling negative.

The Dream Stealers create negative feelings

It is entirely possible that the positive emotions are pushed aside by the Dream Stealers of greed and fear and other negative induced feelings. If these people had maintained their belief and faith, they would not have to go through the fluctuations in life that they experience. Rather than enduring a roller coaster ride of highs and lows, they could attain and maintain a steady ride throughout their lives with a simple shift of vibrational state.

Feel abundance before you receive abundance 

Finally, we have the ones who focus their full attention upon abundance and naturally, since they follow the Natural Laws and the Source, always appear to succeed at whatever they set their thoughts upon. They feel abundance long before they have achieved what they expect to receive. They feel abundance due to a surplus of positive feelings. They feel abundance in the face of temporary defeat since they realize that the Universal Laws are immutable and all results occur within cosmic timelessness and not human time. Since they have immovable faith and belief, they occupy a positive vibratory state which can only result in positives being returned to them – this is the Law.

Like attracts like; abundant thoughts, words, and actions manifest abundant results

When in doubt of achieving your goal, remain in a positive state of abundance. Do not wait until abundance arrives on your doorstep before you feel abundance, this is not going to take place since the Laws are precise and immutable and you can only attract that which you emit. Stay focused upon abundance and abundance shall find you.


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“A strong connection to the Source allows you to enjoy the rollercoaster ride called life.”

photo-1433100325891-378af68b3b8eOur sacrosanct connection in life

Each of us has a sacrosanct connection to the Source which was formed at the moment of creation. This connection is not prejudiced by age, economics, gender, or education. This connection cannot be severed by time or distance; yet, it can be strengthened by one’s awareness and it can be weakened by one’s lack of awareness of this sacred gift from the Source.

Why do we have this sacred connection? 

This connection manifested by and to our Creator helps us to navigate the positive and negative ordeals that we face in our lives as we make this earthly journey.

Why is our connection critical?

It is critical for contentment and achievement in life to understand the power of the connection between your Self and the Source. Consider a person who sets a tremendous goal and wants to achieve it, still, no matter how hard they try they just can’t reach that elusive goal. Most will force their goals upon themselves; they get on edge when things are not as they think they should be and then get even more concerned and more stressed.  However, there are two things to consider.

We achieve our goals by letting go

First, trying hard is not the answer. Feeling anxiety when you face your goals will not make your goals manifest quicker, in fact, they are pushed away from you due to the vibrational state that accompanies your feelings of apprehension. Rather than trying harder and becoming stressed about achieving your goal, the answer is letting go.

A positive state of vibration puts you on the path to achievement

While this strategy appears to be counterintuitive and therefore unproductive, nevertheless, when you let go and not try so hard you are in a positive state of vibration and this allows the universe to line-up all the things necessary to achieve your goal.

A natural state of synchronicity occurs naturally, it cannot be forced

At this time there develops a natural synchronicity with the Source, it is natural and it is not forced. You know when it feels right as everything in your life; your thoughts, your words, and your actions are in sync with the universe, and hence, the Source. A relaxed state of closeness, with the One occurs on a purely spiritual level and not on a physical level which simply cannot be made to happen, it must transpire naturally.

Success runs on universal time…not human time 

Second, you can create, develop, and maintain a strong connection to and with the Source when you fully comprehend and fully accept that it is not on earthly time that we achieve what we perceive. Rather, it is upon cosmic timelessness that we perceive and achieve our goals. In order to extend and preserve our sacred connection with the Source, we must open our hearts and our minds to accept the delays that are often accompanied with the results we gain in our lives.

We are creators…not spectators in this life

Quantum physics indicates to us that we are creators and not just spectators within the universe. As such, all things large and small are connected to the Source.  And all things large and small are governed by the Natural Law of cosmic timelessness…there is no getting around this fact regardless of celebrity, gender, education, or location. If this were not so, it would be a complete contradiction of the benevolent Source, where each and every one has equal access to the knowledge of the universe and hence to receive their goals on the timetable of cosmic timelessness.

Express gratitude regardless of the outcome

Since we perceive and achieve our goals in life on cosmic timelessness, it is equally important to express gratitude for all the things, good or bad, that occur in our life. A constant sense of thankfulness for whatever you have and are at the moment enhances your positive vibrations while at the same time it releases your negative vibrations.

Joy is derived from our spiritual connection with the Source, not from our material goods

The Source offers both your goals and your solutions in your life. It is the strength of your connection with the Source that helps you to understand why things happen and why they do not happen. Bumps and bruises along the way make the journey that more enjoyable after conquering the obstacles. In the end, we should gauge our happiness, wellbeing, and success in life by the strength of our spiritual connection with the Source and not our physical manifestations.

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“Thoughts are things; things that are offered freely, directly, and solely to us from the Source.”

thoughtsCosmic timelessness and thoughts

Since that single moment of cosmic timelessness, the Source has created millions upon millions of different and exotic creatures throughout our earthly home. In the process of creating this multitude of life forms, humankind stands out as one given a truly miraculous gift – thought. While we are granted thought from a benevolent Creator, most do not understand or believe in the power and the application of thought to receive what is freely, directly, and solely offered to us by the Source.

How can we receive our sacred gift? 

In order to receive this gift from the Source, you must separate the purity of spiritual thought from the white noise of physical thought. That is to say, the sacred abounds in thoughts of love, faith, gratitude and compassion while the secular abounds in thoughts of jealousy, envy, greed, and fear.

Thoughts and achievement 

The benefit of thought comes freely from the Source. Regardless of our age, location, gender, or education – we all have an equal opportunity to freely receive and openly act upon thought. Science has identified a universal web or net of energy which we can all tap into to achieve our desires, hence, the Creator provides both the thought and the means to achieve the thought. However, it is not idle thought, it is clear and specific thought of what we want which leads us on the path to achieve that which we truly desire.

Don’t let others control your thoughts 

Even though we have the best of intentions to apply our thoughts to achieve our goals, all too often we allow others to stop our thoughts before they even begin to grow. Still, abundance permeates the universe – it is a Law. There is no limit to what we can freely receive from the Source except the limitations we place upon the Law. We simply do not know what heights we can achieve until we attempt to achieve them.

How do we receive thoughts?

Since the Source is in, around, and of us, we directly receive our thoughts from the One. All you need to do is sit quietly and listen to your lungs expelling your warm breath and your heart pumping your pure blood to comprehend this miracle and as your body functions independently of you, you begin to hear the inner music that is playing within your soul.

Does our DNA contain divinity?

Perhaps, the divine arrangement is nestled away in our DNA; what more efficient and effective place to harbor the sacred connection with the universe than within each and every cell of our earthly bodies. The answers to our most sacred thoughts are stored deep within each and every one of us…we only need to accept what is directly sent to us and through us from the benevolent Source.

Our thoughts make us unique

At this point in time, science suggests that humankind is the only creature on earth that has benefited from the thoughts that are provided to us and for us from the Source. Since each of us has the ability to share concepts, ideas, and messages with others of our species, surely, the main purpose of the gift is to endorse and promote the greatness of the Source.

Share our gift with others or live with limitations?

However, although we are given this special and sacred gift, we also have the choice to live a spiritual life and pass along the divine message that exists and permeates universal timelessness or to close our minds and our hearts and live a life bound by earthly limitations.

Accept our most prized possession

We need to accept and express our thoughts with great care since we are the recipients chosen to freely, directly, and solely receive the most prized of possessions throughout the universe. At the end of the day, use your gift wisely to express gratitude to the originator of all thought.


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“You are not a drop in the ocean; you are the ocean, hence, you have the power of the ocean to manifest your dreams, your desires, your destiny.”

oceanaJust a drop in the ocean? 

There are those who believe within their very soul that they are merely a singular drop in the ocean of life. And since they are just one of the billions upon billions of nameless souls being carried this way and that by the tides and currents, feel they are inconsequential in the overall scheme of the universe.

A sacred connection exists

Little do they realize that our benevolent Source has created a sacred connection between everything and everyone within this ocean of life. As such, they possess the means to participate in the creation of their dreams, their desires, and their destiny.

The inseparable becomes the separable

The qualities of the entire ocean are bound within each single drop regardless of its size, origin, or location. It must be so since every drop consists of the same elements as the collective, and if the ocean is divine, so must the drops of the ocean be divine. The sacred divinity of the whole knows only connection, not separation. However, when we lack faith and belief in this divinity, the inseparable becomes separable.

Divinity exists within every drop in the ocean 

There is a divine connection that permeates every corner of the universe. It is our feelings and our thoughts that interface with this divinity that manifest our wants and needs. We must acknowledge that it is our feelings and our thoughts and only our feelings and our thoughts of gratitude, faith, belief, and plenty that sets the universal good in motion to create our wants and needs. Since our feelings and our thoughts are congruous with our desires, we receive the good from the Source.

A wedge between our sacred connection

We must also acknowledge that it is our feelings and our thoughts and only our feelings and our thoughts of fear, envy, jealousy, and envy that drive a wedge into this sacred connection. Since our feelings and our thoughts are incongruous with our desires, we cannot receive the good from the Source.

Reality manifests from your sacred connection 

The wise ancients wrote of a sacrosanct connection in life and the numinous power that awaits each one who bears unwavering faith. There is unlimited universal power that resonates throughout this sacred connection and it supports a fulfilled life of accomplishment for each and every person; this is the natural right of humankind. Still, our modern-day world has a misconception of the connection that in the end, was, is, and will be the way to a divine life. The Source would not provide each and every one of us with our own unique dreams, desires, and destiny if these were not accompanied by the means of achievement. Believe unquestionably in the power of the ultimate connection between each drop within the ocean of life to manifest your highest reality.