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You mustn’t run away from your present, however, you must run towards your future.

Photo by lucas Favre on Unsplash

The unpleasant present

Have you ever found yourself in a miserable situation with no apparent way out? Perhaps, at this very moment you are in a low paying job, a bad relationship, or a mountain of debt. While it seems like the entire universe has plotted against you and has placed roadblock after roadblock in front of you and your path to success, you must not run away from your present situation. Instead, you must run towards your future when things are the lowest in your life. 

Negative situations often result in negative responses…WRONG

Most people face negative situations in life with negative responses. They blame others for their unhappy and unsuccessful life. They blame their spouse, their boss, their age, their height, their weight, and their parents for their lack of success in their life. And while they blame others for their unsuccessful life, in the same breath, they also look to others and other things to solve their problems.

What’s your plan if you run away? Just running doesn’t solve the problem

As a result, they need to be with a person to feel whole, they need a shiny sports car to feel worthy, and they need a new house on the right side of town to feel successful. And when they construct barriers around their dreams, they want to run away from it all with no plan or vision of how to achieve the future they want.

Your life is a mirror

Little do these blamers understand that their present is a reflection of what they have been thinking about and what they must receive from the benevolent Source. These same people do not realize that their attitude can change an unpleasant present into a fabulous future. 

Don’t be a blamer…claim responsibility for your unpleasant present

Now, consider your own situation. If it’s not what you want it to be, do not blame everyone else for your results and do not look at everyone else for your solutions. Take full responsibility of the present knowing that your attitude can change your results.

Be sincerely grateful where you are at this moment

First, you must take the initiative and be grateful for whatever situation you find yourself in. And next, while being in a positive state of gratitude, you must also create an inner world of peace and calmness. This positive state occurs when you have a concise vision of what you long to achieve.

Clarity of purpose cerates empowerment

Finally, with a clear vision of what you want, you feel empowered and enthused about the future, hence, you can run towards your future knowing that your goals are attainable. 

Change? Change your attitude along with your thoughts, words and actions

In the end, it’s all about your attitude and your reaction to the situation you find yourself in. If you run away from the present, you are reacting out of hate, fear, and doubt. These are negative feelings which only serve to block your path to success.

Run to your future with a heart, mind, and soul full of love, faith and belief

In contrast, if you run towards your future, you are reacting out of love, faith, and belief. These are positive feelings which can only build a bridge to your success. When you find yourself in a situation, carefully think about your reaction to get where you want to go.     

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“Revisit your past to redefine your future.”

Most don’t have an ‘ideal’ family life

When you develop good friendships and meaningful relationships with others, we frequently open-up to that trusted person about our family life and how we grew-up facing certain situations. While listening to the many stories that have been shared with me, I seldom have heard of anyone who has grown-up in an ‘ideal’ family life. There are the stories of physical and mental abuse which have left their scars upon our lives and shaped the futures of the people who have lived through such maladies.

Don’t bury the past…resurrect the past

Still, these things have happened and we must not bury them deep within our Self, that would only prolong our suffering and stifle our spiritual and personal growth, rather, we must revisit them with a greater sense of awareness in order to create a future which is a more positive and more fulfilling experience.

Is there a ‘perfectly dysfunctional’ family?

Looking back, I now understand the influence that growing up in a ‘perfectly dysfunctional’ family had upon my life. My story may mirror what many have experienced. One parent was overbearing and wouldn’t allow me to try anything new or to think for myself since I wasn’t that capable or that smart. The constant put-downs and verbal innuendos about my ability and intellect left me with little confidence in both social and educational situations. I struggled to find who I was and what I was good at.

Success occurred, but at a cost

Finally, I made some progress, earned my university degree, and landed a good job which enabled me to buy a house and an expensive German sports car. However, instead of being given credit for attaining this level of success, these changes intimidated my parent and we never had a relationship or spoke thereafter, not even an impending death could we resolve these issues.

Money is the root of all evil

The other parent grew-up with an attitude that money was indeed the root of all evil and rich people were unhappy and had many more problems in life than poor people. And besides, you were meant to work hard and scrimp and save until you finally could enjoy the many years of hard labor when you retire. I now understand that always being bailed out of my economic problems was a sign of love and that was what a good parent would do; help their poor and struggling child when in difficulty. Growing-up in this kind of environment caused me pain and suffering for many years.

A revelation…with the appearance of Napoleon Hill, James Allen, and Raymond Holliwell 

In my job, I was introduced to the masters and masterpieces of self-development: Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill; As a Man Thinketh by James Allen, and Working with the Law by Raymond Holliwell. These classics taught me that I certainly was not responsible for the thoughts of my parents, however, I was responsible for my own thoughts; I couldn’t change them, but I could change me. I could not change my past but I could change my future and it began with the thoughts that I held in my mind. I was aware of what happened and why it happened and what the results were of my upbringing, and to move forward and to change, I could not remain in the negative state of blame of how others had messed-up my life.

Take full responsibility to make huge changes  

I took full responsibility to make the changes that I needed to make to become the person I truly wanted to be. I left the past behind as an experience, as a part of my life, and as a part of what I am today. There is no animosity or blame, just understanding from a distance which left me as a spectator to what had occurred and not as a victim.

Achieve a positive vibratory state to move forward…by being forgiving 

Being in a positive vibratory state about the past is crucial to overcoming what has formed you earlier and now taking hold of your present life. In order to move to a positive state of vibration, there are a couple of ideas that can help you in the process. First, you must forgive the person or persons who had such influence upon your earlier life, this is a must. If you harbor bad feelings and apprehension towards the person or persons, you can only be held back where you are in a negative state since this is the predominate thoughts that occupy your mind.

This exercise will rid you of negative thoughts and ill feelings

Take a piece of paper and write the person’s name on it; then light a match and burn the name (it does not matter if the person has passed when doing this, in fact, it is even more important since the person is not on this physical plane of existence). As the name is burning, say the following and really mean what you say with all your senses; I want the best for you, (name of the person). I want the best for me (state your name). I forgive you (name of the person). I forgive me (state your name). Can you feel the negative energy dissipate? Can you feel lighter as the burden of all those years has just been lifted from your shoulders? Did you cry tears of joy? If you did not experience a sense of relief and bliss, perhaps you do not truthfully want the best for the person or your Self. And by the same token, past thinking and actions are difficult to overcome since they have been harbored deep within our souls for perhaps decades. Be patient and try this again until you receive the feelings of joy and happiness of true forgiveness for both you and the other person.

There’s an alternative way to achieve forgiveness 

If you feel uncomfortable with the above, there is an alternative means for you to forgive the other person so both of you can move forward to repair the past injustices. Find a quiet, private place where you can say the following: I release you (state the name), from your responsibility, I release me (state your name), from my responsibility. I send the best of life to you (state the name), and I send the best of life to me (state your name). Once again, feel true forgiveness and you will occupy a positive state where the things that transpired in the past are neither good nor bad, they just are.   

Forgiveness paves the way to your success 

You have the immense power of the universe and the Source in your hands when you practice true forgiveness for those who were unjust to you in the past. Be patient and work at forgiving; the world will appear different to you when you succeed at coming to terms with your past.

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“We fear death – we fear life.”

Is death the end of us?

Many fear death since their physical body will be either interred or cremated. Both appear to be a very poor choice when the end of this plane of existence finally occurs to each of us, and it will come to each and every one of us since there is no escaping a change of existence no matter your wealth, your political or social rank, or your celebrity status.

Do you fear interment and cremation?

Many rationalize that interment is a cold, dark, and isolated place where they are reduced to a pile of dust by millions of microbes and then left in one place to the end of eternity itself.  By contrast, others rationalize that cremation will be extremely painful as their physical body is subjected to temperatures of around 1200°C and reduced to a small pile of grayish ash that once represented their physical existence.

Fear life? Fear death? 

In spite of the fact that we feel great fear that we will not escape this existence in this physical body, we also feel great fear every day of life that we will not be good enough, we will not be rich enough, and we will not be smart enough. Hence, we fear death – we fear life.

Energy can neither be created or destroyed

If we fear life, why do we fear death? Simply put, we believe that death is the end, a painful and frightening end to our earthly existence where we will be cruelly and unjustifiably taken from our loved ones or our loved possessions.

Does science hold our answer? 

While we harbor this great fear, we neglect that physicists have discovered energy can neither be created nor destroyed and this could be our most cherished of ideas in these modern times. Each and every one who shares this earthly existence is composed of energy, vibrational energy that was created when the Source created the universe in that glorious moment. Since energy cannot be created nor destroyed, why do we not realize that we cannot be destroyed either, we merely change the state which we presently inhabit to another state.

We are pure energy, and as such…

We leave our present physical body as pure energy and we should not feel remorse for that physical body which we must leave eventually. And some believe that when we return to the ultimate state of being, that is to be repatriated with the Source, it is the highest state of existence which we can achieve. And we fear this ending?

Fear is our worst enemy

If we fear death, why do we also fear life? As we go about our daily routines of living and making a living, we carry a great number of fears along with us. We fear that will lose our jobs, we will lose our loved ones, we will lose our health, and we will lose our wealth. Sadly, most never even entertain the idea that they will lose their most valuable connection, the connection to the Source.

Lose fear and gain life 

However, when we experience the joy of a deep connection with the Source, we lose our fear of living and making a living. We lose our ego, we lose our greed, we lose our envy, and we lose our jealousy. When these negatives no longer gnaw away at our positive energy, we must live a life of sheer enjoyment and wonder as each precious moment of our earthly existence passes before our very eyes. And we fear this living?

An ending is a beginning 

In our modern world, we fear death since we will be separated from our loved ones and our loved things. However, the changing of state is a natural end of your present physical existence, it is not the end of your existence it is merely the beginning of a new existence.

We are never separated from our lived ones…never 

We fear life since we will lose our loved ones and our loved things as well. However, changing from a negative state to a positive state of existence is a natural occurrence as we receive all that the Source wants us to receive and are entitled to receive. In the end, live with no fear of death and live with no fear of life.

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“A strong connection to the Source allows you to enjoy the rollercoaster ride called life.”

photo-1433100325891-378af68b3b8eOur sacrosanct connection in life

Each of us has a sacrosanct connection to the Source which was formed at the moment of creation. This connection is not prejudiced by age, economics, gender, or education. This connection cannot be severed by time or distance; yet, it can be strengthened by one’s awareness and it can be weakened by one’s lack of awareness of this sacred gift from the Source.

Why do we have this sacred connection? 

This connection manifested by and to our Creator helps us to navigate the positive and negative ordeals that we face in our lives as we make this earthly journey.

Why is our connection critical?

It is critical for contentment and achievement in life to understand the power of the connection between your Self and the Source. Consider a person who sets a tremendous goal and wants to achieve it, still, no matter how hard they try they just can’t reach that elusive goal. Most will force their goals upon themselves; they get on edge when things are not as they think they should be and then get even more concerned and more stressed.  However, there are two things to consider.

We achieve our goals by letting go

First, trying hard is not the answer. Feeling anxiety when you face your goals will not make your goals manifest quicker, in fact, they are pushed away from you due to the vibrational state that accompanies your feelings of apprehension. Rather than trying harder and becoming stressed about achieving your goal, the answer is letting go.

A positive state of vibration puts you on the path to achievement

While this strategy appears to be counterintuitive and therefore unproductive, nevertheless, when you let go and not try so hard you are in a positive state of vibration and this allows the universe to line-up all the things necessary to achieve your goal.

A natural state of synchronicity occurs naturally, it cannot be forced

At this time there develops a natural synchronicity with the Source, it is natural and it is not forced. You know when it feels right as everything in your life; your thoughts, your words, and your actions are in sync with the universe, and hence, the Source. A relaxed state of closeness, with the One occurs on a purely spiritual level and not on a physical level which simply cannot be made to happen, it must transpire naturally.

Success runs on universal time…not human time 

Second, you can create, develop, and maintain a strong connection to and with the Source when you fully comprehend and fully accept that it is not on earthly time that we achieve what we perceive. Rather, it is upon cosmic timelessness that we perceive and achieve our goals. In order to extend and preserve our sacred connection with the Source, we must open our hearts and our minds to accept the delays that are often accompanied with the results we gain in our lives.

We are creators…not spectators in this life

Quantum physics indicates to us that we are creators and not just spectators within the universe. As such, all things large and small are connected to the Source.  And all things large and small are governed by the Natural Law of cosmic timelessness…there is no getting around this fact regardless of celebrity, gender, education, or location. If this were not so, it would be a complete contradiction of the benevolent Source, where each and every one has equal access to the knowledge of the universe and hence to receive their goals on the timetable of cosmic timelessness.

Express gratitude regardless of the outcome

Since we perceive and achieve our goals in life on cosmic timelessness, it is equally important to express gratitude for all the things, good or bad, that occur in our life. A constant sense of thankfulness for whatever you have and are at the moment enhances your positive vibrations while at the same time it releases your negative vibrations.

Joy is derived from our spiritual connection with the Source, not from our material goods

The Source offers both your goals and your solutions in your life. It is the strength of your connection with the Source that helps you to understand why things happen and why they do not happen. Bumps and bruises along the way make the journey that more enjoyable after conquering the obstacles. In the end, we should gauge our happiness, wellbeing, and success in life by the strength of our spiritual connection with the Source and not our physical manifestations.