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Celebrate disharmony in your life

Photo courtesy of Yael Gonzalez at

Is disharmony an evil or the unawareness of being in disharmony the real evil?

Volumes have been written about the evils of disharmony in our lives. Disharmony occurs when our thoughts, our wants, and our actions are incongruent, and thus, contradictory to the Natural Laws of the universe. This idea has been supported by others who believe that being in a state of disharmony can never bring you happiness; being inharmonious with the Law is a sign of failure; and being out of sync with the Natural Laws can only produce more of what you have at the present moment.

Being unaware of disharmony is the real state of tragedy in your life

In spite of these words, I believe that the evil is not being in a state of disharmony, but, not recognizing it nor doing anything about it. In the end, disharmony should be used to work for you in your pursuit of success.

Our present manifests from our past thoughts, actions and words

Our present circumstances are the results of our past thoughts, actions, and words. If we have made changes in our life, it is because we have maintained certain thoughts and then have taken specific actions. However, if we have not made changes in our thoughts, we have not made any changes in our actions or words, and then our circumstances will surely remain the same.

How can we define a disharmonious state of being?

Let’s consider when a person is in debt, accepts their situation, and does nothing to get out of debt; are they not in a harmonious situation? You are not in a disharmonious state when you are in debt and do nothing about it; you are not in a disharmonious state when you are in a bad relationship and take no action to change things. You are in a harmonious state as your thoughts, actions, and words thus, your circumstances are one in the same.

A heightened state of awareness results in personal growth

On the other hand, when you are in a disharmonious state and realize your true situation, you are in a heightened state of awareness, a true connection with your spirituality, and this is a positive situation to be in. Since you understand that you are thinking one thing and doing just the opposite, you will experience personal growth and achieve your goal.

Recognize disharmony to find true success

It’s important to recognize disharmony and get to work to change things. Think back in your own life to see what fear, what discomfort you escaped as a result of making changes in your thinking and your actions. Don’t we study to have a better education to make more money? Don’t we start our own business to become self-fulfilled?  How can we realize personal growth if not for disharmony?

Chaos always proceeds growth

Chaos always precedes growth. And when you understand that you’re in a state of disharmony, this is the beginning of change and the beginning for taking action and making advances towards your goal. Embrace disharmony in your life as your springboard to success.