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The moment I stop worrying about money is the moment I start accumulating money.

Photo by Zetong on Unsplash

Worry will not and cannot put money in your pocket …it can only stop the flow of money to you

Many worry from paycheck to paycheck, not knowing if they have enough income to cover their expenses. As they worry about the bottom line each and every month, they are blocking the flow of money and doing harm to their bodies. If you are one of these worriers, replace your negative thoughts of worry and fear with positive thoughts of faith and belief to begin the accumulation of money.

Credit is easy to obtain…but it can be difficult to pay it back each month

In this day and age, it is easy to receive credit and this all too common fact of life can lead us into difficulties at times. While we are earning enough income to cover our monthly expenses, we seldom even give it a second thought about what we owe. However, if we lose our job or receive a cut in pay, we suddenly realize the price we have to pay for living yesterday. And that price can be high, after all, money issues are the number one reason for broken marriages.

A lack of money causes stress in everyday living

A lack of money creates enormous stress on a relationship. Children need new clothes, teens need college tuition, and spouses need financial security. If the money cannot be found to cover our many obligations, we panic and start to focus on our lack and this can only sustain our present situation of lack. However, if you are in a crisis over money, all the worry in the world will not move you out of your present situation of lack into a situation of plenty.

Work with the Law of Abundance to achieve financial or personal success

Rather than focus on lack, we need to set our minds on plenty. And there is abundance everywhere, we only need to look around and see that abundance in order to receive that abundance. If you can see abundance, you are right and if you cannot see abundance, you are right. It is your perception at the moment, regardless, the Natural Laws, such as The Law of Abundance, are omnipresent and permeate the universe for your good. You only need you to focus your thoughts on plenty and you will receive all the people, conditions, and circumstances required to have abundance in your life.

The Law is unbiased regardless of age, gender, location, or level of education

The Law will deliver to anyone regardless of age, gender, education, or geographic location. You see, there is an unlimited abundance of money or happiness or love and these can never be taken away from you to be given to another. And money, happiness, or love of another can never be taken from them to be given to you.

Think, feel, and see abundance before it actually happens in your life

It is critical for each of us to receive abundance we first must use our minds to think, feel, and see abundance. Even if we are only fooling our mind into believing that abundance exists when in reality it does not, these thoughts will manifest in the abundance you want and deserve to have if given time and you display patience.