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Some people are living their life by choice while most are living their life by default

Is your life by choice or by default??

Choices are made by conscious effort or through unknown circumstances

We create our lives by our choices, some make conscious decisions of their choices while most let others or circumstances make their choices for them. The ones who take control of their own lives are the ones who achieve what is theirs by living the Natural Laws. The ones who put their future in the hands of others simply take what is given to them and seldom reach their true potential. They float along unconscious of their power and live a life of want, lack, or misery even though they have complete control over their future. 

Fate or luck?

The reason most people suffer quietly through life and never get what they want is that they fail to make a decision to go after their dreams. They let fate or luck or others guide them without any effort or thought.  However, they miss the crucial point that their thinking brings about huge changes which ultimately, manifest their goals. Since thoughts are energy, either positive or negative depending on the nature of the thought, the key is we must change the energy within and around us by our thoughts.

Creators do not abandon their creative side

By our very nature, we are creators and when we abandon our creative side we suffer emotionally, physically, and materially. Emotionally we feel isolated and unloved, physically we suffer from sickness, and materially we face want and lack.  However, in the face of these sufferings, we have the innate quality to create our wants and they must manifest first in our inner world or the outer world suffers. 

We are connected to the universe

We have all been there before, even though we never have been, those eerie feelings are not just our wild imaginings, they are our connection with the rest of the universe. So, we need to be able to consciously apply ourselves to the goal we want to achieve. We must not think of achieving our goal in the future, instead, we must work as though we have already accomplished our goal at this moment.

Our ability to observe our goal internally, manifests our goal externally

We must experience what it feels like in our mind before we have it in our hand. We do this by creating a powerful image of what we want, what it feels like, and what it will do for our family and ourselves. As such, you may liken yourself as an observer who experiences your wants prior to their existence. As a result, we manifest our goals by the mere observance. You cannot think that you will have something in the future and have it, instead you must make your future your present. These thoughts provide the means to achieve what you want.  

Achieve success though your conscious decisions

Most are unaware that the Source holds their questions and their answers. We have the power and the knowledge to achieve our goals IF we make a conscious decision to do so. Simply access the means to achieve what you desire.