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Some people are living their life by choice while most are living their life by default

Is your life by choice or by default??

Choices are made by conscious effort or through unknown circumstances

We create our lives by our choices, some make conscious decisions of their choices while most let others or circumstances make their choices for them. The ones who take control of their own lives are the ones who achieve what is theirs by living the Natural Laws. The ones who put their future in the hands of others simply take what is given to them and seldom reach their true potential. They float along unconscious of their power and live a life of want, lack, or misery even though they have complete control over their future. 

Fate or luck?

The reason most people suffer quietly through life and never get what they want is that they fail to make a decision to go after their dreams. They let fate or luck or others guide them without any effort or thought.  However, they miss the crucial point that their thinking brings about huge changes which ultimately, manifest their goals. Since thoughts are energy, either positive or negative depending on the nature of the thought, the key is we must change the energy within and around us by our thoughts.

Creators do not abandon their creative side

By our very nature, we are creators and when we abandon our creative side we suffer emotionally, physically, and materially. Emotionally we feel isolated and unloved, physically we suffer from sickness, and materially we face want and lack.  However, in the face of these sufferings, we have the innate quality to create our wants and they must manifest first in our inner world or the outer world suffers. 

We are connected to the universe

We have all been there before, even though we never have been, those eerie feelings are not just our wild imaginings, they are our connection with the rest of the universe. So, we need to be able to consciously apply ourselves to the goal we want to achieve. We must not think of achieving our goal in the future, instead, we must work as though we have already accomplished our goal at this moment.

Our ability to observe our goal internally, manifests our goal externally

We must experience what it feels like in our mind before we have it in our hand. We do this by creating a powerful image of what we want, what it feels like, and what it will do for our family and ourselves. As such, you may liken yourself as an observer who experiences your wants prior to their existence. As a result, we manifest our goals by the mere observance. You cannot think that you will have something in the future and have it, instead you must make your future your present. These thoughts provide the means to achieve what you want.  

Achieve success though your conscious decisions

Most are unaware that the Source holds their questions and their answers. We have the power and the knowledge to achieve our goals IF we make a conscious decision to do so. Simply access the means to achieve what you desire.

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“The paths you take and the results you make are yours to create; these are neither random nor preordained conclusions.”

Our results aren’t due to luck, chance, or fate

Many would subscribe to the belief that the results in our physical world occur from luck, chance, or fate. However, on a daily basis, these same people inadvertently experience the benefits of a sundry of Natural Laws without any thought or appreciation of such wondrous events.

The Natural Laws are predictable and measurable

These Laws have been present since the moment of creation and continue to successfully keep the events that occur in the universe predictable and measurable. If there are any doubts, consider what it takes for planning a journey to the Moon or keeping an entire nation hooked-up to an electrical grid. In some instances we may not be able to detect the Natural laws with our five senses, nevertheless, there is evidence that the Natural Laws exist and neither chance nor fate nor luck are the pathways to what we hope to attain in this physical life.

Over-used, worn-out, and fallacious sayings

We all grew-up with such trite expressions such as Good Luck, It’s a twist of fate, and She’s so lucky to explain the unexplainable. These over-used, worn-out, and fallacious sayings help a great number of us cope with every-day life and the unpleasant as well as unplanned things that may occur to us. All the bad things that happen to nice people must be fate or chance or luck and all the good things that happen to bad people must be fate or chance or luck. After all, why would a benevolent Source not intercede to stop negative things happening to good people or stop positive things happening to bad people? With this thinking, it is easy to understand why many believe that life is nothing but a card game where an Ace may show-up in your hand this time but a Joker the next.

Are we the cards in a universal card game?

And when it comes to planning goals in life, such as economic freedom, a nice home, and a loving relationship…you have as much luck for achieving your personal goals as you do by rolling the dice and hitting snake eyes or a seven. These kinds of thoughts permeate the consciousness of many and leave a person with little expectation to achieve what they set their minds and souls upon.

Modern-day intellectualism demands physical evidence as proof 

Now, to complicate this even further, add modern-day intellectualism to our choices in life…only things that can be proven scientifically are true and real and all the rest is just nonsense contrived by artists, romantics, and poets to cope in the real world where some are wealthy and happy and the balance are poor and unhappy. The great thinkers of the past, including such luminaries as Newton, have left their indelible mark upon humankind. And it all starts with scientists themselves: a recent survey of their spiritual beliefs indicated that a mere 7% believed in the Source, 72% disbelieved in the Source, and the balance polled was agnostic.

Beliefs support agendas…agendas support beliefs

Naturally, their beliefs support their agendas which support their beliefs: it is fair to assume that science is the new Source comprised of mathematical formulas and calculations. As the experts put forth their hypotheses and assumptions, these are based upon the absence of the Source. They propose that the Source does not exist in reality, only in our minds, and we cannot have a connection with or benefit from a Being that does not exist on the physical plane of existence which we are familiar with in this day and age.

“Experts” create the new reality 

The media then grabs a hold of the ideas that the experts state as truth and these ideas enter into mainstream thought since we believe unquestionably what the experts propose as truth and reality. Even though their ideas may not hold-up under close scrutiny, nonetheless, these ideas are deeply entrenched in our collective consciousness and we now accept these as real and true and most live their lives on such premises.

Our lives are predetermined…we have no influence upon the outcomes in our life

Then we have the people who believe that every one’s life is predetermined from Day 1 and that we have no say in what we are or what we achieve in this earthly life.  Since we have no say and no influence upon the things that occur in this universe, each and every one of us are merely pawns in some universal chess game. Not since the devotion of the 16th century Calvinists have we witnessed such faith and adherence to this predeterministic dogma in one’s life. In their eyes, they see individuals as unimportant when it comes to participating in the creation in the universe – we are mere viewers and not participators.

There is no free will…we are hard-wired since birth

Their Supreme Being has not given humankind free will to pursue what we want to pursue, after all, there is no purpose or need to have free will provided to us since humankind has no control and no influence upon order or disorder in the universe. Accordingly, our brains and our bodies are fully hard-wired, imprinted, and preprogrammed with our destiny upon our entry into our terrestrial home.

Our fate is immutable 

Hence, we must buy a newspaper at a certain time; we must drive home a certain way even if it means our death; and we must have a bad relationship even if it means a life of unhappiness. We cannot change that which is predestined, no matter where we live, where we work, or where we go. With our earthly existence and results already set and being immutable, many must accept their fate as the way it is and make no attempts to break free of their lot in life.

We are creators of our paths and results

Finally, there is support for the current belief that each and every one of the human race has been given free will from the benevolent Source which allows us to create what we want and deserve in this life. This idea is not folklore. And this idea is not an illusion conjured-up by artists, romantics, or poets – it is an idea that is supported by the New Age scientists including Max Planck, David Bohm, and the founders of Quantum Physics.

We focus upon what we want to manifest 

Fundamentally, Quantum Physics has shown us that what we think is reality is indeed the case. As a result of this observation, we have direct control over the events that occur in our life and our focus helps to manifest that which we focus upon. Furthermore, all things in the universe, no matter how large or how small are directly connected by a field of energy which can be accessed to allow us to manifest our goals.

We are linked to the power of universal energy

We have direct access to the neutral power of the universe. Since this field of energy is neutral, it merely delivers that which is requested of it, hence, we have domain over our results, past, present, and future. Be confident that you can plan your plan and then work your plan to achieve what you desire most in this life albeit, money, good health, or a spiritual Self.

There are many possibilities and there are many opportunities 

Our goals and dreams are achievable since we have at our very fingertips multiple dimensions with multiple possibilities and our end results are created by our focus. Since multiple dimensions exist and they all exist at the same moment, there are as many possibilities as there are opportunities in your life at the same moment. This being the case, there is a reality where we have meet our soul mate and have enjoyed a fulfilling life together; there is a reality where we were never ill and lived a long life; and there is a reality where we started a business and we had tremendous success and helped the less fortunate around us.

Focus upon the possibility that you desire 

At any one time, all possibilities exist around us, however, we can exist in only one possibility at the moment and it is our focus which makes a possibility a reality. Our focus is our thought and thought is energy and it is this energy that is attracted to like energy which manifests our possibility into a reality. Like only attracts like and cannot attract unlike. Hence, we can never focus our thoughts upon good and receive bad and we can never focus our thoughts upon bad and receive good. We must understand that once we can overcome the illusion of what we see in the physical world around us, we can then live the life of our choice with happiness and prosperity and without doubt or fear or illness.

Spirituality can help heal and prolong one’s physical body

If there is any doubt that we are in control of our destiny – regardless if it physical or spiritual – consider the results of ill patients who have spirituality in their lives. The statistics from numerous studies have shown that a person who is spiritual, regardless of what form their personal spirituality may take, recovers from their illness quicker and often lives longer when compared to a person who has no spirituality or spiritual focus in their life. It appears that their return to wellness is hinged upon their thoughts, beliefs, values, and feelings and those thoughts, beliefs, values, and feelings are focused upon their connection with the Source.

A divine conduit to good wellness 

This divine connection appears to be the conduit which helps to unblock negative energy and to re-channel with positive energy. And there is evidence that distant healing has helped patients to return to wellness too. There is also scientific proof that meditating can and does help eliminate a wide variety of health problems including high blood pressure, hypertension, and other maladies which we suffer from in the 21st century.

In the end, undoubtedly, we have control over our health, our wealth and our Self – needless to say, we have both positive and negative influence upon the events and results that occur in our lives.

We are full participants in our results 

The results that you have received in your life to this very moment are not the product of random or predestined events…our results are fully in our hands and we are full participants and creators in a universe governed by a benevolent Source with a set of immutable Natural Laws.

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“To manifest abundance, you must focus upon abundance at all times.”

We are magnificent manifesting machines

The Source created humankind, and as such we are magnificent manifesting machines with the ability to achieve what we want in life if we follow the Natural Laws. While each and every one of us that inhabit this terrestrial home has the capability to do so, nevertheless, some lack the ability to do so.

Lack does not originate from the Source

This lack does not originate from the Source; the benevolent One insures there are no exclusions based upon age, income, or intellect or any other variables that exist between the members of humankind. Any lack is based upon a lack of awareness in which manifesting depends entirely upon the vibrational state that you exist within; a positive state manifests progress and gain while a negative state manifests regress and loss. Ultimately, we each have in our facilities the ability to make the decision to end up where we ought to be and this is based upon our vibrational state.

There are equal opportunities for each of us to succeed 

While each of us has the opportunity to manifest wonderful things and experiences in our lives, it appears that some do not share the belief that they have the Source given capability and ability to do so. These people simply do not believe that they can create that which they focus their thoughts upon, they view abundance as something that other people have achieved by chance or fate or lack, and they have no influence upon the abundance offered by the universe as rightfully theirs to attain.

Your gain is not someone else’s loss

They may even view abundance as one person’s loss while another person’s gain. They view abundance as a limited commodity which does not include them in the equation. They view their lack in the present as a sign that they will remain in a state of lack in the future. They view trying to be other than what they presently are as a futile and childlike fantasy, hence, they simply exist to endure a life of unpleasant presents. They exist within a negative state of vibration and attract and receive that which they emit to the universe.

Consistency of thought manifests success; inconsistency of thought manifests failure

Then we have the others who succeed at some of their ventures some of the time and fail at others the rest of the time. While they have focus upon abundance for short periods of time, they lack the consistency to maintain and sustain their focus of abundance over long periods of time. These people achieve what they set out to do since they are in a positive vibratory state, however, once they attempt to reach another one of their goals, they may falter (which is only temporary due to a delay), which then results in lower level of belief and faith which helps them shift into a negative vibratory state. In a sense, they follow the proverbial two steps forward and one step back. While they mainly believe in the Laws; when things are going as they expect and want, hence, feeling positive, they have setbacks due their fear of losing what they have achieved, hence, feeling negative.

The Dream Stealers create negative feelings

It is entirely possible that the positive emotions are pushed aside by the Dream Stealers of greed and fear and other negative induced feelings. If these people had maintained their belief and faith, they would not have to go through the fluctuations in life that they experience. Rather than enduring a roller coaster ride of highs and lows, they could attain and maintain a steady ride throughout their lives with a simple shift of vibrational state.

Feel abundance before you receive abundance 

Finally, we have the ones who focus their full attention upon abundance and naturally, since they follow the Natural Laws and the Source, always appear to succeed at whatever they set their thoughts upon. They feel abundance long before they have achieved what they expect to receive. They feel abundance due to a surplus of positive feelings. They feel abundance in the face of temporary defeat since they realize that the Universal Laws are immutable and all results occur within cosmic timelessness and not human time. Since they have immovable faith and belief, they occupy a positive vibratory state which can only result in positives being returned to them – this is the Law.

Like attracts like; abundant thoughts, words, and actions manifest abundant results

When in doubt of achieving your goal, remain in a positive state of abundance. Do not wait until abundance arrives on your doorstep before you feel abundance, this is not going to take place since the Laws are precise and immutable and you can only attract that which you emit. Stay focused upon abundance and abundance shall find you.


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“Success can be narrowed down to just a few simple tasks: reading, thinking, and acting.”

xmcothgncqa-joshua-sortinoSuccess does not manifest from luck, chance, or fate

We all long for success, yet, most of us believe that success is some mysterious, hard-to-reach place which only a few fortunate ones every get to experience in their lifetime because of their luck, chance, or fate.

Success can be achieved by everyone…just follow the Natural Laws

The good news is that we can attain what we want in life since our success is subject to a set of Natural Laws that are precise and concise as any other mathematical law. And when one is aware of how the Laws work and how they truly favor our success, we can and must achieve what we set out to attain in our life without having to rely upon a stroke of good luck or a twist of fate.

The path to success can be straightforward, not complicated

When we think about our success, the means to arrive at that wonderful place in life can be narrowed down to a set of tasks which will change the direction of your life. These simple, but, effective tasks include reading, thinking, and doing. They appear to be simple and straightforward, without the complexities and mystery of other ideas, nonetheless, if you follow these ideas faithfully, they will manifest incredible changes in your life.

Take the first step…reading

The first step in our journey of success is reading. Reading can and will set you on the correct road to success. When you read a book about others’ success, it provides possibilities in your own life. The person you develop into in the future is a result of the books you read today. There is no better way to start your journey of achievement. Honestly create a plan to read and faithfully follow your personal plan for success.

Your thoughts determine your success 

The next step is thinking where your results, good or bad, originate from. There is no getting away from the fact that your thoughts and your thoughts alone determine the success you achieve in your life.

Don’t let the bad weeds conquer your mind

We are the creators in a universe that always manifests what we think about. Thus, meditate regularly and visualize daily to achieve your goals and like a careful gardener, do not let the weeds of bad thought enter your mind. Be vigilant to keep fear, hate, and envy out of your mind.

The final step…acting upon what you’ve read and thought about

Finally, we reach the last of the three steps in my simple plan for success, acting. While we can read and think about our success all we want, in the end, we must be prepared to do something to help us reach our lofty goals.

You don’t need to know your path to success beforehand, the right one shall manifest itself to you…at the right moment

It is not necessary to plan every step of the way, rather, the Source will provide the guidance necessary to achieve our end goal. In fact, if we keep asking ourselves how to reach our goals, we are asking the wrong question and will only have our desires pushed farther away from us. Instead, rely upon the Source to provide what you need to do to achieve success. Listen to your inner voice for the path to personal achievement.

Success is within each person’s grasp…

Reaching success in your life is not a far-fetched dream which only a few ever manage to get to, it is at the fingertips of each and every one of us, it is just our own sense of awareness that brings it to us or our lack of awareness that keeps it at arm’s length from us. Follow these few simple techniques to reach the heights of success that each of us is entitled to receive from our benevolent Creator.

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Search not, it already is what it is

10. Do not search. That which is, is. 

(Osho’s Tenth New Commandment)

Why do we run? 

We run here and we run there trying to find the best deal, the best relationship, the best job. However, as we frantically scurry this way and that trying to find what we think is the best deal, the best relationship, or the best job we miss the true opportunities that lie before our eyes. Our eyes remain closed to the possibilities at hand. Our energy is taken in our search for what we already have in our hand, in our heart, and before our eyes because we unable to discern between what is best and what simply is.

Why do we run towards illusions? 

Back cover 1As we run to what we think is the best of the best for us, we have our eyes and heart focused upon the wrong things…these are merely illusions of the best that are presented to us in the physical world. These are distractions of what is real, what is worthy of running towards and running after. These things are not the best, they are camouflaged by a veneer of untruths whose sole purpose is to divert your attention from what is real, what is worthy, what is.

Universal perfection

The universe is perfect…it is what it is because is it perfection; it runs on universal timelessness, and it runs on a myriad of Natural Laws that are so precise, so exact, so unerring, that it has sustained itself by these same laws for billions of years. If the universe is perfect, then all space, things, and life within the universe are perfect…the parts are a perfect as the whole, it can be no other way. Imperfection cannot live within perfection…perfection cannot live within imperfection.  Hence, all is perfect; and as such each person, animal, planet, and star that resides within a perfect universe is perfect.

Perfection is by design…not by chance, luck or fate

Since we are perfect, we must ask our Self…is it by chance, luck or fate that we are perfect. Perfection is innate in you, me, the eagle, the seashore, the sunlight…hence, it is perfection by design. The gears of the universe run as they do because they are designed to do so, and because they indicate design there must be a designer. A design is created by a designer for and to a purpose; thus, the purpose must reflect what is meant to be and why it is meant to be so.

It is perfect…it is as it is 

There is no need to search; there is no need to run here and run there; and there is no need to fear what is…it is because it is meant to be, as such not to be searched for, run after, or feared from.

Accept the is

When you accept that what is, it is the best for you, it is the outcome, it is the reality…which is not masked by illusion or untruth. Ask not why it is, rather, flow along with the is as a river does on its way to the sea. The river never asks why it flows or where it flows to, that decision is made for it; thus, it focuses upon the is of the journey, the moment, the as it is, and not the end result.