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It’s the little things, done repeatedly, that carry us to our goals.

Each journey starts with a single step

There is a well-known Chinese saying which parallels our own personal success journey. Without a doubt, everyone has heard the wise words that A journey of 1000 miles begins with a single step.

This is the same story when you set your mind on a goal and then work towards it. It’s the seemingly small steps, or so to speak, the placing of one foot in front of the other over and over again which will carry you to your final destination.

Break your goal into smaller, more manageable pieces

A very large goal may seem overwhelming due to its size, although, we can rationalize that the goal becomes more manageable when we break it down into smaller tasks. The struggle then is not placing one foot in front of the other when the mood strikes us, rather, being consistent in taking those small steps towards our goal.

Your excitement carries your goal in it’s infancy

Naturally, the first days after you’ve set a goal are the easiest since you’re excited about achieving the end results which may include a new car, a larger house, or a new relationship. However; you haven’t been tested by life and the 1001 roadblocks that can come between you and your success. Just think back to your last New Year’s resolution: after the initial excitement wore off, most likely that goal was abandoned.

Decide upon what you “really” want to do-or-die achieve

There are a few steps that will help you develop the essential habits to accomplish your goals. Before you set out on your journey, the first step is to decide what you want to achieve. This step should not be taken lightly or with little thought since you may give-up after a few difficult steps into the journey.

What pain or fear are you attempting to overcome?

Equally as important, is why you want to achieve your goal? What pain or fear are you alleviating when you reach your goal? If the pain or fear isn’t great enough, your resolve may not be strong enough to keep you striving for what you desire and hence, your goal can slip through your fingers.

When? When are you going to systematically and regularly take action to achieve your goal?

The next step is to decide when to work on the goal. This is a critical step because when you make a commitment this helps you keep focused. Lastly, decide on how long to work on your goal. So, take out a timer, set it, and then work away until the time expires.


Achieving a goal is not about profundity, it gets back to tenacity…the smartest doesn’t always succeed, but the one who never gives up does. In the end, when you follow these few simple steps repeatedly, you soon realize that your HABITS = your SUCCESS, one step at a time.