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“A strong connection to the Source allows you to enjoy the rollercoaster ride called life.”

photo-1433100325891-378af68b3b8eOur sacrosanct connection in life

Each of us has a sacrosanct connection to the Source which was formed at the moment of creation. This connection is not prejudiced by age, economics, gender, or education. This connection cannot be severed by time or distance; yet, it can be strengthened by one’s awareness and it can be weakened by one’s lack of awareness of this sacred gift from the Source.

Why do we have this sacred connection? 

This connection manifested by and to our Creator helps us to navigate the positive and negative ordeals that we face in our lives as we make this earthly journey.

Why is our connection critical?

It is critical for contentment and achievement in life to understand the power of the connection between your Self and the Source. Consider a person who sets a tremendous goal and wants to achieve it, still, no matter how hard they try they just can’t reach that elusive goal. Most will force their goals upon themselves; they get on edge when things are not as they think they should be and then get even more concerned and more stressed.  However, there are two things to consider.

We achieve our goals by letting go

First, trying hard is not the answer. Feeling anxiety when you face your goals will not make your goals manifest quicker, in fact, they are pushed away from you due to the vibrational state that accompanies your feelings of apprehension. Rather than trying harder and becoming stressed about achieving your goal, the answer is letting go.

A positive state of vibration puts you on the path to achievement

While this strategy appears to be counterintuitive and therefore unproductive, nevertheless, when you let go and not try so hard you are in a positive state of vibration and this allows the universe to line-up all the things necessary to achieve your goal.

A natural state of synchronicity occurs naturally, it cannot be forced

At this time there develops a natural synchronicity with the Source, it is natural and it is not forced. You know when it feels right as everything in your life; your thoughts, your words, and your actions are in sync with the universe, and hence, the Source. A relaxed state of closeness, with the One occurs on a purely spiritual level and not on a physical level which simply cannot be made to happen, it must transpire naturally.

Success runs on universal time…not human time 

Second, you can create, develop, and maintain a strong connection to and with the Source when you fully comprehend and fully accept that it is not on earthly time that we achieve what we perceive. Rather, it is upon cosmic timelessness that we perceive and achieve our goals. In order to extend and preserve our sacred connection with the Source, we must open our hearts and our minds to accept the delays that are often accompanied with the results we gain in our lives.

We are creators…not spectators in this life

Quantum physics indicates to us that we are creators and not just spectators within the universe. As such, all things large and small are connected to the Source.  And all things large and small are governed by the Natural Law of cosmic timelessness…there is no getting around this fact regardless of celebrity, gender, education, or location. If this were not so, it would be a complete contradiction of the benevolent Source, where each and every one has equal access to the knowledge of the universe and hence to receive their goals on the timetable of cosmic timelessness.

Express gratitude regardless of the outcome

Since we perceive and achieve our goals in life on cosmic timelessness, it is equally important to express gratitude for all the things, good or bad, that occur in our life. A constant sense of thankfulness for whatever you have and are at the moment enhances your positive vibrations while at the same time it releases your negative vibrations.

Joy is derived from our spiritual connection with the Source, not from our material goods

The Source offers both your goals and your solutions in your life. It is the strength of your connection with the Source that helps you to understand why things happen and why they do not happen. Bumps and bruises along the way make the journey that more enjoyable after conquering the obstacles. In the end, we should gauge our happiness, wellbeing, and success in life by the strength of our spiritual connection with the Source and not our physical manifestations.

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“Thoughts are things; things that are offered freely, directly, and solely to us from the Source.”

thoughtsCosmic timelessness and thoughts

Since that single moment of cosmic timelessness, the Source has created millions upon millions of different and exotic creatures throughout our earthly home. In the process of creating this multitude of life forms, humankind stands out as one given a truly miraculous gift – thought. While we are granted thought from a benevolent Creator, most do not understand or believe in the power and the application of thought to receive what is freely, directly, and solely offered to us by the Source.

How can we receive our sacred gift? 

In order to receive this gift from the Source, you must separate the purity of spiritual thought from the white noise of physical thought. That is to say, the sacred abounds in thoughts of love, faith, gratitude and compassion while the secular abounds in thoughts of jealousy, envy, greed, and fear.

Thoughts and achievement 

The benefit of thought comes freely from the Source. Regardless of our age, location, gender, or education – we all have an equal opportunity to freely receive and openly act upon thought. Science has identified a universal web or net of energy which we can all tap into to achieve our desires, hence, the Creator provides both the thought and the means to achieve the thought. However, it is not idle thought, it is clear and specific thought of what we want which leads us on the path to achieve that which we truly desire.

Don’t let others control your thoughts 

Even though we have the best of intentions to apply our thoughts to achieve our goals, all too often we allow others to stop our thoughts before they even begin to grow. Still, abundance permeates the universe – it is a Law. There is no limit to what we can freely receive from the Source except the limitations we place upon the Law. We simply do not know what heights we can achieve until we attempt to achieve them.

How do we receive thoughts?

Since the Source is in, around, and of us, we directly receive our thoughts from the One. All you need to do is sit quietly and listen to your lungs expelling your warm breath and your heart pumping your pure blood to comprehend this miracle and as your body functions independently of you, you begin to hear the inner music that is playing within your soul.

Does our DNA contain divinity?

Perhaps, the divine arrangement is nestled away in our DNA; what more efficient and effective place to harbor the sacred connection with the universe than within each and every cell of our earthly bodies. The answers to our most sacred thoughts are stored deep within each and every one of us…we only need to accept what is directly sent to us and through us from the benevolent Source.

Our thoughts make us unique

At this point in time, science suggests that humankind is the only creature on earth that has benefited from the thoughts that are provided to us and for us from the Source. Since each of us has the ability to share concepts, ideas, and messages with others of our species, surely, the main purpose of the gift is to endorse and promote the greatness of the Source.

Share our gift with others or live with limitations?

However, although we are given this special and sacred gift, we also have the choice to live a spiritual life and pass along the divine message that exists and permeates universal timelessness or to close our minds and our hearts and live a life bound by earthly limitations.

Accept our most prized possession

We need to accept and express our thoughts with great care since we are the recipients chosen to freely, directly, and solely receive the most prized of possessions throughout the universe. At the end of the day, use your gift wisely to express gratitude to the originator of all thought.