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A ME-ist to a WE-ist: How We Can Change the World One Person at a Time


Don’t Judge Others

It’s difficult to become a We-ist when you’re plagued with being judgmental of other’s behaviour for their selfish ways or actions; your colleagues taking too long lunchbreaks; a overweight runner on the treadmill at the gym; or ‘they’ are always disagreeing with your decisions. Let’s face it; we all lose our patience with the way our friends and family members act at times. Is it realistic to be completely judgment free? Perhaps, the best we can do is to be vigilant and work on damage control. If we realize even a slight improvement in our Self and the number of times we judge those around us, isn’t this walking on the correct path to real change? Therefore, it appears to me that judging others provides the potential to experience real growth in your life as you make strides to be less judgmental in those situations. When we judge others and their behaviour, are we judging them or are we judging our self? The Dean of Personal Development, Earl Nightingale, believes that we are holding up a mirror of our Self because “judging someone does not define who they are; it defines who we are.” It might be our own insecurities that prompt our judgmental words, actions, and thoughts.

            So, as we judge our colleagues for taking those extra minutes for their lunch, are we looking at our own behaviour and our own (in)ability to control our time? Or, as we frown inside when we see that fat runner on the treadmill, are we worrying about our own bodies becoming overweight as the years in our lives add up? Perhaps, when we judge our partner who questions or disagrees with every decision we make in life, we have innate fear that we are making the wrong decision, but this fear manifests as judging the other person’s reaction to us? In the end, a recent blog by Shola (2017), sums up what is brewing within our minds as we criticize the actions and words of those around us; “usually, we harshly judge others because we do the same to ourselves.” Isn’t this the truth? Accordingly, when I judge someone for being late for an appointment, I’m really saying that my way is the correct way, the only way, to live life and there’s little tolerance for not living up to my standards of behaviour.

            Our judgment of other’s actions and words act to reinforce our own core values, beliefs, and assumptions that ultimately, create our reality. As we pass judgment, we are able to comprehend how ‘their’ core values, beliefs, and assumptions fit in with ours. Here’s the problem; according to Dutta (2017), “everything in life looks morally incorrect and wrong, until we do that thing ourselves. What we don’t do ourselves is often unacceptable to our mind.” If different, we build a wall between us; if similar we build bridges. We may see that judging others negatively, who are different than we are, is morally and ethically wrong, but still, it is difficult to change our thoughts, words, and actions. If we see our own prejudices as they are, we must live with those or even more alarming, we must change to be more accepting of those who values and beliefs of life are not the same as ours.    

When we judge others, we add negative energy to our inner and outer world. Do we need to increase negative energy with the state our world is in at this moment? I don’t believe so; to make changes in our lives and our world we need to live with more positive thoughts, words, and actions which will create more positive energy. Once again, here’s a wonderful opportunity for personal growth in your life. We cannot live within a realm of negative and positive energy at the same time; it’s scientifically impossible. So, it’s either one or the other and we have complete control over what state of energy we live within. Since judging our family members, colleagues, and friends is mired in negative energy, it simply is not possible to add to the greater good of the planet when we judge others. There is no way that anyone can rationalize being judgmental helps the Me-ists of the world become We-ists. Think, speak, and act positive towards those you once judged. Imagine a world where there is an abundance of understanding and positivity rather than judging and negativity.

What’s the fuss about living in a state of negative energy? There is much to be concerned about and this is proven by modern day science, not just the words of the poets or writers. The trillions of cells that comprise our body respond to our thoughts, words, and actions much the same way as they are influenced by pharmaceutical drugs and our internal juices (Pert, 2010). Stress can result from negative thoughts, words, or actions, and when this occurs, our bodies react by creating a cornucopia of chemicals that include adrenaline, norepinephrine, and cortisol. Their release in our body is associated with surviving when trouble strikes; while helpful at the time of danger (shutting down what bodily functions are not needed, such as digestion, growth, and reproductive system), if our bodies keep producing cortisol, for example, when not required, this leads to serious damage. Klein (2013) reports that “Too much cortisol can suppress the immune system, increase blood pressure and sugar, decrease libido, produce acne, contribute to obesity and more.”  Passing judgment upon those around us draws negatives towards us, and soon we are languishing in ill-conceived chemicals that result from negative energy.

Grab a copy of this book at Amazon (hard copy is just $12.99) or Amazon Kindle (digital copy is only $5.99); it could help change your world. After reading, please write a review which really helps me share my thoughts with others who need help to achieve what they need and desire. Thanks!

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Don’t let the ‘Right Now’ dilemma take control of your future

Photo by Eduardo Olszewski on Unsplash

Time is provided equally amongst the rich and poor, young and old, and educated or uneducated

It makes no difference if you are the richest or the poorest person, the happiest or the saddest person, or the most grateful or least grateful person walking on this earth, there is no getting away from the fact that we all have the same amount of time each day. While we all are given an identical amount of this precious commodity, it’s what we think about time that differentiates successful from unsuccessful people.

Time is not an evil roadblock to success…in reality, it is an ally and not an excuse to forfeit your dreams and goals

As you talk with your friends, most likely many express the fact that they have unfulfilled dreams and that TIME is the major factor that prevents them from achieving their dreams. They rationalize that TIME is the evil that builds roadblocks to their goals. As a result, as they think so they say and so they do:

I want to start an on-line business, however, ‘Right Now’ I work every week-end.

I really want to take my family on that special vacation, but, ‘Right Now’ I don’t have any spare time.

Time is malleable…it can and does accommodate the required hours to achieve your success

As these people think, and rightly so, they are creating and receiving all the conditions and circumstances to make their goals impossible to reach. They simply don’t realize that they are pushing their goals and their dreams farther away with their thoughts, words, and actions. What these same people do not understand is that time is elastic…it seems to accommodate what we want to get accomplished no matter what. Time is malleable IF we don’t believe in ill-thought up excuses.   

Singer-songwriter Harry Chapin believed most don’t take the risks required to achieve their success

The late singer-songwriter Harry Chapin believed that we should make the most of the time we have on this earth without any excuses. In an interview not long before his unfortunate death, he mentioned that many people go through life never taking any of the little risks. And since they shy away from the little risks, they miss the biggest risk of all – they haven’t tried everything they wanted and they find out that they have not lived a full life.        

Get out of bed a few minutes early every day and use that time to pursue your goals

If you want to write a book and work full-time and on week-ends as well, get up a half hour earlier each day and write a few pages. From my own experience, I wrote Voice of the Sage over several months by grabbing the short time I had before going to work and finishing my breakfast.

Set big goals and set the time to move towards your goals

After starting my day working on my goal, I was excited for hours; it was empowering. If you want to earn an on-line degree, sacrifice a set amount of time before dinner or bedtime to complete your assignments. I earned my PhD working full-time and writing a number of books by stealing an hour here and a half hour there.  

Manage your time efficiently to receive the dreams and goals you envision in your life

Like I managed to do, make the most of those few minutes that just slip away from you in your day-to-day living. And, over a few weeks or possibly months, you will see amazing results and have made progress to your goal even though you were never given any more time during your day. That’s how my twenty-plus books were completed…by taking a few minutes here and a few minutes there.  

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Focus all of your attention upon I AM – do not focus any of your attention upon I WILL

Photo by Johnny Cohen on Unsplash

Would you set your goal on an absolute or a possibility?

Throughout our lives we set goals to achieve what we want to have or become or what we need to have or become. This is an important first step in the process to achieve what we want or what we need. However, only writing down and reviewing your goals on a regular basis will not produce the results you want. And sorry to say, many do not achieve their wants or needs due to these actions.

There is a huge difference between I WILL and I AM

All too often a goal setter is thinking and talking about I WILL instead of thinking and talking about I AM. The subtle difference between these two words is the difference between achieving and not achieving what you set your heart upon.        

Most set goals by thinking and saying I WILL

Think about how most set their goals: I WILL be wealthy in the next five years; I WILL have a new home in two years; I WILL double my income in 48 months and so on and so on. On a superficial level, this kind of self-talk appears that it should take the person out of their present unpleasant situation and into a fabulous future. Yet, there are two fundamental problems with this method.

You will face two problems when focusing goal achievement upon I WILL

First, we are placing our own understanding and belief of cosmic timelessness for what and when we want to achieve a goal. Second, I WILL is a mere possibility of what we want to have or become and it is not an absolute. If you should have any doubt of this idea, gauge your feelings after saying I WILL and then how you feel after saying I AM.

What is my first concern?

Let’s examine my first concern. Many experts and scientists alike now believe we exist in a holographic universe where creation is complete, thus, right at this very moment everything that we need to achieve our goals already exists and exists everywhere.

We cannot create anything new since everything already exists, albeit, some on the physical plane while others are the metaphysical plane

As a result of this condition, we do not and cannot possibly create anything new since creation is complete; all we need to do is invoke a higher plane of consciousness to receive what we truly desire. The true power of I AM occurs when we tap into the unlimited power of the universe. Thus, it is only our awareness of our creativity which brings about our results.   

Having deep faith helps drive you toward goal achievement

Second, I AM is an absolute and not a possibility as I WILL. Of course, this is if you have complete faith in the Source to deliver what you want or need. When we say and feel I AM, we have a different perspective and as a result we think and act differently right now. We are conscious of what we want and feel as if we already have it at this very moment.

I AM is an absolute, by contrast, I WILL is a possibility

Hence, this difference in thought results in the manifestation of all the people, circumstances, and situations required to achieve our goals. In the end, our imagination drives the I AM. By contrast, I WILL is a thought for sometime on the future horizon. Thinking of I WILL does not give us that same feeling of accomplishment and ownership of our wants or needs as I AM does.   

Your awareness of I AM manifests that what you truly desire, need, or want

We all exist within parallel universes where all your possibilities already exist: you can be poor or rich, or healthy or unhealthy, famous or infamous. Ultimately, it is your awareness of I AM that manifests what you become.

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Success happens when what you are thinking, what you are saying, and what you doing are all in harmony.

Photo by Larisa Birta on Unsplash

This is my last post for 2022. I hope that every reader of my blog has a healthy and prosperous 2023. All the best for the upcoming year and that my ideas resonate with yours and we both enjoy happiness and wisdom throughout the new year.

Harmonious thoughts, words, and actions are paramount to achieve your goals

Much has been written about the means and circumstances for one to achieve what they are aiming at in their life. And it appears that we must have our thoughts, our words, and our actions in harmony or we simply will not reach our goals. In the end, it is crucial we have Oneness with this trilogy of success within our lives.  

Thinking one thing and doing the opposite is not the best path to achieve what you want

While most recognize the wisdom of this statement, at times, it is an arduous task to line-up these essential ingredients for success. For example, we go around saying one thing on the outside, but, thinking something different on the inside. Or we act one way on the outside when on the inside our true feelings portray our real expectations of attaining our desires. When this happens to us, we are experiencing Vibrational Discord and we cannot attain our goals when we are in this state. The problem is that all the pieces of the puzzle to make us successful are incongruent.

Doubt is a dream stealer

Think of it this way, you work your success plan diligently and just do not seem be able to make any progress. Then doubt enters your mind and you want to give-up because things are not moving you along as you would like to your ultimate want.

Stay on course by being in harmony with your thoughts, words, and actions

It’s like being in a holding pattern over the airport in a modern jetliner: you are on course, you see the runway, and then you are suddenly thrown into a holding pattern as you circle around and around and around. Because you’re not closing the gap between your wants and your results, this incompatibility paves the way for frustration and fear which can take away enthusiasm and desire for the goals that you have planned for in life.

Incongruency manifests as Vibrational Discord which ends up stealing your wants, needs, and dreams

While Vibrational Discord is a negative state which hinders your forward progress, it can be said that just the opposite occurs when you are in a state of Vibrational Accord. There is compatibility between your wants and your results as all the pieces mesh and at the same time, they must all align simultaneously for you to attain your goal and this is all possible having Vibrational Accord.

Vibrational Accord manifests from your harmonious state of being

It starts with the thoughts that you are thinking which are then reflected in the words that you are saying which coincide with the actions that you are taking. This is true accord with your thoughts and your words and your actions. These three elements are said to be congruent, which in turn is similar to the function of automatic pilot on a jetliner which naturally brings you to your final travel destination. 

Receiving your wants, needs, and dreams are the byproducts of Vibrational Accord

You need to be in a state of Vibrational Accord in order to achieve your goal. Ultimately, if your thoughts and your words and your deeds are congruent, the dreams that you have for your life must actualize.

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Do not expect your goals on human time, rather, accept your goals on cosmic timelessness.

Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash

There is a cosmic connection between all things that exist in all forms; like and unlike, large and small, tall and short

The founding legends of the ancients are based upon the idea that a godly connection exists between all things – big and small – concomitantly. We now have a better idea of what this connection represents in the modern world.

We live in a holographic universe

Hence, it is now understood that we inhabit a holographic universe where everything exists everywhere at the same instant. This is the case since the beginning of creation parallels the end of creation. At the moment of creation, in a single instant, all knowledge, experiences, circumstances, and conditions required to help us achieve our earthly goals were manifested. It is the Alpha and it is the Omega. It is the Beginning and it is the End.

At creation, everything that was, is and will be manifested

In view of the fact that creation within a holographic universe manifested everything that was, is, or will be, time has no distinctive period or instance, there is simply no separation between the past, present, or future. We must attempt to understand that cosmic timelessness – where the past, present, and future occur simultaneously – cannot be described, measured, or gauged by our contemporary understanding of time as we know it.

Time exists only in the human mind

Time does not exist except in the minds of humankind. This is an artificial concept whose main function is to set parameters for what we did, what we do, or what we will do. Thus, when we set our goals on human time and fail to achieve them by our time, it does not mean that we will not achieve our goal, this simply means that we have placed an incorrect time frame upon when we expect our goals to be realized.

We receive what we want and need by universal timelessness, not by human time

When we fail to receive what we hope to achieve, many give-up on their dreams and lose faith in the Source of the Natural Laws. It is of little wonder they do not get what they want since this kind of thinking and planning is incongruent with cosmic timelessness.

While we are creators, we cannot control universal timelessness…we can only accept it

We cannot control cosmic timelessness. Although the Creator gave us the freewill to set our goals, still, it is not our freewill that manifests our dreams and goals. Once we submit our goals to the Source, we have lost the freewill to decide how and when we will receive what we need or want.

Surrender your needs and wants to the Source

That part of goal achieving is completely out of our hands as the universe sets into motion all the people, conditions, situations, and circumstances which are required to achieve our goals. And it is only when complete harmony exists between all the necessary entities that we receive what we set our sights upon. No amount of wishing, visualizing, or praying can give us the power to control cosmic timelessness.    

Our thoughts of time are inconsistent with the reality of time

Our belief of time is inconsistent with the reality of time. Time only exists in the minds of humankind to organize our lives in an orderly and systematic manner. And this is as far as it should go when setting goals. We should realize that disappointment looms on the horizon when we strive to be in command of cosmic timelessness. Rather, enjoy the natural flow of life with complete faith that the universe will respond to your goals in all instances when harmony exists between the requisite components.

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You must not dream FOR your future, however, you must dream FROM your future.

Photo by drmakete lab on Unsplash

YOUR imagination is the pathway to YOUR success

It has been written that we must have the imagination of a child to truly be successful and achieve what we want out of life. With such abilities, we do not look upon the present as our absolute reality, rather, just a moment in our journey to our end goal.

Accept the reality that YOUR goal/success must be in YOUR mind long before it’s in YOUR hand

As well, we must think of ourselves in possession of what we truly desire at the present moment even though our goal has not yet materialized on the physical plane. And if we attach a date to our goals, we think the goal becomes more tangible. However, when we are dreaming FOR our future instead of dreaming FROM our future, I believe this kind of thinking is pushing our dreams further away from us rather than towards us.

There is a huge difference between thinking/saying FOR your future and thinking/saying FROM your future

Now, some may say that this subtle difference between FOR and FROM is a meaningless if not an entirely moot point. I disagree since the difference between winning and losing is seldom that great, especially in real situations such as sporting events. For example, the winner of the Women’s 400 meter race in the Summer 2008 Olympics won by only .02 seconds – 2/100’s of a second secured first place and victory over the second place runner. That is a blink of an eye or less!

Words do make a difference in your outcome/success

The same can be said about words, although there are subtle linguistic differences that exist between our choice of words in a given situation, it is much more since it is about your conscious and subconscious thoughts and therefore your conscious and subconscious actions that manifest from the words which you focus your attention upon. 

Somewhere in the future can be summed up by thinking/speaking FOR your future

As such, when you are thinking about your goal…let’s say a new home and even before you have achieved it, if you are thinking FOR the future you are comparing the size of your old home with your new home. You are thinking about what that new couch will look like in the corner of the living room and how the new refrigerator will fit in your new kitchen. This is a superficial means to view your goal and does little to bring you closer to your goal.

Thinking/speaking FROM your future plus your emotions and imagination equals your success

By contrast, when you live FROM the future you do so with a different lens. Thus, when you imagine your new home, you are in your home at this very moment, you are cooking dinner with your family around the dining room table talking about the day. Your emotions fuel your thoughts and you feel the excitement in the air as your family exchanges the events of the day. From this prospective, your imagination accompanied by your emotions place you in your new environment and to bring about all the needed thoughts and actions to manifest your home.  

Live FROM your future…the simple yet effective means to achieve your success/goals

Live your life and goals FROM the future and have complete faith that the universe will answer your dreams. It is by the thoughtful use of your imagination and your imagination alone that manifests what your desire.

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You get what you want because you want what you get

Photo by Johannes Plenio on Unsplash

We are creators within the universe

This new era of spirituality is growing at an alarming rate. Why? It’s because we are finally beginning to comprehend our role as creator and not just a participant within the magnitude of the universe.  Running parallel to this moment of enlightenment, we have also witnessed the meltdown of many major corporations and Wall Street.

Our material goods can be taken away from us in an instant

It is frightening to think that our wealth can be taken away without notice. The fruits of our labor snatched away like candy from a baby. However, in spite of this scenario we can, should, and will succeed. As in any economic meltdown, they are those that will succeed and there are those that will fail. As result, we need to think and do things differently to come out successful in the situation we find ourselves in.

A Winning Equation in Life

The key to success in these tumultuous times is a plan. Just as you developed strategies to succeed within your formal studies, there is also a Winning Equation in Life. With awareness and application of the Universal Laws, each one of us can reap the benefits knowing that success can be narrowed down to an exact science like mathematics or physics.

The Complexity of Success can be simplified, understood, and thus, overcome by an equation

The complexity of success can be set in the following equation:

Goals + Faith + Intuition + Moment + Gratitude = SUCCESS


You must decide upon what you want and be sure to make your goals BIG. Now, BIG means different things to different people, however, you cannot succeed in a BIG way if you don’t have this thought in your mind. And it takes the same amount of energy to decide upon large goals as it does to decide upon small goals. It is vitally important not to let your past influence your future goals. This thought will shackle you to your present and drive your desires away from you. And be sure to share your decision with a person or persons who can support you fully.


When you have 100% faith in the Source and yourself, you will achieve those goals you originally set. Faith is an amazing ally: fear, anxiety, doubt, and other negative emotions are driven away from you when faith permeates your soul. 


In this scientific age, we all too often turn away from that voice within, the voice of the Source which is meant to guide us and give us strength. We need to heed our intuition knowing that we are never given a goal unless we have also been given a plan to achieve it. Be sure to have those quiet moments and listen to your intuitive soul to receive your sacred guidance.   


We also need to enjoy the moment: enjoy it as a child with great amazement and wonderment in your connection with the Source. Be sure to use all of your senses when you think about the present moment; this will provide a greater sense of amazement and wonderment. Even though you do not have what you want in hand, still, you must to act at this very moment as though it is already received. 


Express your gratitude daily to receive more of the good you deserve from the Source…this is the Law. When you look at life and success as a formula, you must win and receive what you set your mind on.  

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Positive expectancy is the driving force that changes problems to solutions, difficulties to possibilities, and adversities to opportunities.

Photo by Nghia Le on Unsplash

Roadblocks are only temporary detours meant to measure your resolve.

When we set out to accomplish big goals and big dreams, we often run into roadblocks that appear to stop us from achieving what we truly desire in life. However, these are mere detours set before us to test our resolve. Although we encounter problems, difficulties, and adversities along the path to success, The Law of Expectancy can turn these into solutions, possibilities, and opportunities.

We can only receive what we expect to receive.

The Law of Expectancy will bring about big changes in your life as a result of your mental attitude. Because you achieve what you expect to achieve, according to the Law, your attitude sets off a chain reaction to bring about your success. So, we have thoughts of success that cause us to react in a positive manner which draws all the people and circumstances that are necessary to achieve what we want.  

Would you still try after facing 10,000 failures?

Thomas Edison certainly had the Law on his side when it took him over 10,000 attempts to discover the incandescent light bulb. And The Law was working for Sly Stallone when scores of Hollywood studios turned down his script about a prizefighter from Philadelphia.

Defeat is an attitude; success is an attitude.

In spite of repeated failure and rejection, these men had an attitude of victory and not of defeat which helped them get around, through, and over the obstacles that were stopping them from achieving their ultimate goal.  

If you think you can, you can. If you think you can’t, you can’t.

It must be said that the opposite is true as well, if we think we can’t then we certainly can’t reach our goals. This is evident with many people: on the surface, it looks like they should attain whatever they strive for. They plan their goal, are sure to be positive in life, and do all the right stuff,

Positive Expectancy is the key to goal achievement.

However, unless they have positive expectancy, chances are they will not reach their goal no matter how long or how hard they try. This is self-sabotage. And as they continue to sabotage their efforts on an unconscious level, they are not even aware of what or why they don’t achieve the success they want out of life. 

You must have Positive Expectancy, not just a positive attitude.

The Law will provide for you if you do the following: have a clearly defined goal, visualize your results before they occur, never lose sight of your goal, take consistent action towards your goal, and remain in a positive state of mind. 

What’s the driving force in your life?

Even though you maintain positive thoughts towards your goal and your success, it is not enough just to be positive. More importantly, you need positive expectancy to accompany optimism. You have to feel a sense of expectancy as well as think positively to succeed. Expectancy of success, coupled with positive thoughts, will manifest what you want to achieve in your life.

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In the end, it is our spiritual self which is worth more than our material wealth and our physical health.

Photo by rachel on Unsplash

Consumerism isn’t spiritualism

Many people pursue consumerism under the guise of spiritualism in order to attain material wealth. However, this kind of thinking can only produce temporary success. This is evident when a person achieves their goals and then these are taken away from them just as suddenly as they are attained. We witness these folks hitting a streak of bad luck or twist of fate and they lose all that they have worked to achieve.    

Material wealth is fleeting at this moment

We only need to look around us at this time to understand that material wealth is fleeting: as the Stock Market crashed many lost their retirement savings; companies were put into bankruptcy and many lost their sole means of income; and others were forced to hand over their front-door keys and walk away from their homes. The sad part about this is that many will never regain what they lost from a lifetime of working because they are not aware of how to regain what was lost.  

What is the symptom and what is the illness?

Still, these terrible results are the symptom and not the illness which permeates our modern-day world of consumerism. Our society exerts a great deal of pressure upon us to flaunt our wealth, actual or not, in order to make the grade.

We validate our Self with costly goods

We need costly watches, purses, and cars to validate our self-worth in today’s society. Shiny, sparkly objects are transitory and this week’s fashion becomes next week’s old news. If that’s all you are or known by is your costly toys, how can you attain true happiness and fulfillment in this life?

Gratitude, faith, belief, and optimism release ‘good’ chemicals in our body

When it comes to health, the new field of epigenetics is telling us that it’s an inside job to maintain and sustain good health. There is little doubt from the scientific findings that one’s spirituality and the positive emotions which accompany their connection to The Source, such as gratitude, faith, belief, as well as optimism release a pharmacopeia of good chemicals into their bodies. These naturally occurring substances then act as a defense against disease, and ultimately, result in a healthier and longer life.

What’s your most important possession in this life?

Overall, it is your spirituality that is the most important possession in your life. I say this because your spiritual Self manifests your material wealth and your physical health. It can never be the other way around where wealth or health manifests the spiritual self.

“Toys” don’t last…a spiritual connection does last

So, while your toys may be gone and your health fails, your spiritual connection cannot be lost to anyone or anything unless you consciously relinquish your connection with the Source. And even when things go awry, you still have your spirituality to regain what has been taken away. 

Spirituality is the pathway to a ‘good’ life and not material goods

Hence, since material goods are short-lived and physical health depends upon your thoughts, we need to embrace spirituality as a means to live a wealthy, healthy, and fulfilling life

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Your immediate and long-term success depends upon your desire, emotion, and action.

Photo by Tengyart on Unsplash

How do you define success?

Success in life can mean a number of things to different people. Some chase fame, many want material goods, while others pursue the peace and harmony that results from spiritual attainment. Nevertheless, no matter how diverse success is defined, there are three essential ingredients necessary for a life of personal achievement. Desire, emotion, and action are powerful forces that can lead a person to achieve the ultimate success in their life. 

Desire, a deep burning desire for your goal can help you achieve the seemingly unachievable.

In Napoleon Hill’s writing’s, he clearly believed that desire was critical for achieving success. However, it must be a burning desire, a desire for fulfillment that takes over your entire life and you simply must reach the goal desired in your mind in spite of any and all obstacles.

Belief in achieving your goal is not enough to achieve your goal.

Although people may believe they have an intense desire for their goal, they never realize what they’re after. They let excuses get in their way. They don’t have the money needed to start a new business or they don’t possess the knowledge or the time just isn’t right. They allow their present circumstances to rob them of their desire. 

Excuses can dose your burning desire to reach your goal.

When you feel that your burning desire is waning, it is crucial to rekindle the flame and remain focused upon the end goal, and not allow excuses to take away your need for success.

The intensity of your emotions helps you achieve what you desire most in this life.

The second part of the equation is having emotions for the goal you want to achieve. The intensity of your emotions helps you get around, over, or under the obstacles that can be put between you and your goal. Positive emotions of faith, abundance, enthusiasm, expectancy, passion, and gratitude change your psychological and physiological Self.

Your outer world mirrors your inner world.

Just think when you’re sad: your outside mirrors your inside since there’s no hiding your true Self. Now, think when you’re happy: you feel good on the inside and your outer Self reflects that good feeling as you walk tall and confident. You are harmonious with the universe and your goal.

Harmony between your goals and your thoughts manifests your goals.

In turn, being in harmony with the Natural Laws opens up the floodgates of the universe to bring together the people, the circumstances, and the right moment for your personal success. So, look in that mirror and get those emotions out, they’re crucial for personal success.

Action is often missed; you cannot achieve your goals through inaction.

Even though one’s desires and emotions are in harmony, a goal can never be accomplished unless you take action. Actions produce results that bring success. It’s clear that the little things done consistently bring about huge results over time.

Plan what action you will take daily to reach your goal.

In order to achieve your goals, plan daily and be sure to do the most important thing needed on a daily basis to succeed. It’s wise to start your day off on a positive note and write down what you need to do that day to get closer to your dreams.    

Manifest your goals through desire, emotion, and action…it’s the Law.

No matter how you look at life, a healthy dose of desire, emotion, and action will result in the manifestations of your goals.