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Your emotions and your feelings that manifest from your thoughts are the divine elixir which unlocks the innate, universal knowledge.

Thoughts are energy

Energy can neither be created nor destroyed. And the things that are unseen or seen on this physical plane of existence are pure energy. For example, thoughts are things that are pure energy; since they are energy, they can neither be destroyed nor can they be created. Hence, at the moment of creation, all thoughts were created and the sum total at that miraculous moment are equal to all the thoughts that we possessed in the past, all the thoughts that we possess at the moment, and all the thoughts that we will possess in the future.

Energy can be either positive or negative

It is also true that pure energy can be either positive energy or it can be negative energy and it your emotions and your feelings which is replicated by the nonjudgmental energy that exists in every nook and cranny throughout universe. It is your thoughts that manifest your emotions and your feelings of what has happened, what is happening, and what will happen which results in the creation of positive or negative energy.

Your thoughts create feelings

If there is any doubt about your positive or negative thoughts manifesting positive or negative feelings and emotions, focus your thoughts for a moment upon love; how do you feel? By contrast, focus your thoughts for a moment upon jealousy; how do you feel? How you feel and what you emote are not only the products of your psychological state, these also exert a great deal of influence upon your physiological state as well.

Each of us has unlimited innate knowledge 

The benevolent Source has provided each of us, regardless of our social status, education, or location, the totality of the universal knowledge. This primordial gift lies dormant in the trillions of cells and DNA that compose our present earthly form. We only need to rouse this dormant knowledge and truthfully apply it in the searching and manifesting of our goals and aspirations.

How can we awaken our innate knowledge?

How can we rouse this sleeping bequest from the Source? The key then to your success in this life is to be able to control your thoughts which manifest your feelings and your emotions…this process then unlocks the door and that holds the methods, the circumstances, and the people to achieve your goals. The means to achieve your goals are innate in each of us and the means are locked-up in the DNA which each and every person who exists upon our terrestrial home possesses in their human form.

Let love and compassion drive your goals…not wealth and power

How do innate universal knowledge, our thoughts, our feelings, and our emotions conspire in a miraculous chain reaction which creates the elixir that manifests our goals? Due to a lack of technical sophistication at the present moment, it is impossible to identify and measure the biochemical reaction that lead to the manifestation of our goals, as a consequence, we then are forced to look at the chain of events that would lead to the creation of the divine potion that manifests our goals. For example, we want to write a Self-help book which will provide guidance to the countless millions who are presently suffering from a lack of money and Self confidence.

Money is not the motivator to reach true satisfaction in this life

As an author, you are not driven by the monetary enumeration you will receive once you have helped the countless sufferers escape from their present unpleasant situation. Rather, you possess the base desire of love and compassion to help those less fortunate than your Self and others around you. It then can be said that your thoughts and desires trigger a series of events to produce your end goal – a best seller that truly guides the masses.

There is an interface between your goals and your knowledge 

Your mind and soul are filled with a noble and honest goal which produces a biochemical reaction of the ‘proper’ kind in the trillions of cells that comprise your earthly form. A biochemical reaction occurs which then interfaces with your DNA to unlock the area of innate knowledge which has been lying dormant in those trillions of sets of chromosomes since the day of birth in your present earthly body. Now, the exciting part is that your biochemicals react with your DNA to access and then relinquish all the ideas, knowledge, words, and methods to create the book that will be the great savior of humankind.

Unlock your wants and desires and the path to receive them shall be yours

We have unlocked the primordial knowledge which manifests our goal, the Source then provides us with the means to be able to reach the people who are in dire need of our help. This wondrous meeting occurs since we, as an author and those who are sufferers, share the same vibrational frequency.

A web connects each of us as One…One love, One mind, One soul

We are connected by the Web of existence and since we are, we share the universal love and compassion that flows to those who have awareness and focus upon the relief of their unpleasant present situation. Once your book has been received, the ones who are less fortunate accept the words that are being read and this in turn initiates their journey to create their unique divine elixir that will release them from their present unpleasant situation.

Serve others to achieve true happiness and satisfaction in this life 

Once we can comprehend the enormity of the biochemical reaction which can lead us towards our goals in life, it is then our responsibility to apply our new found knowledge to best serve our Self and the lives of others as well. Have complete faith and belief that the Source has provided all the things required in this equation of freedom: the thoughts, the feelings, the emotions, the people, the circumstances, all mixed in the proper amount to produce the biochemical reaction to live a life of happiness and fulfillment.


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“Each and everyone one of us is ‘of’ and ‘from’ the Source with our divine connection being vibrational energy.”

The ancients appeared to have a sense of responsibility to future generations 

The ancients lived their lives centered upon spiritual beliefs and customs which formed the very underpinnings of their societies. While the majority of these ancient civilizations have long passed through a portal of extinction, nevertheless, it seems that they have granted us their beliefs and customs out of a sense of responsibility to the future generations of humankind.

We have been given a road-map for success in this life

However, while we have been fortunate to receive a road-map to achieve a joyous and fulfilled life, many in today’s contemporary world are less than grateful for the wisdom which has been freely and openly handed to us for our own benefit.

Supreme Intelligence; if there’s a design, there must be a designer  

As the ancients spoke and wrote of an omnipotent One with the power and wisdom to create and sustain the physical environment of the past, present, and future, it is only in recent times that modern-day science is beginning to support the notion that this Being exists. In general, science and scientists alike have arrived at the conclusion that Supreme Intelligence is responsible for the creation and maintenance of the universe and every beast and creature which inhabits this immeasurable domain of space.

We are stardust, and we are connected to the Source

Since we as humankind are part of the cosmos, we are made-up of the same elements which comprise the cosmos itself. And since the Source created everything and everyone in the universe, we are divinely connected to the Source and to each and everything that exists within the universe. We are connected by the shared elements that exist throughout the cosmos and by vibrational energy…vibrational energy which causes everything and everyone to vibrate at a quantum level and hence, everything and everyone is not a solid object as it appears before our eyes. And, this pool of vibrational energy attracts like and repels unlike.

What we think, do, and say manifest our past, present, and future

Since vibrational energy is attracted to a similar vibrational resonance and it is repelled by a dissimilar vibrational resonance, humankind has been given a miraculous method to achieve what they want from life. The thoughts, words, and actions which result from our predominate thoughts and feelings experienced on a day-to-day basis manifest what we truly love or what we truly abhor.

You need to achieve Vibrational Accord to be successful 

There cannot be vibrational harmony when you want a loving relationship and then think that everyone is a liar and a cheat. You cannot be in vibrational harmony when you want abundance and then think that there is lack everywhere around you. You cannot be in vibrational harmony when you want a higher paying job when you then think that your present job is hopeless and meaningless. Your thoughts are incongruent with your wants and you cannot experience change living this state of Vibrational Discord. You must attain and sustain a state of Vibrational Accord to make meaningful changes in your life.

A never ending cycle of reincarnation should eliminate our fear of death and our fear of life

It is also known that this vibrational energy can neither be destroyed nor created; as a result of this Universal Law, each and every one of us does not cease to exist time immortal, we only cease to exist in the physical form that we have assumed at the present moment. Rather than just be hurdled into oblivion when we pass this earthly existence, we live a multitude of lives and as such are eternal beings as we shed this physical form and return to the Source as pure energy and then return as physical beings only to return to the Source as pure energy again. This never ending cycle of reincarnation should eliminate our fear of death and our fear of life. There can be no severing of the vibrational energy that connects us to the Source.

Vibrational energy is our divine connection

Vibrational energy, the very essence of our inner and outer being of existence, is the divine connection we experience with and to the Source. This divine bond ensures a multitude of lives in many physical forms and a unique opportunity to achieve what we want to achieve while experiencing those many forms of existence.


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“We fear death – we fear life.”

Is death the end of us?

Many fear death since their physical body will be either interred or cremated. Both appear to be a very poor choice when the end of this plane of existence finally occurs to each of us, and it will come to each and every one of us since there is no escaping a change of existence no matter your wealth, your political or social rank, or your celebrity status.

Do you fear interment and cremation?

Many rationalize that interment is a cold, dark, and isolated place where they are reduced to a pile of dust by millions of microbes and then left in one place to the end of eternity itself.  By contrast, others rationalize that cremation will be extremely painful as their physical body is subjected to temperatures of around 1200°C and reduced to a small pile of grayish ash that once represented their physical existence.

Fear life? Fear death? 

In spite of the fact that we feel great fear that we will not escape this existence in this physical body, we also feel great fear every day of life that we will not be good enough, we will not be rich enough, and we will not be smart enough. Hence, we fear death – we fear life.

Energy can neither be created or destroyed

If we fear life, why do we fear death? Simply put, we believe that death is the end, a painful and frightening end to our earthly existence where we will be cruelly and unjustifiably taken from our loved ones or our loved possessions.

Does science hold our answer? 

While we harbor this great fear, we neglect that physicists have discovered energy can neither be created nor destroyed and this could be our most cherished of ideas in these modern times. Each and every one who shares this earthly existence is composed of energy, vibrational energy that was created when the Source created the universe in that glorious moment. Since energy cannot be created nor destroyed, why do we not realize that we cannot be destroyed either, we merely change the state which we presently inhabit to another state.

We are pure energy, and as such…

We leave our present physical body as pure energy and we should not feel remorse for that physical body which we must leave eventually. And some believe that when we return to the ultimate state of being, that is to be repatriated with the Source, it is the highest state of existence which we can achieve. And we fear this ending?

Fear is our worst enemy

If we fear death, why do we also fear life? As we go about our daily routines of living and making a living, we carry a great number of fears along with us. We fear that will lose our jobs, we will lose our loved ones, we will lose our health, and we will lose our wealth. Sadly, most never even entertain the idea that they will lose their most valuable connection, the connection to the Source.

Lose fear and gain life 

However, when we experience the joy of a deep connection with the Source, we lose our fear of living and making a living. We lose our ego, we lose our greed, we lose our envy, and we lose our jealousy. When these negatives no longer gnaw away at our positive energy, we must live a life of sheer enjoyment and wonder as each precious moment of our earthly existence passes before our very eyes. And we fear this living?

An ending is a beginning 

In our modern world, we fear death since we will be separated from our loved ones and our loved things. However, the changing of state is a natural end of your present physical existence, it is not the end of your existence it is merely the beginning of a new existence.

We are never separated from our lived ones…never 

We fear life since we will lose our loved ones and our loved things as well. However, changing from a negative state to a positive state of existence is a natural occurrence as we receive all that the Source wants us to receive and are entitled to receive. In the end, live with no fear of death and live with no fear of life.

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“You are not a drop in the ocean; you are the ocean, hence, you have the power of the ocean to manifest your dreams, your desires, your destiny.”

oceanaJust a drop in the ocean? 

There are those who believe within their very soul that they are merely a singular drop in the ocean of life. And since they are just one of the billions upon billions of nameless souls being carried this way and that by the tides and currents, feel they are inconsequential in the overall scheme of the universe.

A sacred connection exists

Little do they realize that our benevolent Source has created a sacred connection between everything and everyone within this ocean of life. As such, they possess the means to participate in the creation of their dreams, their desires, and their destiny.

The inseparable becomes the separable

The qualities of the entire ocean are bound within each single drop regardless of its size, origin, or location. It must be so since every drop consists of the same elements as the collective, and if the ocean is divine, so must the drops of the ocean be divine. The sacred divinity of the whole knows only connection, not separation. However, when we lack faith and belief in this divinity, the inseparable becomes separable.

Divinity exists within every drop in the ocean 

There is a divine connection that permeates every corner of the universe. It is our feelings and our thoughts that interface with this divinity that manifest our wants and needs. We must acknowledge that it is our feelings and our thoughts and only our feelings and our thoughts of gratitude, faith, belief, and plenty that sets the universal good in motion to create our wants and needs. Since our feelings and our thoughts are congruous with our desires, we receive the good from the Source.

A wedge between our sacred connection

We must also acknowledge that it is our feelings and our thoughts and only our feelings and our thoughts of fear, envy, jealousy, and envy that drive a wedge into this sacred connection. Since our feelings and our thoughts are incongruous with our desires, we cannot receive the good from the Source.

Reality manifests from your sacred connection 

The wise ancients wrote of a sacrosanct connection in life and the numinous power that awaits each one who bears unwavering faith. There is unlimited universal power that resonates throughout this sacred connection and it supports a fulfilled life of accomplishment for each and every person; this is the natural right of humankind. Still, our modern-day world has a misconception of the connection that in the end, was, is, and will be the way to a divine life. The Source would not provide each and every one of us with our own unique dreams, desires, and destiny if these were not accompanied by the means of achievement. Believe unquestionably in the power of the ultimate connection between each drop within the ocean of life to manifest your highest reality.