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Don’t let the ‘Right Now’ dilemma take control of your future

Photo by Eduardo Olszewski on Unsplash

Time is provided equally amongst the rich and poor, young and old, and educated or uneducated

It makes no difference if you are the richest or the poorest person, the happiest or the saddest person, or the most grateful or least grateful person walking on this earth, there is no getting away from the fact that we all have the same amount of time each day. While we all are given an identical amount of this precious commodity, it’s what we think about time that differentiates successful from unsuccessful people.

Time is not an evil roadblock to success…in reality, it is an ally and not an excuse to forfeit your dreams and goals

As you talk with your friends, most likely many express the fact that they have unfulfilled dreams and that TIME is the major factor that prevents them from achieving their dreams. They rationalize that TIME is the evil that builds roadblocks to their goals. As a result, as they think so they say and so they do:

I want to start an on-line business, however, ‘Right Now’ I work every week-end.

I really want to take my family on that special vacation, but, ‘Right Now’ I don’t have any spare time.

Time is malleable…it can and does accommodate the required hours to achieve your success

As these people think, and rightly so, they are creating and receiving all the conditions and circumstances to make their goals impossible to reach. They simply don’t realize that they are pushing their goals and their dreams farther away with their thoughts, words, and actions. What these same people do not understand is that time is elastic…it seems to accommodate what we want to get accomplished no matter what. Time is malleable IF we don’t believe in ill-thought up excuses.   

Singer-songwriter Harry Chapin believed most don’t take the risks required to achieve their success

The late singer-songwriter Harry Chapin believed that we should make the most of the time we have on this earth without any excuses. In an interview not long before his unfortunate death, he mentioned that many people go through life never taking any of the little risks. And since they shy away from the little risks, they miss the biggest risk of all – they haven’t tried everything they wanted and they find out that they have not lived a full life.        

Get out of bed a few minutes early every day and use that time to pursue your goals

If you want to write a book and work full-time and on week-ends as well, get up a half hour earlier each day and write a few pages. From my own experience, I wrote Voice of the Sage over several months by grabbing the short time I had before going to work and finishing my breakfast.

Set big goals and set the time to move towards your goals

After starting my day working on my goal, I was excited for hours; it was empowering. If you want to earn an on-line degree, sacrifice a set amount of time before dinner or bedtime to complete your assignments. I earned my PhD working full-time and writing a number of books by stealing an hour here and a half hour there.  

Manage your time efficiently to receive the dreams and goals you envision in your life

Like I managed to do, make the most of those few minutes that just slip away from you in your day-to-day living. And, over a few weeks or possibly months, you will see amazing results and have made progress to your goal even though you were never given any more time during your day. That’s how my twenty-plus books were completed…by taking a few minutes here and a few minutes there.  

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You mustn’t run away from your present, however, you must run towards your future.

Photo by lucas Favre on Unsplash

The unpleasant present

Have you ever found yourself in a miserable situation with no apparent way out? Perhaps, at this very moment you are in a low paying job, a bad relationship, or a mountain of debt. While it seems like the entire universe has plotted against you and has placed roadblock after roadblock in front of you and your path to success, you must not run away from your present situation. Instead, you must run towards your future when things are the lowest in your life. 

Negative situations often result in negative responses…WRONG

Most people face negative situations in life with negative responses. They blame others for their unhappy and unsuccessful life. They blame their spouse, their boss, their age, their height, their weight, and their parents for their lack of success in their life. And while they blame others for their unsuccessful life, in the same breath, they also look to others and other things to solve their problems.

What’s your plan if you run away? Just running doesn’t solve the problem

As a result, they need to be with a person to feel whole, they need a shiny sports car to feel worthy, and they need a new house on the right side of town to feel successful. And when they construct barriers around their dreams, they want to run away from it all with no plan or vision of how to achieve the future they want.

Your life is a mirror

Little do these blamers understand that their present is a reflection of what they have been thinking about and what they must receive from the benevolent Source. These same people do not realize that their attitude can change an unpleasant present into a fabulous future. 

Don’t be a blamer…claim responsibility for your unpleasant present

Now, consider your own situation. If it’s not what you want it to be, do not blame everyone else for your results and do not look at everyone else for your solutions. Take full responsibility of the present knowing that your attitude can change your results.

Be sincerely grateful where you are at this moment

First, you must take the initiative and be grateful for whatever situation you find yourself in. And next, while being in a positive state of gratitude, you must also create an inner world of peace and calmness. This positive state occurs when you have a concise vision of what you long to achieve.

Clarity of purpose cerates empowerment

Finally, with a clear vision of what you want, you feel empowered and enthused about the future, hence, you can run towards your future knowing that your goals are attainable. 

Change? Change your attitude along with your thoughts, words and actions

In the end, it’s all about your attitude and your reaction to the situation you find yourself in. If you run away from the present, you are reacting out of hate, fear, and doubt. These are negative feelings which only serve to block your path to success.

Run to your future with a heart, mind, and soul full of love, faith and belief

In contrast, if you run towards your future, you are reacting out of love, faith, and belief. These are positive feelings which can only build a bridge to your success. When you find yourself in a situation, carefully think about your reaction to get where you want to go.     

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Positive expectancy is the driving force that changes problems to solutions, difficulties to possibilities, and adversities to opportunities.

Photo by Nghia Le on Unsplash

Roadblocks are only temporary detours meant to measure your resolve.

When we set out to accomplish big goals and big dreams, we often run into roadblocks that appear to stop us from achieving what we truly desire in life. However, these are mere detours set before us to test our resolve. Although we encounter problems, difficulties, and adversities along the path to success, The Law of Expectancy can turn these into solutions, possibilities, and opportunities.

We can only receive what we expect to receive.

The Law of Expectancy will bring about big changes in your life as a result of your mental attitude. Because you achieve what you expect to achieve, according to the Law, your attitude sets off a chain reaction to bring about your success. So, we have thoughts of success that cause us to react in a positive manner which draws all the people and circumstances that are necessary to achieve what we want.  

Would you still try after facing 10,000 failures?

Thomas Edison certainly had the Law on his side when it took him over 10,000 attempts to discover the incandescent light bulb. And The Law was working for Sly Stallone when scores of Hollywood studios turned down his script about a prizefighter from Philadelphia.

Defeat is an attitude; success is an attitude.

In spite of repeated failure and rejection, these men had an attitude of victory and not of defeat which helped them get around, through, and over the obstacles that were stopping them from achieving their ultimate goal.  

If you think you can, you can. If you think you can’t, you can’t.

It must be said that the opposite is true as well, if we think we can’t then we certainly can’t reach our goals. This is evident with many people: on the surface, it looks like they should attain whatever they strive for. They plan their goal, are sure to be positive in life, and do all the right stuff,

Positive Expectancy is the key to goal achievement.

However, unless they have positive expectancy, chances are they will not reach their goal no matter how long or how hard they try. This is self-sabotage. And as they continue to sabotage their efforts on an unconscious level, they are not even aware of what or why they don’t achieve the success they want out of life. 

You must have Positive Expectancy, not just a positive attitude.

The Law will provide for you if you do the following: have a clearly defined goal, visualize your results before they occur, never lose sight of your goal, take consistent action towards your goal, and remain in a positive state of mind. 

What’s the driving force in your life?

Even though you maintain positive thoughts towards your goal and your success, it is not enough just to be positive. More importantly, you need positive expectancy to accompany optimism. You have to feel a sense of expectancy as well as think positively to succeed. Expectancy of success, coupled with positive thoughts, will manifest what you want to achieve in your life.

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Where do we find truth in this day and age?

3. Truth is within, do not look elsewhere.

(Osho’s Third New Commandment)

We are truth 

Each of us is the physical manifestation of a compassionate, loving Source who is the alpha and the omega, the beginning and the end, the start and the finish. As such, we are the embodiment of truth…we are created from truth and we retain the truth deep within. Our truth is not seen on the outside by others, but it is felt on the inside by each of us. And it is our truth and ours alone that helps us to live a joyful and meaningful life.

Quiet the noise 

header20Our modern technological age has many distractions; television, computers, and mobiles all get in line to take a piece out of us, as we surrender one piece at a time these cannot be replaced unless we endure a great deal of angst and difficulty. Still, we must find truth,our truth even though we face a myriad of roadblocks that blind us from the truth. How do we find truth? We must quiet the noise that threatens to smother us, takes away truth, forms barriers between us and what we know is the truth for us. The best way to turn down the white noise of modernity and make it inaudible is to meditate on a regular basis. As we face our self in quiet solitude, we face our truth, and as we face our truth we face the truth that has been given freely and lovingly by the Source.

Truth has no physical shape 

Do not look at an expensive watch for truth; do not look at a costly automobile for truth; and do not look at a spacious mansion for truth…you will be disappointed if you think these material goods will reveal the truth to you. If perchance, you do believe that these hold the truth that you are seeking, it is only an illusion, one that is able to fool your five worldly senses but one that cannot fool your unworldly senses.

Be selfish and pursue truth 

Some of us may think that it is selfish to pursue truth, this idea is as far from the truth as it possibly can be. When we pursue truth we are fulfilling our love for and the obligation to the Source to be the best we can be. This is not being selfish…this is being selfless. Untainted by the perils of modern day living, we end up at our original place of being, a hallowed place that is formed by the positive energy emitted by the light and the love of our Creator.

Truth is to be lived, each moment at a time 

We live truth, we are truth in our present physical manifestation…we cannot create it…we cannot see it…we cannot buy it…we can only live it, and we live it when we close our eyes and listen to the truth that we hold within.