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Make prayers OF your desires, rather than prayers FOR your desires.

Photo by William Farlow on Unsplash

Let’s pray FOR good health…is this going to result in achieving our wants or desires?

As children we are taught how to pray for what we want: we pray for good health, for good grades, and for good weather. Naturally, as we mature into adults, we carry this tradition along with us. However, it is of little wonder that most of us never receive what we pray for since the words of our prayers do not attract our desires; instead, these words push our goals further away from us. 

Don’t ask for the bad, sad, or unwanted to be removed from your life

It seems that there are some basic misconceptions about prayer which then affect our success and our lives. First, it is a common belief that we should ask for the bad, for the sad, or for the unwanted to be removed from our life. But, when we pray for a change in our life, we are asking out of want, lack, and desperation which only add strength and power to our worst nightmares.

Visualize the good and not the bad being removed from your life

Prayers for abundance empower poverty. Prayers for health empower sickness. Prayers for happiness empower sadness. Rather, we must understand to pray of abundance, of health, and of joy in the present. We are not just playing with semantics; this observation is entirely consistent with the Universal Laws. When I say pray of abundance, I mean see the end goal at this moment. And pray of health and of joy; as a result, see good health and happiness in your life at this moment.

Words aren’t our prayers…our emotions and our feelings are our prayers

Second, there is the accepted idea that our prayers are our words and our words are our prayers. However, this idea is a long way from the truth as the ancients left us clear evidence that our prayers are not just our words, rather, our prayers are our emotions. Without a doubt, the essence of prayer is in our feelings which we find within the 2,000-year-old messages that the Gnostics left for us.

The Gnostics timely message from over two millennia ago

To paraphrase their timeless message; we must surround ourselves with our answers. With these wise words, it is apparent that we must overcome our natural reaction to want to focus our attention upon what ails us and ask for those things to change.

Experience your wants and desires within before they materialize from without

Rather than using our words and asking for the removal of the ills from our life, we need to first experience abundance, good health, and happiness already in our life. In order to escape our unpleasant present situation within our minds, we must use our emotions to help us navigate around and through our troubles before our wants are actualized on the physical plane.

Express prayers of gratitude daily to achieve personal fulfillment and joy in your life

Third, we often think that the sole purpose of prayer is to ask for success in life. However, let us not forget that prayers are not only the harbingers of change in our lives. Previously, we made our prayers of abundance, of good health, and of spiritual Self. Having received what we asked of The Source, we now can make new prayers of gratitude. Watch what happens when you turn this around and make prayers of gratitude every day. When we express our heartfelt gratitude, we can only receive more of the same from the universe.

Prayer connects our spiritual and physical world

Prayer is the connection between our spiritual and our physical world. It is not limited to our words, those eloquent or pious sayings which roll off of our tongues. Rather, it also includes the myriad of feelings we hold within our hearts and souls. This subtle yet meaningful difference will provide the answers of your prayers.

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Love FOR and OF the Source: the direct path to spiritual enlightenment

LOVE…what makes us human

Singers sing FOR and OF love; artists paint FOR and OF love; and holy men tout the spiritual benefits FOR and OF love. To sum up; the history of humankind has clearly shown that singers, artists, and holy men believe love is the most valuable thought, word, and action that you can possibly manifest on this physical plane of existence.

A divine life manifests from LOVE.

They certainly hit the mark since the manifestation FOR and OF love creates a direct path to achieve and maintain a divine life. Surely, when a dogma from our spiritual world and our secular world agree rather than collide, this must be overwhelming evidence that the pursuit FOR and OF love is the most important pursuit you did, do, or will do throughout your life.

New possessions grow old…lose their glow

In our physical world, our physical possessions, no matter how large, how costly, or how exclusive, all turn to rust, lose favor, or lose their shine. Our big house, our expensive watch, and our special edition automobile will not last forever. And furthermore, these objects do not change you on the inside, perhaps, just the opposite can occur.

Possessions lead to illusions

While a new possession may temporarily provide the illusion that we are smarter, better looking, and more secure with our Self – our possessions cannot make us more intelligent, cannot make us more attractive, and cannot make us more secure with our Self. Our Self should not rely upon our sense of importance or self-worth manifested from a physical object; any and all physical possessions are as ephemeral as the clouds in the sky or the rain that falls upon the ground.

We strive for larger, shinier, costlier things for validation 

Ultimately, when our physical objects lose the luster and intrigue which prompted us to buy them initially, we are then driven to buy a larger, a costlier, and a more exclusive object to take the place of the ones that have lost their magic and status with us, with our families, with our friends, and with our colleagues. This being the case, and there is no circumventing the ravages of time and the effects upon our physical objects, we need to focus our lives upon the timelessness of our sacred connection FOR and OF love of the benevolent Source.

The true pathway is LOVE

The path to gaining, maintaining, and retaining our most valued gift creates a true change of our Self. And, it is our awareness, our acknowledgment, and our acceptance FOR and OF our love of the Source that is eternal.

Science proves what the ancients knew 

The ancients knew and practiced what modern science can now prove. Aristotle, the famous Greek philosopher is credited with the earliest idea of the mind and body connection. However, for almost 2500 years, we turned our back upon the influence of the mind upon the body as scientists believed that emotions and feelings were intangibles.

There’s a link between disease and our emotions

In the 1940’s, William Reich proposed the link between disease and our emotions; the result, he was persecuted and the FDA collected and burned his work which espoused such heretical views. Fortunately, we have the blinkers of ignorance removed from our eyes and science in general has now found there is a distinct and measurable relationship between our emotions, our feelings, and our physical bodies. As a consequence of this relationship, our emotions and our feelings have a direct impact upon our overall health.

Our emotions and feelings manifest chemical reactions which can be helpful or harmful to our human body. Hence, when we think, speak, and act love, there is a creation and release of a cornucopia of beneficial chemicals throughout our bodies. By contrast, when we think, speak, and act hate there is a creation and release of a cornucopia of harmful chemicals throughout our bodies. These chemicals that are rushing through us can then either prolong or cut-short our spiritual and physical presence upon the Earth.

Modern day scientists believe that a myriad of illnesses, including cancer, are linked to our own bodies’ emotions and feelings. Hence, it is crucial for your Self and your physical body to transform anger into love; impatience into patience; and envy into compassion. The transformation from negative thoughts, words, and actions to positive thoughts, words, and actions brings you closer to the Source and may possibly preserve you overall spiritual and physical wellness.

Transcend the physical world to find happiness and joy

The ancients knew and practiced what the self-development industry has been promoting for the past 100 years. The leaders of personal development openly endorse the idea that we must transcend the physical world to live in the spiritual world in order to find true happiness, fulfillment, and purpose in this life. Many believe that the Source created us as biological creatures that are wrapped-up in skin, bone, organs, and sinew who are only seeking physical pleasures.

If we believe this is our true and only purpose in life, then we are indeed suffering from a myopic illusion. When we only focus our thoughts, words, and actions upon the outer world, we are then limited since the true unlimited nature of the Self is found in our inner world and not our outer world. Even though we live within our present human form, we are much more than just pleasure seeking creatures. When we lose sight of our true purpose, then we suffer emotionally, physically, and spiritually.

We must make every effort to break the chains of our physical existence in order to escape to a higher plane of existence which begins with thinking, speaking, and acting FOR and OF love. The first and foremost purpose FOR and OF love is giving, freely giving love to all of those around you regardless of how they treat you or they think, they speak, and they act towards you. Our reaction to others prompts a positive or negative response from the universe – if we love them, we receive love back – and if we despise them, we receive despise back.

Selfless actions harvest bountiful rewards 

Treating those around you who treat you unfairly may be seen as a selfish action since we must realize that if we act the way others act towards us, we also benefit or suffer along with them. Our feelings and emotions are like a hunter’s boomerang which can provide sustenance for our spiritual Self or injury to our physical and spiritual bodies. Love changes your entire outlook upon your life and your Self.

LOVE is a divine gift, for each of us

The ancients knew and practiced what each of us in our present human form innately possesses. The Source has freely provided every last human being the ability to think, speak, and act FOR and OF love regardless of their gender, location, cognitive ability, or culture. This divine gift is encoded in each one of the trillions of cells that compose our present physical form and it is our awareness and focus upon this gift that manifests our outer world to mirror our inner world. As we have and share our feelings FOR and OF love for our Self and for others as well, we then spiritually emulate the Source.

We are One with the One.

We have compassion and empathy for our Self and for others which can only manifest positive people, positive events, positive and circumstances in our lives. While it may take time, and not on earthly but cosmic time, nonetheless, a person who possesses a pure heart which is driven by love can only receive more love from the benevolent Source. Yet, all too often we suffer from a lack FOR and OF love; we suffer emotionally, physically, and economically when we attempt to separate from the inseparable.

The disconnect between LOVE for others and our self

The problems we face in the modern world are reflected in our disconnect from the benevolent Source. We are composed of the identical basic elements that each and every one on the planet is made from; we are composed of the identical elements that the stars, planets, and galaxies throughout the expanding universe are made from, and as such, we have a divine creation with everything and everybody regardless of how small or how large that object may be.

We are stardust. We are energy. We are LOVE

While we share the identical elements, we also share the identical energies – either positive or negative – and we cannot escape the fact that we are bound to each other and to each object by this fact. As such, our Self is their Self and we must love our Self which in turn loves their Self. The innate love that we harbor deep within our Self, must be expressed and it must not be repressed, however, it must not be expressed in a forceful way, rather, a gentle way which is indeed the greater strength of the two. Living a life FOR and OF love is the Law – the Law that is innate in all things large and small.

LOVE for the Source and for each other is the one true pathway 

In the end, it is your love FOR and OF the Source that manifests long-lasting change and subsequently a fulfilling life to be enjoyed to the maximum when existing in your present physical form. The tension between your inner world and your outer world is an exciting and empowering circumstance to be faced with. It is a supreme battle to control your Self – to be a positive and loving Self and not a negative and hateful Self.

The choice to LOVE is ours

You see, you have been provided the choice to follow the path you want to focus upon by a benevolent Source. You can decide upon being enlightened or you can decide upon being unenlightened and only one state can exist in the same temporal and spatial plane. This path of enlightenment is lined with love, the love that the most valued members of humankind have espoused over the millennia. Make the choice to focus upon the path that brings eternal joy and happiness.

 Need some motivation for the day, week or month? Want to change your future? Spiritual Offerings: Volume II has fifty-two original quotes to inspire and motivate. Pick-up a digital or paper copy today. Let me know what you think.  

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“Gratitude is the absence of resistance; resistance is the absence of gratitude.”

Resistance is a negative vibratory state 

Resistance is a vibrational state of being that manifests from negative feelings such as envy, jealousy, and fury. When one inhabits this unenviable state of being, they lack true connection with the Source and with their Self, in fact, this state is diametrically opposed to the Source and to their Self since we naturally inhabit a positive vibratory state where we think, say, and do good things which then manifest our wants and desires.

Gratitude is a positive vibratory state

Expressing gratitude to the Source every day for your life, no matter how good or how bad you may perceive your life at the present moment, inhibits the flow of resistance that you may face when your life is not as you truly want it to be.

Gratitude is seeing your life through the eyes of the Source

Expressing your gratitude regularly results in experiencing your life through the Source. You cannot become closer to the Source than when you express gratitude, in essence, you are living this physical life seeing things through the eyes of the Source. As such, you are at work and see all the wonderful things about those around you; you are in a traffic jam and see all the wonderful things about your commute; and you are home with your family and see all the wonderful things about your family.

Your awareness creates Source-like experiences in your life 

While others may see aggressive, untrustworthy colleagues, or dangerous and noisy roads, or an irresponsible teenager listening to loud music, you only see the good in those people and things surrounding you in business and social situations. This is truly experiencing a Source-like existence. And with this elevated sense of awareness of the wonderful things that abound in and around your life, your positive vibrational state can only attract more abundance and more happiness as you create a natural barrier which blocks out lack and sorrow from your Self.

Gratitude is not inhabiting a state of want or lack     

While gratitude is a positive thought, word, and action, some may believe to the contrary that gratitude is a state of being in want or lack, in other words, they still have not achieved what they have focused their attention upon and are still striving for that elusive goal. They think that they are still fighting an uphill battle to achieve what they want to achieve. This perception of gratitude is erroneous and this type of thinking can only lead you down a path that is incongruent with your goal. If you believe that gratitude accompanies lack, then you are in a negative vibrational state which can only lead to more lack and this forms a natural barrier to keep you in your unpleasant present – this is a Natural law.

Be sincerely grateful for what you have, where you are, and who you are 

Expressing gratitude simply means that you are truly joyous of what you have in your life at the present moment; this does not mean that you are do not want to achieve more in the future, far from it since we are meant to achieve more and continually expand as the universe itself does. So, if you have an old car and are truly grateful for it, or you live in a small home on the wrong side of town and are truly grateful for it, or if you have a job which just does not provide enough income for the goals you want to achieve but are truly grateful for it anyway, you will surely put all these things behind you since your expression of true gratefulness can only manifest as a positive vibratory state where all that you think, say, and do reflects your inner state of being.

Our inner state creates our vibratory state…cultivate it wisely

Our inner state of being is what manifests our goals and we cannot escape what state we are in even if that state cannot be detected by those around us. Carefully cultivate the state of being you desire since your decisions then manifest as your thoughts, words, and actions which are congruent with that state of being and ultimately your results.

You have complete control of your vibratory state 

Gratitude is the absence of resistance while resistance is the absence of gratitude. Both states cannot coexist within the same cosmic time or within the same physical space. Your feelings and your thoughts, and your feelings and your thoughts alone, determine if the state you inhabit is one of gratitude or one of resistance.

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“Your connection to the Source can help your Self and others as well.”

Your connection with the Source tears down boundaries and limitations 

The Source provides each of us with the innate ability and the natural means to live a fully connected life where we our physical health, our material wealth, and our spiritual Self can prosper without limits or boundaries. While our awareness permits us to live a fulfilling connected life, there are those family members and loved ones who may not be aware of the benefits that such a life provides to a committed follower of the Source and the Natural Laws.

Live by example to help those around you

Even though we want to help those around us who are less fortunate in life, rather than preach about the many physical, materially, and spiritual benefits that we can receive from the Source, it is our living by example that will do the most benefit to those around us who are not enjoying physical health, material wealth, or a spiritual Self.

Your being unwell doesn’t help those who are unwell

If a loved one or a relative is sick, you cannot help that sick person by being sick yourself. No matter how unwell you may become in response to another’s sickness, your reaction to another’s illness will never help them escape nor your Self from the negative vibratory state that you both will inhabit at that particular moment. A person, who is sick, is sick by their own thoughts, their own beliefs, and their own actions. Somehow and for some reason they have severed their connection to the Source and they need to regain that connection to regain and maintain good health. Once you truly accept the idea that their sickness cannot get better by your sickness, there are things that can you do to truly help an unwell person.

Illness perpetuates illness

When we look at how most people react to a loved one’s sickness it is little wonder that the sickness continues to thrive and choke the life out from the ill person. Most will feel pity for the person and their thoughts, beliefs, and actions help support the negative vibratory state that surrounds the ill person. I’m not saying that you should be callous and uncaring for an ill person, especially when that person is a loved one, however, there is a great deal of difference between feeling pity for a sick person and felling empathy.

Envision good health to create a positive vibratory state 

Instead of feeling pity, which maintains and sustains negative energy and continued illness, be a role model of good health to help your sick family member or friend to feel better, this act in and of itself will aid in reconnecting an unwell person to the Source. When you are in the presence of the person, envision them enjoying good health, envision them smiling, and enjoying life in a positive vibrational state. When you think and speak of them in their absence, again, only think positive, happy thoughts. In the end, your positive thoughts, beliefs, and actions can only result in the same for the ill person and when you emit positive energy, negative energy cannot exist in the same time and space.

You can escape from your unpleasant present

If a loved one or family member is poor, you cannot help that person out of poverty no matter how poor you become. They are existing within a realm of negative energy and your lack of abundance cannot help their lack of abundance, it can only prolong and sustain the lack of abundance that both of you share. A person, who is poor, is poor by their own thoughts, their own beliefs, and their own actions. Somehow and for some reason they have severed their connection to the Source and they need to regain that connection to escape from their present unpleasant situation and attain a life of abundance which each of us is entitled to from the Source.

Your lack of abundance won’t help others who suffer from a lack of abundance 

Accept that your lack of abundance can never help another’s lack of abundance and rather than wallow in poverty and want, help that person reconnect with the Source which is the only way to escape from lack and a negative vibratory state. How we react to another’s poverty can help them escape or keep them shackled where there are at the unpleasant present.

Don’t offer pity…offer thoughts, feelings, words, and acts of abundance 

Rather than give the poor person money, which is given out of pity and further supports and sustains a negative state, be a role-model of abundance and positive energy which the person can then emulate in their own life. In their presence, do not offer pity…offer abundance instead by your thoughts, your beliefs, and your actions. By witnessing and being surrounded by positive thoughts, beliefs, and actions, an impoverished person’s thoughts, beliefs, and actions can no longer compete with or occupy the same environment either mentally or physically as what is found throughout your positive vibrational state.

Take full responsibility for your present vibratory state 

If a loved one or a family member is spiritually unwell or poor, your accompanying them in an equally unwell or poor spiritual state cannot and will not ever help them escape from this cycle of negative being. Do not take the blame for them and do not see your Self as selfish when you focus upon your spirituality; it is when you focus upon your spiritual growth and the results you achieve which ultimately can be a beacon of possibility for others. After all, they and they alone must take full responsibility for their spiritual illness and poorness and they alone must provide the opportunity to allow their present unpleasant state to manifest a state of spiritual wellness and abundance.

Be a billboard of positive energy to others around you 

While they must move the mountain to gain a spiritual life, you can help them by being a billboard of spirituality for your family and friends. Others will notice as you set your goals based upon the non-physical world rather than the physical world. Others will notice when you measure the accomplishment of your goals based upon cosmic timelessness and not upon human time. Others will notice when you harbor no fear, jealousy, or envy and they will notice when you show love, compassion, and joy for the physical world that you exist within.

Positive energy attracts positive words, actions, feelings, and thoughts

In the end, being connected to the Source can help you enjoy a fulfilling life and it can help others enjoy a fulfilling life as well. There is something very assuring and therefore very appealing about a person who manifests a strong connection with the Source. The positive aura that follows this person as they go about their daily routines does not go unnoticed as others are drawn to the positive vibratory state which envelops such a soul. Being connected to the Source is the best you can do for your Self and for others.

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“Your experiences equal your thoughts.”

There are no limits imposed upon us because of our age, gender, or location

Whether young or old, female or male, rich or poor, we all have the means to achieve and receive what we desire from life. Still, there are some who would disagree with the idea that the Source does not limit possibilities for all of our species, rather, they believe that age, gender, and location prejudice their opportunities to reach the level of success they want from this earthly life.

Our minds manifest our desires

There are no earthly prejudices that can stand in the way of one’s success, however, even though we can freely access the means to manifest our desires, each and every experience that we manifest in our life is a result of the thoughts that we hold in our minds. As a result of this fact, there cannot possibly be anyone or anything that creates roadblocks to success except those which are Self-imposed.

Blame no one for your past, present, or future

If you do not enjoy the level of health that you desire in this life, you are fully responsible for the level of health that you are experiencing at this moment, in the past, and in the future. Your vibrational state equals your state of health. Hence, blame cannot be leveled at anyone or anything else; you are the originator of all your thoughts and you thereof, are the one held responsible for the maintenance of good health and prevention of ill health. As such, contracting a disease has everything to do with your thoughts and nothing to do with the illness; surviving a disease has nothing to do with the illness and has everything to do with your thoughts.

Our prophecy becomes our reality

Self-prophecy becomes Self-reality when those who are in an unhealthy state of vibration listen to and accept that which is told to them by professionals. If you are enjoying good health at the moment, then you have occupied a vibrational state that is positive and have attracted good health and have repelled ill health. There are no limitations or prejudices that stand in your way since the positive state that you enjoy supersedes all the other conditions that you can possible face in your life’s journey here at this state of being.

Your vibrational state creates lack or want…it’s your choice

If you are occupying an unpleasant present where all you are able to attract is lack and poverty, you must take full responsibility that your financial experiences are the results of your thoughts. Your thoughts and your thoughts alone create lack and want in the past, the present, and the future; lack can only result from a continuous occupation of a state of the same and there can be no progress away from this state since your experiences can only result from the vibrational state that you occupy.

Change your vibrational state to change your results 

You must change your vibrational state to change your results. If you have experienced abundance in the past, as well as the present, then if you maintain the identical vibrational state, you can only enjoy more of the same in the future.

Defeat is only temporary…accept it as such and not as an end itself

Frequently, we experience delay when we set goals and they do not manifest upon our Self-imposed schedule, however, it is at this time that we must be strong and not accept defeat, it is only temporary. We must have an open heart as well as an open mind to accept the delays that manifest when we plan our big goals. If we feel fear, we can only manifest lack; if we feel gratitude we manifest plenty in our lives. In the end, your experience of abundance rests solely upon your thoughts of abundance – it is the Law.

Disconnect from the Source manifests negative experiences in life

If you feel isolated, alone, and without support of and for your earthly goals, it sounds like you have experienced disconnect from the Source. A lack of belief in the power of the Laws and the Source manifests as negative experiences in life; it can only be so. These negatives include fear, jealousy, envy, sadness, and can only result in earthly experiences that are identical in nature.

Harmony and alignment create the life you deserve to live 

You cannot possibly expect to receive anything different than what vibrational state you occupy and emit to the universe. Your spiritual well-being cannot and will not change unless you change your thoughts from nonspiritual thoughts to spiritual thoughts. If you have experienced deep joy and fulfillment in your life, no doubt, you have experienced complete harmony and alignment with your Self and the Source. This powerful relationship and wonderful connection to and with your spiritual Self and the benevolent One, can only experience more of the same in the future as well as your past and your present. A spiritual Self is a life of joy, happiness, and fulfillment which cannot be equaled by any bright, shiny, and costly item found on a shelf.

Fill your mind daily with thoughts of gratitude, joy, and belief

Our experiences can only manifest from our thoughts; rely upon the Source to guide you to your personal path of achievement and you can reciprocate this rewarding experience when you fill your mind with thoughts of gratitude and belief. Your life will be a full, gratifying experience that results from the thoughts that you hold in your heart.

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“Success does not occur from filling a void of want, rather, success occurs from filling a void with spiritual feelings.”

I want more of this and more of that 

When most are asked if they want to have larger savings, bigger homes, and newer vehicles then they presently have, they will surely respond with a resounding Yes! Then when asked how they go about pursuing a larger bank account, a bigger home, and a newer vehicle, they will no doubt say that they constantly think about wanting more money, wanting a bigger home, and wanting a newer vehicle. With this type of thinking it is not such a big surprise that most have not achieved what they want and instead remain the same with little money, small homes, and old cars.

You cannot receive your wants when in a  negative state of vibration 

This is because when they are thinking about wanting more of any material good, in reality they are asking the Source from a position of want which manifests as negative vibrations which can only lead to negative results seeing that like vibrations attract like vibrations and repel unlike vibrations – this is the Law. Hence, there can certainly be no change in these different areas of their lives.

Do not attempt to fill a void with “things”

Many go out and attempt to change their lives by purchasing things that they long for. They buy these goods from a feeling of want and lack and in a sense they need these various material goods to fill a void. The problem is that filling a void with a request from their want something since there is lack of something does little to fill the void.

You are more than just “things”

The approach of wanting something to make the grade, to impress friends and relatives, or to validate your Self worth can only lead to a negative vibrational state which brings along more misery to you since buying goods when you are not able to then leads to fear of paying the bills when the month-end approaches.

Buying “things” can lead to a vicious cycle of wanting more and more

Then you realize there is a poor economy, you fear losing your job, and this invites even more negative vibrations and more of the same month in and month out, year in and year out. When you buy goods to fill a void, you are operating within a vicious cycle since once you have the new home, vehicle, watch, purse or whatever it is that you believe will fill the void in your life, there is always another thing that you must have, hence, you never succeed at filling the void since once it is filled with one new object there is always more that you want.

“Things” are ephemeral 

Even if you can achieve all of your material goals and regardless of how much money you have in the bank, how large your home is, or how exotic your car is, even though you may have these material trappings today, they are merely ephemeral and you will still feel a void in your life which you rationalize can be filled only by the next hot item or costly thing. Since the root of the problem is that disharmony still exists in your life, it cannot be filled by material goods no matter how large, expensive, or exclusive.

Disharmony in your life maintains your problems, not solve them 

I am not saying that you should avoid having material goals such as larger bank accounts, bigger homes, and newer vehicles, you are here to experience a life that the Source offers to you and part of that life includes unlimited spiritual growth and expansion of material goods as well.

How can we escape from a negative vibrational state? 

However, I am saying that your focus of buying material goods to fill a void creates a negative state of vibration that you cannot escape from and unless you approach your life and the accumulation of material goods in another, more satisfying way you will not feel a long lasting fulfilling life of peace and tranquility that each and every one of us deserves and is offered freely and willingly by the Source no matter where we live, where we work, what our education is, or what our gender.

A positive vibrational state opens the doors to success 

It is easy to move from a negative vibrational state to a positive vibrational state, and in the end your spiritual feelings of peace and tranquility can manifest all the material trappings, in any form that is desired, to you and you will not experience a void that must be filled by the latest trendy or costly object.

Change your thoughts, words, and actions 

When you change your thoughts, you change your words, and when you change your words, you change your actions and when you change your actions you change your future. Think of your spirituality: your spiritual feelings must fill the void first and then you can set material goals not from want but from abundance and joy.

Your soul is full of love, compassion, and joy

Fill your soul with feelings, thoughts, words, and actions of love, compassion, and joy to receive more love, compassion, and joy. Once your soul has experienced this higher state of being, a positive connection between you and the Source, this vibrational state opens the floodgates to having material wealth, and it does not matter if we have a bad economy or there is other foreboding news ahead of you.

Maintain a strong connection with the Source

If your connection to the Source is strong, you will not manifest negative things since you are in a positive state and sending positive vibrations out to the universe which can only result in the same being sent back to you.

Receive all while in a positive vibrational state 

Once you have achieved a positive vibrational state with the Source, you will receive all that you desire – and your want is not from a negative void of want, poverty, or lack. Rather, you are receiving from a positive state of abundance, joy, and love which results in a lasting sense of fulfillment and purpose to your life.

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“The Source: enigma of our past, our present, and our future.”

Since the dawn of humankind…

Since the dawn of humankind, we have been in great wonder and awe of the Creator of our universe and everything that exists around us. While we have been perplexed by this all pervasive entity, the ancients viewed the Creator in many forms and an equal amount of legends emerge telling us of various capabilities and wondrous events.

The Source is beyond understanding with our five senses  

It is likely that the Source appears to be enigmatic in our collective eyes since we are unable to comprehend an entity that wields so much power and such immense intelligence, is beyond the grasp of our five senses, and does not exist within this time/space continuum as we understand other objects and entities do so.

There is no beginning and there is no end 

The first major hurdle to comprehend and overcome when we are attempting to accept the Source as the cause and effect of creation is the idea that there is no beginning and there is no ending. In the present physical existence humankind finds itself in, we are conditioned that everything has a start and everything has a finish. Our life has a beginning and our life has an ending; relationships begin and relationships end; seasons begin and seasons end; and friendships begin and friendships end.

Our conditioning has failed us 

This is what we expect and accept within this plane of existence and deem it impossible and improbable that something can have no beginning and no ending. However, we view the Source through the jaundiced eyes of our physical realm of existence although this entity does not adhere to our understanding and definition of human space, human volume, or human time.

From nothing came everything 

Another concern of many is that when the moment of creation occurred, in that nano-second in time, all physical and non-physical things were created in the same instant. As a result, all the thoughts, knowledge, experiences, situations, and people necessary to achieve our goals were created as well. This must be so since all things including thoughts, knowledge, experiences, situations, and people are energy, vibrational energy, and since energy can neither be created nor destroyed it merely takes on a different state than the present state that we see or understand at the present moment.

We are vibrational energy as everything is  

We believe that such things as thought and knowledge were not created at the sacred moment and all the while we also believe that physical bodies end our earthly existence and our future existence as well. Hence, while we have taken on a physical body, nonetheless, we are still part of the Source due to our vibrational energy and must return to the One when our earthy time has expired.  And the same can be said about thoughts, knowledge, experiences, and situations; even though they may have manifested as entities, they are still part of the primordial energy and must remain as such.

The Natural Laws are the grease that sustain and maintain the universe 

Next, there are those who are concerned that the universe does not maintain and sustain itself based upon precise Natural Laws that were created by the Source. There are a myriad of Laws that are concise as any mathematical formula which allow us to send rockets to the moon and satellites to distant stars while we plan and time each step in their journey within a fraction of a second to achieve success. These Laws hold together the universe, keep our planet in the correct orbit, and provide the proper atmosphere for us to live life here on Earth.

We can’t see the Natural Laws but we can see their effects 

Furthermore, we are unable to see gravity or magnetic fields, merely the effects of the Natural Laws, although they exist and can be proven scientifically. For example, when we throw a football or a baseball, we never doubt for a moment that it will eventually fall to earth as gravity takes over and pulls the ball to the ground. And when it comes to seeing the influence of the Natural laws, we do not even see the objects with our eyes as such, rather, we see objects as vibrational forces which we then transform into objects. Still, the continuance of the universe is not and never will be fate or luck or coincidence.

The Source is our benevolent care giver

Now, many are hard pressed to believe that the Source is a benevolent one when they witness such suffering and sadness on this earthly plane of existence. However, we are put through pain and pleasure as a true measure of our Self. We receive pleasure since we can accept it; and we receive pain since we can accept it. We are only given what we can endure, and we endure such trials as a means to grow past a problem we have faced in the past or we face in the present. If we were only given pleasure, would we grow as spiritual beings? If we were given only pain, would we grow as spiritual beings?

Trust the Source…express your gratitude 

We must trust the Source to give us what we need to grow and develop into more spiritual beings, therefore, do not question why you get doses of pain and pleasure. Rather, feel gratitude for the pain and pleasure you receive since these both forge a more spiritual being.

The Source exists within each of us, we are inseparable 

Finally, many are of the opinion that the Source is located in some far-away place and with little compassion for the human race or any other creature that inhabits the universe. However, the Source exists within and around each of us regardless of the place, our gender, age, or social rank. You cannot separate the inseparable, however, you can lose focus and awareness of the sacred connection which then leads us to believe that the Source is anything but benevolent.

Listen to your inner voice to guide you, to protect you

Each of us only has to listen to the voice deep within us to know if we are in harmony or disharmony with the Source. Harmony is about love and compassion and helping others while disharmony is about fear and hate and taking advantage of others. Each of us has that option and hence, free will to make choices. You have the choice to lead a life guided by spirituality or you have a choice to lead a life guided by physicality. Those choices which serve us best are those that put the Source first and then others next.

You have a choice to enjoy endless possibilities 

While the Source continues to be enigmatic in many people’s eyes, there are those who have a deep and solid connection who believe otherwise. The ones who hold the Source first live a life of boundless opportunities and joy while those who hold the physical plane of existence first live a life of fear and frustration never even realizing that they have the same opportunities to feel free and joyful in this physical realm of existence. The choice is yours.

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“We fear death – we fear life.”

Is death the end of us?

Many fear death since their physical body will be either interred or cremated. Both appear to be a very poor choice when the end of this plane of existence finally occurs to each of us, and it will come to each and every one of us since there is no escaping a change of existence no matter your wealth, your political or social rank, or your celebrity status.

Do you fear interment and cremation?

Many rationalize that interment is a cold, dark, and isolated place where they are reduced to a pile of dust by millions of microbes and then left in one place to the end of eternity itself.  By contrast, others rationalize that cremation will be extremely painful as their physical body is subjected to temperatures of around 1200°C and reduced to a small pile of grayish ash that once represented their physical existence.

Fear life? Fear death? 

In spite of the fact that we feel great fear that we will not escape this existence in this physical body, we also feel great fear every day of life that we will not be good enough, we will not be rich enough, and we will not be smart enough. Hence, we fear death – we fear life.

Energy can neither be created or destroyed

If we fear life, why do we fear death? Simply put, we believe that death is the end, a painful and frightening end to our earthly existence where we will be cruelly and unjustifiably taken from our loved ones or our loved possessions.

Does science hold our answer? 

While we harbor this great fear, we neglect that physicists have discovered energy can neither be created nor destroyed and this could be our most cherished of ideas in these modern times. Each and every one who shares this earthly existence is composed of energy, vibrational energy that was created when the Source created the universe in that glorious moment. Since energy cannot be created nor destroyed, why do we not realize that we cannot be destroyed either, we merely change the state which we presently inhabit to another state.

We are pure energy, and as such…

We leave our present physical body as pure energy and we should not feel remorse for that physical body which we must leave eventually. And some believe that when we return to the ultimate state of being, that is to be repatriated with the Source, it is the highest state of existence which we can achieve. And we fear this ending?

Fear is our worst enemy

If we fear death, why do we also fear life? As we go about our daily routines of living and making a living, we carry a great number of fears along with us. We fear that will lose our jobs, we will lose our loved ones, we will lose our health, and we will lose our wealth. Sadly, most never even entertain the idea that they will lose their most valuable connection, the connection to the Source.

Lose fear and gain life 

However, when we experience the joy of a deep connection with the Source, we lose our fear of living and making a living. We lose our ego, we lose our greed, we lose our envy, and we lose our jealousy. When these negatives no longer gnaw away at our positive energy, we must live a life of sheer enjoyment and wonder as each precious moment of our earthly existence passes before our very eyes. And we fear this living?

An ending is a beginning 

In our modern world, we fear death since we will be separated from our loved ones and our loved things. However, the changing of state is a natural end of your present physical existence, it is not the end of your existence it is merely the beginning of a new existence.

We are never separated from our lived ones…never 

We fear life since we will lose our loved ones and our loved things as well. However, changing from a negative state to a positive state of existence is a natural occurrence as we receive all that the Source wants us to receive and are entitled to receive. In the end, live with no fear of death and live with no fear of life.

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“Be still within the turmoil of everyday life – how else can you achieve true success in life?”

clothesWhat is my place in the universe?

In our life, there is nothing more rewarding than the satisfaction of knowing our place in the universe, our reason for being here, and our connection with the Source. While being in a truly sacred place in life at the moment is the most gratifying and fulfilling for humankind, for most, this is an elusive goal. It is only when the noise of the outer world is blocked-out that we begin to experience the joy of the inner world.

Achieving your goal at any price

We live in a chaotic world where our purpose in life has morphed into How much can I get for myself? And without a single thought of the real cost to anyone or anybody, we run around grabbing at any means to achieve our goal with little regard of your goal. Companies design marketing programs which lead the masses to believe that they simply must have a particular product to be a somebody or a someone in the modern world.

Material goods do not make a person  

However, it doesn’t stop there; this monstrous selling machine has no conscience as it grinds out every last penny of profit for greedy stockholders and owners from consumers. It is troubling to find that a person in today’s society is measured by the price of their purse, the status of their watch, and the public’s perception of their car. And sadly, if you or a loved one cannot pay for their vision of how to attain self-worth and happiness, you are a failure. As a result of their marketing muscle, we blindly buy into their ideas how to achieve true happiness and fulfillment in life.  It is no wonder that individuals and society in general suffer so greatly.

Meditation helps us move forward to spiritual satisfaction 

It is time to break away from our modern day obsession with material goods as our only purpose and only goal in life. Rather than focus your full attention and energy upon your worldly Self; focus upon your inner Self where the true mansions of happiness and fulfillment exist. A good place to start this journey to override the need to have something or to be someone is to meditate on a regular basis.

Intuition is a true measurement of Self 

Meditation has many psychological and physiological benefits and it is not just sitting cross-legged on the floor chanting and burning incense. Rely upon your intuition to decide upon your Self worth. Just as the Source created unique snowflakes; each and every one of us was created with a special purpose in life which runs deeper than what we own. Receive inner satisfaction from nature and the everyday experiences. While we can receive material goods in life, first, experience the sacred connection with the Source to quiet the noise around you and truly experience a meaningful and happy life.

Redefine your purpose in the universe

As we enter into a new millennium, it is time we open our eyes to the injustices of mass consumerism and redefine our place in the universe, our purpose, and our connection with the Source; this is the way to achieve and sustain true happiness and fulfillment in this earthly life.


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Let life take you to where you should be taken to.

8. Do not swim – float.

(Osho’s Eighth New Commandment)

Offer no resistance 

If we are unexpectedly thrown into the water, our natural reaction is to swim, to make a concerted effort to escape our present situation, an unpleasant present so to speak. We are conditioned to save our self, and the fundamental need to survive and escape from harm’s way is the same when in the water, on the land, or in the air. However, to experience life to the fullest: we need to let the water carry us to where we should be without any effort or resistance on our part; let the land carry us to where we should be without effort or resistance on our part; let the air carry us to where we should be without effort or resistance on our part.

header18A metaphor for your life 

In this post, the words and ideas are not about splashing in the waves of the ocean, frolicking around the streets of the land, or drifting along on the currents of the air…the reference to water, land, and air is intended as metaphors for and about your life. And since it is about life, we should always consider what plane of existence we want to live on; surely, it must be without question to seek a higher plane of life, a higher level of consciousness, and a higher vision of self…the one that was, is, and will be you. Still, this is  lost to your self if you and you alone let it happen.

Spend time alone

In order to float effortlessly upon the sea of life, you must spend time alone; time without all of the distractions we face in this modern era…our mobiles, Internet, televisions, and newspapers. For it is when you are truly alone that you silence the white noise that causes you to be distracted from the real you, the truthful you, the super-conscious you. As you separate yourself from the distractions, you feel the soothing waves upon your soul, the sweet smells  upon your senses, the warm breezes upon your body, drifting with an innate purpose to the destination that is meant to be your end destination.

When you are alone, it should be the greatest of joys; the greatest of thrills; the greatest of opportunities to reflect upon what you are, where you are, and who you want to become.  As you reflect upon your life, it is soon apparent that you can be free in every sense of the word if you focus upon freedom; as you release any chains that encumber your spiritual transformation to the real you, you feel the miracle that is you…the beating of your heart, the breathing of your lungs, the echoing of your thoughts.

Let the tide take you to where it wants you to be 

As you are thrown into the water of life, let it take you to where it knows that you should be taken. And as you swirl around this way and that, do so without resistance, without a fight, without a preconceived idea of where you should be brought to…just let it happen. As you let it happen, you soon feel the euphoric feeling of freedom; you are free of society, free from having to swim to survive, free to let the tide take you where you should be taken without any interference on your part, without any ego on your part, and without any agenda on your part.

Seekers need not seek

We are too often caught-up in seeking that which we want, however, when we do this we often close our eyes, ears, and minds to what our inner being is saying to and for us.  With closed eyes, ears, and minds we believe that we know the answer, and that answer appears to us as an illusion from the materialistic world, the unreal world, the world of untruths. As we run towards our goals, we run away from our self. We run an untrue race to nowhere. We run to a void not out of a void.

In life, the seeker cannot run away from self; furthermore, the seeker also runs within self…as such, the outer world of the seeker appears frantic, anxious, fearful; and the inner world is a mirror image of the outer world. Thus, a seeker’s inner world is frantic, anxious, and fearful. Will this lead to a happy life, a life of freedom, a life of enlightenment?

Non-seekers, by contrast, have no need or desire to run from self. They thrive on being the one true self, the self that is innate, created by the Source. As such, the outer world of the non-seeker is one of peace, harmony, and joy and their inner world is a mirror image of the outer world. Thus, a non-seeker’s inner world is one of peace, harmony, and joy. Will this lead to a fulfilled and meaningful life?

Live the journey without effort

The key is to let life take you where you ought to be taken, and as you drift along with the current and not against the current – when you go against what most of us do when thrown into the water called life – you feel an inner transformation of peacefulness, happiness, and tranquility….you have arrived at where you should be without making an effort to get there.  Be grateful that your innate wisdom has usurped the worldly non-wisdom; the truth has usurped the illusion of non-truth, and the divine has usurped the profane. The destination that always was, is, and will be your final one.