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Over 100 4 -STAR Reviews and increasing in readership every day. DIGITAL COPY On SALE: 0.99 cents at Kindle/Amazon.

CLAN: Birth of the Chosen One

Shamans. Spirits. Seeresses.

The future of our species began 35,000 years ago…it also coincided with the extinction of another species, the Neanderthals.

Ovark, the chosen one, born the future leader of the Forest Clan, recalls his life in a violent, frozen, tumultuous world where every moment is a fight for survival.

Mentored by his father, Tusik, and the clan shaman, Narizon, Ovark learns invaluable lessons to help lead his people to the future. On his path to assuming leadership, he must confront the reality of starvation, guard his band from vicious predators, and endure a hostile environment.

This is his heroic encounter with fate to save the clan from the portal of extinction.

If you enjoy the Historical European Fiction writings of Jean M. Auel, Claire Cameron or Robert J. Sawyer, you’ll find this series an adventurous read.

Coming soon:

Book II: Temple of the Spirits
Book III: Rites of Passage
Book IV: Convene the Council

Here’s another one of my books that is doing well at the moment: and being enjoyed by my readers. With a combined number of over 100 4 STAR ratings (Goodreads and Amazon) this story resonates with readers of Historical Adventure/Fiction. It is Number 40 in that category and also places in Fantasy/Adventure/Fiction and Historical Fiction as well.

Goodreads 4.03 38 ratings

Best Sellers Rank: #38,040 in Kindle Store (See Top 100 in Kindle Store)

40 Adventure Fiction

#260 in Fantasy Adventure Fiction

#313 in Historical Literary Historical Fiction Readers

Customer Reviews: 4.0 4.0 out of 5 stars 67 ratings

Download a copy today and only pay .99 cents. After reading my account of Ovark’s life, please write a review…this helps me immensely by getting the word about the last remaining Neanderthal to walk the earth .

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Bad things happen to good people, however, in order to move forward, we need to re-channel our negative thoughts.

Photo by Karl Magnuson on Unsplash

Sometimes the road we’re on gets bumpy with roadblocks and potholes

As we travel along our journey, most will encounter rather rough times which can occur to ourselves, our family, our friends, or our colleagues. While we are not able to change the situation, we are able to control our reaction to the situation. With our thoughts, we can re-channel negatives into positives that are more beneficial to our mental and physical health in the long run.     

Grief is part of the healing process

When we have a loved one die from disease, taken by a sudden accident, or other unexpected trauma, naturally, we experience a great deal of grief. This is expected and is part of the healing process and getting past the terrible things that can happen to us throughout our life. However, we must not let our grief take control of our life, keep us under its control, and prevent us from living a full and productive life. 

We can accept what IS but we can’t change what WAS

Although we endure suffering and pain, we must accept what is since we cannot change what was.  Our inner resistance to the bad things that occur to us causes us more pain and we must realize that we cannot change the death of a loved one or the loss of a friend or colleague. Once we accept this fact, we can regain control of our thoughts, our feelings, and our life.

Accept grief for what it is and reject destructive coping activities

However, if we are unable to accept the grief that accompanies a tragic loss and bury our feelings in our subconscious mind, this can lead to a long list of coping mechanisms which are unhealthy and downright destructive. Being unable to cope, many have feelings of fear, anxiety and depression while others develop addictions to food, shopping, alcohol, and drugs. These choices are not good choices.  

Re-channel negative thoughts, words, and actions with positive thoughts, words, and actions

How do we then take a negative situation and put a positive spin on it? We need to re-channel our negative thoughts and actions into positive thoughts and actions. If we have a loved one die from cancer, in order to re-channel we can volunteer are at a nearby cancer center and help those who are suffering from this terrible disease.  

Forgive those who have done you wrong

Or having been betrayed by a loved one, in order to re-channel after the initial shock and disbelief, you can immediately forgive that person and see only good things happening to them in their present and future.

Regain what was lost times 10…you’ll be healthier and happier in mind, body and spirit

A close friend borrows a large sum of money and never repays it, in order to re-channel you can forgive your friend right away and then vow to regain that amount of money, plus another 25%, within 60 days.

Re-channeling creates growth of the inner you, your forever spirit

Re-channeling your negatives into positives helps you grow spiritually which then results in a happier and more fulfilled life. 

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Your goals manifest not from your objective attention, instead, from your subjective attention

Photo by Austin Schmid on Unsplash

Your success is not determined by anyone else accept your Self

Some are confused when it comes to goal setting and goal achieving: these people put their faith in the success or failure of others to measure their true potential and possibility of success in their own life. However, they fail to understand that their goals must originate and manifest originally from within their inner world, their spiritual world, which is theirs and theirs alone.

Cultivate your most priced possessions…your original thoughts

Hence, since our thoughts are the starting point of all achievement, we must carefully cultivate our most precious possessions. Fortunately, our inner world can be immune from the forces of the outer world only if we make a concerted effort to protect this world from the invasion of negative and potentially dangerous thoughts and beliefs.

It is your success you must focus upon…not a mentors or friends

Many have an idea that they want to achieve great things in their life before they even make a commitment to their new idea. Yet, to develop their new Self, they look to others for support and guidance. We then see a person who wants to become an Internet marketer ask a friend who has never been successful or has never even attempted to be an Internet guru for advice.

Do not depend on others who are not successful to guide you to your success

Or, an inspired writer wants to write a best seller and asks someone, who has little experience as such, if their idea will be successful to the reading public. Needless to say, this one act of seeking advice may in and of itself crush the inspired person’s dreams for an entire lifetime. We simply cannot allow other’s objective attention to rob us of a life of happiness, health, and wealth which each of us is entitled to receive from our benevolent Creator.  

WE are responsible for creating OUR own success

While it is admirable, it is very dangerous to ask others for their opinions about a new idea which has not yet reached fruition since this kind of thinking is inconsistent with the Natural Laws that govern our universe. In the holographic world which we live, we are both responsible for and capable of creation. This act of creation starts with our own vision of what we want to become, be it a wealthy Internet guru or a prize-winning writer.

OUR thoughts, actions, and words begin the process to OUR success

As our own thoughts begin the process to achieve what we hope to achieve, the wheels are then put in motion to receive all that is needed to reach our goals. Naturally, this is a long list which includes the necessary people, circumstances, situations, and opportunities to manifest those goals.  

Subjective not objective means and methods create your dreams, wants and needs

We must accept this way as the only way to achieve our goals and not entertain or subscribe to the many objective methods in our outer world for a measure of our true potential or future success. When we have this attitude towards our future success, we have attained a higher plane of awareness which we then share with the Creator of the universe. This spiritual connection then carries us to our end goals. 

Faith helps create your wants and needs…through subjective attention.

Do not allow others or other circumstances to steal the goals you set for your life. Have faith in your ability as a creator of your dreams. In the end, it is your subjective attention that will manifest what you desire – your results can never be foreign to your original thoughts.

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You get what you want because you want what you get

Photo by Johannes Plenio on Unsplash

We are creators within the universe

This new era of spirituality is growing at an alarming rate. Why? It’s because we are finally beginning to comprehend our role as creator and not just a participant within the magnitude of the universe.  Running parallel to this moment of enlightenment, we have also witnessed the meltdown of many major corporations and Wall Street.

Our material goods can be taken away from us in an instant

It is frightening to think that our wealth can be taken away without notice. The fruits of our labor snatched away like candy from a baby. However, in spite of this scenario we can, should, and will succeed. As in any economic meltdown, they are those that will succeed and there are those that will fail. As result, we need to think and do things differently to come out successful in the situation we find ourselves in.

A Winning Equation in Life

The key to success in these tumultuous times is a plan. Just as you developed strategies to succeed within your formal studies, there is also a Winning Equation in Life. With awareness and application of the Universal Laws, each one of us can reap the benefits knowing that success can be narrowed down to an exact science like mathematics or physics.

The Complexity of Success can be simplified, understood, and thus, overcome by an equation

The complexity of success can be set in the following equation:

Goals + Faith + Intuition + Moment + Gratitude = SUCCESS


You must decide upon what you want and be sure to make your goals BIG. Now, BIG means different things to different people, however, you cannot succeed in a BIG way if you don’t have this thought in your mind. And it takes the same amount of energy to decide upon large goals as it does to decide upon small goals. It is vitally important not to let your past influence your future goals. This thought will shackle you to your present and drive your desires away from you. And be sure to share your decision with a person or persons who can support you fully.


When you have 100% faith in the Source and yourself, you will achieve those goals you originally set. Faith is an amazing ally: fear, anxiety, doubt, and other negative emotions are driven away from you when faith permeates your soul. 


In this scientific age, we all too often turn away from that voice within, the voice of the Source which is meant to guide us and give us strength. We need to heed our intuition knowing that we are never given a goal unless we have also been given a plan to achieve it. Be sure to have those quiet moments and listen to your intuitive soul to receive your sacred guidance.   


We also need to enjoy the moment: enjoy it as a child with great amazement and wonderment in your connection with the Source. Be sure to use all of your senses when you think about the present moment; this will provide a greater sense of amazement and wonderment. Even though you do not have what you want in hand, still, you must to act at this very moment as though it is already received. 


Express your gratitude daily to receive more of the good you deserve from the Source…this is the Law. When you look at life and success as a formula, you must win and receive what you set your mind on.  

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In the end, it is our spiritual self which is worth more than our material wealth and our physical health.

Photo by rachel on Unsplash

Consumerism isn’t spiritualism

Many people pursue consumerism under the guise of spiritualism in order to attain material wealth. However, this kind of thinking can only produce temporary success. This is evident when a person achieves their goals and then these are taken away from them just as suddenly as they are attained. We witness these folks hitting a streak of bad luck or twist of fate and they lose all that they have worked to achieve.    

Material wealth is fleeting at this moment

We only need to look around us at this time to understand that material wealth is fleeting: as the Stock Market crashed many lost their retirement savings; companies were put into bankruptcy and many lost their sole means of income; and others were forced to hand over their front-door keys and walk away from their homes. The sad part about this is that many will never regain what they lost from a lifetime of working because they are not aware of how to regain what was lost.  

What is the symptom and what is the illness?

Still, these terrible results are the symptom and not the illness which permeates our modern-day world of consumerism. Our society exerts a great deal of pressure upon us to flaunt our wealth, actual or not, in order to make the grade.

We validate our Self with costly goods

We need costly watches, purses, and cars to validate our self-worth in today’s society. Shiny, sparkly objects are transitory and this week’s fashion becomes next week’s old news. If that’s all you are or known by is your costly toys, how can you attain true happiness and fulfillment in this life?

Gratitude, faith, belief, and optimism release ‘good’ chemicals in our body

When it comes to health, the new field of epigenetics is telling us that it’s an inside job to maintain and sustain good health. There is little doubt from the scientific findings that one’s spirituality and the positive emotions which accompany their connection to The Source, such as gratitude, faith, belief, as well as optimism release a pharmacopeia of good chemicals into their bodies. These naturally occurring substances then act as a defense against disease, and ultimately, result in a healthier and longer life.

What’s your most important possession in this life?

Overall, it is your spirituality that is the most important possession in your life. I say this because your spiritual Self manifests your material wealth and your physical health. It can never be the other way around where wealth or health manifests the spiritual self.

“Toys” don’t last…a spiritual connection does last

So, while your toys may be gone and your health fails, your spiritual connection cannot be lost to anyone or anything unless you consciously relinquish your connection with the Source. And even when things go awry, you still have your spirituality to regain what has been taken away. 

Spirituality is the pathway to a ‘good’ life and not material goods

Hence, since material goods are short-lived and physical health depends upon your thoughts, we need to embrace spirituality as a means to live a wealthy, healthy, and fulfilling life

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Do what you fear to do.

Photo courtesy Patrick Hendry at

Fear is a Dream Stealer

Fear is the masterful thief of success. Fear is larceny of the mind. Fear is the tether that binds you to your present unpleasant situation. Fear is our Number 1 killer of dreams as we allow this negative emotion to consume our everyday life and steal wonderful opportunities from our very fingertips.

Energy mirrors negative or positive emotions, feelings, and thoughts

Science indicates that we inhabit a world that is surrounded by a field of energy, energy which appears to mirror back to us what emotions we feed into it. And this web of energy does not judge the input and does not judge the output. Thus, if we feed positive emotions into the field, we receive positive results back into our life.

Emotions can free us or shackle us

The same holds true when we feed negative emotions into the field, we can only receive back negative results. As a result of not having what we could identify as a conscience, this field of energy manifests what we want in life, either the most or the least. Hence, there is no escaping the emotions that dominate our life. 

Eliminate fear to live your ideal life

Even though fear is a formidable opponent, you can conquer it by being aware of it and taking steps to eliminate it in your life. Think back upon some of the most adventurous times in your life, that first ride on a two-wheeler without the training wheels. Or, that first kiss with your adolescent sweetheart. No doubt, most of us were apprehensive about taking that first step into the unknown. Even though fear consumed us, we went ahead and jumped onto the seat or awkwardly puckered our lips. Then we just did it and a sense of accomplishment immediately vanquished our fears. 

Fear lingers deep within us…we must revisit it to eliminate it

Why does fear preoccupy our lives? It must be past conditioning, thus, if we failed once or twice at love or business we are still being haunted by the outcome. Those feelings of failure still linger in the recesses of our mind and hold us back from success. However, we must revisit those experiences from a different perspective and learn from them.

What does fear tell me about me?

Question why things happened as they did? What could I have done differently? What did I learn about myself? Errantly, we judge our future success by our past, and if our past is riddled with failure, we then feel fear of success. In the end, we must look at our triumphs and not at our failures to gauge our self-worth.

Focus upon past conquests not upon past failures

When we focus upon our past conquests and not our past failures, this builds confidence and rids our lives of fear. And to reiterate, we do receive what we want or fear the most.  The universe is intelligence which reacts to our emotions and when we feel fear we can only receive what we fear into our lives.

Fear can and does impact your physical, economic, and spiritual life

Fear can destroy your health, your wealth, and your Self. You must be aware that this negative emotion, above all others, can bring despair to your life. Still, when you do the thing that you fear the most, your circumstances will change as this negative emotion is pushed out of your life.

Approach FEAR head-on.

Climb that mountain. Run that race. Start that business.

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Love FOR and OF the Source: the direct path to spiritual enlightenment

LOVE…what makes us human

Singers sing FOR and OF love; artists paint FOR and OF love; and holy men tout the spiritual benefits FOR and OF love. To sum up; the history of humankind has clearly shown that singers, artists, and holy men believe love is the most valuable thought, word, and action that you can possibly manifest on this physical plane of existence.

A divine life manifests from LOVE.

They certainly hit the mark since the manifestation FOR and OF love creates a direct path to achieve and maintain a divine life. Surely, when a dogma from our spiritual world and our secular world agree rather than collide, this must be overwhelming evidence that the pursuit FOR and OF love is the most important pursuit you did, do, or will do throughout your life.

New possessions grow old…lose their glow

In our physical world, our physical possessions, no matter how large, how costly, or how exclusive, all turn to rust, lose favor, or lose their shine. Our big house, our expensive watch, and our special edition automobile will not last forever. And furthermore, these objects do not change you on the inside, perhaps, just the opposite can occur.

Possessions lead to illusions

While a new possession may temporarily provide the illusion that we are smarter, better looking, and more secure with our Self – our possessions cannot make us more intelligent, cannot make us more attractive, and cannot make us more secure with our Self. Our Self should not rely upon our sense of importance or self-worth manifested from a physical object; any and all physical possessions are as ephemeral as the clouds in the sky or the rain that falls upon the ground.

We strive for larger, shinier, costlier things for validation 

Ultimately, when our physical objects lose the luster and intrigue which prompted us to buy them initially, we are then driven to buy a larger, a costlier, and a more exclusive object to take the place of the ones that have lost their magic and status with us, with our families, with our friends, and with our colleagues. This being the case, and there is no circumventing the ravages of time and the effects upon our physical objects, we need to focus our lives upon the timelessness of our sacred connection FOR and OF love of the benevolent Source.

The true pathway is LOVE

The path to gaining, maintaining, and retaining our most valued gift creates a true change of our Self. And, it is our awareness, our acknowledgment, and our acceptance FOR and OF our love of the Source that is eternal.

Science proves what the ancients knew 

The ancients knew and practiced what modern science can now prove. Aristotle, the famous Greek philosopher is credited with the earliest idea of the mind and body connection. However, for almost 2500 years, we turned our back upon the influence of the mind upon the body as scientists believed that emotions and feelings were intangibles.

There’s a link between disease and our emotions

In the 1940’s, William Reich proposed the link between disease and our emotions; the result, he was persecuted and the FDA collected and burned his work which espoused such heretical views. Fortunately, we have the blinkers of ignorance removed from our eyes and science in general has now found there is a distinct and measurable relationship between our emotions, our feelings, and our physical bodies. As a consequence of this relationship, our emotions and our feelings have a direct impact upon our overall health.

Our emotions and feelings manifest chemical reactions which can be helpful or harmful to our human body. Hence, when we think, speak, and act love, there is a creation and release of a cornucopia of beneficial chemicals throughout our bodies. By contrast, when we think, speak, and act hate there is a creation and release of a cornucopia of harmful chemicals throughout our bodies. These chemicals that are rushing through us can then either prolong or cut-short our spiritual and physical presence upon the Earth.

Modern day scientists believe that a myriad of illnesses, including cancer, are linked to our own bodies’ emotions and feelings. Hence, it is crucial for your Self and your physical body to transform anger into love; impatience into patience; and envy into compassion. The transformation from negative thoughts, words, and actions to positive thoughts, words, and actions brings you closer to the Source and may possibly preserve you overall spiritual and physical wellness.

Transcend the physical world to find happiness and joy

The ancients knew and practiced what the self-development industry has been promoting for the past 100 years. The leaders of personal development openly endorse the idea that we must transcend the physical world to live in the spiritual world in order to find true happiness, fulfillment, and purpose in this life. Many believe that the Source created us as biological creatures that are wrapped-up in skin, bone, organs, and sinew who are only seeking physical pleasures.

If we believe this is our true and only purpose in life, then we are indeed suffering from a myopic illusion. When we only focus our thoughts, words, and actions upon the outer world, we are then limited since the true unlimited nature of the Self is found in our inner world and not our outer world. Even though we live within our present human form, we are much more than just pleasure seeking creatures. When we lose sight of our true purpose, then we suffer emotionally, physically, and spiritually.

We must make every effort to break the chains of our physical existence in order to escape to a higher plane of existence which begins with thinking, speaking, and acting FOR and OF love. The first and foremost purpose FOR and OF love is giving, freely giving love to all of those around you regardless of how they treat you or they think, they speak, and they act towards you. Our reaction to others prompts a positive or negative response from the universe – if we love them, we receive love back – and if we despise them, we receive despise back.

Selfless actions harvest bountiful rewards 

Treating those around you who treat you unfairly may be seen as a selfish action since we must realize that if we act the way others act towards us, we also benefit or suffer along with them. Our feelings and emotions are like a hunter’s boomerang which can provide sustenance for our spiritual Self or injury to our physical and spiritual bodies. Love changes your entire outlook upon your life and your Self.

LOVE is a divine gift, for each of us

The ancients knew and practiced what each of us in our present human form innately possesses. The Source has freely provided every last human being the ability to think, speak, and act FOR and OF love regardless of their gender, location, cognitive ability, or culture. This divine gift is encoded in each one of the trillions of cells that compose our present physical form and it is our awareness and focus upon this gift that manifests our outer world to mirror our inner world. As we have and share our feelings FOR and OF love for our Self and for others as well, we then spiritually emulate the Source.

We are One with the One.

We have compassion and empathy for our Self and for others which can only manifest positive people, positive events, positive and circumstances in our lives. While it may take time, and not on earthly but cosmic time, nonetheless, a person who possesses a pure heart which is driven by love can only receive more love from the benevolent Source. Yet, all too often we suffer from a lack FOR and OF love; we suffer emotionally, physically, and economically when we attempt to separate from the inseparable.

The disconnect between LOVE for others and our self

The problems we face in the modern world are reflected in our disconnect from the benevolent Source. We are composed of the identical basic elements that each and every one on the planet is made from; we are composed of the identical elements that the stars, planets, and galaxies throughout the expanding universe are made from, and as such, we have a divine creation with everything and everybody regardless of how small or how large that object may be.

We are stardust. We are energy. We are LOVE

While we share the identical elements, we also share the identical energies – either positive or negative – and we cannot escape the fact that we are bound to each other and to each object by this fact. As such, our Self is their Self and we must love our Self which in turn loves their Self. The innate love that we harbor deep within our Self, must be expressed and it must not be repressed, however, it must not be expressed in a forceful way, rather, a gentle way which is indeed the greater strength of the two. Living a life FOR and OF love is the Law – the Law that is innate in all things large and small.

LOVE for the Source and for each other is the one true pathway 

In the end, it is your love FOR and OF the Source that manifests long-lasting change and subsequently a fulfilling life to be enjoyed to the maximum when existing in your present physical form. The tension between your inner world and your outer world is an exciting and empowering circumstance to be faced with. It is a supreme battle to control your Self – to be a positive and loving Self and not a negative and hateful Self.

The choice to LOVE is ours

You see, you have been provided the choice to follow the path you want to focus upon by a benevolent Source. You can decide upon being enlightened or you can decide upon being unenlightened and only one state can exist in the same temporal and spatial plane. This path of enlightenment is lined with love, the love that the most valued members of humankind have espoused over the millennia. Make the choice to focus upon the path that brings eternal joy and happiness.

 Need some motivation for the day, week or month? Want to change your future? Spiritual Offerings: Volume II has fifty-two original quotes to inspire and motivate. Pick-up a digital or paper copy today. Let me know what you think.  

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“Your energy must guide your efforts – your efforts must not guide your energy.”

It’s more than hard work 

Most believe that hard work and sustained effort will manifest the goals they want to achieve in their life in their present physical form. However, this is far from the truth since the ones who work the hardest are not the richest or the healthiest or the happiest in this world. If your efforts alone are not the key to manifestating a life of spiritual and material abundance, this begs the question:

What will provide a happy, healthy, and fulfilled life on this plane of existence?

Your energy and your energy alone will manifest all that you desire regardless of your gender, education, or location. The benevolent Source has provided each of us with an equal opportunity to achieve our goals in life. At our earthly conception, we all are programmed with infinite spiritual, intellectual, and physical gifts.

We ‘forget’ what is innate in all of us

However, as we mature and our responsibilities increase we shift our focus upon the physical ways to live life and forget or abandon or surrender the most powerful gifts bestowed upon them by the Source – the gifts of divine creation, primordial knowledge, and supreme connection to the unlimited universal power.

Your energy guides your efforts and your results

Effort alone will not guarantee that you will achieve what you want to achieve in this life. It is important to your success to have your energy guide your efforts and not have your efforts guide your energy. Your efforts are a reflection of the energy which you emit and ultimately what you receive from the universe. When you emit positive energy, you receive only positive circumstances, situations, and results. When you emit negative energy, you can only receive negative circumstances, situations, and results.

Inconsistent efforts produce inconsistent results

The problem is that your efforts can be inconsistent or unproductive and when they are inconsistent or unproductive, you can become unfocused, disenchanted, and just plain frustrated since your goals are not any closer at hand then when you set the goal. When we make an effort and receive no compensation for our hard work and investment of our time, naturally, doubt, negative thoughts, and negative words slip into our focus and our consciousness. Our results are not in proportion to our efforts.

The universe runs on universal time, not human time 

However, we must not forget that the universe works on different time than humans – the universe follows cosmic timelessness where the past, present, and future are one…they are the inseparable which we want to separate to fit our personal and financial timetable.

Maintain a spiritual focus not a physical focus 

When we forget or abandon or surrender our spiritual focus to our physical focus, we are consciously or unconsciously putting our faith in our Self and stripping it away from the Source. How pretentious of us to believe that we can attain our goals solely upon our own expertise and without the guidance and help from the benevolent Source.

Our mansions are created within before they are created without 

Our mightiest mansions are built within our inner world long before our outer world. One singular physical effort was, is, or will never be made before we have made our spiritual effort first. Every goal that we achieve begins and then germinates as an idea within our spiritual realm – your goal is never planted or comes to fruition as a result of making and exerting an effort first. Thoughts create the efforts which then manifest the goal – this is the Law.

Align your energy, knowledge, and your sacred connection to receive your desires  

Results manifest from your spiritual realm first. It is your positive energy aligned with primordial knowledge and supported by your supreme connection with the Source which manifests your desires. This trilogy of success depends upon your focus and not your efforts. As you focus your words and thoughts upon a specific goal, the universe aligns you with your goal to manifest all the circumstances, situations, and people required to achieve that which you want to achieve. It is your spiritual focus that creates positive expectancy which then leads to positive energy which in turn provides a conduit to achieve what you want to achieve.

A number of steps help you manifest your goals 

In order to create the energy which produces the efforts that manifest your goals, there are a number of steps you can take to keep you in synch with the universal power. Having your goal written down upon a card and then carrying it in your pocket or purse reminds you to stay focused and also maintain positive energy and belief in what you are doing to help you achieve the goal. Holding a goal card in your hand is magic as you create an instant connection with the goal.

Quiet time is essential to maintain focus 

It is equally as important to find quiet time to reflect upon what you want to achieve. In today’s busy world, we often lose sight of our goals since there are so many distractions that pull us away from what we want. It is critical to stay in a positive state of energy by continuously monitoring what thoughts, words, and actions are goal achieving and what thoughts, words, and actions are tension relieving. While you may be enjoying distractions for what you want, you may then feel guilty for not focusing upon your goal and this is when the doors of negativity are opened.

Listen to your inner voice…it’s always correct 

When spending quiet time reflecting upon your goals, be sure to listen to your Self to receive what effort you should make to get closer to your goal. Often we hear the means to achieve our goals, however, we then dismiss our inner voice as just a hunch or a fallacy and make no effort to do what we received from the Self. You must never forget or lose or abandon your faith and belief in what you know is the right path to take; after all, if the Source provides you with the initial thoughts to achieve a goal, the Source provides the path to achieve the goal as well.

Faith and belief are pathways to success 

And while you are focusing upon complete faith and belief in the opportunities that present themselves to you, remember to express your gratitude to the Source for what you were, are, and will be. No matter what your present situation…either close to or far away from your goal, gratitude keeps you in a positive state of energy which then allows more of the good to be channeled to your life on universal time.

Your energy determines what you achieve in this life 

Effort alone is not the answer to achieving your goals – it is your positive energy that is the key to achieving what you set your sights upon. It is your positive energy that will keep you on track and help you to push negative energy from your Self. It is your positive energy that will guide you to the correct path and help you walk along that path no matter what happens in the outer world around you.

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“The paths you take and the results you make are yours to create; these are neither random nor preordained conclusions.”

Our results aren’t due to luck, chance, or fate

Many would subscribe to the belief that the results in our physical world occur from luck, chance, or fate. However, on a daily basis, these same people inadvertently experience the benefits of a sundry of Natural Laws without any thought or appreciation of such wondrous events.

The Natural Laws are predictable and measurable

These Laws have been present since the moment of creation and continue to successfully keep the events that occur in the universe predictable and measurable. If there are any doubts, consider what it takes for planning a journey to the Moon or keeping an entire nation hooked-up to an electrical grid. In some instances we may not be able to detect the Natural laws with our five senses, nevertheless, there is evidence that the Natural Laws exist and neither chance nor fate nor luck are the pathways to what we hope to attain in this physical life.

Over-used, worn-out, and fallacious sayings

We all grew-up with such trite expressions such as Good Luck, It’s a twist of fate, and She’s so lucky to explain the unexplainable. These over-used, worn-out, and fallacious sayings help a great number of us cope with every-day life and the unpleasant as well as unplanned things that may occur to us. All the bad things that happen to nice people must be fate or chance or luck and all the good things that happen to bad people must be fate or chance or luck. After all, why would a benevolent Source not intercede to stop negative things happening to good people or stop positive things happening to bad people? With this thinking, it is easy to understand why many believe that life is nothing but a card game where an Ace may show-up in your hand this time but a Joker the next.

Are we the cards in a universal card game?

And when it comes to planning goals in life, such as economic freedom, a nice home, and a loving relationship…you have as much luck for achieving your personal goals as you do by rolling the dice and hitting snake eyes or a seven. These kinds of thoughts permeate the consciousness of many and leave a person with little expectation to achieve what they set their minds and souls upon.

Modern-day intellectualism demands physical evidence as proof 

Now, to complicate this even further, add modern-day intellectualism to our choices in life…only things that can be proven scientifically are true and real and all the rest is just nonsense contrived by artists, romantics, and poets to cope in the real world where some are wealthy and happy and the balance are poor and unhappy. The great thinkers of the past, including such luminaries as Newton, have left their indelible mark upon humankind. And it all starts with scientists themselves: a recent survey of their spiritual beliefs indicated that a mere 7% believed in the Source, 72% disbelieved in the Source, and the balance polled was agnostic.

Beliefs support agendas…agendas support beliefs

Naturally, their beliefs support their agendas which support their beliefs: it is fair to assume that science is the new Source comprised of mathematical formulas and calculations. As the experts put forth their hypotheses and assumptions, these are based upon the absence of the Source. They propose that the Source does not exist in reality, only in our minds, and we cannot have a connection with or benefit from a Being that does not exist on the physical plane of existence which we are familiar with in this day and age.

“Experts” create the new reality 

The media then grabs a hold of the ideas that the experts state as truth and these ideas enter into mainstream thought since we believe unquestionably what the experts propose as truth and reality. Even though their ideas may not hold-up under close scrutiny, nonetheless, these ideas are deeply entrenched in our collective consciousness and we now accept these as real and true and most live their lives on such premises.

Our lives are predetermined…we have no influence upon the outcomes in our life

Then we have the people who believe that every one’s life is predetermined from Day 1 and that we have no say in what we are or what we achieve in this earthly life.  Since we have no say and no influence upon the things that occur in this universe, each and every one of us are merely pawns in some universal chess game. Not since the devotion of the 16th century Calvinists have we witnessed such faith and adherence to this predeterministic dogma in one’s life. In their eyes, they see individuals as unimportant when it comes to participating in the creation in the universe – we are mere viewers and not participators.

There is no free will…we are hard-wired since birth

Their Supreme Being has not given humankind free will to pursue what we want to pursue, after all, there is no purpose or need to have free will provided to us since humankind has no control and no influence upon order or disorder in the universe. Accordingly, our brains and our bodies are fully hard-wired, imprinted, and preprogrammed with our destiny upon our entry into our terrestrial home.

Our fate is immutable 

Hence, we must buy a newspaper at a certain time; we must drive home a certain way even if it means our death; and we must have a bad relationship even if it means a life of unhappiness. We cannot change that which is predestined, no matter where we live, where we work, or where we go. With our earthly existence and results already set and being immutable, many must accept their fate as the way it is and make no attempts to break free of their lot in life.

We are creators of our paths and results

Finally, there is support for the current belief that each and every one of the human race has been given free will from the benevolent Source which allows us to create what we want and deserve in this life. This idea is not folklore. And this idea is not an illusion conjured-up by artists, romantics, or poets – it is an idea that is supported by the New Age scientists including Max Planck, David Bohm, and the founders of Quantum Physics.

We focus upon what we want to manifest 

Fundamentally, Quantum Physics has shown us that what we think is reality is indeed the case. As a result of this observation, we have direct control over the events that occur in our life and our focus helps to manifest that which we focus upon. Furthermore, all things in the universe, no matter how large or how small are directly connected by a field of energy which can be accessed to allow us to manifest our goals.

We are linked to the power of universal energy

We have direct access to the neutral power of the universe. Since this field of energy is neutral, it merely delivers that which is requested of it, hence, we have domain over our results, past, present, and future. Be confident that you can plan your plan and then work your plan to achieve what you desire most in this life albeit, money, good health, or a spiritual Self.

There are many possibilities and there are many opportunities 

Our goals and dreams are achievable since we have at our very fingertips multiple dimensions with multiple possibilities and our end results are created by our focus. Since multiple dimensions exist and they all exist at the same moment, there are as many possibilities as there are opportunities in your life at the same moment. This being the case, there is a reality where we have meet our soul mate and have enjoyed a fulfilling life together; there is a reality where we were never ill and lived a long life; and there is a reality where we started a business and we had tremendous success and helped the less fortunate around us.

Focus upon the possibility that you desire 

At any one time, all possibilities exist around us, however, we can exist in only one possibility at the moment and it is our focus which makes a possibility a reality. Our focus is our thought and thought is energy and it is this energy that is attracted to like energy which manifests our possibility into a reality. Like only attracts like and cannot attract unlike. Hence, we can never focus our thoughts upon good and receive bad and we can never focus our thoughts upon bad and receive good. We must understand that once we can overcome the illusion of what we see in the physical world around us, we can then live the life of our choice with happiness and prosperity and without doubt or fear or illness.

Spirituality can help heal and prolong one’s physical body

If there is any doubt that we are in control of our destiny – regardless if it physical or spiritual – consider the results of ill patients who have spirituality in their lives. The statistics from numerous studies have shown that a person who is spiritual, regardless of what form their personal spirituality may take, recovers from their illness quicker and often lives longer when compared to a person who has no spirituality or spiritual focus in their life. It appears that their return to wellness is hinged upon their thoughts, beliefs, values, and feelings and those thoughts, beliefs, values, and feelings are focused upon their connection with the Source.

A divine conduit to good wellness 

This divine connection appears to be the conduit which helps to unblock negative energy and to re-channel with positive energy. And there is evidence that distant healing has helped patients to return to wellness too. There is also scientific proof that meditating can and does help eliminate a wide variety of health problems including high blood pressure, hypertension, and other maladies which we suffer from in the 21st century.

In the end, undoubtedly, we have control over our health, our wealth and our Self – needless to say, we have both positive and negative influence upon the events and results that occur in our lives.

We are full participants in our results 

The results that you have received in your life to this very moment are not the product of random or predestined events…our results are fully in our hands and we are full participants and creators in a universe governed by a benevolent Source with a set of immutable Natural Laws.

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“Your connection to the Source can help your Self and others as well.”

Your connection with the Source tears down boundaries and limitations 

The Source provides each of us with the innate ability and the natural means to live a fully connected life where we our physical health, our material wealth, and our spiritual Self can prosper without limits or boundaries. While our awareness permits us to live a fulfilling connected life, there are those family members and loved ones who may not be aware of the benefits that such a life provides to a committed follower of the Source and the Natural Laws.

Live by example to help those around you

Even though we want to help those around us who are less fortunate in life, rather than preach about the many physical, materially, and spiritual benefits that we can receive from the Source, it is our living by example that will do the most benefit to those around us who are not enjoying physical health, material wealth, or a spiritual Self.

Your being unwell doesn’t help those who are unwell

If a loved one or a relative is sick, you cannot help that sick person by being sick yourself. No matter how unwell you may become in response to another’s sickness, your reaction to another’s illness will never help them escape nor your Self from the negative vibratory state that you both will inhabit at that particular moment. A person, who is sick, is sick by their own thoughts, their own beliefs, and their own actions. Somehow and for some reason they have severed their connection to the Source and they need to regain that connection to regain and maintain good health. Once you truly accept the idea that their sickness cannot get better by your sickness, there are things that can you do to truly help an unwell person.

Illness perpetuates illness

When we look at how most people react to a loved one’s sickness it is little wonder that the sickness continues to thrive and choke the life out from the ill person. Most will feel pity for the person and their thoughts, beliefs, and actions help support the negative vibratory state that surrounds the ill person. I’m not saying that you should be callous and uncaring for an ill person, especially when that person is a loved one, however, there is a great deal of difference between feeling pity for a sick person and felling empathy.

Envision good health to create a positive vibratory state 

Instead of feeling pity, which maintains and sustains negative energy and continued illness, be a role model of good health to help your sick family member or friend to feel better, this act in and of itself will aid in reconnecting an unwell person to the Source. When you are in the presence of the person, envision them enjoying good health, envision them smiling, and enjoying life in a positive vibrational state. When you think and speak of them in their absence, again, only think positive, happy thoughts. In the end, your positive thoughts, beliefs, and actions can only result in the same for the ill person and when you emit positive energy, negative energy cannot exist in the same time and space.

You can escape from your unpleasant present

If a loved one or family member is poor, you cannot help that person out of poverty no matter how poor you become. They are existing within a realm of negative energy and your lack of abundance cannot help their lack of abundance, it can only prolong and sustain the lack of abundance that both of you share. A person, who is poor, is poor by their own thoughts, their own beliefs, and their own actions. Somehow and for some reason they have severed their connection to the Source and they need to regain that connection to escape from their present unpleasant situation and attain a life of abundance which each of us is entitled to from the Source.

Your lack of abundance won’t help others who suffer from a lack of abundance 

Accept that your lack of abundance can never help another’s lack of abundance and rather than wallow in poverty and want, help that person reconnect with the Source which is the only way to escape from lack and a negative vibratory state. How we react to another’s poverty can help them escape or keep them shackled where there are at the unpleasant present.

Don’t offer pity…offer thoughts, feelings, words, and acts of abundance 

Rather than give the poor person money, which is given out of pity and further supports and sustains a negative state, be a role-model of abundance and positive energy which the person can then emulate in their own life. In their presence, do not offer pity…offer abundance instead by your thoughts, your beliefs, and your actions. By witnessing and being surrounded by positive thoughts, beliefs, and actions, an impoverished person’s thoughts, beliefs, and actions can no longer compete with or occupy the same environment either mentally or physically as what is found throughout your positive vibrational state.

Take full responsibility for your present vibratory state 

If a loved one or a family member is spiritually unwell or poor, your accompanying them in an equally unwell or poor spiritual state cannot and will not ever help them escape from this cycle of negative being. Do not take the blame for them and do not see your Self as selfish when you focus upon your spirituality; it is when you focus upon your spiritual growth and the results you achieve which ultimately can be a beacon of possibility for others. After all, they and they alone must take full responsibility for their spiritual illness and poorness and they alone must provide the opportunity to allow their present unpleasant state to manifest a state of spiritual wellness and abundance.

Be a billboard of positive energy to others around you 

While they must move the mountain to gain a spiritual life, you can help them by being a billboard of spirituality for your family and friends. Others will notice as you set your goals based upon the non-physical world rather than the physical world. Others will notice when you measure the accomplishment of your goals based upon cosmic timelessness and not upon human time. Others will notice when you harbor no fear, jealousy, or envy and they will notice when you show love, compassion, and joy for the physical world that you exist within.

Positive energy attracts positive words, actions, feelings, and thoughts

In the end, being connected to the Source can help you enjoy a fulfilling life and it can help others enjoy a fulfilling life as well. There is something very assuring and therefore very appealing about a person who manifests a strong connection with the Source. The positive aura that follows this person as they go about their daily routines does not go unnoticed as others are drawn to the positive vibratory state which envelops such a soul. Being connected to the Source is the best you can do for your Self and for others.