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The ‘Woulda’, ‘Shoulda’, ‘Coulda’ dilemma can rob you of a life of success.

Photo by Jeremy Zero on Unsplash

Did I accomplish too much in my life?

When a person is taking their last breath on this earth, I wonder who would think that they had accomplished far too many things in their life? Of course not, unfortunately, it’s just the opposite where most would believe that they didn’t achieve all that they wanted in their life. However, there are a few things you can do to get the most out of your life.   

Unfulfilled dreams are those that have slipped away

You’ve probably heard it all before: I woulda’ been a great doctor; I shoulda’ finished my degree; I coulda’ traveled the world. These people have unfulfilled dreams that were once important and worthy of achievement, however, for whatever reason have slipped away with time.

We spend more time planning our vacation than our life

If you have a goal, but, never make an effort to reach it, what holds you back? When you ask most people this question, ‘How much time do you spend planning your next vacation?’ the answer will probably not surprise you. Then follow-up this question with, ‘How much time do you spend planning your life?’ Unfortunately, most spend more time planning their next vacation than their life with only 5% of the people ever writing down (and achieving) their goals.

Create a long list of goals; how to achieve them at this point isn’t important

With this in mind, create your personal goal list and write down what you want to achieve in your life. This should be a spontaneous list and you should write down a minimum of 50 things you want to accomplish.

Rank your goals of importance to you

Then break the goals down to the most important, your Number 1 goal, Number 2 and so on. Next, break down your No. 1 goal to a daily to do list. Finally, after a period of time, you can review the past 3, 6, 9, and 12 months to see what has been accomplished. With this action plan, you will quickly see where you are at and where you want to be. 

Don’t wait until everything is perfect, it might not happen

Remember, you don’t have to be an expert to achieve your goals and you certainly don’t have to wait until everything is perfect to accomplish what you want in your life either. What you need to do is set a goal and to take action, however small, to move towards your goal. Let’s hope that you’re not sitting in a rocking chair one day and thinking about your own wouldas’, shouldas’ or couldas’.

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I’m Roger Kenworthy and I created the Quadrant of based upon a very simple idea; I wanted to share my experiences of how I reached success in my life in order to help others reach success in their life.

How do you define success?

Success can mean different things to different people; good health, sums of wealth, or the tranquility of spiritual achievement. No matter how you define success, it is achievable by the same principles and techniques.

I believe that success can be compared to a beautiful, colorful jigsaw puzzle – you know the ones that show majestic snow-covered mountains or a tropical paradise. In order to end-up with that mesmerizing picture, each piece of the puzzle must interlock with the next and the next and so on.

There are many paths to success 

It must be the same with success: there are many pieces that need to go together to complete a wonderful picture of your future life. There’s your thoughts, words, and actions mixed with massive amounts of faith, desire, belief and passion. Each must be present to achieve your goal.

You can find all the pieces for success here!

My hope is that you believe the Quadrant of has all the pieces necessary to finally complete your picture of success…no matter how you define it.

Are you ready to create a new future?