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“Your experiences equal your thoughts.”

There are no limits imposed upon us because of our age, gender, or location

Whether young or old, female or male, rich or poor, we all have the means to achieve and receive what we desire from life. Still, there are some who would disagree with the idea that the Source does not limit possibilities for all of our species, rather, they believe that age, gender, and location prejudice their opportunities to reach the level of success they want from this earthly life.

Our minds manifest our desires

There are no earthly prejudices that can stand in the way of one’s success, however, even though we can freely access the means to manifest our desires, each and every experience that we manifest in our life is a result of the thoughts that we hold in our minds. As a result of this fact, there cannot possibly be anyone or anything that creates roadblocks to success except those which are Self-imposed.

Blame no one for your past, present, or future

If you do not enjoy the level of health that you desire in this life, you are fully responsible for the level of health that you are experiencing at this moment, in the past, and in the future. Your vibrational state equals your state of health. Hence, blame cannot be leveled at anyone or anything else; you are the originator of all your thoughts and you thereof, are the one held responsible for the maintenance of good health and prevention of ill health. As such, contracting a disease has everything to do with your thoughts and nothing to do with the illness; surviving a disease has nothing to do with the illness and has everything to do with your thoughts.

Our prophecy becomes our reality

Self-prophecy becomes Self-reality when those who are in an unhealthy state of vibration listen to and accept that which is told to them by professionals. If you are enjoying good health at the moment, then you have occupied a vibrational state that is positive and have attracted good health and have repelled ill health. There are no limitations or prejudices that stand in your way since the positive state that you enjoy supersedes all the other conditions that you can possible face in your life’s journey here at this state of being.

Your vibrational state creates lack or want…it’s your choice

If you are occupying an unpleasant present where all you are able to attract is lack and poverty, you must take full responsibility that your financial experiences are the results of your thoughts. Your thoughts and your thoughts alone create lack and want in the past, the present, and the future; lack can only result from a continuous occupation of a state of the same and there can be no progress away from this state since your experiences can only result from the vibrational state that you occupy.

Change your vibrational state to change your results 

You must change your vibrational state to change your results. If you have experienced abundance in the past, as well as the present, then if you maintain the identical vibrational state, you can only enjoy more of the same in the future.

Defeat is only temporary…accept it as such and not as an end itself

Frequently, we experience delay when we set goals and they do not manifest upon our Self-imposed schedule, however, it is at this time that we must be strong and not accept defeat, it is only temporary. We must have an open heart as well as an open mind to accept the delays that manifest when we plan our big goals. If we feel fear, we can only manifest lack; if we feel gratitude we manifest plenty in our lives. In the end, your experience of abundance rests solely upon your thoughts of abundance – it is the Law.

Disconnect from the Source manifests negative experiences in life

If you feel isolated, alone, and without support of and for your earthly goals, it sounds like you have experienced disconnect from the Source. A lack of belief in the power of the Laws and the Source manifests as negative experiences in life; it can only be so. These negatives include fear, jealousy, envy, sadness, and can only result in earthly experiences that are identical in nature.

Harmony and alignment create the life you deserve to live 

You cannot possibly expect to receive anything different than what vibrational state you occupy and emit to the universe. Your spiritual well-being cannot and will not change unless you change your thoughts from nonspiritual thoughts to spiritual thoughts. If you have experienced deep joy and fulfillment in your life, no doubt, you have experienced complete harmony and alignment with your Self and the Source. This powerful relationship and wonderful connection to and with your spiritual Self and the benevolent One, can only experience more of the same in the future as well as your past and your present. A spiritual Self is a life of joy, happiness, and fulfillment which cannot be equaled by any bright, shiny, and costly item found on a shelf.

Fill your mind daily with thoughts of gratitude, joy, and belief

Our experiences can only manifest from our thoughts; rely upon the Source to guide you to your personal path of achievement and you can reciprocate this rewarding experience when you fill your mind with thoughts of gratitude and belief. Your life will be a full, gratifying experience that results from the thoughts that you hold in your heart.

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