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Don’t let the ‘Right Now’ dilemma take control of your future

Photo by Eduardo Olszewski on Unsplash

Time is provided equally amongst the rich and poor, young and old, and educated or uneducated

It makes no difference if you are the richest or the poorest person, the happiest or the saddest person, or the most grateful or least grateful person walking on this earth, there is no getting away from the fact that we all have the same amount of time each day. While we all are given an identical amount of this precious commodity, it’s what we think about time that differentiates successful from unsuccessful people.

Time is not an evil roadblock to success…in reality, it is an ally and not an excuse to forfeit your dreams and goals

As you talk with your friends, most likely many express the fact that they have unfulfilled dreams and that TIME is the major factor that prevents them from achieving their dreams. They rationalize that TIME is the evil that builds roadblocks to their goals. As a result, as they think so they say and so they do:

I want to start an on-line business, however, ‘Right Now’ I work every week-end.

I really want to take my family on that special vacation, but, ‘Right Now’ I don’t have any spare time.

Time is malleable…it can and does accommodate the required hours to achieve your success

As these people think, and rightly so, they are creating and receiving all the conditions and circumstances to make their goals impossible to reach. They simply don’t realize that they are pushing their goals and their dreams farther away with their thoughts, words, and actions. What these same people do not understand is that time is elastic…it seems to accommodate what we want to get accomplished no matter what. Time is malleable IF we don’t believe in ill-thought up excuses.   

Singer-songwriter Harry Chapin believed most don’t take the risks required to achieve their success

The late singer-songwriter Harry Chapin believed that we should make the most of the time we have on this earth without any excuses. In an interview not long before his unfortunate death, he mentioned that many people go through life never taking any of the little risks. And since they shy away from the little risks, they miss the biggest risk of all – they haven’t tried everything they wanted and they find out that they have not lived a full life.        

Get out of bed a few minutes early every day and use that time to pursue your goals

If you want to write a book and work full-time and on week-ends as well, get up a half hour earlier each day and write a few pages. From my own experience, I wrote Voice of the Sage over several months by grabbing the short time I had before going to work and finishing my breakfast.

Set big goals and set the time to move towards your goals

After starting my day working on my goal, I was excited for hours; it was empowering. If you want to earn an on-line degree, sacrifice a set amount of time before dinner or bedtime to complete your assignments. I earned my PhD working full-time and writing a number of books by stealing an hour here and a half hour there.  

Manage your time efficiently to receive the dreams and goals you envision in your life

Like I managed to do, make the most of those few minutes that just slip away from you in your day-to-day living. And, over a few weeks or possibly months, you will see amazing results and have made progress to your goal even though you were never given any more time during your day. That’s how my twenty-plus books were completed…by taking a few minutes here and a few minutes there.  

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Focus all of your attention upon I AM – do not focus any of your attention upon I WILL

Photo by Johnny Cohen on Unsplash

Would you set your goal on an absolute or a possibility?

Throughout our lives we set goals to achieve what we want to have or become or what we need to have or become. This is an important first step in the process to achieve what we want or what we need. However, only writing down and reviewing your goals on a regular basis will not produce the results you want. And sorry to say, many do not achieve their wants or needs due to these actions.

There is a huge difference between I WILL and I AM

All too often a goal setter is thinking and talking about I WILL instead of thinking and talking about I AM. The subtle difference between these two words is the difference between achieving and not achieving what you set your heart upon.        

Most set goals by thinking and saying I WILL

Think about how most set their goals: I WILL be wealthy in the next five years; I WILL have a new home in two years; I WILL double my income in 48 months and so on and so on. On a superficial level, this kind of self-talk appears that it should take the person out of their present unpleasant situation and into a fabulous future. Yet, there are two fundamental problems with this method.

You will face two problems when focusing goal achievement upon I WILL

First, we are placing our own understanding and belief of cosmic timelessness for what and when we want to achieve a goal. Second, I WILL is a mere possibility of what we want to have or become and it is not an absolute. If you should have any doubt of this idea, gauge your feelings after saying I WILL and then how you feel after saying I AM.

What is my first concern?

Let’s examine my first concern. Many experts and scientists alike now believe we exist in a holographic universe where creation is complete, thus, right at this very moment everything that we need to achieve our goals already exists and exists everywhere.

We cannot create anything new since everything already exists, albeit, some on the physical plane while others are the metaphysical plane

As a result of this condition, we do not and cannot possibly create anything new since creation is complete; all we need to do is invoke a higher plane of consciousness to receive what we truly desire. The true power of I AM occurs when we tap into the unlimited power of the universe. Thus, it is only our awareness of our creativity which brings about our results.   

Having deep faith helps drive you toward goal achievement

Second, I AM is an absolute and not a possibility as I WILL. Of course, this is if you have complete faith in the Source to deliver what you want or need. When we say and feel I AM, we have a different perspective and as a result we think and act differently right now. We are conscious of what we want and feel as if we already have it at this very moment.

I AM is an absolute, by contrast, I WILL is a possibility

Hence, this difference in thought results in the manifestation of all the people, circumstances, and situations required to achieve our goals. In the end, our imagination drives the I AM. By contrast, I WILL is a thought for sometime on the future horizon. Thinking of I WILL does not give us that same feeling of accomplishment and ownership of our wants or needs as I AM does.   

Your awareness of I AM manifests that what you truly desire, need, or want

We all exist within parallel universes where all your possibilities already exist: you can be poor or rich, or healthy or unhealthy, famous or infamous. Ultimately, it is your awareness of I AM that manifests what you become.

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Shinier, costlier, and larger toys cannot provide long lasting fulfillment in your life.


What do you fill the void in your life with? 

Some think that chasing that shinier, costlier, and larger toy will fill the void in their life. While they expend much energy, perhaps even their entire lifetime pursuing these elusive goals, in the end, any material object cannot fill the void since the void is not the cause or the effect of a lack of material goods.

Are you pursuing spiritual fulfillment or material fulfillment?

Rather, the lack they experience in their life is from a lack of spiritual fulfillment. Somewhere along their journey in their physical form, they neglected their spiritual fulfillment at the price of material fulfillment. After a lifetime of chasing goals that cannot and will not bring true fulfillment, it is of little wonder that these people cannot look in the mirror and honestly believe that they are happier and healthier in life with their shinier, costlier, and larger toys.

What is your main focus in life?

Living a fulfilled life does not mean that a person should give-up the pursuit of material goods, this idea is in of itself a direct contradiction to the Natural Laws of the universe where expansion is the rule and not the exception. And so it should be with humankind to grow and expand like the physical universe we inhabit. The real dilemma is when the main focus in life becomes the pursuit of material goods which ultimately define you as a person.

Am I an Italian sports car? An expensive watch? An exclusive purse? 

Hence, I am powerful like an exotic Italian sports car; I am exclusive as a one-of-a-kind watch; I am smarter since I wrote a top selling novel. However, the success you experience in life depends upon balance: the balance between your health, your wealth, and your spirituality. When you focus solely upon material goods you cannot possibly achieve balance and balance in life is what results in a truly fulfilled physical existence here upon planet Earth.

Do you crave material goods only?

Another problem which frequently accompanies our obsession with material goods is that some of us do not have the economic resources to support a life of extravagance and exclusive cravings for these costly items. If we are unable to pay the price of these goods outright, then we use credit and there is a high cost we must ultimately pay for living yesterday.

There is a high cost for living yesterday

Such a purchase – when you are not able to meet your monthly obligations – can lead to a negative vibratory state and you will struggle to get out of this state, however, you are not able to since you allow your present state to dictate your future state. Once, I owned an expensive European automobile when I needed it; I needed it since there was a void in my life and it became my identity, but, I could not afford it at the time and used credit to fund this expensive toy for my own vanity and self-worth.

What do you need? What do you want?

Many years have passed and now that I can afford this brand of automobile, I do not need it, I do not need my automobile to define who or what I am since what I drive is not who or what I am. It was a costly lesson, however, since my focus in life is now not upon impressing anyone or anybody with the set of wheels I drive, my focus is now upon spiritual fulfillment and to no surprise I now have the economic resources available for me to purchase such a vehicle without using any form of credit.

A positive vibratory state manifests what you desire 

When you take your focus and life’s mission off of material gains, you will receive the material gains you want since you inhabit a positive vibratory state where all that you can imagine will be delivered to you from the Source.

Find balance in your life for true fulfillment

Focus your life upon achieving true balance and in the end you will find that the toys – all the shiny, costly, and large toys will find their way to your doorstep since you are not attempting to fill a void, rather, you are attempting to live a fulfilled life based upon a strong connection to the Source. And this, my friend, is true fulfillment in our present physical manifestation.

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Your habits manifested your life in the past and now they manifest your life in the present, however, your habits are malleable which allows you to manifest a change in the future.

Success begins by forming habits of success

Success in life, be it spiritual, physical, or material begins by forming the habit of success. And there’s a wise saying which encapsulates the paths we end-up taking in life, “At first you make your habits and then your habits make you.There is absolutely no one who would deny that your day-to-day habits will not manifest a life of success or failure.

Create your habits, don’t let them create you

If you want to pass a course that will earn you more money at work but watch television and never do your assigned homework, your lackadaisical habits form your present and future failure. If you want to purchase a larger home for a growing family and work overtime to start a home-based business, by saving the extra money, your saving habits will insure that your family will live in a larger home in the present and in the future. Naturally, you may not have the money, or automobile, or peace of mind that you want today. Still, you must see, believe, and say that success is yours due to the good habits that you have formed in the past, the present, and the future.

Your outer world is a reflection of your inner world 

Years ago, perhaps you started a new job and at first worked diligently, but, somewhere along the way you became disinterested or unhappy with your employer, job conditions, or monthly income. As a result, you reacted accordingly; your thoughts, words, and actions reflected your inner world. On the other hand, a friend began the same job, however, this person excelled and enjoyed the job and as a result of their thoughts, words, and actions, they became a leader in the company. Both of you were conditioned by your inner and outer environment – both created and lived by habits that conditioned success or conditioned failure.

Your past can shackle your future 

The past then manifests your freedom or shackles your present in chains. Your old habits either support your thoughts, words, and actions towards your goals or your thoughts, words, and actions haunt you and lead you away from your goals. We are unable to relive our life in the past, nevertheless, we can act accordingly in the present to change the future.

We are given a gift to change what is to what will be 

The Source has provided a temporal gift to change our Self. Every new day presents itself to us to make the changes necessary to alter the paths we take and the destinations where we eventually end-up. And along with this gift, we have received the spiritual gift of choice.  Each of us has an equal opportunity to create a new Self which in the end depends upon our focus and our awareness in and of life.

The only constant is change…control this inevitable truth for the betterment of all

The Source has also freely provided an infinite physiological gift. Our present human forms are created in such a miraculous way that they allow us to maintain old habits or create new ones. When we look at our loved ones, we identify them by the physical forms that they have: hence, we see black eyes, we see black hair, and we see a body 165 cm. tall. While our physical bodies appear to be solid objects, they are as ephemeral as the waters that flow in a stream. It is this constancy of change which is one of the greatest gifts provided to us by a benevolent Source.


Our cells are the pathways to change and success

Scientists have estimated that the human body has somewhere between 50 and 100 trillion cells. Since each cell has 24 pairs of chromosomes, this translates into roughly 2,300 to 4,600 trillion pairs of DNA. It is well documented that each cell reacts to situations and feelings by a chemical change. This chemical change occurs in waves throughout our bodies as we instantly react in fear or love, hence, there is a corresponding chemical elixir that mirrors our feelings and attitude. While this is fascinating, even more intriguing was an experiment completed by the US Army.

Our emotions live on in our DNA, even IF separated by 350 miles

In 1993, the US Army questioned if a cell (DNA) responded to emotions once separated from a human donor. A subject’s DNA sample was taken, isolated, and measured to see if it responded to emotions. The donor watched a number of movies that resulted in a variety of emotions. When the donor was watching the videos, the DNA responded in electrical currents that mirrored the emotions which occurred when the subject viewed the different videos. Miraculously, the DNA was separated not only by a room, but, by as much as 350 miles away. At this distance, an atomic clock gauged that the person’s emotions and the response of the cells were simultaneous – there was no time lag between the two even separated by such a great distance. This is indeed a primordial gift which helps us survive in the physical world.

Our body changes but remains the same as new cells replace old cells

While we have such a large number cells, our bodies are not the same since our cells reproduce new cells which replace the old cells and so on and so on as long as you occupy your present human form. We may appear to be the same person, when in reality we not the same person as we were in the past. Although we may appear to be the same, nonetheless, we are ‘different’ persons since our old cells have been replaced by new cells.

The shamans of Peru and indigenous tribes of Australia knew what science has just discovered

Scientists have been able to measure the rate of change in the human body and many of our major organs, and as such, it is estimated that the cells in our liver change completely about every 6 weeks; our skin in roughly 7 days; our skeleton replaces every cell in around 7 years; and our heart cells 1% per year. At one time scientists believed that our brain did not grow new cells over time, nevertheless, the experts now refute this claim as they have discovered that the human brain can in fact grow over time. Even though these facts are supported by scientific findings, they are not new since the shamans of Peru and the indigenous people of Australia have known and practiced this since time immortal. Once again, ancient knowledge is being proven by modern technology.

Our cells have memories

The fact that our bodies’ cells change over time is invaluable when we apply this knowledge to changing our old, poor habits to new, good habits. As miraculous as the constant changes that occur within our bodies, is the fact that our cells have a ‘memory.’ This may sound like science fiction, yet, this idea has been supported by many experiments. For example, there was a great plague in the early 1900’s which killed a large number of people. The survivors of that pandemic illness, which cut short the lives of so many, even after 50 years their cells kept the memory and they were immune to a future tragic illness.

Our cells are pre-programmed for success

While our cells change, there appears to be an exchange of information – the primordial universal information which helped to keep these survivors safe from a future outbreak. Furthermore, a liver remains as a liver and your skin remains as skin, and do not morph into some other major organ due to memory. If our cells and our DNA can save us from future illnesses and reproduce an exact organ due to having a memory, then it is entirely consistent there can be an exchange of our wants, our needs, and our desires with our DNA molecules as well.

Our habits are encoded on our miraculous cells 

Our cells change over time and since our habits are encoded in our old cells, the new cells must unquestionably ‘accept’ the encoded memory of those habits whether they are good or poor. Your habits remain the same and do not become discarded with the replacement of an entire organ over time. The key then is to encode good habits at the cellular level at the expense of poor habits to receive what you want and desire in this life. You can start the process of replacing old habits with new habits by visualizing the encoded change upon each of the trillions of cells in your body. Sit quietly and ‘see’ the new habit replacing the old habit – make this a habit for 21 days and then you will ‘see’ the difference in the way that you think, act, and talk about your life and the goals that you have set for your Self.

Live FROM the future and not FOR the future

Most live FOR the future and not FROM the future, there is a big difference in your thoughts, words, and actions when you live FROM the future rather than FOR the future. When you live FROM the future, you are already experiencing the achievement of your goal. Hence, you are already experiencing a live of spiritual enjoyment; you are already experiencing a beautiful relationship with your soul mate; and you are already experiencing a life of abundance on the spiritual plane of existence although you have not achieved what you want on the physical plane.

Think, believe, and act I AM and not I WILL 

And when thinking about your new habits, think I AM and not I WILL, there is a great deal of difference between these two words and how they interface with your Self. I am not just playing with semantics here, I AM is right now while I WILL is somewhere in the future. These few simple suggestions will help you to remove old, poor habits and replace them with a set of new, good habits.

We have the spiritual and physiological means to achieve success 

Each of us in our present human form has been provided with spiritual and physiological means to achieve our goals and also make long lasting changes in our lives. These are the miracles that the wise ancients wrote about, spoke of, and practiced in their daily lives. When we fully understand and accept the miracles freely given to us by the benevolent Source, we are fully capable of creating our new realities as we rid our Self of our past and present negative habits. By the same processes, we can reinforce our past and present positive habits as well.


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“You are not a drop in the ocean; you are the ocean, hence, you have the power of the ocean to manifest your dreams, your desires, your destiny.”

oceanaJust a drop in the ocean? 

There are those who believe within their very soul that they are merely a singular drop in the ocean of life. And since they are just one of the billions upon billions of nameless souls being carried this way and that by the tides and currents, feel they are inconsequential in the overall scheme of the universe.

A sacred connection exists

Little do they realize that our benevolent Source has created a sacred connection between everything and everyone within this ocean of life. As such, they possess the means to participate in the creation of their dreams, their desires, and their destiny.

The inseparable becomes the separable

The qualities of the entire ocean are bound within each single drop regardless of its size, origin, or location. It must be so since every drop consists of the same elements as the collective, and if the ocean is divine, so must the drops of the ocean be divine. The sacred divinity of the whole knows only connection, not separation. However, when we lack faith and belief in this divinity, the inseparable becomes separable.

Divinity exists within every drop in the ocean 

There is a divine connection that permeates every corner of the universe. It is our feelings and our thoughts that interface with this divinity that manifest our wants and needs. We must acknowledge that it is our feelings and our thoughts and only our feelings and our thoughts of gratitude, faith, belief, and plenty that sets the universal good in motion to create our wants and needs. Since our feelings and our thoughts are congruous with our desires, we receive the good from the Source.

A wedge between our sacred connection

We must also acknowledge that it is our feelings and our thoughts and only our feelings and our thoughts of fear, envy, jealousy, and envy that drive a wedge into this sacred connection. Since our feelings and our thoughts are incongruous with our desires, we cannot receive the good from the Source.

Reality manifests from your sacred connection 

The wise ancients wrote of a sacrosanct connection in life and the numinous power that awaits each one who bears unwavering faith. There is unlimited universal power that resonates throughout this sacred connection and it supports a fulfilled life of accomplishment for each and every person; this is the natural right of humankind. Still, our modern-day world has a misconception of the connection that in the end, was, is, and will be the way to a divine life. The Source would not provide each and every one of us with our own unique dreams, desires, and destiny if these were not accompanied by the means of achievement. Believe unquestionably in the power of the ultimate connection between each drop within the ocean of life to manifest your highest reality.