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You can change the outside, but, it won’t change the inside

We’ve all heard negative talk around the office water cooler

How many times have you heard that a colleague is unhappy about management, company policy, compensation, holiday schedule, insurance protection, computer speed, cafeteria food? Blah, blah, bah, blah, blah! You name it and it seems that nothing is beyond reproach since everything about their job is boring, unfulfilling, and depressing and it’s not their fault.

Who’s fault is it when you feel bored, unfulfilled, and depressed?

Although they never make any positive contributions to change the ills of the company, they believe they are worth more money, more responsibility, and more respect since they are the ones who are the real assets of the company!  

How can you reach your true potential?

While this person wants more of everything, with these kinds of thoughts they can never reach their true potential. And even though they may change their job, as long as they maintain the same thoughts within their mind, there can be no change in their results. When they repeatedly complain about their past, the only thing that can happen is that they are held in the past longer.

Can you run away from the past and present to a better future?

They think they can run away from their past and present to have a better future. However, these folks are thinking in reverse: they rationalize that when they get more money, more respect, and more responsibility then they will contribute more to their job. If you want a new job or career with more money and more responsibility, you cannot remain critical of where you are at the present moment.

You can’t keep doing, thinking, and saying the same things and expect different results

You must make a vow to do things better in whatever situation you find yourself, make yourself worth more to the company and not one who only sees the negative. If you only see the negative then you will certainly stay negative and you cannot progress.

So, how can we change our thoughts, actions and words?

Here’s how one person changed. Allan was very negative when I first met him: he would always complain about management, about the company, about the medical benefits. One day I had enough, “OK, so if it’s so bad, make it better and here’s why – it’s not only for you, but, it’s also your co-workers.

Change your attitude to change your results

First, you will benefit and second, everyone is probably fed-up with your constant complaining. As you improve things, you will feel better and more opportunities will present themselves to you.” So, what happened to Allan? He did change his attitude and turned out to be an asset to his company. Then he was stolen by another company and given more money, this has happened twice and he’s making more money and happier with life since he made the decision to change his attitude and not just his surroundings.

Be the best where you are at the moment, and the future will take care of itself

Be the best you can where you are…there are plenty of opportunities wherever you are at. Become the expert who suggests changes at your job and make those changes within before you make the changes without.

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Don’t ask the Source your questions, rather, see your answers first and then changes will occur naturally.

It’s counter-intuitive to not ask for help

People who want to change their present unpleasant will ask the Source for help. Little do they understand that by asking for help, they are not allowing themselves the chance to change their lives. This statement may seem counterintuitive to what we have always been taught when we want big changes in our lives, still, have an open mind to this idea.

Our vibrational state determines our reality…past, present, and future

When we ask our questions first, we cannot receive what we ask for. And it is all about the state of vibration we are in when we ask those questions. We know that the state of vibration we are in determines our past, present, and future. For example, you are in debt and finally have hit the threshold and want to be out of debt. You want to have a secure feeling knowing that there is enough money to cover your monthly expenses and then some. So, you ask the question to the Creator of the universe:

How do I get out of debt?

Then you wait for your answers while all the time still being in debt and not being able to cover your monthly expenses. As time ticks on the clock, the car payment is due, the children need new clothes, and your banker needs money to cover your overdraft, you become more and more fixated on your question. So, you ask again:

How do I get out of debt?

Still, no earth shattering vision of what to do to relieve yourself of that mountain of obligations you have for living yesterday.  Being consumed by your question manifests an anxious state of scarcity which drives away any chance of getting out of debt.

See your results in your mind before they manifest in your hand

Rather than asking the questions first, see the answers first. By this I mean to see yourself already in a secure financial position: your children are wearing new clothes to school, you have a specific amount of cash in your bank account, and you are on holiday at a beach resort with your partner. 

Have the Natura Law work for you, not against you

And the same goes for a new car, a bigger house, being an author, or a successful public speaker; see the answers first and then how to get there will be provided by our benevolent Creator. This is a Natural Law. Have complete faith that this method works to make the changes you want.

Live your answers and don’t live your questions

In the end, it is all about living the answers to your questions rather than asking the questions and looking for your answers. Seeing, feeling, tasting, and holding your answers in your mind’s eye will guarantee that you will make those big changes you want and deserve out of life.

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“Manifestations occur when you are in a state of serenity and not when you are in a state of anxiety.”

How do we cure what ails us? 

Today, we find that the self-help industry is huge – it is a multi-billion dollar business – and within the parameters of this industry we find that the most sought after cures for the majority are a lack of money, a lack of self-esteem, and a lack of purpose. According to the gurus within this industry, the magic elixir to escape from and then place these maladies in life far behind you is manifesting.

Manifest what you desire 

It is commonly accepted that we are able to transcend the negatives in life by manifesting our personal goals of health, wealth, and Self, This idea has had a tremendous impact upon the psyche of modern day society. Perhaps, the general acceptance of this idea may rival the discoveries that the Earth was not the center of the universe and the Earth was not flat as assumed by the masses many centuries ago.

We never realize our goals when in a state of anxiety 

While the collective consciousness may agree that manifesting is the key to achieving our goals and changing our life for the better, most turn to manifesting in times of dire need which is when they are in a state of negative vibration. As they attempt to force changes in life to escape their present unpleasant situation, many never realize their goals and as a result turn their backs upon the Source’s invaluable gift for long-lasting and meaningful change.

Your vibratory state determines your ability to manifest your desire 

The self-help experts promote manifesting as the rightful path to relieve your Self of the misery that your Self has caused you to experience in the past, causes you to experience in the present, and will cause you to experience in the  future. While much has been said and written about manifesting your personal goals, it is critical for your success to be aware of the vibratory state that you are in both before and during your manifesting session. The overall lack of success that many people face is that they approach manifesting when they are at their lowest point.

How can a negative vibratory state produce positive results?  

They attempt to manifest a drastic change in their life when they have no money, when they are sick, when they have no job, and when their relationship is on the rocks. Needless to say, when a person is at the lowest of the lows, they are in a negative state of vibration. They are enveloped in a black cloud of anxiety, fear, and desperation…negative states of energy which can only attract negative states of energy according to the Natural Laws of the universe. How do they ever expect to escape their current situation in such a vibratory state?

Don’t build barricades around your goals      

The vibratory state that you dwell in determines the results that you have in your past, your present, and your future life. There is simply no escaping the immutable laws of the universe regardless of your gender, age, education, celebrity, or location. When you are in a state of anxiety prior to attempting your manifesting session, you can only build barricades which stop the universe from delivering your goal. When you are in a state of anxiety as you attempt your manifesting session, you maintain the barricades which repel your goal.

Believe in your future goals…but do not base your beliefs upon your present situation

It is imperative in your manifesting session that you do not allow the negatives in your life, such as overdue bills, economic meltdown of your country, or an advanced state of illness to influence your thoughts, words, and actions which ultimately impacts your ability to achieve your end goals. You must see past the present unpleasant situation as the only reality of your life. It is not the only possibility, just one of a countless number that exist at any given moment.

Your goal already exists…it takes the proper action, thoughts, and words to accomplish it 

While a state of anxiety can stop a successful manifesting session in its tracks, by contrast, a state of serenity can result in the natural achievement of your goals. Of course, it is not easy to focus your mind upon the good you expect to receive long before you receive it when the dogs of despair are nipping at your heels, still, this is exactly what is required to end the cycle of poverty, illness, and fear which plagues so many of us and keeps us in the throes of anxiety. But, consider the alternative; remaining in a state of anxiety perpetuates the conditions that rule over your life. To escape the state of anxiety and enter upon a state of serenity you need to see your Self, your inner being, the goal already manifested.

The present is malleable

So, while you stare the negatives straight in the face, have unconditional faith and absolute belief that the negatives are not the only reality, they are just the present reality which is malleable. Be genuinely grateful that you are where you are since feeling unfortunate, unlucky, or ungrateful will only tighten the noose of negative energy that encircles your entire Self.

Belief and faith destroy a negative vibratory state 

Fully understand that the negatives can be broken by seeing economic prosperity, good health, and wellness in your mind long before you hold them with your hands. Your focus determines what possibility becomes your reality and your reality is determined by your focus.

Goals have their a life of their own…nurture them to fruition 

Manifestations have a life of their own: they are born from your desires; they live from your thoughts; and they pass from your actions. As they proceed through the different stages of their existence, manifestations may change their shapes. And they are not under human time…they are under cosmic timelessness. They are also reborn as different although similar manifestations. For example, you may want to earn a degree in one discipline; however, you realize that this choice is not the best to fulfill your personal and economic goals in life. Hence, your initial manifestation passes and remerges as a new manifestation which better fulfills your personal goals. In the end, the life of a manifestation is dependent upon your being in a state of serenity and not in a state of anxiety. Serenity fulfills your manifestation while anxiety ends your manifestation unfulfilled.


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Spiritual Connection

Just between life and death

Timeless void before the sacrosanct journey

It all comes back to me


I can say the words

I can hum the songs

Which passed many centuries


I can see the sights

I can touch the forms

Things that have gone before


I can smell the fragrance

I can taste the sweetness

Objects long turned to dust


I can sense the love

I can re-experience the connection

We shared in the past


Feeling mellow; a reader recently bought a copy of my poetry book: Ethereal Presence, Volume II

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“Your experiences equal your thoughts.”

There are no limits imposed upon us because of our age, gender, or location

Whether young or old, female or male, rich or poor, we all have the means to achieve and receive what we desire from life. Still, there are some who would disagree with the idea that the Source does not limit possibilities for all of our species, rather, they believe that age, gender, and location prejudice their opportunities to reach the level of success they want from this earthly life.

Our minds manifest our desires

There are no earthly prejudices that can stand in the way of one’s success, however, even though we can freely access the means to manifest our desires, each and every experience that we manifest in our life is a result of the thoughts that we hold in our minds. As a result of this fact, there cannot possibly be anyone or anything that creates roadblocks to success except those which are Self-imposed.

Blame no one for your past, present, or future

If you do not enjoy the level of health that you desire in this life, you are fully responsible for the level of health that you are experiencing at this moment, in the past, and in the future. Your vibrational state equals your state of health. Hence, blame cannot be leveled at anyone or anything else; you are the originator of all your thoughts and you thereof, are the one held responsible for the maintenance of good health and prevention of ill health. As such, contracting a disease has everything to do with your thoughts and nothing to do with the illness; surviving a disease has nothing to do with the illness and has everything to do with your thoughts.

Our prophecy becomes our reality

Self-prophecy becomes Self-reality when those who are in an unhealthy state of vibration listen to and accept that which is told to them by professionals. If you are enjoying good health at the moment, then you have occupied a vibrational state that is positive and have attracted good health and have repelled ill health. There are no limitations or prejudices that stand in your way since the positive state that you enjoy supersedes all the other conditions that you can possible face in your life’s journey here at this state of being.

Your vibrational state creates lack or want…it’s your choice

If you are occupying an unpleasant present where all you are able to attract is lack and poverty, you must take full responsibility that your financial experiences are the results of your thoughts. Your thoughts and your thoughts alone create lack and want in the past, the present, and the future; lack can only result from a continuous occupation of a state of the same and there can be no progress away from this state since your experiences can only result from the vibrational state that you occupy.

Change your vibrational state to change your results 

You must change your vibrational state to change your results. If you have experienced abundance in the past, as well as the present, then if you maintain the identical vibrational state, you can only enjoy more of the same in the future.

Defeat is only temporary…accept it as such and not as an end itself

Frequently, we experience delay when we set goals and they do not manifest upon our Self-imposed schedule, however, it is at this time that we must be strong and not accept defeat, it is only temporary. We must have an open heart as well as an open mind to accept the delays that manifest when we plan our big goals. If we feel fear, we can only manifest lack; if we feel gratitude we manifest plenty in our lives. In the end, your experience of abundance rests solely upon your thoughts of abundance – it is the Law.

Disconnect from the Source manifests negative experiences in life

If you feel isolated, alone, and without support of and for your earthly goals, it sounds like you have experienced disconnect from the Source. A lack of belief in the power of the Laws and the Source manifests as negative experiences in life; it can only be so. These negatives include fear, jealousy, envy, sadness, and can only result in earthly experiences that are identical in nature.

Harmony and alignment create the life you deserve to live 

You cannot possibly expect to receive anything different than what vibrational state you occupy and emit to the universe. Your spiritual well-being cannot and will not change unless you change your thoughts from nonspiritual thoughts to spiritual thoughts. If you have experienced deep joy and fulfillment in your life, no doubt, you have experienced complete harmony and alignment with your Self and the Source. This powerful relationship and wonderful connection to and with your spiritual Self and the benevolent One, can only experience more of the same in the future as well as your past and your present. A spiritual Self is a life of joy, happiness, and fulfillment which cannot be equaled by any bright, shiny, and costly item found on a shelf.

Fill your mind daily with thoughts of gratitude, joy, and belief

Our experiences can only manifest from our thoughts; rely upon the Source to guide you to your personal path of achievement and you can reciprocate this rewarding experience when you fill your mind with thoughts of gratitude and belief. Your life will be a full, gratifying experience that results from the thoughts that you hold in your heart.

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“Thoughts are things; words are your thoughts articulated; and your actions set your thoughts and words in motion.”

We are energy, and our wants and desires must be in accord with our vibrational energy

We are powerful energy forces as well as powerful energy sources that are fully capable of creating what we desire by achieving and maintaining a vibrational state that is in accord with those wants. However, most are not aware of the miraculous potential of the universal energy and our reliance upon the universal Laws that were freely provided to us and for us by a truly benevolent Source.

All things originate from spiritual energy 

All things originate as spiritual energy before they ever become physical reality. While all things are energy, they are uncontrolled energy which permeates every nook and cranny of the universe and we need to harness this unbridled energy to achieve our goals. It is the interface between your life thoughts and your life experience alone which create things in your spiritual world and your physical world.

We are the creators within our spiritual realm 

Others cannot create within your spiritual realm or your physical realm, this is not to say that they may or may not influence you and your thoughts and you may or may not influence their thoughts. Nevertheless, while you may be part of a complex universal equation that manifests all people, things, and situations to produce your goal or someone else’s goal, still, you and you alone are responsible for your results.

We must sustain our wants over universal timelessness 

In the end, it is your powerful and emotional thoughts that are maintained in the present and sustained over cosmic timelessness which result in a positive vibrational state that creates your results. And the reverse is also true: it is your weak and unemotional thoughts which can only result in a negative vibrational state and then you remain in the same state no matter how hard you try to escape since like vibrations attract like and unlike vibrations repel unlike.

Negative vibrations manifest negative results 

As you enter and remain in this negative state in the present, your thoughts then have you reflect upon your past to support your vibrational state; it is then your thoughts that have you look ahead to your future and it is with these past and future thoughts which substantiate and proliferate your past, your present, and your future vibrational state.

Your words create your results 

The words that you use to express your thoughts to your Self and to those around you are the results of the thoughts that you hold within your Self. You can put on a bold front, you can be persuasive, and you can be strong when you articulate your thoughts through your words. However, if you hold any doubts; no matter how insignificant they may seem to you, about your chances of accomplishing your goals, no matter how hard you try to convince your Self and those around you with your words, you will be unable to achieve what you set your thoughts upon. This must be the case since when we express doubt, lack faith, and little belief, we cling to negative expectancy and negative expectancy manifests as a negative vibrational state which can hold or drive our goals away from their fruition. It is crucial to your accomplishing the goals you set that your thoughts and your words are congruent, or they have little opportunity to be realized.

Your actions manifest from your vibratory state 

Your actions are what indicate whether you have been in a positive or negative vibratory state with the thoughts that you hold within your Self and the words that you articulate to your Self and those around you. While most believe that their actions are fully responsible for the achievement of their goals, they errantly make this decision since they are unaware that their actions are the least effective and efficient means to goal achievement.

Success results from your internal guidance system 

Success, however you define it, is not about how hard or how long you work, rather, it is about how and what you do with the inner guidance system provided by the Source. Your actions should and must be about what you do and how you do it due to the vibrational state that you find your Self occupying in the present moment and should not be influenced by the occurrences that occupied the past nor about the possibilities that may occupy the future.

There is no universal judgment 

A positive vibratory state enjoyed fully at the moment sets in motion all the people, things, and situations required by the Universal Laws to manifest your goals. And since there is no universal judgment of what you love or what you fear, the resultant motion from the integration of your thoughts and your words will unconditionally manifest that which is in perfect harmony with your thoughts and your words regardless if the outcome is viewed as good or bad to the holder of those thoughts and words.

Your future manifests from your present thoughts, words, and actions 

Your internal guidance system is initiated by your thoughts, sustained by your words, and accomplished by your actions. Be aware that you are constantly creating your future based upon your thoughts, words, and actions from the past and your thoughts, words and actions from the present.