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You can change the outside, but, it won’t change the inside

We’ve all heard negative talk around the office water cooler

How many times have you heard that a colleague is unhappy about management, company policy, compensation, holiday schedule, insurance protection, computer speed, cafeteria food? Blah, blah, bah, blah, blah! You name it and it seems that nothing is beyond reproach since everything about their job is boring, unfulfilling, and depressing and it’s not their fault.

Who’s fault is it when you feel bored, unfulfilled, and depressed?

Although they never make any positive contributions to change the ills of the company, they believe they are worth more money, more responsibility, and more respect since they are the ones who are the real assets of the company!  

How can you reach your true potential?

While this person wants more of everything, with these kinds of thoughts they can never reach their true potential. And even though they may change their job, as long as they maintain the same thoughts within their mind, there can be no change in their results. When they repeatedly complain about their past, the only thing that can happen is that they are held in the past longer.

Can you run away from the past and present to a better future?

They think they can run away from their past and present to have a better future. However, these folks are thinking in reverse: they rationalize that when they get more money, more respect, and more responsibility then they will contribute more to their job. If you want a new job or career with more money and more responsibility, you cannot remain critical of where you are at the present moment.

You can’t keep doing, thinking, and saying the same things and expect different results

You must make a vow to do things better in whatever situation you find yourself, make yourself worth more to the company and not one who only sees the negative. If you only see the negative then you will certainly stay negative and you cannot progress.

So, how can we change our thoughts, actions and words?

Here’s how one person changed. Allan was very negative when I first met him: he would always complain about management, about the company, about the medical benefits. One day I had enough, “OK, so if it’s so bad, make it better and here’s why – it’s not only for you, but, it’s also your co-workers.

Change your attitude to change your results

First, you will benefit and second, everyone is probably fed-up with your constant complaining. As you improve things, you will feel better and more opportunities will present themselves to you.” So, what happened to Allan? He did change his attitude and turned out to be an asset to his company. Then he was stolen by another company and given more money, this has happened twice and he’s making more money and happier with life since he made the decision to change his attitude and not just his surroundings.

Be the best where you are at the moment, and the future will take care of itself

Be the best you can where you are…there are plenty of opportunities wherever you are at. Become the expert who suggests changes at your job and make those changes within before you make the changes without.

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“It is your mind that creates your life’s illusions and it is your mind that creates your life’s realities.”

Life’s Illusions manifest from misinterpretations 

The illusions in your life are the results of your misinterpretation of the circumstances that have happened, that are happening, or will happen to you and the realities in your life are the results of your rightful interpretation of the circumstances that have happened, that are happening, or will happen to you.

Your five senses act as filters in life

And it is your mind’s direct or indirect reaction to your circumstances, filtered through your five senses of sight, sound, smell, touch and taste which are either the catalyst for the improper interpretation or the proper interpretation of those circumstances that comprise your life. Hence, it becomes clear that the control of your mind and the control of your senses manifest your illusions or your realities.

Illusions are a minefield 

The illusions that are created in your mind that consequently influence your thoughts, words, and actions are nothing more than falsehoods that have little substance from what the reality is in your life in most instances. We base our life upon these illusions and negotiate along through life like a soldier making his way through a deadly minefield with these unwarranted chimeras haunting our every waking moment.

Falsehoods are created from illusions

We sacrifice true happiness, abundance, and fulfillment because our illusions are continually being reinforced with our false thoughts, words, and actions. After years of living as we are living – accepting that the falsehoods are truths – our mind becomes rigid to our old paradigm and it is difficult to break away from our illusions. Since we live these illusions every day we soon accept them as the only alternative in our life. As we accept them as the only path in life, we lose our enthusiasm and desire to achieve BIG goals since our fate is already predetermined by our past results. We have lost the idea that we are in control of our lives and that many possibilities exist at the identical moment and it is our decision to focus upon what we want rather than what we have achieved up to the present moment. It is crucial to achieve any goal in our life to see and then experience our life not through a distorted lens of an illusion, rather, to see it and then think, talk, and act through a lens of our reality.

Incorrect assumptions create an unwanted and unfulfilled life 

As we form our illusions in life by our jaundiced interpretation of our circumstances, experiences, and then our results, we form the realities in our life by our intuitive interpretation of our circumstances, experiences and then our desired results. It is our lack of control of our mind which leads to the incorrect assumptions we make about our past, present, and future situations and circumstances that create our illusions. And by contrast, it the control of our mind which produces the correct assumptions we make about our past, present, and future that create our realities.

Ask your Self important questions 

The important question is How can we control our mind to insure we create the realities we want and not the illusions we do not want? To start, we need to understand that gaining and maintaining control of your mind in a myriad of situations is not unlike training your body to be a key athlete. What I mean is that it is not a sprint, but, a marathon. It is not the flavor of the week or the flash in the pain where you will try and see if it is for you. Rather, consider controlling your mind in the good and bad as a way of life. It is a long term commitment that must be worked upon diligently or you may not attain, maintain, and sustain the control of the most important path in your life to achieve what you want.

How can you gain and sustain control of your mind? 

There are a number of practical suggestions which can help you gain and sustain control of your mind. First, it is imperative to your success to gain control of your mind and hence your reality – you must have 100% faith, belief, and expectation that you will be the master of your mind (your reality) and not the slave of your whims (your illusions). You may slip back into your old paradigms at times, still, realize that you will overcome the obstacles, no matter how difficult and be the captain of your journey.

Success manifests long after visualization and belief

Second, it is also critical to visualize your success long before it even happens. Hence, if you want a new car, a new house, a new job, or control over your mind, you first need to see the results you want on the non-physical plane before it appears on the physical plane. When you see what you want and deserve before it happens on human time, you are summoning the enormous power of the universe to your purpose and sets in motion the people, circumstances, and things required to manifest what you want. Practice visualization regularly when faced with a new goal.

Your mind can take you down any number of paths to success or failure 

Third, another key in your success equation is to constantly monitor the illusions or the realities which you are thinking about. Intuitively, at the visceral level you know that your mind is leading you down a path of truth or falsehood. You only need to be aware of what is being presented to you. It is important to take the time to be silent in the noise of everyday living and listen to what your inner spirit is attempting to pass along to you and then it is even more important to act upon what you are receiving from the universe. When you consciously find quietude in nature or your family home, your focus will allow you to access the inner power of intuition which then manifests your realities and not your illusions.

Your family, friends, and acquaintances can lead you down any number of path to success or failure

Fourth, this idea marries with the idea of constantly monitoring your mind. The people around you, your circle of friends, family, and colleagues are always willing to help you make those tough decisions in life based upon what they would do in the same situation. The problem is that their advice is not based upon what is best for you and how it fits in with your plan for success in the universe. While you may want to be polite and listen to what they say to help you, this help then forms your new reality or illusion – it is best to listen to your intuition and not your family, friends, and colleagues in those tough situations. After all, their advice is built upon their unique experiences and we seldom share all the same experiences in life. And, we filter our experiences through different lens then the people around us which could manifest different realities or illusions. Ultimately, find your own path and not follow someone else’s path.

Overcome negativity to discover your path to success

Fifth, make a conscious effort to overcome the urge to react negatively in any and every undesirable, unsuspected, or unwanted situation. If you do act this way – you will not get out of your present unpleasant situation, rather, you will be building barricades that will insure that you will remain as you are. So, if you do not receive the raise you expected at work, instead of believing that you will never receive that extra monthly income (your illusion), design a plan that will make you more valuable to the company.

Plan for success by investing in your Self

Your plan could mean extra night courses or seminars or other professional development and most companies will even pay for their employees to do so. Make a solid effort and investment of time to design a plan that is achievable, remember, most people take longer to plan their next vacation than their lives! However, a plan is not enough; you must have a complete understanding that you are more valuable to the company and then you will enjoy that raise (your reality).

Control the reality you wish to experience   

We can build our own realities regardless of what illusions have haunted us in the past. At this exact moment, there are many possibilities that present themselves to your Self. Take control of your mind and only allow the reality you want to exist in your mind at every moment. If you find that you are losing control and permitting wrongful illusions to take hold and dominate your Self, there are a number of ways to regain and sustain control of your mind which will lead to true health, wealth, and Self.