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Success happens when what you are thinking, what you are saying, and what you doing are all in harmony.

Photo by Larisa Birta on Unsplash

This is my last post for 2022. I hope that every reader of my blog has a healthy and prosperous 2023. All the best for the upcoming year and that my ideas resonate with yours and we both enjoy happiness and wisdom throughout the new year.

Harmonious thoughts, words, and actions are paramount to achieve your goals

Much has been written about the means and circumstances for one to achieve what they are aiming at in their life. And it appears that we must have our thoughts, our words, and our actions in harmony or we simply will not reach our goals. In the end, it is crucial we have Oneness with this trilogy of success within our lives.  

Thinking one thing and doing the opposite is not the best path to achieve what you want

While most recognize the wisdom of this statement, at times, it is an arduous task to line-up these essential ingredients for success. For example, we go around saying one thing on the outside, but, thinking something different on the inside. Or we act one way on the outside when on the inside our true feelings portray our real expectations of attaining our desires. When this happens to us, we are experiencing Vibrational Discord and we cannot attain our goals when we are in this state. The problem is that all the pieces of the puzzle to make us successful are incongruent.

Doubt is a dream stealer

Think of it this way, you work your success plan diligently and just do not seem be able to make any progress. Then doubt enters your mind and you want to give-up because things are not moving you along as you would like to your ultimate want.

Stay on course by being in harmony with your thoughts, words, and actions

It’s like being in a holding pattern over the airport in a modern jetliner: you are on course, you see the runway, and then you are suddenly thrown into a holding pattern as you circle around and around and around. Because you’re not closing the gap between your wants and your results, this incompatibility paves the way for frustration and fear which can take away enthusiasm and desire for the goals that you have planned for in life.

Incongruency manifests as Vibrational Discord which ends up stealing your wants, needs, and dreams

While Vibrational Discord is a negative state which hinders your forward progress, it can be said that just the opposite occurs when you are in a state of Vibrational Accord. There is compatibility between your wants and your results as all the pieces mesh and at the same time, they must all align simultaneously for you to attain your goal and this is all possible having Vibrational Accord.

Vibrational Accord manifests from your harmonious state of being

It starts with the thoughts that you are thinking which are then reflected in the words that you are saying which coincide with the actions that you are taking. This is true accord with your thoughts and your words and your actions. These three elements are said to be congruent, which in turn is similar to the function of automatic pilot on a jetliner which naturally brings you to your final travel destination. 

Receiving your wants, needs, and dreams are the byproducts of Vibrational Accord

You need to be in a state of Vibrational Accord in order to achieve your goal. Ultimately, if your thoughts and your words and your deeds are congruent, the dreams that you have for your life must actualize.

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You must not dream FOR your future, however, you must dream FROM your future.

Photo by drmakete lab on Unsplash

YOUR imagination is the pathway to YOUR success

It has been written that we must have the imagination of a child to truly be successful and achieve what we want out of life. With such abilities, we do not look upon the present as our absolute reality, rather, just a moment in our journey to our end goal.

Accept the reality that YOUR goal/success must be in YOUR mind long before it’s in YOUR hand

As well, we must think of ourselves in possession of what we truly desire at the present moment even though our goal has not yet materialized on the physical plane. And if we attach a date to our goals, we think the goal becomes more tangible. However, when we are dreaming FOR our future instead of dreaming FROM our future, I believe this kind of thinking is pushing our dreams further away from us rather than towards us.

There is a huge difference between thinking/saying FOR your future and thinking/saying FROM your future

Now, some may say that this subtle difference between FOR and FROM is a meaningless if not an entirely moot point. I disagree since the difference between winning and losing is seldom that great, especially in real situations such as sporting events. For example, the winner of the Women’s 400 meter race in the Summer 2008 Olympics won by only .02 seconds – 2/100’s of a second secured first place and victory over the second place runner. That is a blink of an eye or less!

Words do make a difference in your outcome/success

The same can be said about words, although there are subtle linguistic differences that exist between our choice of words in a given situation, it is much more since it is about your conscious and subconscious thoughts and therefore your conscious and subconscious actions that manifest from the words which you focus your attention upon. 

Somewhere in the future can be summed up by thinking/speaking FOR your future

As such, when you are thinking about your goal…let’s say a new home and even before you have achieved it, if you are thinking FOR the future you are comparing the size of your old home with your new home. You are thinking about what that new couch will look like in the corner of the living room and how the new refrigerator will fit in your new kitchen. This is a superficial means to view your goal and does little to bring you closer to your goal.

Thinking/speaking FROM your future plus your emotions and imagination equals your success

By contrast, when you live FROM the future you do so with a different lens. Thus, when you imagine your new home, you are in your home at this very moment, you are cooking dinner with your family around the dining room table talking about the day. Your emotions fuel your thoughts and you feel the excitement in the air as your family exchanges the events of the day. From this prospective, your imagination accompanied by your emotions place you in your new environment and to bring about all the needed thoughts and actions to manifest your home.  

Live FROM your future…the simple yet effective means to achieve your success/goals

Live your life and goals FROM the future and have complete faith that the universe will answer your dreams. It is by the thoughtful use of your imagination and your imagination alone that manifests what your desire.

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“We are magnificent manifesting machines created by the benevolent Source.”

We are of the primordial energy

We are divine creations of and from the benevolent Source and therefore, each of us freely given the same potential to achieve amazing results in this earthly life. We are physical manifestations of raw energy that mirror our wondrous Creator and as such, according to modern-day scientists, the trillions of cells in our bodies harbor enough energy to light-up an entire city for an extended period of time.

Our goals are achievable

Since each and every one of us maintain this enormous storehouse of raw energy in our physical body to achieve our goals and most of us do not accomplish the goals we set-out to achieve in this physical existence, it appears that we have turned our backs upon the Source given ability to manifest our wants and desires. Why is this so?

We are our destiny

The Source has created the ultimate manifesting machine, however, most are unaware of this innate ability to create our own reality. We have influence upon our own destiny as a result of the enormous amount of energy found in our physical bodies. The energy that permeates every cell of our physical being is neither positive nor negative energy, it just is, it is our thoughts and our feelings and our thoughts and our feelings alone that convert this raw energy into either positive energy or negative energy.

No one is or can be held back by social, gender, economic, or political bias’ 

And, without bias or prejudice to the end results of our own thoughts and our own feelings, this raw energy assumes the state of energy that reflects our own thoughts and our own feelings. Hence, if we think and feel positively, this act produces positive energy which attracts positive results.

The Natural Laws convert spiritual energy into physical energy

If we think and feel negatively, this act produces negative energy which attracts negative results, this is a Natural Law of the universe. It is this unique conversion of spiritual energy into physical objects that allow us to be such magnificent manifesting machines.

Awareness changes your now and your future

While most do not capitalize on the opportunity freely provided by the Source, if we have a shift in our awareness, this change in and of itself will bring to light the unique opportunity at our very fingertips. When we become aware of the raw energy that permeates our bodies and stores our past, present, and future results, we are also aware that this energy never sleeps, it never rests, it never turns-off, it is constantly reacting, either positively or negatively to our very thoughts and feelings. This being the case, our heightened sense of awareness also tells us that we should be diligent to what occupies our thoughts and our feelings from minute to minute of this physical existence.

Silence, the oasis of change

In order to achieve and maintain an acute sense of awareness which will completely turn around the results that you have succeeded to accomplish at the present moment in your life, you will need to find a place where you can sit in contemplative silence. As you experience your own oasis of tranquility, become intensely aware of the flow of raw energy that permeates every cell in your present physical form of existence.

Resurrect the power that sleeps within

Feel the power that lies dormant within you. Rejoice as you feel the primordial, untainted, raw energy of the universe as it lies deep within every cell of your Self. Acknowledge the power and presence of this raw energy. Accept that this universal energy is fully under your control.  Apply the primal energy that was created at the miraculous moment the universe was created to achieve the phenomenal goals that you have set for your Self.

Manifesting our reality is our purpose in life

Humankind is a magnificent manifesting machine that has been created from the Source with the innate ability to achieve what we desire in life as a result of our own thoughts, our own words, and our own actions.

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“Thoughts are things; words are your thoughts articulated; and your actions set your thoughts and words in motion.”

We are energy, and our wants and desires must be in accord with our vibrational energy

We are powerful energy forces as well as powerful energy sources that are fully capable of creating what we desire by achieving and maintaining a vibrational state that is in accord with those wants. However, most are not aware of the miraculous potential of the universal energy and our reliance upon the universal Laws that were freely provided to us and for us by a truly benevolent Source.

All things originate from spiritual energy 

All things originate as spiritual energy before they ever become physical reality. While all things are energy, they are uncontrolled energy which permeates every nook and cranny of the universe and we need to harness this unbridled energy to achieve our goals. It is the interface between your life thoughts and your life experience alone which create things in your spiritual world and your physical world.

We are the creators within our spiritual realm 

Others cannot create within your spiritual realm or your physical realm, this is not to say that they may or may not influence you and your thoughts and you may or may not influence their thoughts. Nevertheless, while you may be part of a complex universal equation that manifests all people, things, and situations to produce your goal or someone else’s goal, still, you and you alone are responsible for your results.

We must sustain our wants over universal timelessness 

In the end, it is your powerful and emotional thoughts that are maintained in the present and sustained over cosmic timelessness which result in a positive vibrational state that creates your results. And the reverse is also true: it is your weak and unemotional thoughts which can only result in a negative vibrational state and then you remain in the same state no matter how hard you try to escape since like vibrations attract like and unlike vibrations repel unlike.

Negative vibrations manifest negative results 

As you enter and remain in this negative state in the present, your thoughts then have you reflect upon your past to support your vibrational state; it is then your thoughts that have you look ahead to your future and it is with these past and future thoughts which substantiate and proliferate your past, your present, and your future vibrational state.

Your words create your results 

The words that you use to express your thoughts to your Self and to those around you are the results of the thoughts that you hold within your Self. You can put on a bold front, you can be persuasive, and you can be strong when you articulate your thoughts through your words. However, if you hold any doubts; no matter how insignificant they may seem to you, about your chances of accomplishing your goals, no matter how hard you try to convince your Self and those around you with your words, you will be unable to achieve what you set your thoughts upon. This must be the case since when we express doubt, lack faith, and little belief, we cling to negative expectancy and negative expectancy manifests as a negative vibrational state which can hold or drive our goals away from their fruition. It is crucial to your accomplishing the goals you set that your thoughts and your words are congruent, or they have little opportunity to be realized.

Your actions manifest from your vibratory state 

Your actions are what indicate whether you have been in a positive or negative vibratory state with the thoughts that you hold within your Self and the words that you articulate to your Self and those around you. While most believe that their actions are fully responsible for the achievement of their goals, they errantly make this decision since they are unaware that their actions are the least effective and efficient means to goal achievement.

Success results from your internal guidance system 

Success, however you define it, is not about how hard or how long you work, rather, it is about how and what you do with the inner guidance system provided by the Source. Your actions should and must be about what you do and how you do it due to the vibrational state that you find your Self occupying in the present moment and should not be influenced by the occurrences that occupied the past nor about the possibilities that may occupy the future.

There is no universal judgment 

A positive vibratory state enjoyed fully at the moment sets in motion all the people, things, and situations required by the Universal Laws to manifest your goals. And since there is no universal judgment of what you love or what you fear, the resultant motion from the integration of your thoughts and your words will unconditionally manifest that which is in perfect harmony with your thoughts and your words regardless if the outcome is viewed as good or bad to the holder of those thoughts and words.

Your future manifests from your present thoughts, words, and actions 

Your internal guidance system is initiated by your thoughts, sustained by your words, and accomplished by your actions. Be aware that you are constantly creating your future based upon your thoughts, words, and actions from the past and your thoughts, words and actions from the present.

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“The paradigms formed in your past occupy your present to form your future.”

Unrewarding, unfulfilling, and unsatisfying…

Sadly, a large percentage of us will work our entire lives in jobs which are unrewarding, stay in relationships which are unfulfilling, and accumulate objects which are unsatisfying. While most are aware of the quandary that envelops their lives, nonetheless, they have little understanding of what they can do or how they can do it to escape from their unpleasant present. They simply fail to realize that the paradigms which have formed over their lifetime have tremendous influence over what they think, what they say, and what they do.

The past, rightfully or wrongly, can influence your present and future. 

The paradigms that have formed over your past, either rightly or wrongly, determine where you end up in the future. The Source not only created a connective web between each and every object large and small, but, also created a connective web between each and every one of the billions and trillions of cells in our bodies. Hence, each and every cell within your physical body records and saves every occurrence that happens in your life.

Our cells download our daily occurrences, and then influence our thoughts, words, and deeds

So, if you wanted to lose weight in the past and failed, that is recorded. If you wanted to earn more monthly income and failed, that is recorded. If you wanted to find a meaningful relationship with a person and failed, that is recorded. Then when you are faced in the future with wanting to lose weight, make enough money to be financially independent, or find a meaningful relationship, your cells download the information found in your past thoughts, words, and actions in the form a paradigm which is consistent with your past experiences. It is of little wonder that many of us are unable to break away from our unpleasant present to achieve a wonderful future.

How can we break away from our unwanted paradigms? 

The first step to break away from the errant paradigms which control our lives is awareness. We should constantly monitor how the past affects our present thoughts, words, and actions. When attempting to change from our unpleasant present, it is imperative that we realize the past is the past and the present is what changes our future. Our future is malleable if we allow the Source to guide us each and every step of the way in our journey to happiness, health, and wealth.

Focus upon your present goal and not your past failure 

The next step to change old paradigms is to relax and focus your full attention upon your goals. Be aware that your present state cannot be changed when you are in a state of agitation, stress, or turmoil.

Relax…stress cannot and does not help you achieve your goals

Stress or anxiety about your present unpleasant situation blocks the connection between you and the Source. On the other hand, the deep positive feelings of relaxation create a strong and vital connection between you and the Source. When overwhelmed by a negative paradigm, breathe deeply and feel the positive energy that accompanies relaxation. As you deeply inhale and exhale, allow the universe to provide all that you are entitled to receive from our benevolent Source.

Expressing gratitude is greater for goal achievement than feeling anxiety 

Now, express sincere gratitude to the Source no matter what your present unpleasant is, it is the sure way to dismantle old paradigms and create new ones. When you fully accept the present and that you are truly grateful for all that you have and experience at the moment, the universe opens the floodgates of abundance to and for you. You see, with this positive attitude, the negatives are taken away and replaced by contentment which manifests true peace that helps to enrich your life as no physical object can.

Faith and belief can manifest new paradigms in your life

Finally, new paradigms can be formed by the positive feelings which are accompanied by faith and belief. When in this state of mind, you attract positive energy and repel negative energy. As you repel negative energy you overwrite negative paradigms with new positive paradigms.

You can create a new life for yourself

You are fully capable of reprogramming your past and present unsuccessful paradigms into future successful paradigms. It takes awareness, relaxation, gratitude, faith, and belief to connect with the Source to manifest magnificent changes in your life.




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“True happiness manifests from negotiation with your Self; true happiness does not manifest from competition with others.”

The new mentality 

The new mentality appears to be one where a person must win at all costs and without any regard for ethics or the wrongdoings to humankind or the environment. The media plays this one up where you are Number 1 when you beat the competition down and stand like a triumphant gladiator over a bloodied opponent in the Roman Coliseum. However, this selfish; ME at all cost attitude, can only produce ephemeral happiness and not true happiness which is sustained over a person’s lifetime.

photo-1462040015891-7c792246b10eAre you living your life by negotiation or competition? 

A person can live their life through negotiation or competition: the former being in a positive state of vibration while the latter in a negative state of vibration. In a competitive mindset, a person always must outdo their colleagues, their neighbors, their own family members. The act of beating another person is tied to and reflected by the winner’s perception of self-worth: they rationalize if I can own bigger, costlier, and rarer objects than you, then I am worth more to my Self and worth more than your Self.

Your self-esteem can be battered or bolstered  

So, when you discover that a friend or colleague has a smaller house, your esteem soars but when you find a friend or colleague with a bigger house your self-esteem takes a dive. And that goes for the model of your car, your watch, your vacations, and any of your earthly possessions. When you base your life and your self-worth upon material goods, you’ll never have the biggest, best, or brightest toy.

Negotiation manifests a higher sense of awareness 

True happiness comes when you are constantly in negotiation with your Self. Negotiation focuses upon the awareness of your thoughts, words, and actions at the very moment. As you monitor your thoughts, words, and actions along the Continuum of Awareness, you are striving to be the best you can and the best for humankind. You negotiate your current state of mind to be in a higher state of awareness.

Set aside your ego to attain your goals 

You set aside your ego to attain your goals with your life’s journey while encapsulating faith, gratitude, compassion, and ethics. You fully understand that your results occur within cosmic timelessness. You place your faith and belief in the Source to align all the circumstances, persons, and objects that are required to achieve your goal and ultimately your happiness.

How to create positive energy

Your thoughts create the flow of positive energy which effortlessly manifests goals for you, hence, no worry, no fear, no envy, no jealousy, no competition.

Material possessions are temporary, your soul is permanent 

In the end, no matter how many material possessions you accumulate in your life, you will not have a minute longer on Earth, you will not be better than anyone else, and you will not have greater happiness. The noted French philosopher Voltaire wrote ‘Man is free at the moment he wishes to be.’ You can instantly achieve the dizzying heights of an eagle and be free of negative thoughts and negative vibrations when you make the decision to be in constant negotiation with your Self and not to be in constant competition with others.

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I’m Roger Kenworthy and I created the Quadrant of based upon a very simple idea; I wanted to share my experiences of how I reached success in my life in order to help others reach success in their life.

How do you define success?

Success can mean different things to different people; good health, sums of wealth, or the tranquility of spiritual achievement. No matter how you define success, it is achievable by the same principles and techniques.

I believe that success can be compared to a beautiful, colorful jigsaw puzzle – you know the ones that show majestic snow-covered mountains or a tropical paradise. In order to end-up with that mesmerizing picture, each piece of the puzzle must interlock with the next and the next and so on.

There are many paths to success 

It must be the same with success: there are many pieces that need to go together to complete a wonderful picture of your future life. There’s your thoughts, words, and actions mixed with massive amounts of faith, desire, belief and passion. Each must be present to achieve your goal.

You can find all the pieces for success here!

My hope is that you believe the Quadrant of has all the pieces necessary to finally complete your picture of success…no matter how you define it.

Are you ready to create a new future?