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You can change the outside, but, it won’t change the inside

We’ve all heard negative talk around the office water cooler

How many times have you heard that a colleague is unhappy about management, company policy, compensation, holiday schedule, insurance protection, computer speed, cafeteria food? Blah, blah, bah, blah, blah! You name it and it seems that nothing is beyond reproach since everything about their job is boring, unfulfilling, and depressing and it’s not their fault.

Who’s fault is it when you feel bored, unfulfilled, and depressed?

Although they never make any positive contributions to change the ills of the company, they believe they are worth more money, more responsibility, and more respect since they are the ones who are the real assets of the company!  

How can you reach your true potential?

While this person wants more of everything, with these kinds of thoughts they can never reach their true potential. And even though they may change their job, as long as they maintain the same thoughts within their mind, there can be no change in their results. When they repeatedly complain about their past, the only thing that can happen is that they are held in the past longer.

Can you run away from the past and present to a better future?

They think they can run away from their past and present to have a better future. However, these folks are thinking in reverse: they rationalize that when they get more money, more respect, and more responsibility then they will contribute more to their job. If you want a new job or career with more money and more responsibility, you cannot remain critical of where you are at the present moment.

You can’t keep doing, thinking, and saying the same things and expect different results

You must make a vow to do things better in whatever situation you find yourself, make yourself worth more to the company and not one who only sees the negative. If you only see the negative then you will certainly stay negative and you cannot progress.

So, how can we change our thoughts, actions and words?

Here’s how one person changed. Allan was very negative when I first met him: he would always complain about management, about the company, about the medical benefits. One day I had enough, “OK, so if it’s so bad, make it better and here’s why – it’s not only for you, but, it’s also your co-workers.

Change your attitude to change your results

First, you will benefit and second, everyone is probably fed-up with your constant complaining. As you improve things, you will feel better and more opportunities will present themselves to you.” So, what happened to Allan? He did change his attitude and turned out to be an asset to his company. Then he was stolen by another company and given more money, this has happened twice and he’s making more money and happier with life since he made the decision to change his attitude and not just his surroundings.

Be the best where you are at the moment, and the future will take care of itself

Be the best you can where you are…there are plenty of opportunities wherever you are at. Become the expert who suggests changes at your job and make those changes within before you make the changes without.

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Don’t ask the Source your questions, rather, see your answers first and then changes will occur naturally.

It’s counter-intuitive to not ask for help

People who want to change their present unpleasant will ask the Source for help. Little do they understand that by asking for help, they are not allowing themselves the chance to change their lives. This statement may seem counterintuitive to what we have always been taught when we want big changes in our lives, still, have an open mind to this idea.

Our vibrational state determines our reality…past, present, and future

When we ask our questions first, we cannot receive what we ask for. And it is all about the state of vibration we are in when we ask those questions. We know that the state of vibration we are in determines our past, present, and future. For example, you are in debt and finally have hit the threshold and want to be out of debt. You want to have a secure feeling knowing that there is enough money to cover your monthly expenses and then some. So, you ask the question to the Creator of the universe:

How do I get out of debt?

Then you wait for your answers while all the time still being in debt and not being able to cover your monthly expenses. As time ticks on the clock, the car payment is due, the children need new clothes, and your banker needs money to cover your overdraft, you become more and more fixated on your question. So, you ask again:

How do I get out of debt?

Still, no earth shattering vision of what to do to relieve yourself of that mountain of obligations you have for living yesterday.  Being consumed by your question manifests an anxious state of scarcity which drives away any chance of getting out of debt.

See your results in your mind before they manifest in your hand

Rather than asking the questions first, see the answers first. By this I mean to see yourself already in a secure financial position: your children are wearing new clothes to school, you have a specific amount of cash in your bank account, and you are on holiday at a beach resort with your partner. 

Have the Natura Law work for you, not against you

And the same goes for a new car, a bigger house, being an author, or a successful public speaker; see the answers first and then how to get there will be provided by our benevolent Creator. This is a Natural Law. Have complete faith that this method works to make the changes you want.

Live your answers and don’t live your questions

In the end, it is all about living the answers to your questions rather than asking the questions and looking for your answers. Seeing, feeling, tasting, and holding your answers in your mind’s eye will guarantee that you will make those big changes you want and deserve out of life.