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You must not dream FOR your future, however, you must dream FROM your future.

Photo by drmakete lab on Unsplash

YOUR imagination is the pathway to YOUR success

It has been written that we must have the imagination of a child to truly be successful and achieve what we want out of life. With such abilities, we do not look upon the present as our absolute reality, rather, just a moment in our journey to our end goal.

Accept the reality that YOUR goal/success must be in YOUR mind long before it’s in YOUR hand

As well, we must think of ourselves in possession of what we truly desire at the present moment even though our goal has not yet materialized on the physical plane. And if we attach a date to our goals, we think the goal becomes more tangible. However, when we are dreaming FOR our future instead of dreaming FROM our future, I believe this kind of thinking is pushing our dreams further away from us rather than towards us.

There is a huge difference between thinking/saying FOR your future and thinking/saying FROM your future

Now, some may say that this subtle difference between FOR and FROM is a meaningless if not an entirely moot point. I disagree since the difference between winning and losing is seldom that great, especially in real situations such as sporting events. For example, the winner of the Women’s 400 meter race in the Summer 2008 Olympics won by only .02 seconds – 2/100’s of a second secured first place and victory over the second place runner. That is a blink of an eye or less!

Words do make a difference in your outcome/success

The same can be said about words, although there are subtle linguistic differences that exist between our choice of words in a given situation, it is much more since it is about your conscious and subconscious thoughts and therefore your conscious and subconscious actions that manifest from the words which you focus your attention upon. 

Somewhere in the future can be summed up by thinking/speaking FOR your future

As such, when you are thinking about your goal…let’s say a new home and even before you have achieved it, if you are thinking FOR the future you are comparing the size of your old home with your new home. You are thinking about what that new couch will look like in the corner of the living room and how the new refrigerator will fit in your new kitchen. This is a superficial means to view your goal and does little to bring you closer to your goal.

Thinking/speaking FROM your future plus your emotions and imagination equals your success

By contrast, when you live FROM the future you do so with a different lens. Thus, when you imagine your new home, you are in your home at this very moment, you are cooking dinner with your family around the dining room table talking about the day. Your emotions fuel your thoughts and you feel the excitement in the air as your family exchanges the events of the day. From this prospective, your imagination accompanied by your emotions place you in your new environment and to bring about all the needed thoughts and actions to manifest your home.  

Live FROM your future…the simple yet effective means to achieve your success/goals

Live your life and goals FROM the future and have complete faith that the universe will answer your dreams. It is by the thoughtful use of your imagination and your imagination alone that manifests what your desire.

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The Source has already provided you with the canvas, the brush, the paint to create your life.

Photo by Mike Petrucci on Unsplash

We have the innate ability to create the future

Within and around each of us is the means to create our dreams, our wants, and ultimately, our future. This idea is not the musings of a naïve optimist, rather, new physics supports this creed which the ancients knew and lived by. Their wise message is left to us through their manuscripts and folklore and only now is beginning to be understood and accepted by the scientific community and mainstream thought alike.

The founding legends contain the clues for humankind to create their wants and needs

When we examine the founding legends of various peoples, within their words, there appears an analogous thread which describes the presence of a net or a web of creation. According to the ancient beliefs of the Australian aboriginals, the American Hopi, and the Buddhist Sutras, this web or net has existed throughout the entire universe since the beginning of time. This omnipotent remnant of creation connects each of us to our past reality and to our future possibility.

An ancient web or net of knowledge and guidance permeates the universe

This web or net is what we now describe as something being out there. At one time, most believed that there was nothing but empty space within our environment and the universe itself. However, this pretense has been proved incorrect: the universe is made up of energy, energy which permeates every nook and every cranny. No matter where you are upon Earth, you are surrounded by this infinite energy.

Energy; raw, primordial energy is the key to manifesting our future

This energy field is very unique since it appears to be able to respond to our emotions. Scientific findings indicate that our feelings set in motion a series of events which manifest our wants. This net or web, whichever you prefer to call it, appears to have a sense of awareness which mirrors back our emotions. 

The ancient web or net of awareness is non-judgemental

Furthermore, this energy field of awareness does not discern between good or bad, thus, if you have positive emotions you must receive positive results in your life and if you have negative emotions you must receive negative results in your life. Ultimately, there is no escaping your inner emotions since this field of awareness, manifests in your life what you love or what you hate.

The ancient web or net of awareness is non-discriminatory; it is impartial and fair to all

It is now understood that the power of the universe is everywhere and in equal amounts everywhere. Thus, each of us has the same opportunity to tap into this power regardless of our location, age, or gender. When you accept the idea that you are connected to the universal energy, regardless of your present situation, you also recognize your ability to create your future with what you already have within you and around you.

Our Creator gave us the innate ability to manifest our future wants and needs; use your canvas, paint, and brush wisely

We are all from and of the Creator. And as such, it is innate within us to create our wants and desires; we create our wants and desires with our emotions. Positive emotions can only create beautiful, colorful canvases of our life. Negative emotions can only create ugly, dark canvases of our life. We should no longer question if this sacred field of awareness exists; rather, we must question how to use our canvas, our brush, and our paint to create the future we truly desire.

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Every minute of every day we are creating our future because of the thoughts we hold in our minds.

Success, in what form it may take, does not depend upon your physical world   

We can attract unlimited abundance into our life. We can receive unlimited happiness into our life. We can manifest unlimited success into our life. And these extraordinary results are not limited to one’s age, gender, location, or level of formal education.

Why are we able to attract such large and wonderful results into our life?

Each and every one of us is made-up of the same physical materials that comprise the planets and every form of life found upon the Earth. Since we are all created from the same basic substances, we are all under the same Natural Laws as the largest solar system and the smallest microbes. As a result, if we consider the Law of Gravity, no matter the size of the object, gravity reacts in a like manner…this is exact and unerring like any mathematical formula bearing scientific proof.

We are in a constant state of vibration 

While these various bodies, big and small, appear to be of a solid material, they, in fact, are in a state of constant motion. So, what we see is not what is.  Even our earthly bodies are in that same state of constant vibration. This motion is energy, raw energy which permeates every nook and cranny of the universe.

We are a storehouse of energy

And, our physical bodies, made of flesh and bone, are a living storehouse of energy. Still, we are not just energy; we are a powerful mass of spiritual energy, vibrating energy, which is in constant motion and manifests as our physical body and our material world.

Our thoughts, like our physical bodies, are under the Natural Laws 

Our thoughts, although not possessing physical properties, are things found within the cosmos which then places them under the same Natural Laws as everything which inhabits the universe. Accordingly, our thoughts are a mass of spiritual energy which occupies every area within the universe.

We must master our thoughts to reach the level of success we deserve and desire

These thoughts, however, are not just haphazard, they originate within the minds of every single one of us whether consciously or unconsciously. Since we are the creators of our thoughts we are the masters of our thoughts.  Being the master, this places our thoughts under our control. We control our thoughts to actualize the things that we love and we control our thoughts to actualize the things that we fear.

Our innate energy supports our every thought 

As we think either positive or negative thoughts, we must support these thoughts with our energy and this must set in motion everything that is necessary for the fulfillment of our thoughts.

Monitor your thoughts to achieve what you want in this life 

Our thoughts and our thoughts alone create the future that we desire. Closely monitor your present thoughts to be sure that you are correctly thinking about what you want in life. Your very future depends upon your ability to control the most precious thing that you will ever own.

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While you have no choice from where you start, you have the choice of where you end.

Most don’t come from wealth or fame…most work for wealth or fame

Most of us didn’t grow up in luxury and we certainly didn’t have a say in who our parents were or what level of success they reached in their lives. Even though we had no control or say over our beginnings, many use their past as an excuse to prevent them from achieving their future.

We plot our own course in life

Nonetheless, in spite of our humble beginnings, we can make the decision and take the action to end up where we want to be in our life.

An example of BIG dreams and BIGGER accomplishments

Many years ago on a desolate beach near Barranquilla, Colombia, a young girl would spend her Sundays dreaming about her future. Those weekend trips were the backdrop for her thoughts of traveling to foreign countries and becoming a well-known celebrity.

An unlikely place for fame to germinate and grow

This seemed an unlikely place for a child to grow up and become a superstar in the entertainment world. Just a childhood thought you may say? Well, after years of holding these lofty thoughts in her mind, they manifested on a large scale for Isabel Mebarak Ripoll. Miss Ripoll, better known to the world as Shakira, became a successful singer, songwriter, dancer, producer, actress and philanthropist as a result of her thoughts. Shakira could have used her humble beginnings as an excuse for remaining in a life of poverty…thankfully, she didn’t.

Poor beginnings wasn’t an excuse

Then there’s the amazing story of the most successful jockey in history who was inducted into The National Museum of Racing and Hall of Fame in 1958. Edward (Eddie) Arcaro was born in Cincinnati, Ohio, in 1916, the son of a poor taxi driver. Although he had very poor beginnings, he didn’t let anything stand in his way of success.

100 defeats before 1 victory

When he started his career as a jockey he lost the first 100 races he entered. During his early days, he broke bones and never crossed the finish line first, nevertheless, he still hung-on tenaciously to his dreams.

An amazing career

Eddie’s career spanned 30 years and during that time he won 4779 races and notched up the highest earnings of any jockey to date. He also won The Kentucky Derby five times and The Triple Crown of Racing twice, in 1941 and again in 1948. Eddie Arcaro didn’t let his early life take away his future dreams.

Your present doesn’t dictate your future

We have read that many super stars grew-up in poverty and virtually had nothing, living in a bad part of town with a single parent and having no food, no money, and no heat in the winter time to keep them warm. If they would have let the reality of the moment take over their dreams, they never would have made it to be the legends we admire.

Create your future…by choice, not by default

Some of us are creating a future by choice while others are creating a future by default.  Don’t use the past as an excuse for your present or your future. Plot your own course for success and don’t allow excuses to get in your way for the future you deserve.

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“Happiness manifests from within – happiness does not manifest from without.”

Big, new, shiny things can’t fill the void

In our modern-day world, it is common for many to believe that acquiring as many physical objects as possible, big ones, shiny ones, and costly ones will ultimately bring them true and lasting happiness in their life. While they pursue these objects to a near feverish pitch, they never realize that acquiring these objects alone can never fill the void of unhappiness that they suffer from.

Do not depend upon things to manifest long-lasting happiness

Their state of mind and thus, their vibratory state should not depend upon the material goods that they have or have not accumulated to the present moment. In fact, happiness in our present physical form can never be sustained by the acquisition of physical objects. Rather, it is the pursuit of living in the moment in the presence of positive thoughts and positive feelings which can manifest true happiness.

Live in the moment 

Our benevolent Source has given each and every one of us the choice as to how we live in the moment; we can focus upon positive thoughts and positive feelings which manifest a positive vibratory state that ultimately results in true happiness.

We create our own prison walls…that can’t be seen 

Or, we can focus upon negative thoughts and feelings which manifest a negative state that can only create prison walls to keep our unhappiness locked-in and our happiness locked-out. Both states can never exist in the same physical space and at the same temporal moment. And fortunately, happiness is stronger than unhappiness and unhappiness will always be conquered by happiness.

There is a bridge between the visible and invisible worlds 

There exists within us an invisible world and there exists without us a visible world. Faith in the invisible world holds much promise for us as we visualize lofty dreams and magnificent goals, peace and tranquility, happiness and joy. Belief in the outer world holds little promise for us and can manifest as crushed dreams and vanquished goals, unrest and disharmony, sadness and despair.

We control our inner world 

Yet, it is our control over our inner world which creates an outer world of happiness and the division of the two can manifest as one if we use the power of the Source as a bridge between the two.

Where are you building your castle? 

The castles we build on the inside lead to true happiness – the castles we build on the outside do not lead to true happiness. As we envision our spiritual castles, created from hope and faith and gratitude, we begin to view happiness and the manifestation of happiness in its true light. Happiness is the supreme form of freedom. Happiness is the supreme form of lightness.

Happiness is love…love is happiness

Happiness is the supreme form of love. When we begin to understand what happiness brings to our physical life, we surround our Self with happiness, we surround our Self with harmony, we surround our Self with the Source, and we experience what life is like from the Creator’s view of the universe.  As we enjoy happiness, more happiness will be drawn to us since like attracts like.

Happiness manifests from within…not from without

If you do not focus upon happiness, you cannot attain happiness. If you do not act towards happiness you cannot attain happiness. If you do not decide upon happiness, you cannot attain happiness. However, it is an eventuality to manifest happiness from within and it all begins with your thoughts and your feelings. When you focus upon, act towards, and decide to be happy in your life, and it does not depend upon your material possessions, you will become happy.

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“Your connection to the Source can help your Self and others as well.”

Your connection with the Source tears down boundaries and limitations 

The Source provides each of us with the innate ability and the natural means to live a fully connected life where we our physical health, our material wealth, and our spiritual Self can prosper without limits or boundaries. While our awareness permits us to live a fulfilling connected life, there are those family members and loved ones who may not be aware of the benefits that such a life provides to a committed follower of the Source and the Natural Laws.

Live by example to help those around you

Even though we want to help those around us who are less fortunate in life, rather than preach about the many physical, materially, and spiritual benefits that we can receive from the Source, it is our living by example that will do the most benefit to those around us who are not enjoying physical health, material wealth, or a spiritual Self.

Your being unwell doesn’t help those who are unwell

If a loved one or a relative is sick, you cannot help that sick person by being sick yourself. No matter how unwell you may become in response to another’s sickness, your reaction to another’s illness will never help them escape nor your Self from the negative vibratory state that you both will inhabit at that particular moment. A person, who is sick, is sick by their own thoughts, their own beliefs, and their own actions. Somehow and for some reason they have severed their connection to the Source and they need to regain that connection to regain and maintain good health. Once you truly accept the idea that their sickness cannot get better by your sickness, there are things that can you do to truly help an unwell person.

Illness perpetuates illness

When we look at how most people react to a loved one’s sickness it is little wonder that the sickness continues to thrive and choke the life out from the ill person. Most will feel pity for the person and their thoughts, beliefs, and actions help support the negative vibratory state that surrounds the ill person. I’m not saying that you should be callous and uncaring for an ill person, especially when that person is a loved one, however, there is a great deal of difference between feeling pity for a sick person and felling empathy.

Envision good health to create a positive vibratory state 

Instead of feeling pity, which maintains and sustains negative energy and continued illness, be a role model of good health to help your sick family member or friend to feel better, this act in and of itself will aid in reconnecting an unwell person to the Source. When you are in the presence of the person, envision them enjoying good health, envision them smiling, and enjoying life in a positive vibrational state. When you think and speak of them in their absence, again, only think positive, happy thoughts. In the end, your positive thoughts, beliefs, and actions can only result in the same for the ill person and when you emit positive energy, negative energy cannot exist in the same time and space.

You can escape from your unpleasant present

If a loved one or family member is poor, you cannot help that person out of poverty no matter how poor you become. They are existing within a realm of negative energy and your lack of abundance cannot help their lack of abundance, it can only prolong and sustain the lack of abundance that both of you share. A person, who is poor, is poor by their own thoughts, their own beliefs, and their own actions. Somehow and for some reason they have severed their connection to the Source and they need to regain that connection to escape from their present unpleasant situation and attain a life of abundance which each of us is entitled to from the Source.

Your lack of abundance won’t help others who suffer from a lack of abundance 

Accept that your lack of abundance can never help another’s lack of abundance and rather than wallow in poverty and want, help that person reconnect with the Source which is the only way to escape from lack and a negative vibratory state. How we react to another’s poverty can help them escape or keep them shackled where there are at the unpleasant present.

Don’t offer pity…offer thoughts, feelings, words, and acts of abundance 

Rather than give the poor person money, which is given out of pity and further supports and sustains a negative state, be a role-model of abundance and positive energy which the person can then emulate in their own life. In their presence, do not offer pity…offer abundance instead by your thoughts, your beliefs, and your actions. By witnessing and being surrounded by positive thoughts, beliefs, and actions, an impoverished person’s thoughts, beliefs, and actions can no longer compete with or occupy the same environment either mentally or physically as what is found throughout your positive vibrational state.

Take full responsibility for your present vibratory state 

If a loved one or a family member is spiritually unwell or poor, your accompanying them in an equally unwell or poor spiritual state cannot and will not ever help them escape from this cycle of negative being. Do not take the blame for them and do not see your Self as selfish when you focus upon your spirituality; it is when you focus upon your spiritual growth and the results you achieve which ultimately can be a beacon of possibility for others. After all, they and they alone must take full responsibility for their spiritual illness and poorness and they alone must provide the opportunity to allow their present unpleasant state to manifest a state of spiritual wellness and abundance.

Be a billboard of positive energy to others around you 

While they must move the mountain to gain a spiritual life, you can help them by being a billboard of spirituality for your family and friends. Others will notice as you set your goals based upon the non-physical world rather than the physical world. Others will notice when you measure the accomplishment of your goals based upon cosmic timelessness and not upon human time. Others will notice when you harbor no fear, jealousy, or envy and they will notice when you show love, compassion, and joy for the physical world that you exist within.

Positive energy attracts positive words, actions, feelings, and thoughts

In the end, being connected to the Source can help you enjoy a fulfilling life and it can help others enjoy a fulfilling life as well. There is something very assuring and therefore very appealing about a person who manifests a strong connection with the Source. The positive aura that follows this person as they go about their daily routines does not go unnoticed as others are drawn to the positive vibratory state which envelops such a soul. Being connected to the Source is the best you can do for your Self and for others.

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“To manifest abundance, you must focus upon abundance at all times.”

We are magnificent manifesting machines

The Source created humankind, and as such we are magnificent manifesting machines with the ability to achieve what we want in life if we follow the Natural Laws. While each and every one of us that inhabit this terrestrial home has the capability to do so, nevertheless, some lack the ability to do so.

Lack does not originate from the Source

This lack does not originate from the Source; the benevolent One insures there are no exclusions based upon age, income, or intellect or any other variables that exist between the members of humankind. Any lack is based upon a lack of awareness in which manifesting depends entirely upon the vibrational state that you exist within; a positive state manifests progress and gain while a negative state manifests regress and loss. Ultimately, we each have in our facilities the ability to make the decision to end up where we ought to be and this is based upon our vibrational state.

There are equal opportunities for each of us to succeed 

While each of us has the opportunity to manifest wonderful things and experiences in our lives, it appears that some do not share the belief that they have the Source given capability and ability to do so. These people simply do not believe that they can create that which they focus their thoughts upon, they view abundance as something that other people have achieved by chance or fate or lack, and they have no influence upon the abundance offered by the universe as rightfully theirs to attain.

Your gain is not someone else’s loss

They may even view abundance as one person’s loss while another person’s gain. They view abundance as a limited commodity which does not include them in the equation. They view their lack in the present as a sign that they will remain in a state of lack in the future. They view trying to be other than what they presently are as a futile and childlike fantasy, hence, they simply exist to endure a life of unpleasant presents. They exist within a negative state of vibration and attract and receive that which they emit to the universe.

Consistency of thought manifests success; inconsistency of thought manifests failure

Then we have the others who succeed at some of their ventures some of the time and fail at others the rest of the time. While they have focus upon abundance for short periods of time, they lack the consistency to maintain and sustain their focus of abundance over long periods of time. These people achieve what they set out to do since they are in a positive vibratory state, however, once they attempt to reach another one of their goals, they may falter (which is only temporary due to a delay), which then results in lower level of belief and faith which helps them shift into a negative vibratory state. In a sense, they follow the proverbial two steps forward and one step back. While they mainly believe in the Laws; when things are going as they expect and want, hence, feeling positive, they have setbacks due their fear of losing what they have achieved, hence, feeling negative.

The Dream Stealers create negative feelings

It is entirely possible that the positive emotions are pushed aside by the Dream Stealers of greed and fear and other negative induced feelings. If these people had maintained their belief and faith, they would not have to go through the fluctuations in life that they experience. Rather than enduring a roller coaster ride of highs and lows, they could attain and maintain a steady ride throughout their lives with a simple shift of vibrational state.

Feel abundance before you receive abundance 

Finally, we have the ones who focus their full attention upon abundance and naturally, since they follow the Natural Laws and the Source, always appear to succeed at whatever they set their thoughts upon. They feel abundance long before they have achieved what they expect to receive. They feel abundance due to a surplus of positive feelings. They feel abundance in the face of temporary defeat since they realize that the Universal Laws are immutable and all results occur within cosmic timelessness and not human time. Since they have immovable faith and belief, they occupy a positive vibratory state which can only result in positives being returned to them – this is the Law.

Like attracts like; abundant thoughts, words, and actions manifest abundant results

When in doubt of achieving your goal, remain in a positive state of abundance. Do not wait until abundance arrives on your doorstep before you feel abundance, this is not going to take place since the Laws are precise and immutable and you can only attract that which you emit. Stay focused upon abundance and abundance shall find you.


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“Success does not occur from filling a void of want, rather, success occurs from filling a void with spiritual feelings.”

I want more of this and more of that 

When most are asked if they want to have larger savings, bigger homes, and newer vehicles then they presently have, they will surely respond with a resounding Yes! Then when asked how they go about pursuing a larger bank account, a bigger home, and a newer vehicle, they will no doubt say that they constantly think about wanting more money, wanting a bigger home, and wanting a newer vehicle. With this type of thinking it is not such a big surprise that most have not achieved what they want and instead remain the same with little money, small homes, and old cars.

You cannot receive your wants when in a  negative state of vibration 

This is because when they are thinking about wanting more of any material good, in reality they are asking the Source from a position of want which manifests as negative vibrations which can only lead to negative results seeing that like vibrations attract like vibrations and repel unlike vibrations – this is the Law. Hence, there can certainly be no change in these different areas of their lives.

Do not attempt to fill a void with “things”

Many go out and attempt to change their lives by purchasing things that they long for. They buy these goods from a feeling of want and lack and in a sense they need these various material goods to fill a void. The problem is that filling a void with a request from their want something since there is lack of something does little to fill the void.

You are more than just “things”

The approach of wanting something to make the grade, to impress friends and relatives, or to validate your Self worth can only lead to a negative vibrational state which brings along more misery to you since buying goods when you are not able to then leads to fear of paying the bills when the month-end approaches.

Buying “things” can lead to a vicious cycle of wanting more and more

Then you realize there is a poor economy, you fear losing your job, and this invites even more negative vibrations and more of the same month in and month out, year in and year out. When you buy goods to fill a void, you are operating within a vicious cycle since once you have the new home, vehicle, watch, purse or whatever it is that you believe will fill the void in your life, there is always another thing that you must have, hence, you never succeed at filling the void since once it is filled with one new object there is always more that you want.

“Things” are ephemeral 

Even if you can achieve all of your material goals and regardless of how much money you have in the bank, how large your home is, or how exotic your car is, even though you may have these material trappings today, they are merely ephemeral and you will still feel a void in your life which you rationalize can be filled only by the next hot item or costly thing. Since the root of the problem is that disharmony still exists in your life, it cannot be filled by material goods no matter how large, expensive, or exclusive.

Disharmony in your life maintains your problems, not solve them 

I am not saying that you should avoid having material goals such as larger bank accounts, bigger homes, and newer vehicles, you are here to experience a life that the Source offers to you and part of that life includes unlimited spiritual growth and expansion of material goods as well.

How can we escape from a negative vibrational state? 

However, I am saying that your focus of buying material goods to fill a void creates a negative state of vibration that you cannot escape from and unless you approach your life and the accumulation of material goods in another, more satisfying way you will not feel a long lasting fulfilling life of peace and tranquility that each and every one of us deserves and is offered freely and willingly by the Source no matter where we live, where we work, what our education is, or what our gender.

A positive vibrational state opens the doors to success 

It is easy to move from a negative vibrational state to a positive vibrational state, and in the end your spiritual feelings of peace and tranquility can manifest all the material trappings, in any form that is desired, to you and you will not experience a void that must be filled by the latest trendy or costly object.

Change your thoughts, words, and actions 

When you change your thoughts, you change your words, and when you change your words, you change your actions and when you change your actions you change your future. Think of your spirituality: your spiritual feelings must fill the void first and then you can set material goals not from want but from abundance and joy.

Your soul is full of love, compassion, and joy

Fill your soul with feelings, thoughts, words, and actions of love, compassion, and joy to receive more love, compassion, and joy. Once your soul has experienced this higher state of being, a positive connection between you and the Source, this vibrational state opens the floodgates to having material wealth, and it does not matter if we have a bad economy or there is other foreboding news ahead of you.

Maintain a strong connection with the Source

If your connection to the Source is strong, you will not manifest negative things since you are in a positive state and sending positive vibrations out to the universe which can only result in the same being sent back to you.

Receive all while in a positive vibrational state 

Once you have achieved a positive vibrational state with the Source, you will receive all that you desire – and your want is not from a negative void of want, poverty, or lack. Rather, you are receiving from a positive state of abundance, joy, and love which results in a lasting sense of fulfillment and purpose to your life.