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“Your energy must guide your efforts – your efforts must not guide your energy.”

It’s more than hard work 

Most believe that hard work and sustained effort will manifest the goals they want to achieve in their life in their present physical form. However, this is far from the truth since the ones who work the hardest are not the richest or the healthiest or the happiest in this world. If your efforts alone are not the key to manifestating a life of spiritual and material abundance, this begs the question:

What will provide a happy, healthy, and fulfilled life on this plane of existence?

Your energy and your energy alone will manifest all that you desire regardless of your gender, education, or location. The benevolent Source has provided each of us with an equal opportunity to achieve our goals in life. At our earthly conception, we all are programmed with infinite spiritual, intellectual, and physical gifts.

We ‘forget’ what is innate in all of us

However, as we mature and our responsibilities increase we shift our focus upon the physical ways to live life and forget or abandon or surrender the most powerful gifts bestowed upon them by the Source – the gifts of divine creation, primordial knowledge, and supreme connection to the unlimited universal power.

Your energy guides your efforts and your results

Effort alone will not guarantee that you will achieve what you want to achieve in this life. It is important to your success to have your energy guide your efforts and not have your efforts guide your energy. Your efforts are a reflection of the energy which you emit and ultimately what you receive from the universe. When you emit positive energy, you receive only positive circumstances, situations, and results. When you emit negative energy, you can only receive negative circumstances, situations, and results.

Inconsistent efforts produce inconsistent results

The problem is that your efforts can be inconsistent or unproductive and when they are inconsistent or unproductive, you can become unfocused, disenchanted, and just plain frustrated since your goals are not any closer at hand then when you set the goal. When we make an effort and receive no compensation for our hard work and investment of our time, naturally, doubt, negative thoughts, and negative words slip into our focus and our consciousness. Our results are not in proportion to our efforts.

The universe runs on universal time, not human time 

However, we must not forget that the universe works on different time than humans – the universe follows cosmic timelessness where the past, present, and future are one…they are the inseparable which we want to separate to fit our personal and financial timetable.

Maintain a spiritual focus not a physical focus 

When we forget or abandon or surrender our spiritual focus to our physical focus, we are consciously or unconsciously putting our faith in our Self and stripping it away from the Source. How pretentious of us to believe that we can attain our goals solely upon our own expertise and without the guidance and help from the benevolent Source.

Our mansions are created within before they are created without 

Our mightiest mansions are built within our inner world long before our outer world. One singular physical effort was, is, or will never be made before we have made our spiritual effort first. Every goal that we achieve begins and then germinates as an idea within our spiritual realm – your goal is never planted or comes to fruition as a result of making and exerting an effort first. Thoughts create the efforts which then manifest the goal – this is the Law.

Align your energy, knowledge, and your sacred connection to receive your desires  

Results manifest from your spiritual realm first. It is your positive energy aligned with primordial knowledge and supported by your supreme connection with the Source which manifests your desires. This trilogy of success depends upon your focus and not your efforts. As you focus your words and thoughts upon a specific goal, the universe aligns you with your goal to manifest all the circumstances, situations, and people required to achieve that which you want to achieve. It is your spiritual focus that creates positive expectancy which then leads to positive energy which in turn provides a conduit to achieve what you want to achieve.

A number of steps help you manifest your goals 

In order to create the energy which produces the efforts that manifest your goals, there are a number of steps you can take to keep you in synch with the universal power. Having your goal written down upon a card and then carrying it in your pocket or purse reminds you to stay focused and also maintain positive energy and belief in what you are doing to help you achieve the goal. Holding a goal card in your hand is magic as you create an instant connection with the goal.

Quiet time is essential to maintain focus 

It is equally as important to find quiet time to reflect upon what you want to achieve. In today’s busy world, we often lose sight of our goals since there are so many distractions that pull us away from what we want. It is critical to stay in a positive state of energy by continuously monitoring what thoughts, words, and actions are goal achieving and what thoughts, words, and actions are tension relieving. While you may be enjoying distractions for what you want, you may then feel guilty for not focusing upon your goal and this is when the doors of negativity are opened.

Listen to your inner voice…it’s always correct 

When spending quiet time reflecting upon your goals, be sure to listen to your Self to receive what effort you should make to get closer to your goal. Often we hear the means to achieve our goals, however, we then dismiss our inner voice as just a hunch or a fallacy and make no effort to do what we received from the Self. You must never forget or lose or abandon your faith and belief in what you know is the right path to take; after all, if the Source provides you with the initial thoughts to achieve a goal, the Source provides the path to achieve the goal as well.

Faith and belief are pathways to success 

And while you are focusing upon complete faith and belief in the opportunities that present themselves to you, remember to express your gratitude to the Source for what you were, are, and will be. No matter what your present situation…either close to or far away from your goal, gratitude keeps you in a positive state of energy which then allows more of the good to be channeled to your life on universal time.

Your energy determines what you achieve in this life 

Effort alone is not the answer to achieving your goals – it is your positive energy that is the key to achieving what you set your sights upon. It is your positive energy that will keep you on track and help you to push negative energy from your Self. It is your positive energy that will guide you to the correct path and help you walk along that path no matter what happens in the outer world around you.

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“It is your mind that creates your life’s illusions and it is your mind that creates your life’s realities.”

Life’s Illusions manifest from misinterpretations 

The illusions in your life are the results of your misinterpretation of the circumstances that have happened, that are happening, or will happen to you and the realities in your life are the results of your rightful interpretation of the circumstances that have happened, that are happening, or will happen to you.

Your five senses act as filters in life

And it is your mind’s direct or indirect reaction to your circumstances, filtered through your five senses of sight, sound, smell, touch and taste which are either the catalyst for the improper interpretation or the proper interpretation of those circumstances that comprise your life. Hence, it becomes clear that the control of your mind and the control of your senses manifest your illusions or your realities.

Illusions are a minefield 

The illusions that are created in your mind that consequently influence your thoughts, words, and actions are nothing more than falsehoods that have little substance from what the reality is in your life in most instances. We base our life upon these illusions and negotiate along through life like a soldier making his way through a deadly minefield with these unwarranted chimeras haunting our every waking moment.

Falsehoods are created from illusions

We sacrifice true happiness, abundance, and fulfillment because our illusions are continually being reinforced with our false thoughts, words, and actions. After years of living as we are living – accepting that the falsehoods are truths – our mind becomes rigid to our old paradigm and it is difficult to break away from our illusions. Since we live these illusions every day we soon accept them as the only alternative in our life. As we accept them as the only path in life, we lose our enthusiasm and desire to achieve BIG goals since our fate is already predetermined by our past results. We have lost the idea that we are in control of our lives and that many possibilities exist at the identical moment and it is our decision to focus upon what we want rather than what we have achieved up to the present moment. It is crucial to achieve any goal in our life to see and then experience our life not through a distorted lens of an illusion, rather, to see it and then think, talk, and act through a lens of our reality.

Incorrect assumptions create an unwanted and unfulfilled life 

As we form our illusions in life by our jaundiced interpretation of our circumstances, experiences, and then our results, we form the realities in our life by our intuitive interpretation of our circumstances, experiences and then our desired results. It is our lack of control of our mind which leads to the incorrect assumptions we make about our past, present, and future situations and circumstances that create our illusions. And by contrast, it the control of our mind which produces the correct assumptions we make about our past, present, and future that create our realities.

Ask your Self important questions 

The important question is How can we control our mind to insure we create the realities we want and not the illusions we do not want? To start, we need to understand that gaining and maintaining control of your mind in a myriad of situations is not unlike training your body to be a key athlete. What I mean is that it is not a sprint, but, a marathon. It is not the flavor of the week or the flash in the pain where you will try and see if it is for you. Rather, consider controlling your mind in the good and bad as a way of life. It is a long term commitment that must be worked upon diligently or you may not attain, maintain, and sustain the control of the most important path in your life to achieve what you want.

How can you gain and sustain control of your mind? 

There are a number of practical suggestions which can help you gain and sustain control of your mind. First, it is imperative to your success to gain control of your mind and hence your reality – you must have 100% faith, belief, and expectation that you will be the master of your mind (your reality) and not the slave of your whims (your illusions). You may slip back into your old paradigms at times, still, realize that you will overcome the obstacles, no matter how difficult and be the captain of your journey.

Success manifests long after visualization and belief

Second, it is also critical to visualize your success long before it even happens. Hence, if you want a new car, a new house, a new job, or control over your mind, you first need to see the results you want on the non-physical plane before it appears on the physical plane. When you see what you want and deserve before it happens on human time, you are summoning the enormous power of the universe to your purpose and sets in motion the people, circumstances, and things required to manifest what you want. Practice visualization regularly when faced with a new goal.

Your mind can take you down any number of paths to success or failure 

Third, another key in your success equation is to constantly monitor the illusions or the realities which you are thinking about. Intuitively, at the visceral level you know that your mind is leading you down a path of truth or falsehood. You only need to be aware of what is being presented to you. It is important to take the time to be silent in the noise of everyday living and listen to what your inner spirit is attempting to pass along to you and then it is even more important to act upon what you are receiving from the universe. When you consciously find quietude in nature or your family home, your focus will allow you to access the inner power of intuition which then manifests your realities and not your illusions.

Your family, friends, and acquaintances can lead you down any number of path to success or failure

Fourth, this idea marries with the idea of constantly monitoring your mind. The people around you, your circle of friends, family, and colleagues are always willing to help you make those tough decisions in life based upon what they would do in the same situation. The problem is that their advice is not based upon what is best for you and how it fits in with your plan for success in the universe. While you may want to be polite and listen to what they say to help you, this help then forms your new reality or illusion – it is best to listen to your intuition and not your family, friends, and colleagues in those tough situations. After all, their advice is built upon their unique experiences and we seldom share all the same experiences in life. And, we filter our experiences through different lens then the people around us which could manifest different realities or illusions. Ultimately, find your own path and not follow someone else’s path.

Overcome negativity to discover your path to success

Fifth, make a conscious effort to overcome the urge to react negatively in any and every undesirable, unsuspected, or unwanted situation. If you do act this way – you will not get out of your present unpleasant situation, rather, you will be building barricades that will insure that you will remain as you are. So, if you do not receive the raise you expected at work, instead of believing that you will never receive that extra monthly income (your illusion), design a plan that will make you more valuable to the company.

Plan for success by investing in your Self

Your plan could mean extra night courses or seminars or other professional development and most companies will even pay for their employees to do so. Make a solid effort and investment of time to design a plan that is achievable, remember, most people take longer to plan their next vacation than their lives! However, a plan is not enough; you must have a complete understanding that you are more valuable to the company and then you will enjoy that raise (your reality).

Control the reality you wish to experience   

We can build our own realities regardless of what illusions have haunted us in the past. At this exact moment, there are many possibilities that present themselves to your Self. Take control of your mind and only allow the reality you want to exist in your mind at every moment. If you find that you are losing control and permitting wrongful illusions to take hold and dominate your Self, there are a number of ways to regain and sustain control of your mind which will lead to true health, wealth, and Self.

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“Manifestations occur when you are in a state of serenity and not when you are in a state of anxiety.”

How do we cure what ails us? 

Today, we find that the self-help industry is huge – it is a multi-billion dollar business – and within the parameters of this industry we find that the most sought after cures for the majority are a lack of money, a lack of self-esteem, and a lack of purpose. According to the gurus within this industry, the magic elixir to escape from and then place these maladies in life far behind you is manifesting.

Manifest what you desire 

It is commonly accepted that we are able to transcend the negatives in life by manifesting our personal goals of health, wealth, and Self, This idea has had a tremendous impact upon the psyche of modern day society. Perhaps, the general acceptance of this idea may rival the discoveries that the Earth was not the center of the universe and the Earth was not flat as assumed by the masses many centuries ago.

We never realize our goals when in a state of anxiety 

While the collective consciousness may agree that manifesting is the key to achieving our goals and changing our life for the better, most turn to manifesting in times of dire need which is when they are in a state of negative vibration. As they attempt to force changes in life to escape their present unpleasant situation, many never realize their goals and as a result turn their backs upon the Source’s invaluable gift for long-lasting and meaningful change.

Your vibratory state determines your ability to manifest your desire 

The self-help experts promote manifesting as the rightful path to relieve your Self of the misery that your Self has caused you to experience in the past, causes you to experience in the present, and will cause you to experience in the  future. While much has been said and written about manifesting your personal goals, it is critical for your success to be aware of the vibratory state that you are in both before and during your manifesting session. The overall lack of success that many people face is that they approach manifesting when they are at their lowest point.

How can a negative vibratory state produce positive results?  

They attempt to manifest a drastic change in their life when they have no money, when they are sick, when they have no job, and when their relationship is on the rocks. Needless to say, when a person is at the lowest of the lows, they are in a negative state of vibration. They are enveloped in a black cloud of anxiety, fear, and desperation…negative states of energy which can only attract negative states of energy according to the Natural Laws of the universe. How do they ever expect to escape their current situation in such a vibratory state?

Don’t build barricades around your goals      

The vibratory state that you dwell in determines the results that you have in your past, your present, and your future life. There is simply no escaping the immutable laws of the universe regardless of your gender, age, education, celebrity, or location. When you are in a state of anxiety prior to attempting your manifesting session, you can only build barricades which stop the universe from delivering your goal. When you are in a state of anxiety as you attempt your manifesting session, you maintain the barricades which repel your goal.

Believe in your future goals…but do not base your beliefs upon your present situation

It is imperative in your manifesting session that you do not allow the negatives in your life, such as overdue bills, economic meltdown of your country, or an advanced state of illness to influence your thoughts, words, and actions which ultimately impacts your ability to achieve your end goals. You must see past the present unpleasant situation as the only reality of your life. It is not the only possibility, just one of a countless number that exist at any given moment.

Your goal already exists…it takes the proper action, thoughts, and words to accomplish it 

While a state of anxiety can stop a successful manifesting session in its tracks, by contrast, a state of serenity can result in the natural achievement of your goals. Of course, it is not easy to focus your mind upon the good you expect to receive long before you receive it when the dogs of despair are nipping at your heels, still, this is exactly what is required to end the cycle of poverty, illness, and fear which plagues so many of us and keeps us in the throes of anxiety. But, consider the alternative; remaining in a state of anxiety perpetuates the conditions that rule over your life. To escape the state of anxiety and enter upon a state of serenity you need to see your Self, your inner being, the goal already manifested.

The present is malleable

So, while you stare the negatives straight in the face, have unconditional faith and absolute belief that the negatives are not the only reality, they are just the present reality which is malleable. Be genuinely grateful that you are where you are since feeling unfortunate, unlucky, or ungrateful will only tighten the noose of negative energy that encircles your entire Self.

Belief and faith destroy a negative vibratory state 

Fully understand that the negatives can be broken by seeing economic prosperity, good health, and wellness in your mind long before you hold them with your hands. Your focus determines what possibility becomes your reality and your reality is determined by your focus.

Goals have their a life of their own…nurture them to fruition 

Manifestations have a life of their own: they are born from your desires; they live from your thoughts; and they pass from your actions. As they proceed through the different stages of their existence, manifestations may change their shapes. And they are not under human time…they are under cosmic timelessness. They are also reborn as different although similar manifestations. For example, you may want to earn a degree in one discipline; however, you realize that this choice is not the best to fulfill your personal and economic goals in life. Hence, your initial manifestation passes and remerges as a new manifestation which better fulfills your personal goals. In the end, the life of a manifestation is dependent upon your being in a state of serenity and not in a state of anxiety. Serenity fulfills your manifestation while anxiety ends your manifestation unfulfilled.


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“Live by intuition, do not live by logic.”

What drives science? 

Science has always been driven by hardened logic supported with cold facts and soulless formulas to account for all the biological, mathematical, sociological, historical, and mystical questions which abound within this life. And even though the answers to a great number of these mysteries are firmly and unquestionably entrenched deep within the collective consciousness of humankind, nevertheless, science and hence logic, dictates that the majority of us are unequivocally wrong in what we believe or feel as the truth.

Do we see the truth or feel the truth? 

While many wholeheartedly support the findings that manifest from scientific inquiry as the full truth and the only reality, this way of thinking comes at a high price. Intuition or natural knowledge which cannot be measured, observed, or calculated by white-coated lab assistants with modern day scientific equipment – is ridiculed as the baseless musings of artists, romantics, and poets to fabricate the fantasies of life, not the realities of life. At the expense of the traditional, we accept the novel as the only truth and solitary reality.

Live life by the seen ?

Logic or rational thought is based upon the seen and not upon the unseen. Hence, the rational mind’s mantra is best expressed as When I see it, I’ll believe it. When we accept that logic is the solitary path to truth and reality, we accept that truth and reality can only be measured, observed, and recorded by man or machine. The inherent problem with using these methods to arrive at all your conclusions and decisions in life is that these facts are the result of the noise from others.

Facts can be a mix of truth and fantasy

Facts, while a mix of both truth and fantasy manifest from the observations of politicians, educators, researchers, and the like to create the illusion in life which each group supports, either openly or covertly, as their personal agenda. Most have closed eyes and are unable to see through the illusion of life as they live it. However, when they open their eyes and see through life’s illusions, then they are in a position to reclaim that which they had lost initially.

Linear thinking and logic go hand-in-hand  

When a person embraces logic as their savior in this earthly life, they inherit a number of conditions which are inseparable from the whole. For example, linear thinking accompanies a logical mind. Since these conditions go hand in hand, we understand that a linear view of life occurs when a person has been trained to expect that A leads to B and B leads to C leads to D and so on and so on. If A leads to B and B leads to C then there is no uncertainty…only certainty. Many are unable to live with uncertainty in their lives, as a result, when these people live their lives, they rely upon logic and the facts and the seen to bring a sense of certainty and security to their lives.

Certainty brings stability to some

It is difficult, if not impossible for these people to flee from the certainty that brings stability to their lives. Nonetheless, even a small measure of uncertainty can manifest a crack in the paradigm which they live their lives. Mystery is unsettling. Unfamiliarity is frightening. Still, a small crack can slowly fester over time and then when a threshold is breached, uncertainty prevails over certainty. In this sense, logic could be viewed as a boomerang that comes back and hurts the hunter since everyday life is often filled with seemingly unexpected and uncontrollable events.

Intuition arises from silence 

While logic arises from the noise manifested by facts and the seen, intuition results from the silence manifested by feelings and the unseen. Hence, the intuitive mind’s personal mantra then appears to be best articulated as I’ll believe it, then I’ll see it. The brain and our Self have the innate ability to comprehend that which we do not comprehend at a physical level.

We need no help to comprehend intuitive knowledge 

And this understanding does not require any assistance from outside of our Self. It is our raw feelings that unlock the natural knowledge which is found deep within our souls and our DNA – the knowledge within is freely given to each of us by the benevolent Source regardless of our gender, race, education, or location. And the strength of our connection to the Source determines our receptivity to this divine gift that provides a pathway to understand the mystical, the miraculous, the unseen.

We cannot separate the inseparable…this is an illusion 

When a person embraces intuition as their sole path to arrive at their conclusions and decisions in life, they do so based upon their own feelings from their inner world and do not rely upon the noise from others in their outer world. This method does not come without its consequences since it is not possible to separate the inseparable. Just as certainty is inseparable from logic, uncertainty is inseparable from intuition.

Your road-map exists within

This is not to say that a person who relies upon their intuition to solve their life’s issues goes around uncertain of what they need to do in order to accomplish that which they want to accomplish. Rather, it is like being provided with a road-map and the directions to end-up at your final destination are not highlighted with a bright yellow marker. You have the map and you need to hear the directions from your inner voice.

Your senses will guide you on your journey 

You must also rely upon your senses to find the right way – you rely upon the sun and the wind and your Self to arrive at your final location. Hence, A does not lead to B and B does not lead to C…you just know where you want to go and know with your entirety that you’ll get there, it is just that there are a variety of ways to get there and here is where the uncertainty steps in.

Uncertainty is a virtue…embrace it, do not scorn it 

I can say with certainty that uncertainty is a sacred virtue. When we surrender our Self to our intuition, we surrender our Self to the Source and the ancient knowledge innate within each of us to live a life with our truths and our realities. While we may surrender our Self to uncertainty, there is little sacrifice since surrendering certainty for uncertainty is an empowering feeling. Our constant sense of gratitude for the freedom is amplified as we experience life unshackled by the chains of certainty.

How can we access our innate knowledge? 

We can access intuition by our clear and focused thoughts and the long and often forgotten ways rekindle the connection that is lost over our lifetime. As we experience clarity of thought, we see through the illusions of life and do not fear, worry, or hate what the logical mind fears, worries, and hates. We do not need nor rely upon facts and science to explain the mysteries of life which include our belief of the Source, our ability to create or own reality, and our capacity to cure our dis-eased bodies and minds.

Don’t believe only in facts 

We do not believe in the facts and the reality that the seen world presents to us. After all if we did, by all rights a poor girl from Venezuela would never become a world renowned singer; a poor child who grew-up in a ghetto with little but his desire to become a famous sports figure would do so; and a boy who endured hunger when growing-up would become a famous jockey.

Intuition conquers all 

It is indeed a rarefied atmosphere where intuition is the conqueror of fear, uncertainty, and the seen. Turning your decision making process over to the unknown and the unseen requires a huge leap of faith. In this day and age where science is slowly strangling our reliance upon and the confidence in our own Self to cure our illnesses, to achieve our goals, and to answer our mystical questions, we need 100% trust, 100% faith, and 100% belief in our divine gift in order to relinquish the control of our destiny to our Self.

Surrender to your intuition 

While the price for our complete trust, our complete faith, and our complete belief may seem to be exorbitant, once we relinquish our Self to our intuition, it is like a traveler who leaves a humble home in an underdeveloped rural village to live in a modern metropolitan area. That person never returns with the same state of mind, the same level of wonder, and the same measure of confidence as when they first turned the handle of their door and made that initial step outside their comfortable and familiar hometown.

Intuition manifests a happier, healthier life 

Live your life by intuition and not by logic. When making this comment, I certainly do not question being rational concerning driving your car at 100 mph on an icy road through the mountains in December. Rather, I mean to live by intuition when making the really BIG decisions in life such as your job, your spouse, and your business. If you live by intuition and not by reason, surely, you will have a happier, healthier, and wealthier life since you are doing what you truly want with who you truly want to be with and when you truly want to do it. At the least, it certainly makes life a lot more enjoyable than the predictable, routine that most of us trade for security.  Allow the untapped or the forgotten knowledge that resides deep within your inner world to reign supreme over the noise and distractions of your outer world.


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“The paths you take and the results you make are yours to create; these are neither random nor preordained conclusions.”

Our results aren’t due to luck, chance, or fate

Many would subscribe to the belief that the results in our physical world occur from luck, chance, or fate. However, on a daily basis, these same people inadvertently experience the benefits of a sundry of Natural Laws without any thought or appreciation of such wondrous events.

The Natural Laws are predictable and measurable

These Laws have been present since the moment of creation and continue to successfully keep the events that occur in the universe predictable and measurable. If there are any doubts, consider what it takes for planning a journey to the Moon or keeping an entire nation hooked-up to an electrical grid. In some instances we may not be able to detect the Natural laws with our five senses, nevertheless, there is evidence that the Natural Laws exist and neither chance nor fate nor luck are the pathways to what we hope to attain in this physical life.

Over-used, worn-out, and fallacious sayings

We all grew-up with such trite expressions such as Good Luck, It’s a twist of fate, and She’s so lucky to explain the unexplainable. These over-used, worn-out, and fallacious sayings help a great number of us cope with every-day life and the unpleasant as well as unplanned things that may occur to us. All the bad things that happen to nice people must be fate or chance or luck and all the good things that happen to bad people must be fate or chance or luck. After all, why would a benevolent Source not intercede to stop negative things happening to good people or stop positive things happening to bad people? With this thinking, it is easy to understand why many believe that life is nothing but a card game where an Ace may show-up in your hand this time but a Joker the next.

Are we the cards in a universal card game?

And when it comes to planning goals in life, such as economic freedom, a nice home, and a loving relationship…you have as much luck for achieving your personal goals as you do by rolling the dice and hitting snake eyes or a seven. These kinds of thoughts permeate the consciousness of many and leave a person with little expectation to achieve what they set their minds and souls upon.

Modern-day intellectualism demands physical evidence as proof 

Now, to complicate this even further, add modern-day intellectualism to our choices in life…only things that can be proven scientifically are true and real and all the rest is just nonsense contrived by artists, romantics, and poets to cope in the real world where some are wealthy and happy and the balance are poor and unhappy. The great thinkers of the past, including such luminaries as Newton, have left their indelible mark upon humankind. And it all starts with scientists themselves: a recent survey of their spiritual beliefs indicated that a mere 7% believed in the Source, 72% disbelieved in the Source, and the balance polled was agnostic.

Beliefs support agendas…agendas support beliefs

Naturally, their beliefs support their agendas which support their beliefs: it is fair to assume that science is the new Source comprised of mathematical formulas and calculations. As the experts put forth their hypotheses and assumptions, these are based upon the absence of the Source. They propose that the Source does not exist in reality, only in our minds, and we cannot have a connection with or benefit from a Being that does not exist on the physical plane of existence which we are familiar with in this day and age.

“Experts” create the new reality 

The media then grabs a hold of the ideas that the experts state as truth and these ideas enter into mainstream thought since we believe unquestionably what the experts propose as truth and reality. Even though their ideas may not hold-up under close scrutiny, nonetheless, these ideas are deeply entrenched in our collective consciousness and we now accept these as real and true and most live their lives on such premises.

Our lives are predetermined…we have no influence upon the outcomes in our life

Then we have the people who believe that every one’s life is predetermined from Day 1 and that we have no say in what we are or what we achieve in this earthly life.  Since we have no say and no influence upon the things that occur in this universe, each and every one of us are merely pawns in some universal chess game. Not since the devotion of the 16th century Calvinists have we witnessed such faith and adherence to this predeterministic dogma in one’s life. In their eyes, they see individuals as unimportant when it comes to participating in the creation in the universe – we are mere viewers and not participators.

There is no free will…we are hard-wired since birth

Their Supreme Being has not given humankind free will to pursue what we want to pursue, after all, there is no purpose or need to have free will provided to us since humankind has no control and no influence upon order or disorder in the universe. Accordingly, our brains and our bodies are fully hard-wired, imprinted, and preprogrammed with our destiny upon our entry into our terrestrial home.

Our fate is immutable 

Hence, we must buy a newspaper at a certain time; we must drive home a certain way even if it means our death; and we must have a bad relationship even if it means a life of unhappiness. We cannot change that which is predestined, no matter where we live, where we work, or where we go. With our earthly existence and results already set and being immutable, many must accept their fate as the way it is and make no attempts to break free of their lot in life.

We are creators of our paths and results

Finally, there is support for the current belief that each and every one of the human race has been given free will from the benevolent Source which allows us to create what we want and deserve in this life. This idea is not folklore. And this idea is not an illusion conjured-up by artists, romantics, or poets – it is an idea that is supported by the New Age scientists including Max Planck, David Bohm, and the founders of Quantum Physics.

We focus upon what we want to manifest 

Fundamentally, Quantum Physics has shown us that what we think is reality is indeed the case. As a result of this observation, we have direct control over the events that occur in our life and our focus helps to manifest that which we focus upon. Furthermore, all things in the universe, no matter how large or how small are directly connected by a field of energy which can be accessed to allow us to manifest our goals.

We are linked to the power of universal energy

We have direct access to the neutral power of the universe. Since this field of energy is neutral, it merely delivers that which is requested of it, hence, we have domain over our results, past, present, and future. Be confident that you can plan your plan and then work your plan to achieve what you desire most in this life albeit, money, good health, or a spiritual Self.

There are many possibilities and there are many opportunities 

Our goals and dreams are achievable since we have at our very fingertips multiple dimensions with multiple possibilities and our end results are created by our focus. Since multiple dimensions exist and they all exist at the same moment, there are as many possibilities as there are opportunities in your life at the same moment. This being the case, there is a reality where we have meet our soul mate and have enjoyed a fulfilling life together; there is a reality where we were never ill and lived a long life; and there is a reality where we started a business and we had tremendous success and helped the less fortunate around us.

Focus upon the possibility that you desire 

At any one time, all possibilities exist around us, however, we can exist in only one possibility at the moment and it is our focus which makes a possibility a reality. Our focus is our thought and thought is energy and it is this energy that is attracted to like energy which manifests our possibility into a reality. Like only attracts like and cannot attract unlike. Hence, we can never focus our thoughts upon good and receive bad and we can never focus our thoughts upon bad and receive good. We must understand that once we can overcome the illusion of what we see in the physical world around us, we can then live the life of our choice with happiness and prosperity and without doubt or fear or illness.

Spirituality can help heal and prolong one’s physical body

If there is any doubt that we are in control of our destiny – regardless if it physical or spiritual – consider the results of ill patients who have spirituality in their lives. The statistics from numerous studies have shown that a person who is spiritual, regardless of what form their personal spirituality may take, recovers from their illness quicker and often lives longer when compared to a person who has no spirituality or spiritual focus in their life. It appears that their return to wellness is hinged upon their thoughts, beliefs, values, and feelings and those thoughts, beliefs, values, and feelings are focused upon their connection with the Source.

A divine conduit to good wellness 

This divine connection appears to be the conduit which helps to unblock negative energy and to re-channel with positive energy. And there is evidence that distant healing has helped patients to return to wellness too. There is also scientific proof that meditating can and does help eliminate a wide variety of health problems including high blood pressure, hypertension, and other maladies which we suffer from in the 21st century.

In the end, undoubtedly, we have control over our health, our wealth and our Self – needless to say, we have both positive and negative influence upon the events and results that occur in our lives.

We are full participants in our results 

The results that you have received in your life to this very moment are not the product of random or predestined events…our results are fully in our hands and we are full participants and creators in a universe governed by a benevolent Source with a set of immutable Natural Laws.

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“Meditating for the mind is as important as exercising for the body.”

Meditation is our connection to the spiritual world. 

For thousands of years, humankind has practiced the art of meditation. In earlier times, religion and meditation were inexorably joined and all the major world religions incorporated meditating as a means to connect with the One; a means to silence the physical world and experience the spiritual world; and a means to transcend the seen world and to reside within the unseen world.


A deeply, devoted state of thinking

And it was the monks, priests, and mendicants who mainly followed a meditative life within the confines of their monasteries and caves, thus, it appears that the conduit to the spiritual realm all too often excluded the general populace. Nowadays, there is no longer a barrier which prevents us from accessing and practicing this time honored tradition. While meditation and religious practices are still tightly entwined, most people out of the realm of organized religions who practice meditation are in reality practicing discursive thinking – a deep, devoted state of thinking.

Our mental state changes our physical body 

Whether it’s achieving spiritual ecstasy or attaining physical enjoyment from regular meditation (or discursive thinking), the scientific community as a whole identifies that a change of mental state results in a change of physical state. A body of research indicates a litany of ills including anxiety, stress, pain, and depression are substantially reduced or completely eliminated by regular meditation sessions.

Our happiness increases with our meditation sessions

There is also evidence to support the lowering of blood pressure levels, improving sleeping patterns, strengthening immunity systems, and increasing general overall happiness. In fact, a number of studies have discovered that your overall Happiness Index number may increase by as much as 20% from regular meditation sessions.

Create a stronger connection between the Source and your Self 

New Age scientists have hypothesized that habitually meditating creates a stronger connection between the practitioner and the Source which in turn releases blockages of energy which are at the heart of the many problems which we suffer from in this modern age.

You can have a healthier brain

Even though we have an extensive list of benefits from regular meditation, researchers have recently discovered other reasons to make this a regular routine in our busy and hectic lives. As we age, we naturally have a thinning of our frontal cortex. One study finds that regular meditation slows down the process and it also helps thicken this area of the brain when practiced over long periods of time. After years of being committed to this sacred act, we end up with a healthier brain.

Meditate to rewire your brain and increase awareness 

A wide number of studies also discover that regular meditation sessions rewire our brain. It seems that the rewiring of the brain results in an increased awareness and focus upon the present moment. Most of us spend a great deal of our time, scientists estimate as high as 50% of the time wandering from idea to idea, hence, there is little focus.

A lack of focus can attract negative energy 

As our thoughts race around in our minds, we most often than not are attracted to the negative aspects of our life; the bill that is owing, the car that needs fixing, the tooth that needs drilling. So, our lack of focus results in obsessing upon the negative which then places us in a negative state which then attracts more negativity to our lives.

Quiet the white noise 

However, a wide range of studies have found that when we meditate, we quiet the white noise of the outside world and become less judgmental in our worldview. This change then manifests as a more relaxed attitude that is not obsessing upon the broken this or the unpaid that. It appears that the brain is able to respond to self-monitoring and retain and maintain focus and block-out worldly interference.

Science not speculation 

This is not just speculation. A recent study discovered that meditating monks and praying nuns activated the areas of the brain that dealt with concentration and focus while they also deactivated the areas of the brain that controlled responses to worldly stimuli. Over time, the ability to control your focus upon the inner world and not upon the outer world is a direct result of the rewiring of the brain which is directly influenced by meditation.

Focus upon the purposeful not the superfluous 

Meditation is more than just a few umm’s while sitting cross-legged on the floor with sweet smelling incense burning and exotic music playing in the background. Meditation results in significant health benefits that help us to live a long and productive life. It is our ability to control our thoughts and focus upon the meaningful things in life and not the superfluous which bring about true happiness and good health.

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“We spiritually mirror the image of the Source – we do not physically mirror the image of the Source.”

Created in his image?

One of the greatest books handed down to us from over 20 centuries ago clearly states that humankind was created in the image of the Source. Naturally, it has been assumed since the early beginnings of this world religion that humankind is the physical manifestation of the Source; hence, we look like the Source in our physical bodies. If we mirror the Creator’s image – then the Creator has all the physical features that humankind possesses including arms, legs, eyes, and so forth.

A spiritual or physical image? 

However, this appears to be a straightforward and superficial interpretation of those words found in that renowned manuscript. Rather than humankind mirroring the physical image of the Source, when we seek to understand the metaphysical meaning of this statement, it is clear that humankind mirrors the spiritual image of the Source.

Overlooking the  Kingdom 

Since early times, we have accepted the idea that the Source embodies all the physical features that humankind has. The literature and artwork from these earlier times depicted an omnipotent Source with a long flowing beard, overlooking His kingdom, and clutching a long wooden staff. While our ancestors and many of us still accept this physical rendition of our Creator as true…in this modern era, some question this image and others turn their backs upon this idea as just folly.

We challenge an ancient concept

And rightfully so, while we attempt to grasp the concept that one person can be all knowledgeable and all powerful, we also have to attempt to understand that the Omnipotent One is not of our physical or temporal world, instead, somewhere out there. Somewhere out there – not seen or experienced by our physical senses, rather, only in the realm of our spiritual senses.

Spiritual manifestation and not physical manifestation

A spiritual image of humankind to the Source is far removed from a physical image of humankind to the Source. The findings of modern-day scientists help us to arrive at the conclusion that humankind is the spiritual manifestation and not the physical manifestation of the Source. When we consider the creation of the universe, surely, we must be a spiritual image of the Source. Scientists have discovered a vast web of energy which permeates every nook and cranny within the universe. And it appears that each and every one of us is the remnant of this primordial energy which was created at the exact moment that the universe appeared out of nothingness at the hand of an all powerful and all knowledgeable Source.

We are primordial energy

We all are that original energy housed in a physical body, nothing more and nothing less. This being the case, we have a divine and eternal connection to the Source and hence, a connection to all the power that exists within the spiritual realm to manifest what we truly set our minds upon.

Active creators…not passive observers

If there is any doubt that we can manifest our wants and desires in this physical world by our spiritual energy, one only needs to look at the results from recent experiments to understand all possibilities occur at our finger tips. The pioneers of quantum physics have found that we are creators in this universe and not just idle observers. As creative participants, we have control over our results – accordingly, we must take full responsibility for our past, present, and future results.

Every possibility exists at every moment

It is also conjectured that we exist within multiple universes – multiple universes exist so that every possibility exists at the same moment and every thought, every word, and every action that you make can affect the outcome of your life. When we strip away the sinew, the bones, and the tissue, then and only then do we experience the true mirror image of the Source that we possess.

Our true Self is not bone and tissue

The essence of the Source cannot be bound or found in sinew and bone and tissue. Rather, a mirror image of the Source is one which holds love in our hearts, compassion in our words, and courage in our actions.

We are the mirror image of the Source

Humankind is the spiritual manifestation of the Source and not the physical manifestation of the Source. As such, we can live a life that mirrors the spiritual characteristics which we understand the Source’s qualities. We can be loving, we can be forgiving, we can be compassionate, we can be understanding, we can be fearless, and we can be creators. Rejoice that you have been created in the spiritual image of the Source. Accept how your life changes for the better when you mirror the spiritual image of the Source. Strive with your utmost ability to mirror the spiritual image of the Source to enjoy a truly fulfilled life.

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“Happiness manifests from within – happiness does not manifest from without.”

Big, new, shiny things can’t fill the void

In our modern-day world, it is common for many to believe that acquiring as many physical objects as possible, big ones, shiny ones, and costly ones will ultimately bring them true and lasting happiness in their life. While they pursue these objects to a near feverish pitch, they never realize that acquiring these objects alone can never fill the void of unhappiness that they suffer from.

Do not depend upon things to manifest long-lasting happiness

Their state of mind and thus, their vibratory state should not depend upon the material goods that they have or have not accumulated to the present moment. In fact, happiness in our present physical form can never be sustained by the acquisition of physical objects. Rather, it is the pursuit of living in the moment in the presence of positive thoughts and positive feelings which can manifest true happiness.

Live in the moment 

Our benevolent Source has given each and every one of us the choice as to how we live in the moment; we can focus upon positive thoughts and positive feelings which manifest a positive vibratory state that ultimately results in true happiness.

We create our own prison walls…that can’t be seen 

Or, we can focus upon negative thoughts and feelings which manifest a negative state that can only create prison walls to keep our unhappiness locked-in and our happiness locked-out. Both states can never exist in the same physical space and at the same temporal moment. And fortunately, happiness is stronger than unhappiness and unhappiness will always be conquered by happiness.

There is a bridge between the visible and invisible worlds 

There exists within us an invisible world and there exists without us a visible world. Faith in the invisible world holds much promise for us as we visualize lofty dreams and magnificent goals, peace and tranquility, happiness and joy. Belief in the outer world holds little promise for us and can manifest as crushed dreams and vanquished goals, unrest and disharmony, sadness and despair.

We control our inner world 

Yet, it is our control over our inner world which creates an outer world of happiness and the division of the two can manifest as one if we use the power of the Source as a bridge between the two.

Where are you building your castle? 

The castles we build on the inside lead to true happiness – the castles we build on the outside do not lead to true happiness. As we envision our spiritual castles, created from hope and faith and gratitude, we begin to view happiness and the manifestation of happiness in its true light. Happiness is the supreme form of freedom. Happiness is the supreme form of lightness.

Happiness is love…love is happiness

Happiness is the supreme form of love. When we begin to understand what happiness brings to our physical life, we surround our Self with happiness, we surround our Self with harmony, we surround our Self with the Source, and we experience what life is like from the Creator’s view of the universe.  As we enjoy happiness, more happiness will be drawn to us since like attracts like.

Happiness manifests from within…not from without

If you do not focus upon happiness, you cannot attain happiness. If you do not act towards happiness you cannot attain happiness. If you do not decide upon happiness, you cannot attain happiness. However, it is an eventuality to manifest happiness from within and it all begins with your thoughts and your feelings. When you focus upon, act towards, and decide to be happy in your life, and it does not depend upon your material possessions, you will become happy.

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“We are magnificent manifesting machines created by the benevolent Source.”

We are of the primordial energy

We are divine creations of and from the benevolent Source and therefore, each of us freely given the same potential to achieve amazing results in this earthly life. We are physical manifestations of raw energy that mirror our wondrous Creator and as such, according to modern-day scientists, the trillions of cells in our bodies harbor enough energy to light-up an entire city for an extended period of time.

Our goals are achievable

Since each and every one of us maintain this enormous storehouse of raw energy in our physical body to achieve our goals and most of us do not accomplish the goals we set-out to achieve in this physical existence, it appears that we have turned our backs upon the Source given ability to manifest our wants and desires. Why is this so?

We are our destiny

The Source has created the ultimate manifesting machine, however, most are unaware of this innate ability to create our own reality. We have influence upon our own destiny as a result of the enormous amount of energy found in our physical bodies. The energy that permeates every cell of our physical being is neither positive nor negative energy, it just is, it is our thoughts and our feelings and our thoughts and our feelings alone that convert this raw energy into either positive energy or negative energy.

No one is or can be held back by social, gender, economic, or political bias’ 

And, without bias or prejudice to the end results of our own thoughts and our own feelings, this raw energy assumes the state of energy that reflects our own thoughts and our own feelings. Hence, if we think and feel positively, this act produces positive energy which attracts positive results.

The Natural Laws convert spiritual energy into physical energy

If we think and feel negatively, this act produces negative energy which attracts negative results, this is a Natural Law of the universe. It is this unique conversion of spiritual energy into physical objects that allow us to be such magnificent manifesting machines.

Awareness changes your now and your future

While most do not capitalize on the opportunity freely provided by the Source, if we have a shift in our awareness, this change in and of itself will bring to light the unique opportunity at our very fingertips. When we become aware of the raw energy that permeates our bodies and stores our past, present, and future results, we are also aware that this energy never sleeps, it never rests, it never turns-off, it is constantly reacting, either positively or negatively to our very thoughts and feelings. This being the case, our heightened sense of awareness also tells us that we should be diligent to what occupies our thoughts and our feelings from minute to minute of this physical existence.

Silence, the oasis of change

In order to achieve and maintain an acute sense of awareness which will completely turn around the results that you have succeeded to accomplish at the present moment in your life, you will need to find a place where you can sit in contemplative silence. As you experience your own oasis of tranquility, become intensely aware of the flow of raw energy that permeates every cell in your present physical form of existence.

Resurrect the power that sleeps within

Feel the power that lies dormant within you. Rejoice as you feel the primordial, untainted, raw energy of the universe as it lies deep within every cell of your Self. Acknowledge the power and presence of this raw energy. Accept that this universal energy is fully under your control.  Apply the primal energy that was created at the miraculous moment the universe was created to achieve the phenomenal goals that you have set for your Self.

Manifesting our reality is our purpose in life

Humankind is a magnificent manifesting machine that has been created from the Source with the innate ability to achieve what we desire in life as a result of our own thoughts, our own words, and our own actions.

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“To achieve vibrational alignment with the Source is to achieve your wants, your desires, your dreams in life.”

Are you facing material and spiritual drought?

Many face years of struggle and no matter how hard they try to achieve economic freedom and material gain, they witness no significant difference in their results or in their life – it just seems that are enduring day after day of unpleasant presents. Along with a lack of money and a lack of things, they exist in a spiritual drought which closely resembles a desert environment in that another person’s word parches their dreams; another person’s influence dries-up their creativity; another person’s action blows them from one goal to the next.

Follow four steps to achieve Vibrational Accord 

If you find your Self in this unenviable place at the moment, it is time to take a long hard look at your situation and take full responsibility for the results that you have achieved to the moment and not blame others or rely upon others to create your path of change. It is only achieving Vibrational Accord with the Source that you can change your Self for the better.

The first step is awareness 

In order to reach vibrational alignment with the Source, there appears to be a series of steps that one needs to experience before they have reached the place where they need to be to make serious changes in their life. First is awareness, when success does not arrive upon your doorstep after years of trying, you finally begin to realize that you cannot do it alone and you cannot ignore what others around you are achieving with less effort and more fun. You have heard the voices that resonate deep within you, however, you have consciously made the choice to ignore them since they cannot be real and they cannot be proven scientifically. Nevertheless, they keep nagging you with ideas that just might work, although you do not believe that you have the power or the knowledge to escape your present unpleasant present no matter the message you have been receiving.

Change ‘something’ or it remains the same

In the end, you finally believe that there is a higher purpose in your life that you have been ignoring and that “something” or “someone” out there must be the answer to your unhappiness and lack in life. This awareness is heightened by your friend or family member who has just read a miraculous book, “As a man thinketh” or “Think and Grow Rich.”  You see what has happened in their life and know with all your heart and soul that something must happen or your life will remain the same.

The second step is acknowledgment 

Acknowledgment, the second step, appears when you finally cave-in and are down so low that anything must be an improvement.  So, you pick-up those same books that have helped your friend or family member and your eyes and mind begin to open to new possibilities no matter how contradictory or far-fetched they may appear to you.

We are creators not spectators

You read that quantum science and scientists have found that we are creators in this universe and not just spectators which we have been told and most believed in for decades. These books have a message that has helped others, and at this point you think to your Self that you will give this stuff a try and see what happens. You acknowledge that “It” is out there and want the help that others have received from this power that appears to control each and every person and object in the universe no matter their circumstances.

The third step is acceptance

The third step is acceptance when you have had an epiphany that there is an entity out there along with a sundry of Natural Laws that govern the universe and everything that inhabits it. You understand that these Laws are so precise that they are immutable and as a result, when you have learned how they influence you and what you think, say, and act, you will have serious and lasting change in your life.

Don’t swim upstream 

You also realize that you cannot and will not swim upstream any longer and that swimming downstream is both easier and more enjoyable as you will reach your goals with this simple change in thought which leads to a change in your words which then leads to a change in your actions. To your relief, you know that you are the creator of your own reality and this way is the way to achieve what you want to achieve in your life.

The fourth step is action 

The fourth and final step is following what you have read and what you have discovered in your journey of Self change. You have acquired 100% faith and 100% belief in your new found knowledge and are confident, not in an arrogant but blissful way, that you have unlocked what the ancients and now the moderns have been proposing all along. As you faithfully adhere to the wisdom of the Source, you experience well-being first and then material gain second.

Your life mirrors your vibratory state 

Your life mirrors your vibratory alignment with the Source and no matter the circumstances you find your Self experiencing, you know that you would not have been provided the belief that you could achieve a goal without the Source providing the means to achieve that goal as well.

Don’t let the weeds take over your garden 

Every single minute that you inhabit this physical plane, you realize that your vibratory state manifests your present and future, and as such, mindfully cultivate the thoughts that occupy your mind. As a gardener carefully cultivates his crops and removes the weeds that will eventually rob his crop of nutrients, you tend to the thoughts that are contradictory to your goals. And just as reliable as auto-pilot in a modern-day commercial jetliner, you instill habits that override those negatives of jealousy, envy, and greed.

We are the gatekeepers of our own success  

After years, if not decades of living a life of spiritual drought, you finally discover the key to a fulfilled life is exhilarating. When you discover that you are the master of your reality, since you are the creator of your reality…this is empowering. When you discover that the Source freely provides each and every one of us the means to be the gatekeeper of our success…this is enlightening. When you discover that the Source has a plan to share the responsibility with you to achieve each and every goal you want and at every step of the way in your physical existence…this is astounding. Open your mind and open your heart to the possibilities that present themselves when you achieve Vibrational Accord with the Source.