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A ME-ist to a WE-ist: How We Can Change the World One Person at a Time


Don’t Judge Others

It’s difficult to become a We-ist when you’re plagued with being judgmental of other’s behaviour for their selfish ways or actions; your colleagues taking too long lunchbreaks; a overweight runner on the treadmill at the gym; or ‘they’ are always disagreeing with your decisions. Let’s face it; we all lose our patience with the way our friends and family members act at times. Is it realistic to be completely judgment free? Perhaps, the best we can do is to be vigilant and work on damage control. If we realize even a slight improvement in our Self and the number of times we judge those around us, isn’t this walking on the correct path to real change? Therefore, it appears to me that judging others provides the potential to experience real growth in your life as you make strides to be less judgmental in those situations. When we judge others and their behaviour, are we judging them or are we judging our self? The Dean of Personal Development, Earl Nightingale, believes that we are holding up a mirror of our Self because “judging someone does not define who they are; it defines who we are.” It might be our own insecurities that prompt our judgmental words, actions, and thoughts.

            So, as we judge our colleagues for taking those extra minutes for their lunch, are we looking at our own behaviour and our own (in)ability to control our time? Or, as we frown inside when we see that fat runner on the treadmill, are we worrying about our own bodies becoming overweight as the years in our lives add up? Perhaps, when we judge our partner who questions or disagrees with every decision we make in life, we have innate fear that we are making the wrong decision, but this fear manifests as judging the other person’s reaction to us? In the end, a recent blog by Shola (2017), sums up what is brewing within our minds as we criticize the actions and words of those around us; “usually, we harshly judge others because we do the same to ourselves.” Isn’t this the truth? Accordingly, when I judge someone for being late for an appointment, I’m really saying that my way is the correct way, the only way, to live life and there’s little tolerance for not living up to my standards of behaviour.

            Our judgment of other’s actions and words act to reinforce our own core values, beliefs, and assumptions that ultimately, create our reality. As we pass judgment, we are able to comprehend how ‘their’ core values, beliefs, and assumptions fit in with ours. Here’s the problem; according to Dutta (2017), “everything in life looks morally incorrect and wrong, until we do that thing ourselves. What we don’t do ourselves is often unacceptable to our mind.” If different, we build a wall between us; if similar we build bridges. We may see that judging others negatively, who are different than we are, is morally and ethically wrong, but still, it is difficult to change our thoughts, words, and actions. If we see our own prejudices as they are, we must live with those or even more alarming, we must change to be more accepting of those who values and beliefs of life are not the same as ours.    

When we judge others, we add negative energy to our inner and outer world. Do we need to increase negative energy with the state our world is in at this moment? I don’t believe so; to make changes in our lives and our world we need to live with more positive thoughts, words, and actions which will create more positive energy. Once again, here’s a wonderful opportunity for personal growth in your life. We cannot live within a realm of negative and positive energy at the same time; it’s scientifically impossible. So, it’s either one or the other and we have complete control over what state of energy we live within. Since judging our family members, colleagues, and friends is mired in negative energy, it simply is not possible to add to the greater good of the planet when we judge others. There is no way that anyone can rationalize being judgmental helps the Me-ists of the world become We-ists. Think, speak, and act positive towards those you once judged. Imagine a world where there is an abundance of understanding and positivity rather than judging and negativity.

What’s the fuss about living in a state of negative energy? There is much to be concerned about and this is proven by modern day science, not just the words of the poets or writers. The trillions of cells that comprise our body respond to our thoughts, words, and actions much the same way as they are influenced by pharmaceutical drugs and our internal juices (Pert, 2010). Stress can result from negative thoughts, words, or actions, and when this occurs, our bodies react by creating a cornucopia of chemicals that include adrenaline, norepinephrine, and cortisol. Their release in our body is associated with surviving when trouble strikes; while helpful at the time of danger (shutting down what bodily functions are not needed, such as digestion, growth, and reproductive system), if our bodies keep producing cortisol, for example, when not required, this leads to serious damage. Klein (2013) reports that “Too much cortisol can suppress the immune system, increase blood pressure and sugar, decrease libido, produce acne, contribute to obesity and more.”  Passing judgment upon those around us draws negatives towards us, and soon we are languishing in ill-conceived chemicals that result from negative energy.

Grab a copy of this book at Amazon (hard copy is just $12.99) or Amazon Kindle (digital copy is only $5.99); it could help change your world. After reading, please write a review which really helps me share my thoughts with others who need help to achieve what they need and desire. Thanks!

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“The paths you take and the results you make are yours to create; these are neither random nor preordained conclusions.”

Our results aren’t due to luck, chance, or fate

Many would subscribe to the belief that the results in our physical world occur from luck, chance, or fate. However, on a daily basis, these same people inadvertently experience the benefits of a sundry of Natural Laws without any thought or appreciation of such wondrous events.

The Natural Laws are predictable and measurable

These Laws have been present since the moment of creation and continue to successfully keep the events that occur in the universe predictable and measurable. If there are any doubts, consider what it takes for planning a journey to the Moon or keeping an entire nation hooked-up to an electrical grid. In some instances we may not be able to detect the Natural laws with our five senses, nevertheless, there is evidence that the Natural Laws exist and neither chance nor fate nor luck are the pathways to what we hope to attain in this physical life.

Over-used, worn-out, and fallacious sayings

We all grew-up with such trite expressions such as Good Luck, It’s a twist of fate, and She’s so lucky to explain the unexplainable. These over-used, worn-out, and fallacious sayings help a great number of us cope with every-day life and the unpleasant as well as unplanned things that may occur to us. All the bad things that happen to nice people must be fate or chance or luck and all the good things that happen to bad people must be fate or chance or luck. After all, why would a benevolent Source not intercede to stop negative things happening to good people or stop positive things happening to bad people? With this thinking, it is easy to understand why many believe that life is nothing but a card game where an Ace may show-up in your hand this time but a Joker the next.

Are we the cards in a universal card game?

And when it comes to planning goals in life, such as economic freedom, a nice home, and a loving relationship…you have as much luck for achieving your personal goals as you do by rolling the dice and hitting snake eyes or a seven. These kinds of thoughts permeate the consciousness of many and leave a person with little expectation to achieve what they set their minds and souls upon.

Modern-day intellectualism demands physical evidence as proof 

Now, to complicate this even further, add modern-day intellectualism to our choices in life…only things that can be proven scientifically are true and real and all the rest is just nonsense contrived by artists, romantics, and poets to cope in the real world where some are wealthy and happy and the balance are poor and unhappy. The great thinkers of the past, including such luminaries as Newton, have left their indelible mark upon humankind. And it all starts with scientists themselves: a recent survey of their spiritual beliefs indicated that a mere 7% believed in the Source, 72% disbelieved in the Source, and the balance polled was agnostic.

Beliefs support agendas…agendas support beliefs

Naturally, their beliefs support their agendas which support their beliefs: it is fair to assume that science is the new Source comprised of mathematical formulas and calculations. As the experts put forth their hypotheses and assumptions, these are based upon the absence of the Source. They propose that the Source does not exist in reality, only in our minds, and we cannot have a connection with or benefit from a Being that does not exist on the physical plane of existence which we are familiar with in this day and age.

“Experts” create the new reality 

The media then grabs a hold of the ideas that the experts state as truth and these ideas enter into mainstream thought since we believe unquestionably what the experts propose as truth and reality. Even though their ideas may not hold-up under close scrutiny, nonetheless, these ideas are deeply entrenched in our collective consciousness and we now accept these as real and true and most live their lives on such premises.

Our lives are predetermined…we have no influence upon the outcomes in our life

Then we have the people who believe that every one’s life is predetermined from Day 1 and that we have no say in what we are or what we achieve in this earthly life.  Since we have no say and no influence upon the things that occur in this universe, each and every one of us are merely pawns in some universal chess game. Not since the devotion of the 16th century Calvinists have we witnessed such faith and adherence to this predeterministic dogma in one’s life. In their eyes, they see individuals as unimportant when it comes to participating in the creation in the universe – we are mere viewers and not participators.

There is no free will…we are hard-wired since birth

Their Supreme Being has not given humankind free will to pursue what we want to pursue, after all, there is no purpose or need to have free will provided to us since humankind has no control and no influence upon order or disorder in the universe. Accordingly, our brains and our bodies are fully hard-wired, imprinted, and preprogrammed with our destiny upon our entry into our terrestrial home.

Our fate is immutable 

Hence, we must buy a newspaper at a certain time; we must drive home a certain way even if it means our death; and we must have a bad relationship even if it means a life of unhappiness. We cannot change that which is predestined, no matter where we live, where we work, or where we go. With our earthly existence and results already set and being immutable, many must accept their fate as the way it is and make no attempts to break free of their lot in life.

We are creators of our paths and results

Finally, there is support for the current belief that each and every one of the human race has been given free will from the benevolent Source which allows us to create what we want and deserve in this life. This idea is not folklore. And this idea is not an illusion conjured-up by artists, romantics, or poets – it is an idea that is supported by the New Age scientists including Max Planck, David Bohm, and the founders of Quantum Physics.

We focus upon what we want to manifest 

Fundamentally, Quantum Physics has shown us that what we think is reality is indeed the case. As a result of this observation, we have direct control over the events that occur in our life and our focus helps to manifest that which we focus upon. Furthermore, all things in the universe, no matter how large or how small are directly connected by a field of energy which can be accessed to allow us to manifest our goals.

We are linked to the power of universal energy

We have direct access to the neutral power of the universe. Since this field of energy is neutral, it merely delivers that which is requested of it, hence, we have domain over our results, past, present, and future. Be confident that you can plan your plan and then work your plan to achieve what you desire most in this life albeit, money, good health, or a spiritual Self.

There are many possibilities and there are many opportunities 

Our goals and dreams are achievable since we have at our very fingertips multiple dimensions with multiple possibilities and our end results are created by our focus. Since multiple dimensions exist and they all exist at the same moment, there are as many possibilities as there are opportunities in your life at the same moment. This being the case, there is a reality where we have meet our soul mate and have enjoyed a fulfilling life together; there is a reality where we were never ill and lived a long life; and there is a reality where we started a business and we had tremendous success and helped the less fortunate around us.

Focus upon the possibility that you desire 

At any one time, all possibilities exist around us, however, we can exist in only one possibility at the moment and it is our focus which makes a possibility a reality. Our focus is our thought and thought is energy and it is this energy that is attracted to like energy which manifests our possibility into a reality. Like only attracts like and cannot attract unlike. Hence, we can never focus our thoughts upon good and receive bad and we can never focus our thoughts upon bad and receive good. We must understand that once we can overcome the illusion of what we see in the physical world around us, we can then live the life of our choice with happiness and prosperity and without doubt or fear or illness.

Spirituality can help heal and prolong one’s physical body

If there is any doubt that we are in control of our destiny – regardless if it physical or spiritual – consider the results of ill patients who have spirituality in their lives. The statistics from numerous studies have shown that a person who is spiritual, regardless of what form their personal spirituality may take, recovers from their illness quicker and often lives longer when compared to a person who has no spirituality or spiritual focus in their life. It appears that their return to wellness is hinged upon their thoughts, beliefs, values, and feelings and those thoughts, beliefs, values, and feelings are focused upon their connection with the Source.

A divine conduit to good wellness 

This divine connection appears to be the conduit which helps to unblock negative energy and to re-channel with positive energy. And there is evidence that distant healing has helped patients to return to wellness too. There is also scientific proof that meditating can and does help eliminate a wide variety of health problems including high blood pressure, hypertension, and other maladies which we suffer from in the 21st century.

In the end, undoubtedly, we have control over our health, our wealth and our Self – needless to say, we have both positive and negative influence upon the events and results that occur in our lives.

We are full participants in our results 

The results that you have received in your life to this very moment are not the product of random or predestined events…our results are fully in our hands and we are full participants and creators in a universe governed by a benevolent Source with a set of immutable Natural Laws.