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“We spiritually mirror the image of the Source – we do not physically mirror the image of the Source.”

Created in his image?

One of the greatest books handed down to us from over 20 centuries ago clearly states that humankind was created in the image of the Source. Naturally, it has been assumed since the early beginnings of this world religion that humankind is the physical manifestation of the Source; hence, we look like the Source in our physical bodies. If we mirror the Creator’s image – then the Creator has all the physical features that humankind possesses including arms, legs, eyes, and so forth.

A spiritual or physical image? 

However, this appears to be a straightforward and superficial interpretation of those words found in that renowned manuscript. Rather than humankind mirroring the physical image of the Source, when we seek to understand the metaphysical meaning of this statement, it is clear that humankind mirrors the spiritual image of the Source.

Overlooking the  Kingdom 

Since early times, we have accepted the idea that the Source embodies all the physical features that humankind has. The literature and artwork from these earlier times depicted an omnipotent Source with a long flowing beard, overlooking His kingdom, and clutching a long wooden staff. While our ancestors and many of us still accept this physical rendition of our Creator as true…in this modern era, some question this image and others turn their backs upon this idea as just folly.

We challenge an ancient concept

And rightfully so, while we attempt to grasp the concept that one person can be all knowledgeable and all powerful, we also have to attempt to understand that the Omnipotent One is not of our physical or temporal world, instead, somewhere out there. Somewhere out there – not seen or experienced by our physical senses, rather, only in the realm of our spiritual senses.

Spiritual manifestation and not physical manifestation

A spiritual image of humankind to the Source is far removed from a physical image of humankind to the Source. The findings of modern-day scientists help us to arrive at the conclusion that humankind is the spiritual manifestation and not the physical manifestation of the Source. When we consider the creation of the universe, surely, we must be a spiritual image of the Source. Scientists have discovered a vast web of energy which permeates every nook and cranny within the universe. And it appears that each and every one of us is the remnant of this primordial energy which was created at the exact moment that the universe appeared out of nothingness at the hand of an all powerful and all knowledgeable Source.

We are primordial energy

We all are that original energy housed in a physical body, nothing more and nothing less. This being the case, we have a divine and eternal connection to the Source and hence, a connection to all the power that exists within the spiritual realm to manifest what we truly set our minds upon.

Active creators…not passive observers

If there is any doubt that we can manifest our wants and desires in this physical world by our spiritual energy, one only needs to look at the results from recent experiments to understand all possibilities occur at our finger tips. The pioneers of quantum physics have found that we are creators in this universe and not just idle observers. As creative participants, we have control over our results – accordingly, we must take full responsibility for our past, present, and future results.

Every possibility exists at every moment

It is also conjectured that we exist within multiple universes – multiple universes exist so that every possibility exists at the same moment and every thought, every word, and every action that you make can affect the outcome of your life. When we strip away the sinew, the bones, and the tissue, then and only then do we experience the true mirror image of the Source that we possess.

Our true Self is not bone and tissue

The essence of the Source cannot be bound or found in sinew and bone and tissue. Rather, a mirror image of the Source is one which holds love in our hearts, compassion in our words, and courage in our actions.

We are the mirror image of the Source

Humankind is the spiritual manifestation of the Source and not the physical manifestation of the Source. As such, we can live a life that mirrors the spiritual characteristics which we understand the Source’s qualities. We can be loving, we can be forgiving, we can be compassionate, we can be understanding, we can be fearless, and we can be creators. Rejoice that you have been created in the spiritual image of the Source. Accept how your life changes for the better when you mirror the spiritual image of the Source. Strive with your utmost ability to mirror the spiritual image of the Source to enjoy a truly fulfilled life.

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“Healthy thoughts manifest a healthy body; unhealthy thoughts manifest an unhealthy body.”

nss2erzqwgw-freestocks-org (1)Damocles’ sword hangs over our modern world

Medical knowledge and practices in our modern-day era far exceed what our medical knowledge and practices were in yesterday’s world. Yet, in spite of these vast differences, it is safe to say that we are witnessing a greater number of illnesses and a wider range of sicknesses than ever before throughout our history. We truly have Damocles’ sword hanging over our collective heads.

Our thoughts manifest consequences upon our mental and physical well-being

Daily, we see the consequences of our thoughts and our practices upon our health and physical bodies: heart disease, diabetes, cancer, and hypertension are just a few of the most serious threats to shorten our earthly lives as well as fill them with pain and suffering.

Prescription drugs…are they the pathway to achieving good health?  

In 2015, it is estimated that over 4.8 billion prescriptions were filled in America alone. While the focus of our present healthcare system is upon medicinal healing, we appear to ignore our focus upon spiritual healing. Yet, there are two important tenants of the quantum universe which can lead to enjoying good health:

  • all objects, big and small, are connected within a field of energy, and hence, we all are energy which vibrates at various frequencies
  • we are creators, not observers in the universe and as such, our focus helps to manifest that which we set our attention upon

We are vibrational energy…how can our ills be cured?

Since we are all Vibrational Energy which is interconnected and we are creators in the quantum universe, our spirituality is inseparable from our physiology and our physiology is inseparable from our spirituality. However, we spend vast amounts of money in an attempt to cure our physiological Self and chose to ignore the vibrational causes within our spiritual Self which manifest a wide array of illnesses.

Seek vibrational ills and cures

As we run to fill a prescription for this and another prescription for that, we appear to be unaware that our physicality is the manifestation of our spirituality. Since the universe responds to our emotions, it is imperative that we look for vibrational causes and not medicinal cures.

Negativity and disharmony leads to blocked energy pathways which manifest poor health 

Negative thoughts and feelings block the free flow of energy which manifests an unhealthy body while positive thoughts and feelings allow the free flow of energy which manifests a healthy body. However, it is not just negative thoughts and feelings which attract illnesses to us; it is our feelings of isolation. Being disconnected from others, albeit, beasts or beings, results in disharmony of the Self. This disharmony then manifests as a wide range of illnesses within our lives.

Be responsible for your own ills and cures 

While we are responsible to our Self for our own health and well-being, most are unaware of the responsibility given to us by a benevolent Creator.

Spiritual awareness is a natural pathway to good health

Awareness of your spiritual Self can bring changes to your life and provide an escape from your present unpleasant situation to a healthy future. In the end, our focus and our thoughts reveal a new world to each of us; this is a cardinal rule of quantum physics.