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The Source has already provided you with the canvas, the brush, the paint to create your life.

Photo by Mike Petrucci on Unsplash

We have the innate ability to create the future

Within and around each of us is the means to create our dreams, our wants, and ultimately, our future. This idea is not the musings of a naïve optimist, rather, new physics supports this creed which the ancients knew and lived by. Their wise message is left to us through their manuscripts and folklore and only now is beginning to be understood and accepted by the scientific community and mainstream thought alike.

The founding legends contain the clues for humankind to create their wants and needs

When we examine the founding legends of various peoples, within their words, there appears an analogous thread which describes the presence of a net or a web of creation. According to the ancient beliefs of the Australian aboriginals, the American Hopi, and the Buddhist Sutras, this web or net has existed throughout the entire universe since the beginning of time. This omnipotent remnant of creation connects each of us to our past reality and to our future possibility.

An ancient web or net of knowledge and guidance permeates the universe

This web or net is what we now describe as something being out there. At one time, most believed that there was nothing but empty space within our environment and the universe itself. However, this pretense has been proved incorrect: the universe is made up of energy, energy which permeates every nook and every cranny. No matter where you are upon Earth, you are surrounded by this infinite energy.

Energy; raw, primordial energy is the key to manifesting our future

This energy field is very unique since it appears to be able to respond to our emotions. Scientific findings indicate that our feelings set in motion a series of events which manifest our wants. This net or web, whichever you prefer to call it, appears to have a sense of awareness which mirrors back our emotions. 

The ancient web or net of awareness is non-judgemental

Furthermore, this energy field of awareness does not discern between good or bad, thus, if you have positive emotions you must receive positive results in your life and if you have negative emotions you must receive negative results in your life. Ultimately, there is no escaping your inner emotions since this field of awareness, manifests in your life what you love or what you hate.

The ancient web or net of awareness is non-discriminatory; it is impartial and fair to all

It is now understood that the power of the universe is everywhere and in equal amounts everywhere. Thus, each of us has the same opportunity to tap into this power regardless of our location, age, or gender. When you accept the idea that you are connected to the universal energy, regardless of your present situation, you also recognize your ability to create your future with what you already have within you and around you.

Our Creator gave us the innate ability to manifest our future wants and needs; use your canvas, paint, and brush wisely

We are all from and of the Creator. And as such, it is innate within us to create our wants and desires; we create our wants and desires with our emotions. Positive emotions can only create beautiful, colorful canvases of our life. Negative emotions can only create ugly, dark canvases of our life. We should no longer question if this sacred field of awareness exists; rather, we must question how to use our canvas, our brush, and our paint to create the future we truly desire.

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“We spiritually mirror the image of the Source – we do not physically mirror the image of the Source.”

Created in his image?

One of the greatest books handed down to us from over 20 centuries ago clearly states that humankind was created in the image of the Source. Naturally, it has been assumed since the early beginnings of this world religion that humankind is the physical manifestation of the Source; hence, we look like the Source in our physical bodies. If we mirror the Creator’s image – then the Creator has all the physical features that humankind possesses including arms, legs, eyes, and so forth.

A spiritual or physical image? 

However, this appears to be a straightforward and superficial interpretation of those words found in that renowned manuscript. Rather than humankind mirroring the physical image of the Source, when we seek to understand the metaphysical meaning of this statement, it is clear that humankind mirrors the spiritual image of the Source.

Overlooking the  Kingdom 

Since early times, we have accepted the idea that the Source embodies all the physical features that humankind has. The literature and artwork from these earlier times depicted an omnipotent Source with a long flowing beard, overlooking His kingdom, and clutching a long wooden staff. While our ancestors and many of us still accept this physical rendition of our Creator as true…in this modern era, some question this image and others turn their backs upon this idea as just folly.

We challenge an ancient concept

And rightfully so, while we attempt to grasp the concept that one person can be all knowledgeable and all powerful, we also have to attempt to understand that the Omnipotent One is not of our physical or temporal world, instead, somewhere out there. Somewhere out there – not seen or experienced by our physical senses, rather, only in the realm of our spiritual senses.

Spiritual manifestation and not physical manifestation

A spiritual image of humankind to the Source is far removed from a physical image of humankind to the Source. The findings of modern-day scientists help us to arrive at the conclusion that humankind is the spiritual manifestation and not the physical manifestation of the Source. When we consider the creation of the universe, surely, we must be a spiritual image of the Source. Scientists have discovered a vast web of energy which permeates every nook and cranny within the universe. And it appears that each and every one of us is the remnant of this primordial energy which was created at the exact moment that the universe appeared out of nothingness at the hand of an all powerful and all knowledgeable Source.

We are primordial energy

We all are that original energy housed in a physical body, nothing more and nothing less. This being the case, we have a divine and eternal connection to the Source and hence, a connection to all the power that exists within the spiritual realm to manifest what we truly set our minds upon.

Active creators…not passive observers

If there is any doubt that we can manifest our wants and desires in this physical world by our spiritual energy, one only needs to look at the results from recent experiments to understand all possibilities occur at our finger tips. The pioneers of quantum physics have found that we are creators in this universe and not just idle observers. As creative participants, we have control over our results – accordingly, we must take full responsibility for our past, present, and future results.

Every possibility exists at every moment

It is also conjectured that we exist within multiple universes – multiple universes exist so that every possibility exists at the same moment and every thought, every word, and every action that you make can affect the outcome of your life. When we strip away the sinew, the bones, and the tissue, then and only then do we experience the true mirror image of the Source that we possess.

Our true Self is not bone and tissue

The essence of the Source cannot be bound or found in sinew and bone and tissue. Rather, a mirror image of the Source is one which holds love in our hearts, compassion in our words, and courage in our actions.

We are the mirror image of the Source

Humankind is the spiritual manifestation of the Source and not the physical manifestation of the Source. As such, we can live a life that mirrors the spiritual characteristics which we understand the Source’s qualities. We can be loving, we can be forgiving, we can be compassionate, we can be understanding, we can be fearless, and we can be creators. Rejoice that you have been created in the spiritual image of the Source. Accept how your life changes for the better when you mirror the spiritual image of the Source. Strive with your utmost ability to mirror the spiritual image of the Source to enjoy a truly fulfilled life.

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“Attaining physical health, material wealth, and the spiritual Self is an inside job.”

There is no new energy, only awareness of the present energy

energyIt has been written that at the very moment of creation, all the knowledge and experience of humankind was also created concomitantly at that miraculous moment. Hence, it is not possible to create new knowledge any more than it is possible to create new energy; it simply exists and it is our awareness that provides the opportunity to tap into the unseen and unfounded knowledge that permeates throughout the universe. And it is our degree of awareness which results in our degree of achievement.

A universal web or net

The ancients, such as the American Hopi and the Australian aboriginals, spoke of the presence of a universal net or web of energy which was created by the Source to connect the largest and smallest objects throughout the heavens. When they spoke of this net or web, naturally, they were bound by and limited to what was familiar to them at the time of their observation. One’s ability is then limited by their current language to describe a concept, an object, or an occurrence. When we in the modern world use our modern lens to understand what the ancients attempted to convey to us, perhaps it is our language that leads to our misinterpretation of their messages.

Is our DNA the true holder of primordial knowledge? 

If the Source created all knowledge and experience for the benefit of humankind in an instant, it then seems likely that the sum total of knowledge and experience should not be lost through time. However, moving from an oral to written culture, we can assume the words and then the message may change partially or completely from the original over time. Surely, it would be counterintuitive that our benevolent Source would permit the original, uncontaminated knowledge to be lost or changed at the detriment of humanity. While we in the modern era believe that the web or net of creation is the holder of worldly knowledge, it is possible that the web or net of creation is not a holder of information; rather, it is a conduit of information. The true holder of information is the DNA found in our physical bodies.

Primordial knowledge is never lost…it is rediscovered

After decades of research, scientists still only understand a meager 5% about our bodies’ DNA. It is the unknown 95% that holds the potential to store the accumulated knowledge of humankind. This being the case, the primordial knowledge from the Source would never be lost to humanity and each of us would have the same opportunity to benefit from this knowledge. After all, when we listen to our inner voice, it is not out there; it resonates deep within our very souls, deep within our DNA. Have faith and belief that success is indeed an inside job.

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Does life only exist within the seen world?

6. Life is now and here 

(Osho’s Sixth New Commandment)

Life exists everywhere

Life is all around us; when we open our eyes and see a translucent blue sky high overhead ablaze with yellow sunshine, we come alive; when we walk along a mountain stream and hear the pure rushing waters, we come alive; and when we touch the warm cheek of our love, we come alive. These physical sensations are capable of satiating our primordial yearnings as we are constantly reminded that we are alive, one who lives in the third dimension.

blurred_linesLive within the metaphysical world 

Our five senses…smell, sight, touch, taste, and sound…act as our connection with the physical world. These allow us to navigate and survive the seen world, the world around us that can be measured, monitored, and manipulated. Although they are a multiplicity, they are nonetheless a commonality that is shared by all of humanity. Yet, it is not without a steep price; many are so wrapped up in the sensations they receive and enjoy from their immediate physical world they neglect to experience what true wonders surround them in their metaphysical world.

Life consists of endless possibilities 

Perhaps, we are half alive; permanently sleep walking so to speak when all we can conceive and believe in and of life is what we acquire from our five physical senses. We must wipe the sleep from our half-opened eyes and see what life is, it is not an illusion, but a reality that is boundless, endless, limitless. Quantum physicists are of the opinion that the unseen world of molecules holds all possibilities at this specific moment, and it is merely our focus that causes one of our many possibilities to become our one reality.

Listen to your own conductor

However, we do not need science or white-coated scientists to validate that life exists at various levels and with its many possibilities and outcomes; we only need to listen to the music that plays within our souls to validate our true feelings and innate knowledge about what it is, where it is, and how it is. Listen attentively to the music you hear within your soul, created by a conductor, musicians, and musical instruments…there is no need to look without when the answer to life, your life is within. Be yourself, but not another. That what you collect from others, read from books, or watch from the news is not real, it is but a superficial here and now and has little truth or meaning in this life.

Here is not the only now 

Be aware of the real here and now and not the unreal here and now. When we are only here and now, we are far away from truth; when we are only here and now, we are far away from the Source; when we are only here and now, we are far away from reality.  While we are far away from the truth the truth is never far away from you; when you are far away from the Source, the Source is never far away from you; while you are far away from reality; reality is not far away from you. It is living by your physical senses that keep the truth far away, the Source far away, and reality far away.

Potential is without a number 

There is not just one here and now…there exists many here’s and now’s at this exact moment, and all of them teaming with a myriad of possibility and potentiality. So, to only focus upon the seen is a travesty, one that limits your level of consciousness and awareness. We are looking at life with a tarnished mirror, one that distorts the reality of what we are looking at, what we are admiring, and what we are searching for. However, it is when we accept that there are various here’s and now’s that we truly see life as it is, not one that is shrouded by a dense fog that creates illusions. There is life with truth when we comprehend that the unseen and seen worlds are one of singularity, and each must be experienced in this life.