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“Live by intuition, do not live by logic.”

What drives science? 

Science has always been driven by hardened logic supported with cold facts and soulless formulas to account for all the biological, mathematical, sociological, historical, and mystical questions which abound within this life. And even though the answers to a great number of these mysteries are firmly and unquestionably entrenched deep within the collective consciousness of humankind, nevertheless, science and hence logic, dictates that the majority of us are unequivocally wrong in what we believe or feel as the truth.

Do we see the truth or feel the truth? 

While many wholeheartedly support the findings that manifest from scientific inquiry as the full truth and the only reality, this way of thinking comes at a high price. Intuition or natural knowledge which cannot be measured, observed, or calculated by white-coated lab assistants with modern day scientific equipment – is ridiculed as the baseless musings of artists, romantics, and poets to fabricate the fantasies of life, not the realities of life. At the expense of the traditional, we accept the novel as the only truth and solitary reality.

Live life by the seen ?

Logic or rational thought is based upon the seen and not upon the unseen. Hence, the rational mind’s mantra is best expressed as When I see it, I’ll believe it. When we accept that logic is the solitary path to truth and reality, we accept that truth and reality can only be measured, observed, and recorded by man or machine. The inherent problem with using these methods to arrive at all your conclusions and decisions in life is that these facts are the result of the noise from others.

Facts can be a mix of truth and fantasy

Facts, while a mix of both truth and fantasy manifest from the observations of politicians, educators, researchers, and the like to create the illusion in life which each group supports, either openly or covertly, as their personal agenda. Most have closed eyes and are unable to see through the illusion of life as they live it. However, when they open their eyes and see through life’s illusions, then they are in a position to reclaim that which they had lost initially.

Linear thinking and logic go hand-in-hand  

When a person embraces logic as their savior in this earthly life, they inherit a number of conditions which are inseparable from the whole. For example, linear thinking accompanies a logical mind. Since these conditions go hand in hand, we understand that a linear view of life occurs when a person has been trained to expect that A leads to B and B leads to C leads to D and so on and so on. If A leads to B and B leads to C then there is no uncertainty…only certainty. Many are unable to live with uncertainty in their lives, as a result, when these people live their lives, they rely upon logic and the facts and the seen to bring a sense of certainty and security to their lives.

Certainty brings stability to some

It is difficult, if not impossible for these people to flee from the certainty that brings stability to their lives. Nonetheless, even a small measure of uncertainty can manifest a crack in the paradigm which they live their lives. Mystery is unsettling. Unfamiliarity is frightening. Still, a small crack can slowly fester over time and then when a threshold is breached, uncertainty prevails over certainty. In this sense, logic could be viewed as a boomerang that comes back and hurts the hunter since everyday life is often filled with seemingly unexpected and uncontrollable events.

Intuition arises from silence 

While logic arises from the noise manifested by facts and the seen, intuition results from the silence manifested by feelings and the unseen. Hence, the intuitive mind’s personal mantra then appears to be best articulated as I’ll believe it, then I’ll see it. The brain and our Self have the innate ability to comprehend that which we do not comprehend at a physical level.

We need no help to comprehend intuitive knowledge 

And this understanding does not require any assistance from outside of our Self. It is our raw feelings that unlock the natural knowledge which is found deep within our souls and our DNA – the knowledge within is freely given to each of us by the benevolent Source regardless of our gender, race, education, or location. And the strength of our connection to the Source determines our receptivity to this divine gift that provides a pathway to understand the mystical, the miraculous, the unseen.

We cannot separate the inseparable…this is an illusion 

When a person embraces intuition as their sole path to arrive at their conclusions and decisions in life, they do so based upon their own feelings from their inner world and do not rely upon the noise from others in their outer world. This method does not come without its consequences since it is not possible to separate the inseparable. Just as certainty is inseparable from logic, uncertainty is inseparable from intuition.

Your road-map exists within

This is not to say that a person who relies upon their intuition to solve their life’s issues goes around uncertain of what they need to do in order to accomplish that which they want to accomplish. Rather, it is like being provided with a road-map and the directions to end-up at your final destination are not highlighted with a bright yellow marker. You have the map and you need to hear the directions from your inner voice.

Your senses will guide you on your journey 

You must also rely upon your senses to find the right way – you rely upon the sun and the wind and your Self to arrive at your final location. Hence, A does not lead to B and B does not lead to C…you just know where you want to go and know with your entirety that you’ll get there, it is just that there are a variety of ways to get there and here is where the uncertainty steps in.

Uncertainty is a virtue…embrace it, do not scorn it 

I can say with certainty that uncertainty is a sacred virtue. When we surrender our Self to our intuition, we surrender our Self to the Source and the ancient knowledge innate within each of us to live a life with our truths and our realities. While we may surrender our Self to uncertainty, there is little sacrifice since surrendering certainty for uncertainty is an empowering feeling. Our constant sense of gratitude for the freedom is amplified as we experience life unshackled by the chains of certainty.

How can we access our innate knowledge? 

We can access intuition by our clear and focused thoughts and the long and often forgotten ways rekindle the connection that is lost over our lifetime. As we experience clarity of thought, we see through the illusions of life and do not fear, worry, or hate what the logical mind fears, worries, and hates. We do not need nor rely upon facts and science to explain the mysteries of life which include our belief of the Source, our ability to create or own reality, and our capacity to cure our dis-eased bodies and minds.

Don’t believe only in facts 

We do not believe in the facts and the reality that the seen world presents to us. After all if we did, by all rights a poor girl from Venezuela would never become a world renowned singer; a poor child who grew-up in a ghetto with little but his desire to become a famous sports figure would do so; and a boy who endured hunger when growing-up would become a famous jockey.

Intuition conquers all 

It is indeed a rarefied atmosphere where intuition is the conqueror of fear, uncertainty, and the seen. Turning your decision making process over to the unknown and the unseen requires a huge leap of faith. In this day and age where science is slowly strangling our reliance upon and the confidence in our own Self to cure our illnesses, to achieve our goals, and to answer our mystical questions, we need 100% trust, 100% faith, and 100% belief in our divine gift in order to relinquish the control of our destiny to our Self.

Surrender to your intuition 

While the price for our complete trust, our complete faith, and our complete belief may seem to be exorbitant, once we relinquish our Self to our intuition, it is like a traveler who leaves a humble home in an underdeveloped rural village to live in a modern metropolitan area. That person never returns with the same state of mind, the same level of wonder, and the same measure of confidence as when they first turned the handle of their door and made that initial step outside their comfortable and familiar hometown.

Intuition manifests a happier, healthier life 

Live your life by intuition and not by logic. When making this comment, I certainly do not question being rational concerning driving your car at 100 mph on an icy road through the mountains in December. Rather, I mean to live by intuition when making the really BIG decisions in life such as your job, your spouse, and your business. If you live by intuition and not by reason, surely, you will have a happier, healthier, and wealthier life since you are doing what you truly want with who you truly want to be with and when you truly want to do it. At the least, it certainly makes life a lot more enjoyable than the predictable, routine that most of us trade for security.  Allow the untapped or the forgotten knowledge that resides deep within your inner world to reign supreme over the noise and distractions of your outer world.


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“Each and every one of us can benefit from the multiplicities of our Self found in the countless parallel universes we all inhabit.”

q75_amcgszu-jesse-sewellDo we exist within Parallel Universes? 

Since time began, there have been mystics and prophets who envisioned that other universes existed parallel to the one we experience on a daily basis. These visionaries were held in the highest suspicion and were often alienated from society. The thought that countless mirror images of our universe, consisting of galaxies, planets, stars, human beings, and humans exactly like our Self, is the stuff that science fiction tales are made of.

It’s not sheer folly anymore

This might have remained as sheer folly in a writer’s mind until the new physics and quantum mechanics with the likes of Max Planck, John Wheeler, David Bohm, and Karl Pribram came along and helped to fill the gap between fact and fantasy. With the realization that different planes of reality exist alongside our own, we then have to ask the question How can I benefit, as well as humanity, from the multiplicities of my Self within these countless universes?

There are many roads we can travel

We can imagine the multitude of universes that exist alongside of ours as multiple roadways that lie beside, around, and ahead of us. The various roads that we can travel are the same as when we must make a decision in our life. For example, I have an opportunity to work abroad in a foreign country which I never have visited; I cannot speak the language, I am unfamiliar with its religious customs, and have never experienced their food. At the moment of decision to accept or decline this unique opportunity, we would all experience a wide number of what if situations.

What if situations? 

What if I go and end up marrying a local? What if I go and create a new business opportunity that creates enormous wealth for my Self? In parallel universes, there is one of you who has married a local in that foreign country and there is one of you who has started a new business with a large income. You can see where these what if situations are taking us – and that is exciting!

Endless possibilities and probabilities exist at this moment

The what if possibilities and probabilities of what you have experienced in the countless parallel universes that exist alongside the one we now inhabit are endless. In one universe, you are an award winning author who just penned a revolutionary theory which explained the possibility of multiple universes existing at the same moment. In another, you are a renowned painter who has the art world astounded with your talent. In a third, you are an inventor who has registered thousands of patents which have helped humankind enjoy an easier life. In a fourth, you are a successful Internet marketer who inspires lasting changes in people from your products and services. And finally, you are a real estate investor who builds eco-friendly homes and commercial sites.

Changes are possible, if you know how

Parallel universes provide a unique opportunity for those who want to make tremendous changes in their lives. If you want to be a successful writer, a sought after artist, a famous inventor, a Internet guru marketer, or a real estate investor then it is simply connecting with your Self from another universe who is successful in that endeavor and then learning from that Self how to become what your true passion in life is.

Meditation connects you with your Self from a parallel universe

How can we connect with our successful alter-ego from a parallel universe? I suggest meditation. Many companies produce CD’s that instantly bring you to the correct state to connect with your Self. When in that deep meditative state, picture your Self on a highway with many roads ahead of you. There will be signs which contain your name and pictograms of what you desire to be an expert at: hence, Roger the author; Roger the painter; Roger the inventor; Roger the Internet guru; Roger the real estate investor. Pick the one that you want to learn from and walk down that road. You will see a person walking towards you, that person is your exact Self who is successful at the task you want to learn about. When face-to-face, ask how you can develop your talent to the level of your Self since this you from another universe is accomplished at that skill. Listen carefully and then do what has been passed along to you. When you have ended your meditation session, be sure to take the necessary action mentioned to you by your Self. Do not despair if you have difficulty meeting-up with your Self, it is a skill and takes time to reach the proper vibrational frequency to make that connection.

All possibilities exist at this moment…seek your own

A wide realm of possibilities exists at this exact moment from parallel universes. When you meet your Self, your successful Self from another level of existence, your life and the lives of those around you will be changed for the better.