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“Your energy must guide your efforts – your efforts must not guide your energy.”

It’s more than hard work 

Most believe that hard work and sustained effort will manifest the goals they want to achieve in their life in their present physical form. However, this is far from the truth since the ones who work the hardest are not the richest or the healthiest or the happiest in this world. If your efforts alone are not the key to manifestating a life of spiritual and material abundance, this begs the question:

What will provide a happy, healthy, and fulfilled life on this plane of existence?

Your energy and your energy alone will manifest all that you desire regardless of your gender, education, or location. The benevolent Source has provided each of us with an equal opportunity to achieve our goals in life. At our earthly conception, we all are programmed with infinite spiritual, intellectual, and physical gifts.

We ‘forget’ what is innate in all of us

However, as we mature and our responsibilities increase we shift our focus upon the physical ways to live life and forget or abandon or surrender the most powerful gifts bestowed upon them by the Source – the gifts of divine creation, primordial knowledge, and supreme connection to the unlimited universal power.

Your energy guides your efforts and your results

Effort alone will not guarantee that you will achieve what you want to achieve in this life. It is important to your success to have your energy guide your efforts and not have your efforts guide your energy. Your efforts are a reflection of the energy which you emit and ultimately what you receive from the universe. When you emit positive energy, you receive only positive circumstances, situations, and results. When you emit negative energy, you can only receive negative circumstances, situations, and results.

Inconsistent efforts produce inconsistent results

The problem is that your efforts can be inconsistent or unproductive and when they are inconsistent or unproductive, you can become unfocused, disenchanted, and just plain frustrated since your goals are not any closer at hand then when you set the goal. When we make an effort and receive no compensation for our hard work and investment of our time, naturally, doubt, negative thoughts, and negative words slip into our focus and our consciousness. Our results are not in proportion to our efforts.

The universe runs on universal time, not human time 

However, we must not forget that the universe works on different time than humans – the universe follows cosmic timelessness where the past, present, and future are one…they are the inseparable which we want to separate to fit our personal and financial timetable.

Maintain a spiritual focus not a physical focus 

When we forget or abandon or surrender our spiritual focus to our physical focus, we are consciously or unconsciously putting our faith in our Self and stripping it away from the Source. How pretentious of us to believe that we can attain our goals solely upon our own expertise and without the guidance and help from the benevolent Source.

Our mansions are created within before they are created without 

Our mightiest mansions are built within our inner world long before our outer world. One singular physical effort was, is, or will never be made before we have made our spiritual effort first. Every goal that we achieve begins and then germinates as an idea within our spiritual realm – your goal is never planted or comes to fruition as a result of making and exerting an effort first. Thoughts create the efforts which then manifest the goal – this is the Law.

Align your energy, knowledge, and your sacred connection to receive your desires  

Results manifest from your spiritual realm first. It is your positive energy aligned with primordial knowledge and supported by your supreme connection with the Source which manifests your desires. This trilogy of success depends upon your focus and not your efforts. As you focus your words and thoughts upon a specific goal, the universe aligns you with your goal to manifest all the circumstances, situations, and people required to achieve that which you want to achieve. It is your spiritual focus that creates positive expectancy which then leads to positive energy which in turn provides a conduit to achieve what you want to achieve.

A number of steps help you manifest your goals 

In order to create the energy which produces the efforts that manifest your goals, there are a number of steps you can take to keep you in synch with the universal power. Having your goal written down upon a card and then carrying it in your pocket or purse reminds you to stay focused and also maintain positive energy and belief in what you are doing to help you achieve the goal. Holding a goal card in your hand is magic as you create an instant connection with the goal.

Quiet time is essential to maintain focus 

It is equally as important to find quiet time to reflect upon what you want to achieve. In today’s busy world, we often lose sight of our goals since there are so many distractions that pull us away from what we want. It is critical to stay in a positive state of energy by continuously monitoring what thoughts, words, and actions are goal achieving and what thoughts, words, and actions are tension relieving. While you may be enjoying distractions for what you want, you may then feel guilty for not focusing upon your goal and this is when the doors of negativity are opened.

Listen to your inner voice…it’s always correct 

When spending quiet time reflecting upon your goals, be sure to listen to your Self to receive what effort you should make to get closer to your goal. Often we hear the means to achieve our goals, however, we then dismiss our inner voice as just a hunch or a fallacy and make no effort to do what we received from the Self. You must never forget or lose or abandon your faith and belief in what you know is the right path to take; after all, if the Source provides you with the initial thoughts to achieve a goal, the Source provides the path to achieve the goal as well.

Faith and belief are pathways to success 

And while you are focusing upon complete faith and belief in the opportunities that present themselves to you, remember to express your gratitude to the Source for what you were, are, and will be. No matter what your present situation…either close to or far away from your goal, gratitude keeps you in a positive state of energy which then allows more of the good to be channeled to your life on universal time.

Your energy determines what you achieve in this life 

Effort alone is not the answer to achieving your goals – it is your positive energy that is the key to achieving what you set your sights upon. It is your positive energy that will keep you on track and help you to push negative energy from your Self. It is your positive energy that will guide you to the correct path and help you walk along that path no matter what happens in the outer world around you.

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