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Some people are living their life by choice while most are living their life by default

Is your life by choice or by default??

Choices are made by conscious effort or through unknown circumstances

We create our lives by our choices, some make conscious decisions of their choices while most let others or circumstances make their choices for them. The ones who take control of their own lives are the ones who achieve what is theirs by living the Natural Laws. The ones who put their future in the hands of others simply take what is given to them and seldom reach their true potential. They float along unconscious of their power and live a life of want, lack, or misery even though they have complete control over their future. 

Fate or luck?

The reason most people suffer quietly through life and never get what they want is that they fail to make a decision to go after their dreams. They let fate or luck or others guide them without any effort or thought.  However, they miss the crucial point that their thinking brings about huge changes which ultimately, manifest their goals. Since thoughts are energy, either positive or negative depending on the nature of the thought, the key is we must change the energy within and around us by our thoughts.

Creators do not abandon their creative side

By our very nature, we are creators and when we abandon our creative side we suffer emotionally, physically, and materially. Emotionally we feel isolated and unloved, physically we suffer from sickness, and materially we face want and lack.  However, in the face of these sufferings, we have the innate quality to create our wants and they must manifest first in our inner world or the outer world suffers. 

We are connected to the universe

We have all been there before, even though we never have been, those eerie feelings are not just our wild imaginings, they are our connection with the rest of the universe. So, we need to be able to consciously apply ourselves to the goal we want to achieve. We must not think of achieving our goal in the future, instead, we must work as though we have already accomplished our goal at this moment.

Our ability to observe our goal internally, manifests our goal externally

We must experience what it feels like in our mind before we have it in our hand. We do this by creating a powerful image of what we want, what it feels like, and what it will do for our family and ourselves. As such, you may liken yourself as an observer who experiences your wants prior to their existence. As a result, we manifest our goals by the mere observance. You cannot think that you will have something in the future and have it, instead you must make your future your present. These thoughts provide the means to achieve what you want.  

Achieve success though your conscious decisions

Most are unaware that the Source holds their questions and their answers. We have the power and the knowledge to achieve our goals IF we make a conscious decision to do so. Simply access the means to achieve what you desire.

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Reading is as important for our mind as exercising is for our body

Exercise helps our body, but what about our mind?

Research from the world-renowned Mayo Clinic has shown that regular exercise is beneficial for our physical well-being. Overall, physical exercise prevents chronic health conditions, helps manage weight, strengthens our circulatory and respiratory systems, and allows for better sleep. Few would or could argue with the benefits our body receives from exercising.

Why do we neglect our minds?

While we work at improving our body, we neglect our mind. It appears we are more concerned with our physical Self than our spiritual Self. However, according to the Natural Laws, it is our spiritual Self that manifests our success and not our physical Self. In order to keep our mind fit and healthy, we need to read on a regular basis. 

Creating Possibilities

One of the major benefits, ‘Creating Possibilities’, occurs when we develop the habit of reading. Reading success stories provide us with unlimited possibilities to be successful in our own life. We read about how someone overcame adversity, grew-up in poverty, or had a lack of formal schooling only to succeed in a big way. And this resonates with us. You’ve heard it before, If they can do it, I can do it too. No doubt, as a result of reading inspiring tales, our mind is strengthened and boosts our self-esteem, builds our self-confidence, and provides greater focus and meaning to our life. Now, we win in a big way.

Reading has many mental and financial benefits

While reading benefits our mind, it has also been shown to provide financial rewards as well. Recent surveys by The National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) and The National Adult Literacy Survey (NALS) have indicated that people who read more earn more. Sadly, more and more people are reading less and less every year. These people are missing wonderful opportunities to develop a stronger, more knowledgeable, and keener mind.

Make a plan and carry it out

So, what’s next? A plan to read will provide a path to success. Begin now to create a plan for the upcoming year and act upon it immediately. It is important to be specific and commit your plan to paper in order for your mind to receive the full benefit from reading. Be sure to include: How much money will I invest in my books? How many books do I want to read? What books do I want to read? And, When will I set the time aside to read?   

Create a healthy body and a healthy mind

It has been said that all the knowledge and circumstances required for each of us to achieve success is present. And reading the works of James Allen, Napoleon Hill, William Walker Atkinson, or Bob Proctor, brings it all altogether for us. Keep reading to continue ‘Creating Possibilities’ and your mind will become as healthy as your body.

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Don’t ask the Source your questions, rather, see your answers first and then changes will occur naturally.

It’s counter-intuitive to not ask for help

People who want to change their present unpleasant will ask the Source for help. Little do they understand that by asking for help, they are not allowing themselves the chance to change their lives. This statement may seem counterintuitive to what we have always been taught when we want big changes in our lives, still, have an open mind to this idea.

Our vibrational state determines our reality…past, present, and future

When we ask our questions first, we cannot receive what we ask for. And it is all about the state of vibration we are in when we ask those questions. We know that the state of vibration we are in determines our past, present, and future. For example, you are in debt and finally have hit the threshold and want to be out of debt. You want to have a secure feeling knowing that there is enough money to cover your monthly expenses and then some. So, you ask the question to the Creator of the universe:

How do I get out of debt?

Then you wait for your answers while all the time still being in debt and not being able to cover your monthly expenses. As time ticks on the clock, the car payment is due, the children need new clothes, and your banker needs money to cover your overdraft, you become more and more fixated on your question. So, you ask again:

How do I get out of debt?

Still, no earth shattering vision of what to do to relieve yourself of that mountain of obligations you have for living yesterday.  Being consumed by your question manifests an anxious state of scarcity which drives away any chance of getting out of debt.

See your results in your mind before they manifest in your hand

Rather than asking the questions first, see the answers first. By this I mean to see yourself already in a secure financial position: your children are wearing new clothes to school, you have a specific amount of cash in your bank account, and you are on holiday at a beach resort with your partner. 

Have the Natura Law work for you, not against you

And the same goes for a new car, a bigger house, being an author, or a successful public speaker; see the answers first and then how to get there will be provided by our benevolent Creator. This is a Natural Law. Have complete faith that this method works to make the changes you want.

Live your answers and don’t live your questions

In the end, it is all about living the answers to your questions rather than asking the questions and looking for your answers. Seeing, feeling, tasting, and holding your answers in your mind’s eye will guarantee that you will make those big changes you want and deserve out of life.

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Every minute of every day we are creating our future because of the thoughts we hold in our minds.

Success, in what form it may take, does not depend upon your physical world   

We can attract unlimited abundance into our life. We can receive unlimited happiness into our life. We can manifest unlimited success into our life. And these extraordinary results are not limited to one’s age, gender, location, or level of formal education.

Why are we able to attract such large and wonderful results into our life?

Each and every one of us is made-up of the same physical materials that comprise the planets and every form of life found upon the Earth. Since we are all created from the same basic substances, we are all under the same Natural Laws as the largest solar system and the smallest microbes. As a result, if we consider the Law of Gravity, no matter the size of the object, gravity reacts in a like manner…this is exact and unerring like any mathematical formula bearing scientific proof.

We are in a constant state of vibration 

While these various bodies, big and small, appear to be of a solid material, they, in fact, are in a state of constant motion. So, what we see is not what is.  Even our earthly bodies are in that same state of constant vibration. This motion is energy, raw energy which permeates every nook and cranny of the universe.

We are a storehouse of energy

And, our physical bodies, made of flesh and bone, are a living storehouse of energy. Still, we are not just energy; we are a powerful mass of spiritual energy, vibrating energy, which is in constant motion and manifests as our physical body and our material world.

Our thoughts, like our physical bodies, are under the Natural Laws 

Our thoughts, although not possessing physical properties, are things found within the cosmos which then places them under the same Natural Laws as everything which inhabits the universe. Accordingly, our thoughts are a mass of spiritual energy which occupies every area within the universe.

We must master our thoughts to reach the level of success we deserve and desire

These thoughts, however, are not just haphazard, they originate within the minds of every single one of us whether consciously or unconsciously. Since we are the creators of our thoughts we are the masters of our thoughts.  Being the master, this places our thoughts under our control. We control our thoughts to actualize the things that we love and we control our thoughts to actualize the things that we fear.

Our innate energy supports our every thought 

As we think either positive or negative thoughts, we must support these thoughts with our energy and this must set in motion everything that is necessary for the fulfillment of our thoughts.

Monitor your thoughts to achieve what you want in this life 

Our thoughts and our thoughts alone create the future that we desire. Closely monitor your present thoughts to be sure that you are correctly thinking about what you want in life. Your very future depends upon your ability to control the most precious thing that you will ever own.

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“It is your mind that creates your life’s illusions and it is your mind that creates your life’s realities.”

Life’s Illusions manifest from misinterpretations 

The illusions in your life are the results of your misinterpretation of the circumstances that have happened, that are happening, or will happen to you and the realities in your life are the results of your rightful interpretation of the circumstances that have happened, that are happening, or will happen to you.

Your five senses act as filters in life

And it is your mind’s direct or indirect reaction to your circumstances, filtered through your five senses of sight, sound, smell, touch and taste which are either the catalyst for the improper interpretation or the proper interpretation of those circumstances that comprise your life. Hence, it becomes clear that the control of your mind and the control of your senses manifest your illusions or your realities.

Illusions are a minefield 

The illusions that are created in your mind that consequently influence your thoughts, words, and actions are nothing more than falsehoods that have little substance from what the reality is in your life in most instances. We base our life upon these illusions and negotiate along through life like a soldier making his way through a deadly minefield with these unwarranted chimeras haunting our every waking moment.

Falsehoods are created from illusions

We sacrifice true happiness, abundance, and fulfillment because our illusions are continually being reinforced with our false thoughts, words, and actions. After years of living as we are living – accepting that the falsehoods are truths – our mind becomes rigid to our old paradigm and it is difficult to break away from our illusions. Since we live these illusions every day we soon accept them as the only alternative in our life. As we accept them as the only path in life, we lose our enthusiasm and desire to achieve BIG goals since our fate is already predetermined by our past results. We have lost the idea that we are in control of our lives and that many possibilities exist at the identical moment and it is our decision to focus upon what we want rather than what we have achieved up to the present moment. It is crucial to achieve any goal in our life to see and then experience our life not through a distorted lens of an illusion, rather, to see it and then think, talk, and act through a lens of our reality.

Incorrect assumptions create an unwanted and unfulfilled life 

As we form our illusions in life by our jaundiced interpretation of our circumstances, experiences, and then our results, we form the realities in our life by our intuitive interpretation of our circumstances, experiences and then our desired results. It is our lack of control of our mind which leads to the incorrect assumptions we make about our past, present, and future situations and circumstances that create our illusions. And by contrast, it the control of our mind which produces the correct assumptions we make about our past, present, and future that create our realities.

Ask your Self important questions 

The important question is How can we control our mind to insure we create the realities we want and not the illusions we do not want? To start, we need to understand that gaining and maintaining control of your mind in a myriad of situations is not unlike training your body to be a key athlete. What I mean is that it is not a sprint, but, a marathon. It is not the flavor of the week or the flash in the pain where you will try and see if it is for you. Rather, consider controlling your mind in the good and bad as a way of life. It is a long term commitment that must be worked upon diligently or you may not attain, maintain, and sustain the control of the most important path in your life to achieve what you want.

How can you gain and sustain control of your mind? 

There are a number of practical suggestions which can help you gain and sustain control of your mind. First, it is imperative to your success to gain control of your mind and hence your reality – you must have 100% faith, belief, and expectation that you will be the master of your mind (your reality) and not the slave of your whims (your illusions). You may slip back into your old paradigms at times, still, realize that you will overcome the obstacles, no matter how difficult and be the captain of your journey.

Success manifests long after visualization and belief

Second, it is also critical to visualize your success long before it even happens. Hence, if you want a new car, a new house, a new job, or control over your mind, you first need to see the results you want on the non-physical plane before it appears on the physical plane. When you see what you want and deserve before it happens on human time, you are summoning the enormous power of the universe to your purpose and sets in motion the people, circumstances, and things required to manifest what you want. Practice visualization regularly when faced with a new goal.

Your mind can take you down any number of paths to success or failure 

Third, another key in your success equation is to constantly monitor the illusions or the realities which you are thinking about. Intuitively, at the visceral level you know that your mind is leading you down a path of truth or falsehood. You only need to be aware of what is being presented to you. It is important to take the time to be silent in the noise of everyday living and listen to what your inner spirit is attempting to pass along to you and then it is even more important to act upon what you are receiving from the universe. When you consciously find quietude in nature or your family home, your focus will allow you to access the inner power of intuition which then manifests your realities and not your illusions.

Your family, friends, and acquaintances can lead you down any number of path to success or failure

Fourth, this idea marries with the idea of constantly monitoring your mind. The people around you, your circle of friends, family, and colleagues are always willing to help you make those tough decisions in life based upon what they would do in the same situation. The problem is that their advice is not based upon what is best for you and how it fits in with your plan for success in the universe. While you may want to be polite and listen to what they say to help you, this help then forms your new reality or illusion – it is best to listen to your intuition and not your family, friends, and colleagues in those tough situations. After all, their advice is built upon their unique experiences and we seldom share all the same experiences in life. And, we filter our experiences through different lens then the people around us which could manifest different realities or illusions. Ultimately, find your own path and not follow someone else’s path.

Overcome negativity to discover your path to success

Fifth, make a conscious effort to overcome the urge to react negatively in any and every undesirable, unsuspected, or unwanted situation. If you do act this way – you will not get out of your present unpleasant situation, rather, you will be building barricades that will insure that you will remain as you are. So, if you do not receive the raise you expected at work, instead of believing that you will never receive that extra monthly income (your illusion), design a plan that will make you more valuable to the company.

Plan for success by investing in your Self

Your plan could mean extra night courses or seminars or other professional development and most companies will even pay for their employees to do so. Make a solid effort and investment of time to design a plan that is achievable, remember, most people take longer to plan their next vacation than their lives! However, a plan is not enough; you must have a complete understanding that you are more valuable to the company and then you will enjoy that raise (your reality).

Control the reality you wish to experience   

We can build our own realities regardless of what illusions have haunted us in the past. At this exact moment, there are many possibilities that present themselves to your Self. Take control of your mind and only allow the reality you want to exist in your mind at every moment. If you find that you are losing control and permitting wrongful illusions to take hold and dominate your Self, there are a number of ways to regain and sustain control of your mind which will lead to true health, wealth, and Self.

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“Manifestations occur when you are in a state of serenity and not when you are in a state of anxiety.”

How do we cure what ails us? 

Today, we find that the self-help industry is huge – it is a multi-billion dollar business – and within the parameters of this industry we find that the most sought after cures for the majority are a lack of money, a lack of self-esteem, and a lack of purpose. According to the gurus within this industry, the magic elixir to escape from and then place these maladies in life far behind you is manifesting.

Manifest what you desire 

It is commonly accepted that we are able to transcend the negatives in life by manifesting our personal goals of health, wealth, and Self, This idea has had a tremendous impact upon the psyche of modern day society. Perhaps, the general acceptance of this idea may rival the discoveries that the Earth was not the center of the universe and the Earth was not flat as assumed by the masses many centuries ago.

We never realize our goals when in a state of anxiety 

While the collective consciousness may agree that manifesting is the key to achieving our goals and changing our life for the better, most turn to manifesting in times of dire need which is when they are in a state of negative vibration. As they attempt to force changes in life to escape their present unpleasant situation, many never realize their goals and as a result turn their backs upon the Source’s invaluable gift for long-lasting and meaningful change.

Your vibratory state determines your ability to manifest your desire 

The self-help experts promote manifesting as the rightful path to relieve your Self of the misery that your Self has caused you to experience in the past, causes you to experience in the present, and will cause you to experience in the  future. While much has been said and written about manifesting your personal goals, it is critical for your success to be aware of the vibratory state that you are in both before and during your manifesting session. The overall lack of success that many people face is that they approach manifesting when they are at their lowest point.

How can a negative vibratory state produce positive results?  

They attempt to manifest a drastic change in their life when they have no money, when they are sick, when they have no job, and when their relationship is on the rocks. Needless to say, when a person is at the lowest of the lows, they are in a negative state of vibration. They are enveloped in a black cloud of anxiety, fear, and desperation…negative states of energy which can only attract negative states of energy according to the Natural Laws of the universe. How do they ever expect to escape their current situation in such a vibratory state?

Don’t build barricades around your goals      

The vibratory state that you dwell in determines the results that you have in your past, your present, and your future life. There is simply no escaping the immutable laws of the universe regardless of your gender, age, education, celebrity, or location. When you are in a state of anxiety prior to attempting your manifesting session, you can only build barricades which stop the universe from delivering your goal. When you are in a state of anxiety as you attempt your manifesting session, you maintain the barricades which repel your goal.

Believe in your future goals…but do not base your beliefs upon your present situation

It is imperative in your manifesting session that you do not allow the negatives in your life, such as overdue bills, economic meltdown of your country, or an advanced state of illness to influence your thoughts, words, and actions which ultimately impacts your ability to achieve your end goals. You must see past the present unpleasant situation as the only reality of your life. It is not the only possibility, just one of a countless number that exist at any given moment.

Your goal already exists…it takes the proper action, thoughts, and words to accomplish it 

While a state of anxiety can stop a successful manifesting session in its tracks, by contrast, a state of serenity can result in the natural achievement of your goals. Of course, it is not easy to focus your mind upon the good you expect to receive long before you receive it when the dogs of despair are nipping at your heels, still, this is exactly what is required to end the cycle of poverty, illness, and fear which plagues so many of us and keeps us in the throes of anxiety. But, consider the alternative; remaining in a state of anxiety perpetuates the conditions that rule over your life. To escape the state of anxiety and enter upon a state of serenity you need to see your Self, your inner being, the goal already manifested.

The present is malleable

So, while you stare the negatives straight in the face, have unconditional faith and absolute belief that the negatives are not the only reality, they are just the present reality which is malleable. Be genuinely grateful that you are where you are since feeling unfortunate, unlucky, or ungrateful will only tighten the noose of negative energy that encircles your entire Self.

Belief and faith destroy a negative vibratory state 

Fully understand that the negatives can be broken by seeing economic prosperity, good health, and wellness in your mind long before you hold them with your hands. Your focus determines what possibility becomes your reality and your reality is determined by your focus.

Goals have their a life of their own…nurture them to fruition 

Manifestations have a life of their own: they are born from your desires; they live from your thoughts; and they pass from your actions. As they proceed through the different stages of their existence, manifestations may change their shapes. And they are not under human time…they are under cosmic timelessness. They are also reborn as different although similar manifestations. For example, you may want to earn a degree in one discipline; however, you realize that this choice is not the best to fulfill your personal and economic goals in life. Hence, your initial manifestation passes and remerges as a new manifestation which better fulfills your personal goals. In the end, the life of a manifestation is dependent upon your being in a state of serenity and not in a state of anxiety. Serenity fulfills your manifestation while anxiety ends your manifestation unfulfilled.


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“Leverage your actions with Positive Expectancy.”

Do the ‘right things’ to achieve success

Most believe that they do everything that they can possible do ‘right’ by thinking, talking, and doing the ‘right’ things. And, no doubt, they are correct in their assumptions that doing the ‘right’ things will manifest what is ‘right’ for them, after all, like vibrations attract like vibrations and unlike vibrations repel unlike vibrations, this is a Natural Law of the universe.

Tap into Positive Expectancy 

However, they also may overlook a valuable resource at their fingertips which can seal the deal in a more fulfilling and more efficient way. This resource, which is innate in all of us, it merely needs to be tapped into to receive and enjoy the full benefit is – Positive Expectancy.

Leverage your present success to achieve future success

In real estate investing, the toughest property to purchase is your first property. Once you have that first property bought and it runs smoothly every month, it is then easier to purchase a second and then a third and fourth and so on and so on. This process is made easier since the wise real estate investor leverages one property to buy the next and then leverages the next to buy the next and so on and so on. They make use of what they have achieved, buying brick and mortar in this case, to reach their next goal with less effort than they required to reach their initial goal.

Learn from your first success

And so it is when you attempt to reach that first goal based upon your knowledge and application of the Natural Laws of the universe. You have the belief and the faith in your ability to achieve your goal with the guidance of the Source, however, you also have the Law of Positive Expectancy on your side.

Don’t worry how to achieve your goal 

The critical part of achieving any goal is to think, say, and do what you know you should do to accomplish your goal. What you know you should do is passed along to us by the Source through each cell in our physical body. The sum total of our cells surrounding our souls are forever receiving and either accepting or rejecting what is needed to be done to achieve our goals.

What is ‘enough?’

Although it is ‘enough’ to think and say and do, you can leverage these by having Positive Expectancy. Compare this idea of utilizing Positive Expectancy for reaching your goals and not using it to the petrol you buy for your automobile: both 91 and 95 octane petrol will start your automobile and carry you along to your final destination, being either for work or for pleasure. While both work to insure that you reach that final destination you have in mind, the 95 octane petrol has more power in it that 91. And so it is with Positive Expectancy, this is the extra power to get you where you want to go faster and more efficiently.

Positive Expectancy is the fuel to achieve success

Thinking, talking, and doing what you need and have to do will attract the same back to you – this is the Law. Still, to add extra power to the means of accomplishing your goal is achieved by Positive Expectancy – this is also the Law.


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“Revisit your past to redefine your future.”

Most don’t have an ‘ideal’ family life

When you develop good friendships and meaningful relationships with others, we frequently open-up to that trusted person about our family life and how we grew-up facing certain situations. While listening to the many stories that have been shared with me, I seldom have heard of anyone who has grown-up in an ‘ideal’ family life. There are the stories of physical and mental abuse which have left their scars upon our lives and shaped the futures of the people who have lived through such maladies.

Don’t bury the past…resurrect the past

Still, these things have happened and we must not bury them deep within our Self, that would only prolong our suffering and stifle our spiritual and personal growth, rather, we must revisit them with a greater sense of awareness in order to create a future which is a more positive and more fulfilling experience.

Is there a ‘perfectly dysfunctional’ family?

Looking back, I now understand the influence that growing up in a ‘perfectly dysfunctional’ family had upon my life. My story may mirror what many have experienced. One parent was overbearing and wouldn’t allow me to try anything new or to think for myself since I wasn’t that capable or that smart. The constant put-downs and verbal innuendos about my ability and intellect left me with little confidence in both social and educational situations. I struggled to find who I was and what I was good at.

Success occurred, but at a cost

Finally, I made some progress, earned my university degree, and landed a good job which enabled me to buy a house and an expensive German sports car. However, instead of being given credit for attaining this level of success, these changes intimidated my parent and we never had a relationship or spoke thereafter, not even an impending death could we resolve these issues.

Money is the root of all evil

The other parent grew-up with an attitude that money was indeed the root of all evil and rich people were unhappy and had many more problems in life than poor people. And besides, you were meant to work hard and scrimp and save until you finally could enjoy the many years of hard labor when you retire. I now understand that always being bailed out of my economic problems was a sign of love and that was what a good parent would do; help their poor and struggling child when in difficulty. Growing-up in this kind of environment caused me pain and suffering for many years.

A revelation…with the appearance of Napoleon Hill, James Allen, and Raymond Holliwell 

In my job, I was introduced to the masters and masterpieces of self-development: Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill; As a Man Thinketh by James Allen, and Working with the Law by Raymond Holliwell. These classics taught me that I certainly was not responsible for the thoughts of my parents, however, I was responsible for my own thoughts; I couldn’t change them, but I could change me. I could not change my past but I could change my future and it began with the thoughts that I held in my mind. I was aware of what happened and why it happened and what the results were of my upbringing, and to move forward and to change, I could not remain in the negative state of blame of how others had messed-up my life.

Take full responsibility to make huge changes  

I took full responsibility to make the changes that I needed to make to become the person I truly wanted to be. I left the past behind as an experience, as a part of my life, and as a part of what I am today. There is no animosity or blame, just understanding from a distance which left me as a spectator to what had occurred and not as a victim.

Achieve a positive vibratory state to move forward…by being forgiving 

Being in a positive vibratory state about the past is crucial to overcoming what has formed you earlier and now taking hold of your present life. In order to move to a positive state of vibration, there are a couple of ideas that can help you in the process. First, you must forgive the person or persons who had such influence upon your earlier life, this is a must. If you harbor bad feelings and apprehension towards the person or persons, you can only be held back where you are in a negative state since this is the predominate thoughts that occupy your mind.

This exercise will rid you of negative thoughts and ill feelings

Take a piece of paper and write the person’s name on it; then light a match and burn the name (it does not matter if the person has passed when doing this, in fact, it is even more important since the person is not on this physical plane of existence). As the name is burning, say the following and really mean what you say with all your senses; I want the best for you, (name of the person). I want the best for me (state your name). I forgive you (name of the person). I forgive me (state your name). Can you feel the negative energy dissipate? Can you feel lighter as the burden of all those years has just been lifted from your shoulders? Did you cry tears of joy? If you did not experience a sense of relief and bliss, perhaps you do not truthfully want the best for the person or your Self. And by the same token, past thinking and actions are difficult to overcome since they have been harbored deep within our souls for perhaps decades. Be patient and try this again until you receive the feelings of joy and happiness of true forgiveness for both you and the other person.

There’s an alternative way to achieve forgiveness 

If you feel uncomfortable with the above, there is an alternative means for you to forgive the other person so both of you can move forward to repair the past injustices. Find a quiet, private place where you can say the following: I release you (state the name), from your responsibility, I release me (state your name), from my responsibility. I send the best of life to you (state the name), and I send the best of life to me (state your name). Once again, feel true forgiveness and you will occupy a positive state where the things that transpired in the past are neither good nor bad, they just are.   

Forgiveness paves the way to your success 

You have the immense power of the universe and the Source in your hands when you practice true forgiveness for those who were unjust to you in the past. Be patient and work at forgiving; the world will appear different to you when you succeed at coming to terms with your past.

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“Thoughts are things; words are your thoughts articulated; and your actions set your thoughts and words in motion.”

We are energy, and our wants and desires must be in accord with our vibrational energy

We are powerful energy forces as well as powerful energy sources that are fully capable of creating what we desire by achieving and maintaining a vibrational state that is in accord with those wants. However, most are not aware of the miraculous potential of the universal energy and our reliance upon the universal Laws that were freely provided to us and for us by a truly benevolent Source.

All things originate from spiritual energy 

All things originate as spiritual energy before they ever become physical reality. While all things are energy, they are uncontrolled energy which permeates every nook and cranny of the universe and we need to harness this unbridled energy to achieve our goals. It is the interface between your life thoughts and your life experience alone which create things in your spiritual world and your physical world.

We are the creators within our spiritual realm 

Others cannot create within your spiritual realm or your physical realm, this is not to say that they may or may not influence you and your thoughts and you may or may not influence their thoughts. Nevertheless, while you may be part of a complex universal equation that manifests all people, things, and situations to produce your goal or someone else’s goal, still, you and you alone are responsible for your results.

We must sustain our wants over universal timelessness 

In the end, it is your powerful and emotional thoughts that are maintained in the present and sustained over cosmic timelessness which result in a positive vibrational state that creates your results. And the reverse is also true: it is your weak and unemotional thoughts which can only result in a negative vibrational state and then you remain in the same state no matter how hard you try to escape since like vibrations attract like and unlike vibrations repel unlike.

Negative vibrations manifest negative results 

As you enter and remain in this negative state in the present, your thoughts then have you reflect upon your past to support your vibrational state; it is then your thoughts that have you look ahead to your future and it is with these past and future thoughts which substantiate and proliferate your past, your present, and your future vibrational state.

Your words create your results 

The words that you use to express your thoughts to your Self and to those around you are the results of the thoughts that you hold within your Self. You can put on a bold front, you can be persuasive, and you can be strong when you articulate your thoughts through your words. However, if you hold any doubts; no matter how insignificant they may seem to you, about your chances of accomplishing your goals, no matter how hard you try to convince your Self and those around you with your words, you will be unable to achieve what you set your thoughts upon. This must be the case since when we express doubt, lack faith, and little belief, we cling to negative expectancy and negative expectancy manifests as a negative vibrational state which can hold or drive our goals away from their fruition. It is crucial to your accomplishing the goals you set that your thoughts and your words are congruent, or they have little opportunity to be realized.

Your actions manifest from your vibratory state 

Your actions are what indicate whether you have been in a positive or negative vibratory state with the thoughts that you hold within your Self and the words that you articulate to your Self and those around you. While most believe that their actions are fully responsible for the achievement of their goals, they errantly make this decision since they are unaware that their actions are the least effective and efficient means to goal achievement.

Success results from your internal guidance system 

Success, however you define it, is not about how hard or how long you work, rather, it is about how and what you do with the inner guidance system provided by the Source. Your actions should and must be about what you do and how you do it due to the vibrational state that you find your Self occupying in the present moment and should not be influenced by the occurrences that occupied the past nor about the possibilities that may occupy the future.

There is no universal judgment 

A positive vibratory state enjoyed fully at the moment sets in motion all the people, things, and situations required by the Universal Laws to manifest your goals. And since there is no universal judgment of what you love or what you fear, the resultant motion from the integration of your thoughts and your words will unconditionally manifest that which is in perfect harmony with your thoughts and your words regardless if the outcome is viewed as good or bad to the holder of those thoughts and words.

Your future manifests from your present thoughts, words, and actions 

Your internal guidance system is initiated by your thoughts, sustained by your words, and accomplished by your actions. Be aware that you are constantly creating your future based upon your thoughts, words, and actions from the past and your thoughts, words and actions from the present.

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“Love the process not the product.”

Attaining success is as precise as any mathematical formula 

Achieving one’s desires is made possible by the fact that Natural Laws exist in the universe and they are as precise as any mathematical formula. As well, each and every one is under the influence of these Laws; there are no exclusions due to gender, location, age, or sex. And as a result of these immutable Laws, there are several time-proven techniques that help us to achieve what we set our hearts and souls upon.

Visualization helps us achieve success 

Many use visualization of either their goal’s features or benefits to arrive at what they set their sights upon. As we focus upon features, it is easier to reach goals when we add our five senses to our sessions. Touch, taste, sound, sight, and smell are the jet fuel that accelerates the process and supports us in our journey of physical and spiritual achievements. However, some find that they are unfamiliar or uncomfortable with fully opening-up and using their complete sensory facilities as a focus of their visualization sessions. If you have tried this technique and have come to the conclusion that it is not for you there is another means available to you; focus your attention upon the benefits of achieving your goal for your Self and for your family.

Focus upon enjoying the benefits, not the features of your goal 

There is a shift in your focus as you dwell upon the benefits and not the features of the goal. Hence, rather than focusing upon that genuine calf leather seats and unique paint job of your new sports car, you focus upon the pride of ownership or your reduced carbon footprint by owning such a unique automobile. Also, a better job provides more money available to send your child to a prestigious college; more retirement income provides more freedom to travel and see the world; and more education provides a more fulfilling life.

Still haven’t attracted success? 

While these two techniques stand under the scrutiny of time and practice, they also provide a workable framework to achieve our goals, still, there are some who have tried these and have not been successful at reaching their goals. They witness others around them achieving their goals and then they feel frustrated, resentment, pity, envy, and other feelings which eventually lead them to giving-up all together and staying in their unpleasant present for perhaps their entire lifetime.

Awareness helps to achieve what you want in life

They have abandoned their goals and have embraced a negative vibratory state, this is a very unfulfilling way to live life since the Source openly provides the means to achieve what we desire, it is our awareness that helps us to achieve what we want and to identify alternate roads to the journey’s end.

Focus upon the process and not the product

There is yet another alternative to achieving your goals and that is to focus upon the process and not the features or benefits of the product. What I mean is that rather than focus upon a new job, or more income, or more goods – which focus upon the product or your end goal, focus upon the process of making those daily steps to your goal and not the end goal itself. For example, you are aware that your company is closing and you will need to find a new job. However, you never earned that college degree or your skills need to be updated since you’ve worked at the same job and at the same company for years.

Be proactive in life  

Rather than waiting for the inevitable and feeling fear and anxiety as most would in this position, be proactive and immediately find a school or program that will get you to the next level to be employable. When you have found that ideal course or degree, then focus upon the here and now and enjoy each moment. Enjoy the positive energy in the classroom with your classmates; enjoy the test of learning new skills; enjoy the grade that you earn from your mid-term test.

Live each moment of the journey and not just for the finish line

With this technique, you set the goal and do not revisit it every day or every hour. You enjoy each moment as it is and there is no pressure upon hitting that end goal since it is not your immediate focus.

What you want and what you achieve can manifest a negative state 

It appears to me that the problems start when you set the goal and then things aren’t progressing as you want and you notice there is a big gap between what you want and where you are. Then the negative feelings set in and this can only result in being in a negative vibratory state which can never bring you closer to your end goal no matter how hard you try to visualize the end product or the many benefits that accompany your greatest want.

Focus upon features or benefits?

Focusing upon features works for some, focusing upon benefits works for others, however, there are some who cannot achieve their goals with either of these proven techniques. For whatever reason, they are unable to effectively use these techniques and rather than give-up and face an unfulfilled life, there is a viable alternative to help you achieve your goals.

Focus upon each moment of the process and not the joy of the product

Focus upon the process and not the product; focus upon each joyous moment as you progress to your goal. Focus upon the little victories as you take the next step in your journey. And as your focus remains upon the process and not the end product, in time you will overcome and succeed where you once believed that there was no hope to attain the lofty heights you had imagined.