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“Each and every one of us can benefit from the multiplicities of our Self found in the countless parallel universes we all inhabit.”

q75_amcgszu-jesse-sewellDo we exist within Parallel Universes? 

Since time began, there have been mystics and prophets who envisioned that other universes existed parallel to the one we experience on a daily basis. These visionaries were held in the highest suspicion and were often alienated from society. The thought that countless mirror images of our universe, consisting of galaxies, planets, stars, human beings, and humans exactly like our Self, is the stuff that science fiction tales are made of.

It’s not sheer folly anymore

This might have remained as sheer folly in a writer’s mind until the new physics and quantum mechanics with the likes of Max Planck, John Wheeler, David Bohm, and Karl Pribram came along and helped to fill the gap between fact and fantasy. With the realization that different planes of reality exist alongside our own, we then have to ask the question How can I benefit, as well as humanity, from the multiplicities of my Self within these countless universes?

There are many roads we can travel

We can imagine the multitude of universes that exist alongside of ours as multiple roadways that lie beside, around, and ahead of us. The various roads that we can travel are the same as when we must make a decision in our life. For example, I have an opportunity to work abroad in a foreign country which I never have visited; I cannot speak the language, I am unfamiliar with its religious customs, and have never experienced their food. At the moment of decision to accept or decline this unique opportunity, we would all experience a wide number of what if situations.

What if situations? 

What if I go and end up marrying a local? What if I go and create a new business opportunity that creates enormous wealth for my Self? In parallel universes, there is one of you who has married a local in that foreign country and there is one of you who has started a new business with a large income. You can see where these what if situations are taking us – and that is exciting!

Endless possibilities and probabilities exist at this moment

The what if possibilities and probabilities of what you have experienced in the countless parallel universes that exist alongside the one we now inhabit are endless. In one universe, you are an award winning author who just penned a revolutionary theory which explained the possibility of multiple universes existing at the same moment. In another, you are a renowned painter who has the art world astounded with your talent. In a third, you are an inventor who has registered thousands of patents which have helped humankind enjoy an easier life. In a fourth, you are a successful Internet marketer who inspires lasting changes in people from your products and services. And finally, you are a real estate investor who builds eco-friendly homes and commercial sites.

Changes are possible, if you know how

Parallel universes provide a unique opportunity for those who want to make tremendous changes in their lives. If you want to be a successful writer, a sought after artist, a famous inventor, a Internet guru marketer, or a real estate investor then it is simply connecting with your Self from another universe who is successful in that endeavor and then learning from that Self how to become what your true passion in life is.

Meditation connects you with your Self from a parallel universe

How can we connect with our successful alter-ego from a parallel universe? I suggest meditation. Many companies produce CD’s that instantly bring you to the correct state to connect with your Self. When in that deep meditative state, picture your Self on a highway with many roads ahead of you. There will be signs which contain your name and pictograms of what you desire to be an expert at: hence, Roger the author; Roger the painter; Roger the inventor; Roger the Internet guru; Roger the real estate investor. Pick the one that you want to learn from and walk down that road. You will see a person walking towards you, that person is your exact Self who is successful at the task you want to learn about. When face-to-face, ask how you can develop your talent to the level of your Self since this you from another universe is accomplished at that skill. Listen carefully and then do what has been passed along to you. When you have ended your meditation session, be sure to take the necessary action mentioned to you by your Self. Do not despair if you have difficulty meeting-up with your Self, it is a skill and takes time to reach the proper vibrational frequency to make that connection.

All possibilities exist at this moment…seek your own

A wide realm of possibilities exists at this exact moment from parallel universes. When you meet your Self, your successful Self from another level of existence, your life and the lives of those around you will be changed for the better.

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“Have an obsession for spiritualism in your life to manifest materialism in your life.”


Our spirituality connects us with the Source

We want to be successful and enjoy a life of good health and much material wealth. Still, this kind of thinking neglects to include our thoughts of spirituality which ultimately disconnects us from our most prized possession; it is our spirituality which is the conduit to the benevolent Source.

Spirituality comes first, then materialism second

However, we should not separate our spiritualism from our health or our materialism, and when we live our lives in this manner we manifest dis-ease, poverty, and an unfulfilled life. Rather than put our thoughts of materialism first, we should put our thoughts of spiritualism first to receive what the Source wants each and every one of us to manifest and enjoy on this plane of existence.

Is hard work the answer to success?

Many of us were raised with the belief that if we worked hard and saved our pennies for a rainy day, that one day in the future we would be successful. We would have a large sum of money, we would have a large home, and we would have a large amount of time to enjoy our material goods. No wonder so many of us are struggling to just make ends meet and not enjoying a plentiful life at the moment nor large sums of money, large homes, or large amounts of time to enjoy in our old age.

Working with the Natural Laws manifests success

Although wanting to help us through our life with their own experiences in their life, our parents’ and caregivers’ advice was very wrong. Rather than Work hard and save your pennies for a rainy day they should have been telling us to be spiritual and Work with the Natural Laws to be successful.

Our focus guarantees our results

It seems that the advice of saving our pennies for unforeseen maladies and unwanted poverty in our life is a guaranteed plan to manifest unforeseen maladies and unwanted poverty in our life. When we concentrate our attention and then our thoughts and actions upon those unforeseen maladies and unwanted poverty we can only manifest that which we fear the most.

Our thoughts create our reality

This is the Law since we attract that which we focus our thoughts upon. The universe does not discriminate between good and bad, it merely reacts as the Natural Laws dictate. Hence, you manifest what your vibrational field is in harmony with regardless if you perceive the results to be wanted or feared. Since we are harmonious with the fear of want and poverty, we must manifest want and poverty into our lives. We can never feel secure with our finances when we are in fear of our finances.

Feeling secure with life results in any form of  success 

Rather than listening to the old adage about saving our pennies, we should listen to and act upon feeling secure with our finances and material goods long before we actually have achieved what we want to achieve. As such, we see the act of saving money and collecting material goods as neither good nor bad; it just is.

Perceive success at the spiritual level and you will receive it on the physical level

This kind of thinking then results in thoughts, actions, and words that support a strong connection between the Source and our Self. We feel security in the knowledge that we already have achieved our wants and desires on the spiritual plane and now it is merely a matter of cosmic timelessness when the physical goods will manifest on the physical plane. We can now feel secure with our finances when we are secure with our finances.

Reflection, meditation, and visualization form a bridge between the spiritual and the physical world

Ultimately, we can and should cohabitate in a spiritual and material world since these two cannot be separated. However, we must not confuse what is initially required to create, maintain, and sustain a means to connect both of these worlds. Your spiritual connection builds a powerful and long-standing bridge to your material world. While a toll must be paid in order to arrive on the other side, the small price you pay to reflect, meditate, and visualize your desires far outweighs the time spent on these sacred practices.


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“Success can be narrowed down to just a few simple tasks: reading, thinking, and acting.”

xmcothgncqa-joshua-sortinoSuccess does not manifest from luck, chance, or fate

We all long for success, yet, most of us believe that success is some mysterious, hard-to-reach place which only a few fortunate ones every get to experience in their lifetime because of their luck, chance, or fate.

Success can be achieved by everyone…just follow the Natural Laws

The good news is that we can attain what we want in life since our success is subject to a set of Natural Laws that are precise and concise as any other mathematical law. And when one is aware of how the Laws work and how they truly favor our success, we can and must achieve what we set out to attain in our life without having to rely upon a stroke of good luck or a twist of fate.

The path to success can be straightforward, not complicated

When we think about our success, the means to arrive at that wonderful place in life can be narrowed down to a set of tasks which will change the direction of your life. These simple, but, effective tasks include reading, thinking, and doing. They appear to be simple and straightforward, without the complexities and mystery of other ideas, nonetheless, if you follow these ideas faithfully, they will manifest incredible changes in your life.

Take the first step…reading

The first step in our journey of success is reading. Reading can and will set you on the correct road to success. When you read a book about others’ success, it provides possibilities in your own life. The person you develop into in the future is a result of the books you read today. There is no better way to start your journey of achievement. Honestly create a plan to read and faithfully follow your personal plan for success.

Your thoughts determine your success 

The next step is thinking where your results, good or bad, originate from. There is no getting away from the fact that your thoughts and your thoughts alone determine the success you achieve in your life.

Don’t let the bad weeds conquer your mind

We are the creators in a universe that always manifests what we think about. Thus, meditate regularly and visualize daily to achieve your goals and like a careful gardener, do not let the weeds of bad thought enter your mind. Be vigilant to keep fear, hate, and envy out of your mind.

The final step…acting upon what you’ve read and thought about

Finally, we reach the last of the three steps in my simple plan for success, acting. While we can read and think about our success all we want, in the end, we must be prepared to do something to help us reach our lofty goals.

You don’t need to know your path to success beforehand, the right one shall manifest itself to you…at the right moment

It is not necessary to plan every step of the way, rather, the Source will provide the guidance necessary to achieve our end goal. In fact, if we keep asking ourselves how to reach our goals, we are asking the wrong question and will only have our desires pushed farther away from us. Instead, rely upon the Source to provide what you need to do to achieve success. Listen to your inner voice for the path to personal achievement.

Success is within each person’s grasp…

Reaching success in your life is not a far-fetched dream which only a few ever manage to get to, it is at the fingertips of each and every one of us, it is just our own sense of awareness that brings it to us or our lack of awareness that keeps it at arm’s length from us. Follow these few simple techniques to reach the heights of success that each of us is entitled to receive from our benevolent Creator.

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The Movement of Energy: Our Pathway to Success

The Movement of Energy: Our Pathway to Success

Nikola Tesla, the Serbian American physicist, inventor, engineer and futurist believed that “If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.”

Universal energy exists everywhere

According to scientists, universal energy exists in all places and at all times, there is no location and no time where and when it doesn’t exist. Since energy is everywhere we must believe that everything is energy; so, our thoughts, possessions, feelings…all consist of some form of energy with a unique frequency and vibration. This is the good news!

If everything is energy, it appears that our physical world distracts us from this truth so we seldom think of this divine omnipresent gift that surrounds our mind, body, and soul every moment of every day.

In order to reach success let’s start to think cosmically where each of us in the human family is inseparable from the universe and therefore, from the universal energy.

Universal energy is not static…it flows

Energy is not static, it exists and it flows, and it is attracted to like energy having a similar frequency and vibration and it is repelled by unlike energy having a dissimilar frequency and vibration. Where there is universal movement there is power, unlimited power that accompanies the natural flow of universal energy.

How can we tap into universal energy to help us along our pathway to success?

Success is an inflow and outflow of energy   

If there’s one thing I’ve learned after many years of reading and researching self-development and success is that success in life is the result of energy…but not just its presence, rather, the inflow and outflow of energy. This flow affects us and every part of us, and as a result it manifests paradigms in our mind that are fueled by our feelings, words, and actions.

Let’s look at the inflow and outflow of money and how it attracts or repels financial success.

If you buy a book by your favorite author that focuses upon how to achieve financial success, you create an outflow of energy – in this case, the money which you worked for. The author used his energy to create his words and receives your money, an inflow that is reciprocal with the outflow. In return, you receive an inflow of energy from the words and messages you read within that book.

If the book contains truth and a positive message, an inflow of positive energy affects your feelings, thought, words and actions which then create an outflow of positive energy that you send out to the world around you. This type of energy can only attract energy of the same vibration and frequency.

When you are in a positive state of energy, you can only attract a positive flow of energy back to you which then can help you manifest a:

  • successful business
  • fulfilling career
  • or larger bank account.

Since our success is based upon the inflow and outflow of energy, we should be careful about what we read since our interaction with the written word creates energy that we take in and then creates the energy that we put out.

The cycle of energy is infinite  

Now, let’s look at the food we eat and how it affects our potential to achieve physical body success. In this case when I refer to success, it’s not about money or fame, I mean a long healthy life within a healthy body.

All food has a specific frequency and vibration; ‘good’ food has a different set of characteristics than ‘bad’ food which then results in a different affect upon our body. For example, when we eat clean food without chemicals, low in sodium, sugar, and other harmful ingredients we are giving our bodies an opportunity to stay healthy…free of disease.

Since good food introduces positive energy into our bodies, our body reacts accordingly by keeping itself healthy, and that includes a healthy heart and a strong, fit body. The flow of positive energy created by good food can only attract positive energy, and so the cycle of energy is infinite.

We are what we eat!

Positive energy in…positive energy out. This results in a long healthy life.

Retirement, fear, and energy

This time, let’s consider our feelings and the effect they have upon our emotional success or a lack thereof. Retirement is just a few months away and fear starts to creep up upon you as you begin to feel fear for:

  • your health,
  • a scarcity of money,
  • the loss of friends and colleagues.

As you feel fear you begin to think fear; as you begin to think fear you begin to speak words of fear; and when words of fear appear then acts of fear follow.

You are responsible for the paradigm of fear that manifests within your mind and is reflected in all of your feelings, words, and actions. How can you live a happy, long retirement when fear permeates every fiber of your mind, body, and soul?

Once fear takes hold of you it takes you along the pathway of failure and can never take you along the pathway of success.

Rather than feel fear, take control of your emotional state and express the deepest gratitude for who you are, what you have, and what you have accomplished in life.

Gratitude can and will instantly change the state of the energy you attract and repel. Replace fear with optimism to receive the flow of positive universal energy.

Universal energy is the pathway to achieve success

Money, food, and feelings are charged with the primordial energy that permeates the universe.

If we understand that universal energy is the essence of life and the pathway to get the most out of life, we must use our mental ability to attract the flow of positive energy into our life.





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I’m Roger Kenworthy and I created the Quadrant of based upon a very simple idea; I wanted to share my experiences of how I reached success in my life in order to help others reach success in their life.

How do you define success?

Success can mean different things to different people; good health, sums of wealth, or the tranquility of spiritual achievement. No matter how you define success, it is achievable by the same principles and techniques.

I believe that success can be compared to a beautiful, colorful jigsaw puzzle – you know the ones that show majestic snow-covered mountains or a tropical paradise. In order to end-up with that mesmerizing picture, each piece of the puzzle must interlock with the next and the next and so on.

There are many paths to success 

It must be the same with success: there are many pieces that need to go together to complete a wonderful picture of your future life. There’s your thoughts, words, and actions mixed with massive amounts of faith, desire, belief and passion. Each must be present to achieve your goal.

You can find all the pieces for success here!

My hope is that you believe the Quadrant of has all the pieces necessary to finally complete your picture of success…no matter how you define it.

Are you ready to create a new future?