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A plan to read is a plan to succeed

Photo by Brittney Weng on Unsplash

Reading is empowerment of a soul

In an earlier session, we learned that reading is a means of empowerment which provides us with countless ideas to develop a successful attitude and a successful mind. I wonder how many readers sat down and created a plan and then acted upon their plan.

Buy a book…don’t borrow one or expect one for free

To the ones who bought their books and read them – congratulations, you must have experienced a new world of ideas that gave you strength, wisdom, and motivation to change your inner and ultimately, your outer world. How can you possible put a price upon what you gain from the written word? Since I strongly believe (as well as others) that reading is a critical step to success, here’s yet another opportunity for me to climb back onto the soap box and write about the virtues of reading. 

Emotions lead to a sacred connection

The physical act of reading connects our inner self with our outer self and as a result, wondrous things manifest in this meeting between the two. As our eyes pour over the written text, our brain processes what we see and transfers those written words into emotions. We know that emotions are our sacred connection between the Source and our Self which guide creation in our lives. As such, these deep felt emotions are the impetus to change our thoughts and we then change our behaviors which then change our results.

Support your favorite author while you invest in your Self at the same time

I strongly encourage you to go out and buy the books written by your favorite authors rather than borrow them from a friend. Before you close your mind to this suggestion, consider what you are conveying to the universe when you borrow rather than buy that self-help book or novel. If you do not invest in your Self with your money, there is the perception that you are unable to do so. Hence, this is poverty thinking, thoughts of want, lack, and scarcity surround your decision and you can only receive more back of the same from our benevolent Creator. These thoughts are disempowering. 

Does borrowing a book lead to empowerment or entitlement?

Now, think about the opposite for a moment. What is the difference between borrowing and buying that printed marvel? When you use your money to buy the books that will change your life, you do so with thoughts of abundance, joy, and gratitude which can only result in returning the same back into your life. These thoughts are empowering.

Buying a book is a WIN WIN situation

And as you invest in your future, you are providing compensation for the writer who wrote their ideas and experiences down to help you and others to have a better life. In this case, both win. And let’s not forget the physical presence of a hundred or a thousand books on your book shelve. You are quite literally surrounded by wisdom and experience that you cannot ever experience in many lives and they are all at your very fingertips.

Books shape our future and our friends

In the end, it is the people we meet and the books we read that shape our future. When we embrace the written word we receive lasting changes which create a new life of wonder and excitement. So, don’t wait to create, create your plan to read now.

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Focus all of your attention upon I AM – do not focus any of your attention upon I WILL

Photo by Johnny Cohen on Unsplash

Would you set your goal on an absolute or a possibility?

Throughout our lives we set goals to achieve what we want to have or become or what we need to have or become. This is an important first step in the process to achieve what we want or what we need. However, only writing down and reviewing your goals on a regular basis will not produce the results you want. And sorry to say, many do not achieve their wants or needs due to these actions.

There is a huge difference between I WILL and I AM

All too often a goal setter is thinking and talking about I WILL instead of thinking and talking about I AM. The subtle difference between these two words is the difference between achieving and not achieving what you set your heart upon.        

Most set goals by thinking and saying I WILL

Think about how most set their goals: I WILL be wealthy in the next five years; I WILL have a new home in two years; I WILL double my income in 48 months and so on and so on. On a superficial level, this kind of self-talk appears that it should take the person out of their present unpleasant situation and into a fabulous future. Yet, there are two fundamental problems with this method.

You will face two problems when focusing goal achievement upon I WILL

First, we are placing our own understanding and belief of cosmic timelessness for what and when we want to achieve a goal. Second, I WILL is a mere possibility of what we want to have or become and it is not an absolute. If you should have any doubt of this idea, gauge your feelings after saying I WILL and then how you feel after saying I AM.

What is my first concern?

Let’s examine my first concern. Many experts and scientists alike now believe we exist in a holographic universe where creation is complete, thus, right at this very moment everything that we need to achieve our goals already exists and exists everywhere.

We cannot create anything new since everything already exists, albeit, some on the physical plane while others are the metaphysical plane

As a result of this condition, we do not and cannot possibly create anything new since creation is complete; all we need to do is invoke a higher plane of consciousness to receive what we truly desire. The true power of I AM occurs when we tap into the unlimited power of the universe. Thus, it is only our awareness of our creativity which brings about our results.   

Having deep faith helps drive you toward goal achievement

Second, I AM is an absolute and not a possibility as I WILL. Of course, this is if you have complete faith in the Source to deliver what you want or need. When we say and feel I AM, we have a different perspective and as a result we think and act differently right now. We are conscious of what we want and feel as if we already have it at this very moment.

I AM is an absolute, by contrast, I WILL is a possibility

Hence, this difference in thought results in the manifestation of all the people, circumstances, and situations required to achieve our goals. In the end, our imagination drives the I AM. By contrast, I WILL is a thought for sometime on the future horizon. Thinking of I WILL does not give us that same feeling of accomplishment and ownership of our wants or needs as I AM does.   

Your awareness of I AM manifests that what you truly desire, need, or want

We all exist within parallel universes where all your possibilities already exist: you can be poor or rich, or healthy or unhealthy, famous or infamous. Ultimately, it is your awareness of I AM that manifests what you become.

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“Have an obsession for spiritualism in your life to manifest materialism in your life.”


Our spirituality connects us with the Source

We want to be successful and enjoy a life of good health and much material wealth. Still, this kind of thinking neglects to include our thoughts of spirituality which ultimately disconnects us from our most prized possession; it is our spirituality which is the conduit to the benevolent Source.

Spirituality comes first, then materialism second

However, we should not separate our spiritualism from our health or our materialism, and when we live our lives in this manner we manifest dis-ease, poverty, and an unfulfilled life. Rather than put our thoughts of materialism first, we should put our thoughts of spiritualism first to receive what the Source wants each and every one of us to manifest and enjoy on this plane of existence.

Is hard work the answer to success?

Many of us were raised with the belief that if we worked hard and saved our pennies for a rainy day, that one day in the future we would be successful. We would have a large sum of money, we would have a large home, and we would have a large amount of time to enjoy our material goods. No wonder so many of us are struggling to just make ends meet and not enjoying a plentiful life at the moment nor large sums of money, large homes, or large amounts of time to enjoy in our old age.

Working with the Natural Laws manifests success

Although wanting to help us through our life with their own experiences in their life, our parents’ and caregivers’ advice was very wrong. Rather than Work hard and save your pennies for a rainy day they should have been telling us to be spiritual and Work with the Natural Laws to be successful.

Our focus guarantees our results

It seems that the advice of saving our pennies for unforeseen maladies and unwanted poverty in our life is a guaranteed plan to manifest unforeseen maladies and unwanted poverty in our life. When we concentrate our attention and then our thoughts and actions upon those unforeseen maladies and unwanted poverty we can only manifest that which we fear the most.

Our thoughts create our reality

This is the Law since we attract that which we focus our thoughts upon. The universe does not discriminate between good and bad, it merely reacts as the Natural Laws dictate. Hence, you manifest what your vibrational field is in harmony with regardless if you perceive the results to be wanted or feared. Since we are harmonious with the fear of want and poverty, we must manifest want and poverty into our lives. We can never feel secure with our finances when we are in fear of our finances.

Feeling secure with life results in any form of  success 

Rather than listening to the old adage about saving our pennies, we should listen to and act upon feeling secure with our finances and material goods long before we actually have achieved what we want to achieve. As such, we see the act of saving money and collecting material goods as neither good nor bad; it just is.

Perceive success at the spiritual level and you will receive it on the physical level

This kind of thinking then results in thoughts, actions, and words that support a strong connection between the Source and our Self. We feel security in the knowledge that we already have achieved our wants and desires on the spiritual plane and now it is merely a matter of cosmic timelessness when the physical goods will manifest on the physical plane. We can now feel secure with our finances when we are secure with our finances.

Reflection, meditation, and visualization form a bridge between the spiritual and the physical world

Ultimately, we can and should cohabitate in a spiritual and material world since these two cannot be separated. However, we must not confuse what is initially required to create, maintain, and sustain a means to connect both of these worlds. Your spiritual connection builds a powerful and long-standing bridge to your material world. While a toll must be paid in order to arrive on the other side, the small price you pay to reflect, meditate, and visualize your desires far outweighs the time spent on these sacred practices.