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Make prayers OF your desires, rather than prayers FOR your desires.

Photo by William Farlow on Unsplash

Let’s pray FOR good health…is this going to result in achieving our wants or desires?

As children we are taught how to pray for what we want: we pray for good health, for good grades, and for good weather. Naturally, as we mature into adults, we carry this tradition along with us. However, it is of little wonder that most of us never receive what we pray for since the words of our prayers do not attract our desires; instead, these words push our goals further away from us. 

Don’t ask for the bad, sad, or unwanted to be removed from your life

It seems that there are some basic misconceptions about prayer which then affect our success and our lives. First, it is a common belief that we should ask for the bad, for the sad, or for the unwanted to be removed from our life. But, when we pray for a change in our life, we are asking out of want, lack, and desperation which only add strength and power to our worst nightmares.

Visualize the good and not the bad being removed from your life

Prayers for abundance empower poverty. Prayers for health empower sickness. Prayers for happiness empower sadness. Rather, we must understand to pray of abundance, of health, and of joy in the present. We are not just playing with semantics; this observation is entirely consistent with the Universal Laws. When I say pray of abundance, I mean see the end goal at this moment. And pray of health and of joy; as a result, see good health and happiness in your life at this moment.

Words aren’t our prayers…our emotions and our feelings are our prayers

Second, there is the accepted idea that our prayers are our words and our words are our prayers. However, this idea is a long way from the truth as the ancients left us clear evidence that our prayers are not just our words, rather, our prayers are our emotions. Without a doubt, the essence of prayer is in our feelings which we find within the 2,000-year-old messages that the Gnostics left for us.

The Gnostics timely message from over two millennia ago

To paraphrase their timeless message; we must surround ourselves with our answers. With these wise words, it is apparent that we must overcome our natural reaction to want to focus our attention upon what ails us and ask for those things to change.

Experience your wants and desires within before they materialize from without

Rather than using our words and asking for the removal of the ills from our life, we need to first experience abundance, good health, and happiness already in our life. In order to escape our unpleasant present situation within our minds, we must use our emotions to help us navigate around and through our troubles before our wants are actualized on the physical plane.

Express prayers of gratitude daily to achieve personal fulfillment and joy in your life

Third, we often think that the sole purpose of prayer is to ask for success in life. However, let us not forget that prayers are not only the harbingers of change in our lives. Previously, we made our prayers of abundance, of good health, and of spiritual Self. Having received what we asked of The Source, we now can make new prayers of gratitude. Watch what happens when you turn this around and make prayers of gratitude every day. When we express our heartfelt gratitude, we can only receive more of the same from the universe.

Prayer connects our spiritual and physical world

Prayer is the connection between our spiritual and our physical world. It is not limited to our words, those eloquent or pious sayings which roll off of our tongues. Rather, it also includes the myriad of feelings we hold within our hearts and souls. This subtle yet meaningful difference will provide the answers of your prayers.

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We must make a conscious decision to gain, retain, and sustain control over our thoughts.

Photo by MAX at

Our thoughts are priceless

Our most valuable possessions are not parked in our driveways, are not worn on our wrists, and certainly are not the walls that surround us when we sleep at night. Our most valuable possessions are the thoughts that swirl around in our mind. Although these are the most precious things we have in life, many neglect their thoughts like a gardener who lets weeds take-over his land.

Control of our thoughts creates success

Since it is our thoughts and our thoughts alone that lead us to success or failure, we must learn to be in control of our thoughts and not let the weeds of fear, jealousy, poverty, envy and self-deprecation dominate our thinking. If we let these negatives rule our spiritual world, we can only expect to have more of the same in our physical world.

Gain control of your thoughts as the first step in your journey

In order to be successful, it is important to gain control over the thoughts that we harbor within our minds. Many may not believe that they have control over their thoughts. However, we have been given the choice by our Creator to let our thoughts control us or for us to control our thoughts. If we don’t gain control of our inner world, we are like a ship that is being tossed about on the open ocean. We are pulled one way and then pushed in another.

How can we gain control of our most precious gift?

Yet, we can gain control by consciously deciding upon what we constantly think about. If a negative appears, replace it with a positive; two thoughts cannot occupy our minds at the same time.

Retaining control over your thoughts is the next step towards your success

After we have come to the realization that we can gain control of our thoughts, we must now be able to retain that control or we will slip back into our old habits as the negatives quietly creep back into our minds. In our day-to-day activities, it can be difficult to retain control over our mind: there are always negative colleagues complaining about the company or the nightly news explaining about the latest downturn in the economy.

Negativity is all around us, however, don’t let the darkness take control

Doom and gloom is nothing new. Still, if we are constantly monitoring our thoughts and make adjustments when necessary, we can retain control of the most valuable asset we have.

Sustaining your thoughts is the final step in your journey

Successfully controlling your thoughts can only be short term if you aren’t able to sustain that control over a lifetime. Over a period of time, we develop a habit…either good or bad.

It’s a conscious effort

Your conscious efforts to control your thoughts will change into an automatic response and keep you on course like an automatic pilot within the latest jetliners or cruise control in your vehicle. Be patient and let time work for you. 

Be careful what you plant…you can only harvest the same as what you sow

Be aware that planting a positive seed within your mind will produce a harvest of fruit within your life. Only allow what you want to enter within your mind since you have the control to do so. 

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You are the conductor, you are the instrument, you are the music.

You do have control over your future regardless of your dreadful past and unpleasant present

How many times have you heard that you have no control over your future and no responsibility for your past or present circumstances? While these people had the best of intentions with their words, they were simply unaware of the Natural Laws which guide our universe. The good news is that you do have complete control over your future regardless of your dreadful past and your unpleasant present. These are not the musings of an optimist or the wishes of a naïve man, these words are proven scientifically in recent times by well-known and respected researchers. 

Ancient wisdom is supported by modern science

In these modern days of enlightenment, scientific findings are not contradicting the words of the wise teachers from the past, rather, they are supporting what the ancients wrote to us and for us centuries ago. And this new scientific dogma is replacing our old beliefs and our fallacies with truths gained from meticulous investigation and research.

We are creators and not just passive spectators

In the past, one of the greatest thinkers of the 20th century, Albert Einstein, wrote that we were just spectators within our vast universe, and as such, we had virtually no effect upon the intricacies we witness before our eyes. Since this observation forms the very backbone of modern scientific thought, most of us believed or still believe this observation and sit back passively and merely accept our role unquestionably, after all, who are we to contradict this genius. Then along came a colleague of Einstein’s, David Bohm, who set the scientific world upside down with his theory. Dr Bohm challenged our long-accepted role within the cosmos proving that we are vital participants in creation and not passive observers as generally accepted.   

Don’t just sit back and watch your future unfold, rather, take responsibility for the future you desire

In essence, the universe and each and everything within it, from the smallest particle to the largest body are connected. Hence, we are creators not just spectators. This is the very backbone of quantum physics, thus, humankind, each and every one of us, regardless of gender, age, intellect, location, or culture is an active participant within the mighty cosmos which we find ourselves. Think about how liberating and empowering this idea is to humankind; no longer can we or should we sit back and accept that we have no control, no effect, no responsibility for our future or the future of our world.

You are the orchestra which creates a beautiful, unique symphony

As you acknowledge your role as the conductor, the instrument, and the music, you soon recognize that you and you alone are entirely responsible to change the volume, the intensity, and the beauty of what you produce within your inner world which then changes the results within your outer world.

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The expansiveness of your inner world is far greater than the expansiveness of your outer world.

We are amazed by the Earth’s physical beauty

Most are in complete awe of their physical world. Consider the visual delights that await you when you stroll along a clear-blue mountain stream or hike through a peaceful green forest in the spring time. Surely, you are appreciative of experiencing the natural wonders given to us by the benevolent Source?

Ancient Pompeii, a snap-shot in time 

Or wander through ancient Pompeii and marvel at the architecture of our glorious past. Glimpse into a time capsule as you are mesmerized by the same colorful wall paintings that our ancestors marveled at almost 2000 years ago.

Swirling colors…a delight to our eyes

Spend time experiencing the artwork of one of the greatest artists of all time. Be in wonder at the thick, swirling colors laid-down by our beloved Vincent who never sold a single painting he labored over when on this physical plane of existence.

Social networking has shrunk the world 

And think about what social networking has done to our circle of friends and acquaintances: one minute you can be writing to a friend in Norway, the next with an acquaintance in Qatar, and then with a former colleague who has moved to China. There is also our family who often must move abroad to find meaningful employment; as such, my family is now in Canada, England, Australia, New Zealand, and Thailand.

Experience various cultures…but never leave home

In order to stay connected, we can simply access the Internet or easily board an airplane and within a few hours enjoy fish and chips in the UK, savor prawn-soup in Thailand, or delight in lamb from New Zealand. Hence, with a more mobile workforce and improved technological innovations, we can experience a wide range of cultures and traditions in virtually every country on Earth. Still, while these wonders of our outer world are breathtaking, nonetheless, they pale to the wonders of our inner world.

Some never appreciate the beauty that exists around them

Although our Earth is seemingly large and offers untold experiences for each of us, nevertheless, we share an earthly existence with others who lack appreciation for the opportunities and are instead filled with anxiety, fear, and envy. At times, the negative things that happen in the world can overshadow and even rob you of your positive words, thoughts, and actions. Think about the topics that many talk about at work – the economy is weak, the company is bad, and the future is glum. While meaning well, these people are limiting their own lives and goals by this approach to life.

We limit our opportunities in life by the language we use 

They are limiting their achievements by measuring their opportunities with the physical world that they exist within. They are focusing upon the noise of their outer world which robs them of the peace, quiet, and joy which can lead them to their earthly goals. They are living in a small world, a physical world that holds them in chains and fetters their true Self. Their world may appear to be large, but it is indeed made small by their thoughts, their words, and their actions.

Our inner world is more expansive than our outer world 

How can we immerse our Self in the expansiveness of our inner world? There are a number of paths we can focus upon to experience the hidden magic that rests deep within our very souls. In order to put the differences between your spiritual and physical worlds in true perspective, it is key to mediate on a regular basis. Meditating helps you block-out the noise of your outer world and find the peace in your inner world. In this state, you can then experience unlimited space and tranquility which you are able to leverage to achieve the goals that you have set your heart upon.

Meditation opens your metaphysical door to success

As you find quietude, you find the unlimited potential that is innate within your Self. Meditating helps you to relax and see the beauty that exists within you which can be hidden from you when you are not in a peaceful state of being. A positive perspective on life is far better than a negative perspective since this approach attracts additional positive events, people, and circumstances into your life.

The daily news is not the path to fulfillment

Most need to watch the nightly news to help them unwind before slipping off to sleep. I challenge this idea: how can you possibly unwind and enjoy a peaceful sleep when you have just experienced the latest tragedies, human and economic, just before retiring for the evening? It appears to me that watching the negative events that have horrified your city, state, country, or world is not the ideal way to wrap-up a day of your life.

Retire at night with a positive message reverberating in your mind

Rather than watch the nightly news and allow any negative thoughts to occupy your Self while you sleep, pick-up a positive book by some of the greatest authors of our past and present including Neville (The Power of Awareness), Raymond Holliwell (Working with the Law), Ralph Waldo Trine (In Tune with the Infinite), and Napoleon Hill (Think and Grow Rich). After retiring for the evening with the wise words from these renowned authors occupying your sleep time, your Self will have engaged with their words and will have cultivated increased awareness of the true expansiveness and innate possibilities within your inner world.

Subliminal affirmations help you walk down the path to joy 

There are also a number of companies that market CD’s which contain subliminal affirmations that can be listened to before or during your sleep time…these are highly effective and once again invoke positive thoughts within our Self instead of the negative images we often decide to close our day with.

Eternal connections manifest from meditating, reading and listening to positive messages 

As you are practicing meditation, reading positive books, and listening to silent affirmations, you are creating a profound and eternal connection with the Source. As you build your sacred passageway to the One and with the One, you are developing a greater sense of awareness and alignment with the immense power of the universe and the enormous power within your Self. A deep connection with the Source can only manifest a greater abundance of love, compassion, and understanding which in turn reveals the true expansiveness that is harbored deep within your Self. It is love, compassion, and understanding which unveil the infinite space, the enormous quietude, the inestimable relaxation, and unbounded solitude which are tantamount to experiencing the possibilities that abound within the expansiveness of your inner world.

 Your inner world usurps your outer world 

Regardless of the number of times you have flown around our Earth; regardless of the number of friends that you have scattered throughout our Earth; and regardless of the number of cultures, food, and languages you have experienced throughout our Earth, these physical manifestations fall short of what awaits you in your inner world.

Your inner potential is limitless when you pursue a divine connection 

The potential for your life is limitless when you spend time in deep thought in your inner world. Your inner sanctum holds divine power, divine connection, and divine unity with the Source. This divine trilogy is merely the reflection of your true potential and as such, holds unlimited possibilities for your physical health, your material wealth and your spiritual Self.

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“Have an obsession for spiritualism in your life to manifest materialism in your life.”


Our spirituality connects us with the Source

We want to be successful and enjoy a life of good health and much material wealth. Still, this kind of thinking neglects to include our thoughts of spirituality which ultimately disconnects us from our most prized possession; it is our spirituality which is the conduit to the benevolent Source.

Spirituality comes first, then materialism second

However, we should not separate our spiritualism from our health or our materialism, and when we live our lives in this manner we manifest dis-ease, poverty, and an unfulfilled life. Rather than put our thoughts of materialism first, we should put our thoughts of spiritualism first to receive what the Source wants each and every one of us to manifest and enjoy on this plane of existence.

Is hard work the answer to success?

Many of us were raised with the belief that if we worked hard and saved our pennies for a rainy day, that one day in the future we would be successful. We would have a large sum of money, we would have a large home, and we would have a large amount of time to enjoy our material goods. No wonder so many of us are struggling to just make ends meet and not enjoying a plentiful life at the moment nor large sums of money, large homes, or large amounts of time to enjoy in our old age.

Working with the Natural Laws manifests success

Although wanting to help us through our life with their own experiences in their life, our parents’ and caregivers’ advice was very wrong. Rather than Work hard and save your pennies for a rainy day they should have been telling us to be spiritual and Work with the Natural Laws to be successful.

Our focus guarantees our results

It seems that the advice of saving our pennies for unforeseen maladies and unwanted poverty in our life is a guaranteed plan to manifest unforeseen maladies and unwanted poverty in our life. When we concentrate our attention and then our thoughts and actions upon those unforeseen maladies and unwanted poverty we can only manifest that which we fear the most.

Our thoughts create our reality

This is the Law since we attract that which we focus our thoughts upon. The universe does not discriminate between good and bad, it merely reacts as the Natural Laws dictate. Hence, you manifest what your vibrational field is in harmony with regardless if you perceive the results to be wanted or feared. Since we are harmonious with the fear of want and poverty, we must manifest want and poverty into our lives. We can never feel secure with our finances when we are in fear of our finances.

Feeling secure with life results in any form of  success 

Rather than listening to the old adage about saving our pennies, we should listen to and act upon feeling secure with our finances and material goods long before we actually have achieved what we want to achieve. As such, we see the act of saving money and collecting material goods as neither good nor bad; it just is.

Perceive success at the spiritual level and you will receive it on the physical level

This kind of thinking then results in thoughts, actions, and words that support a strong connection between the Source and our Self. We feel security in the knowledge that we already have achieved our wants and desires on the spiritual plane and now it is merely a matter of cosmic timelessness when the physical goods will manifest on the physical plane. We can now feel secure with our finances when we are secure with our finances.

Reflection, meditation, and visualization form a bridge between the spiritual and the physical world

Ultimately, we can and should cohabitate in a spiritual and material world since these two cannot be separated. However, we must not confuse what is initially required to create, maintain, and sustain a means to connect both of these worlds. Your spiritual connection builds a powerful and long-standing bridge to your material world. While a toll must be paid in order to arrive on the other side, the small price you pay to reflect, meditate, and visualize your desires far outweighs the time spent on these sacred practices.