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A plan to read is a plan to succeed

Photo by Brittney Weng on Unsplash

Reading is empowerment of a soul

In an earlier session, we learned that reading is a means of empowerment which provides us with countless ideas to develop a successful attitude and a successful mind. I wonder how many readers sat down and created a plan and then acted upon their plan.

Buy a book…don’t borrow one or expect one for free

To the ones who bought their books and read them – congratulations, you must have experienced a new world of ideas that gave you strength, wisdom, and motivation to change your inner and ultimately, your outer world. How can you possible put a price upon what you gain from the written word? Since I strongly believe (as well as others) that reading is a critical step to success, here’s yet another opportunity for me to climb back onto the soap box and write about the virtues of reading. 

Emotions lead to a sacred connection

The physical act of reading connects our inner self with our outer self and as a result, wondrous things manifest in this meeting between the two. As our eyes pour over the written text, our brain processes what we see and transfers those written words into emotions. We know that emotions are our sacred connection between the Source and our Self which guide creation in our lives. As such, these deep felt emotions are the impetus to change our thoughts and we then change our behaviors which then change our results.

Support your favorite author while you invest in your Self at the same time

I strongly encourage you to go out and buy the books written by your favorite authors rather than borrow them from a friend. Before you close your mind to this suggestion, consider what you are conveying to the universe when you borrow rather than buy that self-help book or novel. If you do not invest in your Self with your money, there is the perception that you are unable to do so. Hence, this is poverty thinking, thoughts of want, lack, and scarcity surround your decision and you can only receive more back of the same from our benevolent Creator. These thoughts are disempowering. 

Does borrowing a book lead to empowerment or entitlement?

Now, think about the opposite for a moment. What is the difference between borrowing and buying that printed marvel? When you use your money to buy the books that will change your life, you do so with thoughts of abundance, joy, and gratitude which can only result in returning the same back into your life. These thoughts are empowering.

Buying a book is a WIN WIN situation

And as you invest in your future, you are providing compensation for the writer who wrote their ideas and experiences down to help you and others to have a better life. In this case, both win. And let’s not forget the physical presence of a hundred or a thousand books on your book shelve. You are quite literally surrounded by wisdom and experience that you cannot ever experience in many lives and they are all at your very fingertips.

Books shape our future and our friends

In the end, it is the people we meet and the books we read that shape our future. When we embrace the written word we receive lasting changes which create a new life of wonder and excitement. So, don’t wait to create, create your plan to read now.

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Your results are an echo of the conversations you hold within your mind

Photo by Hal Gatewood on Unsplash

Our life is a reflection of our thoughts

The results we have within our life are a reflection of the thoughts we have within our mind. Thus, every minute of every day we are manifesting the life we desire. And that desire may be the things we love or the things we fear. This must be so since we are creators in the holographic world which we live in.

Carefully monitor your thoughts

Within this world, there is no conscience as to what is good or bad, right or wrong, rather, the Source will deliver to you what you focus your subjective attention upon. As a result, we must carefully monitor the conversation we have with ourselves.

Everything exists at the same time in our holographic universe

One of the principle tenants of a holographic universe is that everything exists everywhere at the same instant. With this being the case, ask yourself…do I want a new car? This possibility exists within our holographic universe. However, it is not the only possibility; there is also the possibility that you will not get that new car.

Your constant mental conversations manifest in your physical world

Or, it may manifest, but not when you want it. It is all about the conversations that resonate within your conscious mind. It is your personal conversations with yourself that manifest what you want or what you fear.  

Our mind is so much more than just matter

It has been said that the mind is not matter but rather pattern: therefore, our mind is not just some complex storage facility for all the experiences we have had in our life. In this age, it is popular to think of the hard drive of our personal computer as a metaphor for our brain. Hence, everything we have seen, said, or even tasted is logically and systematically stored and only waiting for our memory to relive our personal experiences.

Our mind consists of patterns that can be measured

On the contrary, it is much more since scientists have discovered that our mind consists of patterns which correspond to frequencies. This is clearly evident when we consider the results of electroencephalography (EEG) which measures and records electrical activity within our brain.

Like frequencies attract like frequencies; unlike frequencies repel unlike frequencies

We achieve what we believe in our minds since like frequencies attract like frequencies and unlike repel unlike. And it has been shown by modern-day science that each and every object, no matter how big or how small, is just frequency. These frequencies produce vibrations which we cannot see with the naked eye, thus, the solid objects we see around us are just an illusion.

We can control what frequencies inhabit our minds

This is where it gets really exciting: if we have love in our mind we register a certain frequency in our brain which then can only attract love into our life. When we have fear and hate, these emotions also have specific frequencies which can only attract the same. Now picture that new home, or expensive car, or good health…each object produces a different frequency in your mind, which ultimately, can only attract the same back to its place of origin.

We manifest what we create in our mind

You simply cannot escape the thoughts that swirl around in your mind. As they occupy your mind, you have intimate conversations with them, hence, they must manifest as a result of those talks. Be aware that you are either drawing your goal to you or pushing it away and in the end it is your choice.

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You must not dream FOR your future, however, you must dream FROM your future.

Photo by drmakete lab on Unsplash

YOUR imagination is the pathway to YOUR success

It has been written that we must have the imagination of a child to truly be successful and achieve what we want out of life. With such abilities, we do not look upon the present as our absolute reality, rather, just a moment in our journey to our end goal.

Accept the reality that YOUR goal/success must be in YOUR mind long before it’s in YOUR hand

As well, we must think of ourselves in possession of what we truly desire at the present moment even though our goal has not yet materialized on the physical plane. And if we attach a date to our goals, we think the goal becomes more tangible. However, when we are dreaming FOR our future instead of dreaming FROM our future, I believe this kind of thinking is pushing our dreams further away from us rather than towards us.

There is a huge difference between thinking/saying FOR your future and thinking/saying FROM your future

Now, some may say that this subtle difference between FOR and FROM is a meaningless if not an entirely moot point. I disagree since the difference between winning and losing is seldom that great, especially in real situations such as sporting events. For example, the winner of the Women’s 400 meter race in the Summer 2008 Olympics won by only .02 seconds – 2/100’s of a second secured first place and victory over the second place runner. That is a blink of an eye or less!

Words do make a difference in your outcome/success

The same can be said about words, although there are subtle linguistic differences that exist between our choice of words in a given situation, it is much more since it is about your conscious and subconscious thoughts and therefore your conscious and subconscious actions that manifest from the words which you focus your attention upon. 

Somewhere in the future can be summed up by thinking/speaking FOR your future

As such, when you are thinking about your goal…let’s say a new home and even before you have achieved it, if you are thinking FOR the future you are comparing the size of your old home with your new home. You are thinking about what that new couch will look like in the corner of the living room and how the new refrigerator will fit in your new kitchen. This is a superficial means to view your goal and does little to bring you closer to your goal.

Thinking/speaking FROM your future plus your emotions and imagination equals your success

By contrast, when you live FROM the future you do so with a different lens. Thus, when you imagine your new home, you are in your home at this very moment, you are cooking dinner with your family around the dining room table talking about the day. Your emotions fuel your thoughts and you feel the excitement in the air as your family exchanges the events of the day. From this prospective, your imagination accompanied by your emotions place you in your new environment and to bring about all the needed thoughts and actions to manifest your home.  

Live FROM your future…the simple yet effective means to achieve your success/goals

Live your life and goals FROM the future and have complete faith that the universe will answer your dreams. It is by the thoughtful use of your imagination and your imagination alone that manifests what your desire.

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The Source has already provided you with the canvas, the brush, the paint to create your life.

Photo by Mike Petrucci on Unsplash

We have the innate ability to create the future

Within and around each of us is the means to create our dreams, our wants, and ultimately, our future. This idea is not the musings of a naïve optimist, rather, new physics supports this creed which the ancients knew and lived by. Their wise message is left to us through their manuscripts and folklore and only now is beginning to be understood and accepted by the scientific community and mainstream thought alike.

The founding legends contain the clues for humankind to create their wants and needs

When we examine the founding legends of various peoples, within their words, there appears an analogous thread which describes the presence of a net or a web of creation. According to the ancient beliefs of the Australian aboriginals, the American Hopi, and the Buddhist Sutras, this web or net has existed throughout the entire universe since the beginning of time. This omnipotent remnant of creation connects each of us to our past reality and to our future possibility.

An ancient web or net of knowledge and guidance permeates the universe

This web or net is what we now describe as something being out there. At one time, most believed that there was nothing but empty space within our environment and the universe itself. However, this pretense has been proved incorrect: the universe is made up of energy, energy which permeates every nook and every cranny. No matter where you are upon Earth, you are surrounded by this infinite energy.

Energy; raw, primordial energy is the key to manifesting our future

This energy field is very unique since it appears to be able to respond to our emotions. Scientific findings indicate that our feelings set in motion a series of events which manifest our wants. This net or web, whichever you prefer to call it, appears to have a sense of awareness which mirrors back our emotions. 

The ancient web or net of awareness is non-judgemental

Furthermore, this energy field of awareness does not discern between good or bad, thus, if you have positive emotions you must receive positive results in your life and if you have negative emotions you must receive negative results in your life. Ultimately, there is no escaping your inner emotions since this field of awareness, manifests in your life what you love or what you hate.

The ancient web or net of awareness is non-discriminatory; it is impartial and fair to all

It is now understood that the power of the universe is everywhere and in equal amounts everywhere. Thus, each of us has the same opportunity to tap into this power regardless of our location, age, or gender. When you accept the idea that you are connected to the universal energy, regardless of your present situation, you also recognize your ability to create your future with what you already have within you and around you.

Our Creator gave us the innate ability to manifest our future wants and needs; use your canvas, paint, and brush wisely

We are all from and of the Creator. And as such, it is innate within us to create our wants and desires; we create our wants and desires with our emotions. Positive emotions can only create beautiful, colorful canvases of our life. Negative emotions can only create ugly, dark canvases of our life. We should no longer question if this sacred field of awareness exists; rather, we must question how to use our canvas, our brush, and our paint to create the future we truly desire.

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In the end, it is our spiritual self which is worth more than our material wealth and our physical health.

Photo by rachel on Unsplash

Consumerism isn’t spiritualism

Many people pursue consumerism under the guise of spiritualism in order to attain material wealth. However, this kind of thinking can only produce temporary success. This is evident when a person achieves their goals and then these are taken away from them just as suddenly as they are attained. We witness these folks hitting a streak of bad luck or twist of fate and they lose all that they have worked to achieve.    

Material wealth is fleeting at this moment

We only need to look around us at this time to understand that material wealth is fleeting: as the Stock Market crashed many lost their retirement savings; companies were put into bankruptcy and many lost their sole means of income; and others were forced to hand over their front-door keys and walk away from their homes. The sad part about this is that many will never regain what they lost from a lifetime of working because they are not aware of how to regain what was lost.  

What is the symptom and what is the illness?

Still, these terrible results are the symptom and not the illness which permeates our modern-day world of consumerism. Our society exerts a great deal of pressure upon us to flaunt our wealth, actual or not, in order to make the grade.

We validate our Self with costly goods

We need costly watches, purses, and cars to validate our self-worth in today’s society. Shiny, sparkly objects are transitory and this week’s fashion becomes next week’s old news. If that’s all you are or known by is your costly toys, how can you attain true happiness and fulfillment in this life?

Gratitude, faith, belief, and optimism release ‘good’ chemicals in our body

When it comes to health, the new field of epigenetics is telling us that it’s an inside job to maintain and sustain good health. There is little doubt from the scientific findings that one’s spirituality and the positive emotions which accompany their connection to The Source, such as gratitude, faith, belief, as well as optimism release a pharmacopeia of good chemicals into their bodies. These naturally occurring substances then act as a defense against disease, and ultimately, result in a healthier and longer life.

What’s your most important possession in this life?

Overall, it is your spirituality that is the most important possession in your life. I say this because your spiritual Self manifests your material wealth and your physical health. It can never be the other way around where wealth or health manifests the spiritual self.

“Toys” don’t last…a spiritual connection does last

So, while your toys may be gone and your health fails, your spiritual connection cannot be lost to anyone or anything unless you consciously relinquish your connection with the Source. And even when things go awry, you still have your spirituality to regain what has been taken away. 

Spirituality is the pathway to a ‘good’ life and not material goods

Hence, since material goods are short-lived and physical health depends upon your thoughts, we need to embrace spirituality as a means to live a wealthy, healthy, and fulfilling life

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Develop a deep sense of appreciation for everything and everybody that enters into your life, no matter the consequences.

Photo by Marcos Paulo Prado on Unsplash

Your outer world is a reflection of your inner world

Everything that occurs within your outer world is a reflection of your inner world as a result of each one of us being under a sundry of Natural Laws. This must be the case since the universe around us is created as such: there is order and not chaos due to many Laws acting as the sacred glue.

Energy permeates the universe and is the glue that binds all together

As well as these Laws, the universe consists of a field of energy that permeates every nook and cranny. This energy is found within every space and within every object, from the largest galaxies and the smallest particles; hence, everything large and small must be under the same Laws. These Natural Laws are immutable, they are constant and can never change from what they are or our universe would cease to exist. 

A web of energy, which is neither positive nor negative, surrounds each of us and all things.

As the founding legends of many of our ancient peoples indicate, we are surrounded by a web or net of energy. This seething mass of energy, unlike electrical energy which is either positive or negative, is neutral. A neutral field means that it is non-judgmental; thus, an event or circumstance is neither good nor bad, it just is. Knowing the properties of the field, how can we benefit from this energy found in a neutral universe? It is shown that our emotions stimulate this energy which then responds to us as a mirror reflects our image back to us.

Our emotions result in actions and events, and therefore, consequences.

As a result, when we channel our prevailing emotions into the vortex of energy we must receive back what we send forth originally. Now, this being the case, we must ask how does appreciating everything that occurs within our life impact our past, present, and future. 

The past is not our present or future unless we let it influence our thoughts, actions, and words.

Although we cannot return to our past, many are held back by past failures. For example, if a relationship did not work out we are reluctant to give our heart away again fearing that we will be hurt one more time. However, focusing upon past failures cannot help, it will only hurt. Rather than dwell upon the misfortunes of that relationship, develop a deep appreciation of what you experienced.

Don’t weep over loss; rather, learn from it to grow spiritually, intellectually, and financially.

Instead of condemning your loss, ask questions that help you understand how you benefited from the loss. In the end, it appears that we are able to grow when we face difficulties and we are given these tests by the Source only when we can handle them. Hence, let’s not look at these troubles as failures, rather, as platforms for spiritual growth.  

Control over our emotions manifests a different present and future.

Now that we know emotions are the stimuli of natural energy, we must control the emotions that dominate our life. Therefore, if we live in an unpleasant present, we must accept it as it is with full knowledge that we and we alone create the cause and we also can manifest the change of our present circumstances. Do not feel malice towards your job, spouse, anyone, or anything else since you will not be able to escape the now with such negativity. Negative emotions such as malice, fear, and hate can only produce more negatives in your life.  

We are creators and not passive observers of our life.

It is our present emotions that manifest our future. Science points out that we are creators and participants within our mighty cosmos and not just passive observers. Have complete faith that you have control over your future and when you change your emotions you change your future. Your emotions will manifest the persons and things required to achieve what you desire.

Harness your emotions to create a wondrous future.

We are bound or released from our circumstances by our own emotions. We must truly appreciate our dreadful past and our unpleasant present in order to live an incredible future.

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Make prayers OF your desires, rather than prayers FOR your desires.

Photo by William Farlow on Unsplash

Let’s pray FOR good health…is this going to result in achieving our wants or desires?

As children we are taught how to pray for what we want: we pray for good health, for good grades, and for good weather. Naturally, as we mature into adults, we carry this tradition along with us. However, it is of little wonder that most of us never receive what we pray for since the words of our prayers do not attract our desires; instead, these words push our goals further away from us. 

Don’t ask for the bad, sad, or unwanted to be removed from your life

It seems that there are some basic misconceptions about prayer which then affect our success and our lives. First, it is a common belief that we should ask for the bad, for the sad, or for the unwanted to be removed from our life. But, when we pray for a change in our life, we are asking out of want, lack, and desperation which only add strength and power to our worst nightmares.

Visualize the good and not the bad being removed from your life

Prayers for abundance empower poverty. Prayers for health empower sickness. Prayers for happiness empower sadness. Rather, we must understand to pray of abundance, of health, and of joy in the present. We are not just playing with semantics; this observation is entirely consistent with the Universal Laws. When I say pray of abundance, I mean see the end goal at this moment. And pray of health and of joy; as a result, see good health and happiness in your life at this moment.

Words aren’t our prayers…our emotions and our feelings are our prayers

Second, there is the accepted idea that our prayers are our words and our words are our prayers. However, this idea is a long way from the truth as the ancients left us clear evidence that our prayers are not just our words, rather, our prayers are our emotions. Without a doubt, the essence of prayer is in our feelings which we find within the 2,000-year-old messages that the Gnostics left for us.

The Gnostics timely message from over two millennia ago

To paraphrase their timeless message; we must surround ourselves with our answers. With these wise words, it is apparent that we must overcome our natural reaction to want to focus our attention upon what ails us and ask for those things to change.

Experience your wants and desires within before they materialize from without

Rather than using our words and asking for the removal of the ills from our life, we need to first experience abundance, good health, and happiness already in our life. In order to escape our unpleasant present situation within our minds, we must use our emotions to help us navigate around and through our troubles before our wants are actualized on the physical plane.

Express prayers of gratitude daily to achieve personal fulfillment and joy in your life

Third, we often think that the sole purpose of prayer is to ask for success in life. However, let us not forget that prayers are not only the harbingers of change in our lives. Previously, we made our prayers of abundance, of good health, and of spiritual Self. Having received what we asked of The Source, we now can make new prayers of gratitude. Watch what happens when you turn this around and make prayers of gratitude every day. When we express our heartfelt gratitude, we can only receive more of the same from the universe.

Prayer connects our spiritual and physical world

Prayer is the connection between our spiritual and our physical world. It is not limited to our words, those eloquent or pious sayings which roll off of our tongues. Rather, it also includes the myriad of feelings we hold within our hearts and souls. This subtle yet meaningful difference will provide the answers of your prayers.

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Your blueprint for success must include awareness, decisiveness, and thankfulness

Photo by George Hiles on Unsplash

You need a destination before you start your journey

You can compare your life to a road trip: as you travel along, you must navigate around potholes, cross over bridges, and go through tunnels. If you plan to journey across the country, you would not just pack up your car, fill it up with gas, and point it down the road without a final destination.

Where’s my roadmap?

No doubt, you would take the time to find a roadmap that shows you how to arrive at your final destination. If you take such meticulous effort to plan leisure time, why not take the time to find a roadmap for a successful life?  

A blueprint for your life can help you succeed

On a road trip, you need a map and on your life’s journey, you need a blueprint. One succeeds at life by having a blueprint that has been proven to be successful by others through time, trial, and observation. After many years of experimenting with this idea, I’m suggesting the following as part of your plan for success: you need awareness, decisiveness, and thankfulness to achieve big goals in your life. 

Awareness of our creative powers changes our emotions and ultimately, our results

Many believe that they are powerless and insignificant in the universe. As a result of these feelings, they believe they have no control over their future, and thus, over their results. However, modern-day science is proving that we are both participants and creators within our cosmos. When we are truly aware of our power over our own destiny, naturally, our emotions change. As our emotions change, then our results change.

Use your intuition to make decisions quickly and change decisions slowly

Once you have awareness, you now need to have decisiveness. Many people fail in life because they cannot make a decision. They change their minds as they change their socks. Or, they hope with all hope that someone else will make their decisions for them. Research has shown that achievers make their decisions quickly and then change their decisions slowly, if at all. They react on their intuition since their gut feelings lead them rather than being led by the crowd or circumstances. As you acquire decisiveness, you must move closer to your goals.

Thankfulness for your present will change your future

Thankfulness for wherever or whatever you are at the present moment is critical for success. If you find that you have not achieved what you wish, you still must show your thankfulness. It is imperative to show sincere thankfulness since the universe mirrors back your emotions. If you send out emotions of lack, need, or want, you can only receive the same back in your life.   

Success is the result of your awareness, decisiveness, and thankfulness

When you are aware of your power, when you can make a decision, and when you show thanks, you have the blueprint to make your life a success. Follow these suggestions to achieve the life you desire.

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We move towards our goals while being in a state of relaxation; we cannot move towards our goals in a state of agitation.

Photo by Jared Rice on Unsplash

Emotions can be either positive or negative; however, the results of our emotions are very different

We are constantly being told by personal development experts that we must keep our eyes upon our goals and then pursue them with emotions in our hearts. This is well and true…our emotions can be a positive that leads us to our goals, however, they can be a negative that leads us away from our desires as well.

Emotions that interface with actions manifest HUGE results

Emotions are the super-fuel that powers us to our goals and we must have our emotions interface with our actions to produce big results. Just think of the opposite; a half-hearted attempt at being the best salesperson or an uninspired public speaker delivering a message, it just doesn’t seem possible to achieve much without emotions. In the end, emotions are the catalyst to success. 

Control of our emotions is key to our success or our failure

While emotions are critical for success, we must be aware of our controlling emotions. I don’t mean to throw away all your emotions, it is important to have intense emotions for your goal. It’s the negative feelings and thoughts that are detrimental to success; for example, if you are anxious, this emotion can only drive a goal farther away.

Anxiety and a lack of faith cannot possibly manifest your dreams

When you’re anxious, this means you fear that you will not achieve your goal. And when you have no faith in the Natural Laws and no belief in yourself, you cannot attract that which you desire most in your life.

Your personal barriers can and will come down with positive emotions such as faith and surrender

The key then is to pursue your goals with emotions, positive emotions, and not allow the negatives to occupy your mind and build barriers to your goals. It has been written that faith can move mountains, in contrast, a lack of faith can keep you exactly where you are at this moment. Give in to the Creator of the universe to get what you want.

Have a strong belief that you have already achieved your set goals before they happen

It is important that you have 100% belief in your own ability to achieve success. That’s not to say we must be arrogant about our own talents, rather, we must believe without a doubt that we are capable and will succeed in our pursuits.

Each goal is in your mind before it’s in your hand

Act as if you already have your goal: smell the leather of that car interior or take an imaginary walk around your expansive new house. At first, you must have the goal in your mind, and then it appears in your hand. 

Harmony and gratitude are crucial to your success

Expressing gratitude to the universe will manifest two positives. First, you are relaxed since you are genuinely thankful for what you have achieved to the moment. Second, the universe acknowledges your harmonious state and returns more of the same energy back to you.

The universe will deliver your desires and wants as a result of your positive emotions

Positive emotions act as powerful magnets that attract your goal to you while negative emotions repel your goals farther and farther away from you. Be calm and receive what is truly yours and what the universe wants to deliver to you.

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Do what you fear to do.

Photo courtesy Patrick Hendry at

Fear is a Dream Stealer

Fear is the masterful thief of success. Fear is larceny of the mind. Fear is the tether that binds you to your present unpleasant situation. Fear is our Number 1 killer of dreams as we allow this negative emotion to consume our everyday life and steal wonderful opportunities from our very fingertips.

Energy mirrors negative or positive emotions, feelings, and thoughts

Science indicates that we inhabit a world that is surrounded by a field of energy, energy which appears to mirror back to us what emotions we feed into it. And this web of energy does not judge the input and does not judge the output. Thus, if we feed positive emotions into the field, we receive positive results back into our life.

Emotions can free us or shackle us

The same holds true when we feed negative emotions into the field, we can only receive back negative results. As a result of not having what we could identify as a conscience, this field of energy manifests what we want in life, either the most or the least. Hence, there is no escaping the emotions that dominate our life. 

Eliminate fear to live your ideal life

Even though fear is a formidable opponent, you can conquer it by being aware of it and taking steps to eliminate it in your life. Think back upon some of the most adventurous times in your life, that first ride on a two-wheeler without the training wheels. Or, that first kiss with your adolescent sweetheart. No doubt, most of us were apprehensive about taking that first step into the unknown. Even though fear consumed us, we went ahead and jumped onto the seat or awkwardly puckered our lips. Then we just did it and a sense of accomplishment immediately vanquished our fears. 

Fear lingers deep within us…we must revisit it to eliminate it

Why does fear preoccupy our lives? It must be past conditioning, thus, if we failed once or twice at love or business we are still being haunted by the outcome. Those feelings of failure still linger in the recesses of our mind and hold us back from success. However, we must revisit those experiences from a different perspective and learn from them.

What does fear tell me about me?

Question why things happened as they did? What could I have done differently? What did I learn about myself? Errantly, we judge our future success by our past, and if our past is riddled with failure, we then feel fear of success. In the end, we must look at our triumphs and not at our failures to gauge our self-worth.

Focus upon past conquests not upon past failures

When we focus upon our past conquests and not our past failures, this builds confidence and rids our lives of fear. And to reiterate, we do receive what we want or fear the most.  The universe is intelligence which reacts to our emotions and when we feel fear we can only receive what we fear into our lives.

Fear can and does impact your physical, economic, and spiritual life

Fear can destroy your health, your wealth, and your Self. You must be aware that this negative emotion, above all others, can bring despair to your life. Still, when you do the thing that you fear the most, your circumstances will change as this negative emotion is pushed out of your life.

Approach FEAR head-on.

Climb that mountain. Run that race. Start that business.