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“Have an obsession for spiritualism in your life to manifest materialism in your life.”


Our spirituality connects us with the Source

We want to be successful and enjoy a life of good health and much material wealth. Still, this kind of thinking neglects to include our thoughts of spirituality which ultimately disconnects us from our most prized possession; it is our spirituality which is the conduit to the benevolent Source.

Spirituality comes first, then materialism second

However, we should not separate our spiritualism from our health or our materialism, and when we live our lives in this manner we manifest dis-ease, poverty, and an unfulfilled life. Rather than put our thoughts of materialism first, we should put our thoughts of spiritualism first to receive what the Source wants each and every one of us to manifest and enjoy on this plane of existence.

Is hard work the answer to success?

Many of us were raised with the belief that if we worked hard and saved our pennies for a rainy day, that one day in the future we would be successful. We would have a large sum of money, we would have a large home, and we would have a large amount of time to enjoy our material goods. No wonder so many of us are struggling to just make ends meet and not enjoying a plentiful life at the moment nor large sums of money, large homes, or large amounts of time to enjoy in our old age.

Working with the Natural Laws manifests success

Although wanting to help us through our life with their own experiences in their life, our parents’ and caregivers’ advice was very wrong. Rather than Work hard and save your pennies for a rainy day they should have been telling us to be spiritual and Work with the Natural Laws to be successful.

Our focus guarantees our results

It seems that the advice of saving our pennies for unforeseen maladies and unwanted poverty in our life is a guaranteed plan to manifest unforeseen maladies and unwanted poverty in our life. When we concentrate our attention and then our thoughts and actions upon those unforeseen maladies and unwanted poverty we can only manifest that which we fear the most.

Our thoughts create our reality

This is the Law since we attract that which we focus our thoughts upon. The universe does not discriminate between good and bad, it merely reacts as the Natural Laws dictate. Hence, you manifest what your vibrational field is in harmony with regardless if you perceive the results to be wanted or feared. Since we are harmonious with the fear of want and poverty, we must manifest want and poverty into our lives. We can never feel secure with our finances when we are in fear of our finances.

Feeling secure with life results in any form of  success 

Rather than listening to the old adage about saving our pennies, we should listen to and act upon feeling secure with our finances and material goods long before we actually have achieved what we want to achieve. As such, we see the act of saving money and collecting material goods as neither good nor bad; it just is.

Perceive success at the spiritual level and you will receive it on the physical level

This kind of thinking then results in thoughts, actions, and words that support a strong connection between the Source and our Self. We feel security in the knowledge that we already have achieved our wants and desires on the spiritual plane and now it is merely a matter of cosmic timelessness when the physical goods will manifest on the physical plane. We can now feel secure with our finances when we are secure with our finances.

Reflection, meditation, and visualization form a bridge between the spiritual and the physical world

Ultimately, we can and should cohabitate in a spiritual and material world since these two cannot be separated. However, we must not confuse what is initially required to create, maintain, and sustain a means to connect both of these worlds. Your spiritual connection builds a powerful and long-standing bridge to your material world. While a toll must be paid in order to arrive on the other side, the small price you pay to reflect, meditate, and visualize your desires far outweighs the time spent on these sacred practices.


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“True happiness manifests from negotiation with your Self; true happiness does not manifest from competition with others.”

The new mentality 

The new mentality appears to be one where a person must win at all costs and without any regard for ethics or the wrongdoings to humankind or the environment. The media plays this one up where you are Number 1 when you beat the competition down and stand like a triumphant gladiator over a bloodied opponent in the Roman Coliseum. However, this selfish; ME at all cost attitude, can only produce ephemeral happiness and not true happiness which is sustained over a person’s lifetime.

photo-1462040015891-7c792246b10eAre you living your life by negotiation or competition? 

A person can live their life through negotiation or competition: the former being in a positive state of vibration while the latter in a negative state of vibration. In a competitive mindset, a person always must outdo their colleagues, their neighbors, their own family members. The act of beating another person is tied to and reflected by the winner’s perception of self-worth: they rationalize if I can own bigger, costlier, and rarer objects than you, then I am worth more to my Self and worth more than your Self.

Your self-esteem can be battered or bolstered  

So, when you discover that a friend or colleague has a smaller house, your esteem soars but when you find a friend or colleague with a bigger house your self-esteem takes a dive. And that goes for the model of your car, your watch, your vacations, and any of your earthly possessions. When you base your life and your self-worth upon material goods, you’ll never have the biggest, best, or brightest toy.

Negotiation manifests a higher sense of awareness 

True happiness comes when you are constantly in negotiation with your Self. Negotiation focuses upon the awareness of your thoughts, words, and actions at the very moment. As you monitor your thoughts, words, and actions along the Continuum of Awareness, you are striving to be the best you can and the best for humankind. You negotiate your current state of mind to be in a higher state of awareness.

Set aside your ego to attain your goals 

You set aside your ego to attain your goals with your life’s journey while encapsulating faith, gratitude, compassion, and ethics. You fully understand that your results occur within cosmic timelessness. You place your faith and belief in the Source to align all the circumstances, persons, and objects that are required to achieve your goal and ultimately your happiness.

How to create positive energy

Your thoughts create the flow of positive energy which effortlessly manifests goals for you, hence, no worry, no fear, no envy, no jealousy, no competition.

Material possessions are temporary, your soul is permanent 

In the end, no matter how many material possessions you accumulate in your life, you will not have a minute longer on Earth, you will not be better than anyone else, and you will not have greater happiness. The noted French philosopher Voltaire wrote ‘Man is free at the moment he wishes to be.’ You can instantly achieve the dizzying heights of an eagle and be free of negative thoughts and negative vibrations when you make the decision to be in constant negotiation with your Self and not to be in constant competition with others.

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“Be still within the turmoil of everyday life – how else can you achieve true success in life?”

clothesWhat is my place in the universe?

In our life, there is nothing more rewarding than the satisfaction of knowing our place in the universe, our reason for being here, and our connection with the Source. While being in a truly sacred place in life at the moment is the most gratifying and fulfilling for humankind, for most, this is an elusive goal. It is only when the noise of the outer world is blocked-out that we begin to experience the joy of the inner world.

Achieving your goal at any price

We live in a chaotic world where our purpose in life has morphed into How much can I get for myself? And without a single thought of the real cost to anyone or anybody, we run around grabbing at any means to achieve our goal with little regard of your goal. Companies design marketing programs which lead the masses to believe that they simply must have a particular product to be a somebody or a someone in the modern world.

Material goods do not make a person  

However, it doesn’t stop there; this monstrous selling machine has no conscience as it grinds out every last penny of profit for greedy stockholders and owners from consumers. It is troubling to find that a person in today’s society is measured by the price of their purse, the status of their watch, and the public’s perception of their car. And sadly, if you or a loved one cannot pay for their vision of how to attain self-worth and happiness, you are a failure. As a result of their marketing muscle, we blindly buy into their ideas how to achieve true happiness and fulfillment in life.  It is no wonder that individuals and society in general suffer so greatly.

Meditation helps us move forward to spiritual satisfaction 

It is time to break away from our modern day obsession with material goods as our only purpose and only goal in life. Rather than focus your full attention and energy upon your worldly Self; focus upon your inner Self where the true mansions of happiness and fulfillment exist. A good place to start this journey to override the need to have something or to be someone is to meditate on a regular basis.

Intuition is a true measurement of Self 

Meditation has many psychological and physiological benefits and it is not just sitting cross-legged on the floor chanting and burning incense. Rely upon your intuition to decide upon your Self worth. Just as the Source created unique snowflakes; each and every one of us was created with a special purpose in life which runs deeper than what we own. Receive inner satisfaction from nature and the everyday experiences. While we can receive material goods in life, first, experience the sacred connection with the Source to quiet the noise around you and truly experience a meaningful and happy life.

Redefine your purpose in the universe

As we enter into a new millennium, it is time we open our eyes to the injustices of mass consumerism and redefine our place in the universe, our purpose, and our connection with the Source; this is the way to achieve and sustain true happiness and fulfillment in this earthly life.