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The Movement of Energy: Our Pathway to Success

The Movement of Energy: Our Pathway to Success

Nikola Tesla, the Serbian American physicist, inventor, engineer and futurist believed that “If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.”

Universal energy exists everywhere

According to scientists, universal energy exists in all places and at all times, there is no location and no time where and when it doesn’t exist. Since energy is everywhere we must believe that everything is energy; so, our thoughts, possessions, feelings…all consist of some form of energy with a unique frequency and vibration. This is the good news!

If everything is energy, it appears that our physical world distracts us from this truth so we seldom think of this divine omnipresent gift that surrounds our mind, body, and soul every moment of every day.

In order to reach success let’s start to think cosmically where each of us in the human family is inseparable from the universe and therefore, from the universal energy.

Universal energy is not static…it flows

Energy is not static, it exists and it flows, and it is attracted to like energy having a similar frequency and vibration and it is repelled by unlike energy having a dissimilar frequency and vibration. Where there is universal movement there is power, unlimited power that accompanies the natural flow of universal energy.

How can we tap into universal energy to help us along our pathway to success?

Success is an inflow and outflow of energy   

If there’s one thing I’ve learned after many years of reading and researching self-development and success is that success in life is the result of energy…but not just its presence, rather, the inflow and outflow of energy. This flow affects us and every part of us, and as a result it manifests paradigms in our mind that are fueled by our feelings, words, and actions.

Let’s look at the inflow and outflow of money and how it attracts or repels financial success.

If you buy a book by your favorite author that focuses upon how to achieve financial success, you create an outflow of energy – in this case, the money which you worked for. The author used his energy to create his words and receives your money, an inflow that is reciprocal with the outflow. In return, you receive an inflow of energy from the words and messages you read within that book.

If the book contains truth and a positive message, an inflow of positive energy affects your feelings, thought, words and actions which then create an outflow of positive energy that you send out to the world around you. This type of energy can only attract energy of the same vibration and frequency.

When you are in a positive state of energy, you can only attract a positive flow of energy back to you which then can help you manifest a:

  • successful business
  • fulfilling career
  • or larger bank account.

Since our success is based upon the inflow and outflow of energy, we should be careful about what we read since our interaction with the written word creates energy that we take in and then creates the energy that we put out.

The cycle of energy is infinite  

Now, let’s look at the food we eat and how it affects our potential to achieve physical body success. In this case when I refer to success, it’s not about money or fame, I mean a long healthy life within a healthy body.

All food has a specific frequency and vibration; ‘good’ food has a different set of characteristics than ‘bad’ food which then results in a different affect upon our body. For example, when we eat clean food without chemicals, low in sodium, sugar, and other harmful ingredients we are giving our bodies an opportunity to stay healthy…free of disease.

Since good food introduces positive energy into our bodies, our body reacts accordingly by keeping itself healthy, and that includes a healthy heart and a strong, fit body. The flow of positive energy created by good food can only attract positive energy, and so the cycle of energy is infinite.

We are what we eat!

Positive energy in…positive energy out. This results in a long healthy life.

Retirement, fear, and energy

This time, let’s consider our feelings and the effect they have upon our emotional success or a lack thereof. Retirement is just a few months away and fear starts to creep up upon you as you begin to feel fear for:

  • your health,
  • a scarcity of money,
  • the loss of friends and colleagues.

As you feel fear you begin to think fear; as you begin to think fear you begin to speak words of fear; and when words of fear appear then acts of fear follow.

You are responsible for the paradigm of fear that manifests within your mind and is reflected in all of your feelings, words, and actions. How can you live a happy, long retirement when fear permeates every fiber of your mind, body, and soul?

Once fear takes hold of you it takes you along the pathway of failure and can never take you along the pathway of success.

Rather than feel fear, take control of your emotional state and express the deepest gratitude for who you are, what you have, and what you have accomplished in life.

Gratitude can and will instantly change the state of the energy you attract and repel. Replace fear with optimism to receive the flow of positive universal energy.

Universal energy is the pathway to achieve success

Money, food, and feelings are charged with the primordial energy that permeates the universe.

If we understand that universal energy is the essence of life and the pathway to get the most out of life, we must use our mental ability to attract the flow of positive energy into our life.





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I’m Roger Kenworthy and I created the Quadrant of based upon a very simple idea; I wanted to share my experiences of how I reached success in my life in order to help others reach success in their life.

How do you define success?

Success can mean different things to different people; good health, sums of wealth, or the tranquility of spiritual achievement. No matter how you define success, it is achievable by the same principles and techniques.

I believe that success can be compared to a beautiful, colorful jigsaw puzzle – you know the ones that show majestic snow-covered mountains or a tropical paradise. In order to end-up with that mesmerizing picture, each piece of the puzzle must interlock with the next and the next and so on.

There are many paths to success 

It must be the same with success: there are many pieces that need to go together to complete a wonderful picture of your future life. There’s your thoughts, words, and actions mixed with massive amounts of faith, desire, belief and passion. Each must be present to achieve your goal.

You can find all the pieces for success here!

My hope is that you believe the Quadrant of has all the pieces necessary to finally complete your picture of success…no matter how you define it.

Are you ready to create a new future?