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Focus all of your attention upon I AM – do not focus any of your attention upon I WILL

Photo by Johnny Cohen on Unsplash

Would you set your goal on an absolute or a possibility?

Throughout our lives we set goals to achieve what we want to have or become or what we need to have or become. This is an important first step in the process to achieve what we want or what we need. However, only writing down and reviewing your goals on a regular basis will not produce the results you want. And sorry to say, many do not achieve their wants or needs due to these actions.

There is a huge difference between I WILL and I AM

All too often a goal setter is thinking and talking about I WILL instead of thinking and talking about I AM. The subtle difference between these two words is the difference between achieving and not achieving what you set your heart upon.        

Most set goals by thinking and saying I WILL

Think about how most set their goals: I WILL be wealthy in the next five years; I WILL have a new home in two years; I WILL double my income in 48 months and so on and so on. On a superficial level, this kind of self-talk appears that it should take the person out of their present unpleasant situation and into a fabulous future. Yet, there are two fundamental problems with this method.

You will face two problems when focusing goal achievement upon I WILL

First, we are placing our own understanding and belief of cosmic timelessness for what and when we want to achieve a goal. Second, I WILL is a mere possibility of what we want to have or become and it is not an absolute. If you should have any doubt of this idea, gauge your feelings after saying I WILL and then how you feel after saying I AM.

What is my first concern?

Let’s examine my first concern. Many experts and scientists alike now believe we exist in a holographic universe where creation is complete, thus, right at this very moment everything that we need to achieve our goals already exists and exists everywhere.

We cannot create anything new since everything already exists, albeit, some on the physical plane while others are the metaphysical plane

As a result of this condition, we do not and cannot possibly create anything new since creation is complete; all we need to do is invoke a higher plane of consciousness to receive what we truly desire. The true power of I AM occurs when we tap into the unlimited power of the universe. Thus, it is only our awareness of our creativity which brings about our results.   

Having deep faith helps drive you toward goal achievement

Second, I AM is an absolute and not a possibility as I WILL. Of course, this is if you have complete faith in the Source to deliver what you want or need. When we say and feel I AM, we have a different perspective and as a result we think and act differently right now. We are conscious of what we want and feel as if we already have it at this very moment.

I AM is an absolute, by contrast, I WILL is a possibility

Hence, this difference in thought results in the manifestation of all the people, circumstances, and situations required to achieve our goals. In the end, our imagination drives the I AM. By contrast, I WILL is a thought for sometime on the future horizon. Thinking of I WILL does not give us that same feeling of accomplishment and ownership of our wants or needs as I AM does.   

Your awareness of I AM manifests that what you truly desire, need, or want

We all exist within parallel universes where all your possibilities already exist: you can be poor or rich, or healthy or unhealthy, famous or infamous. Ultimately, it is your awareness of I AM that manifests what you become.

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“Success can be narrowed down to just a few simple tasks: reading, thinking, and acting.”

xmcothgncqa-joshua-sortinoSuccess does not manifest from luck, chance, or fate

We all long for success, yet, most of us believe that success is some mysterious, hard-to-reach place which only a few fortunate ones every get to experience in their lifetime because of their luck, chance, or fate.

Success can be achieved by everyone…just follow the Natural Laws

The good news is that we can attain what we want in life since our success is subject to a set of Natural Laws that are precise and concise as any other mathematical law. And when one is aware of how the Laws work and how they truly favor our success, we can and must achieve what we set out to attain in our life without having to rely upon a stroke of good luck or a twist of fate.

The path to success can be straightforward, not complicated

When we think about our success, the means to arrive at that wonderful place in life can be narrowed down to a set of tasks which will change the direction of your life. These simple, but, effective tasks include reading, thinking, and doing. They appear to be simple and straightforward, without the complexities and mystery of other ideas, nonetheless, if you follow these ideas faithfully, they will manifest incredible changes in your life.

Take the first step…reading

The first step in our journey of success is reading. Reading can and will set you on the correct road to success. When you read a book about others’ success, it provides possibilities in your own life. The person you develop into in the future is a result of the books you read today. There is no better way to start your journey of achievement. Honestly create a plan to read and faithfully follow your personal plan for success.

Your thoughts determine your success 

The next step is thinking where your results, good or bad, originate from. There is no getting away from the fact that your thoughts and your thoughts alone determine the success you achieve in your life.

Don’t let the bad weeds conquer your mind

We are the creators in a universe that always manifests what we think about. Thus, meditate regularly and visualize daily to achieve your goals and like a careful gardener, do not let the weeds of bad thought enter your mind. Be vigilant to keep fear, hate, and envy out of your mind.

The final step…acting upon what you’ve read and thought about

Finally, we reach the last of the three steps in my simple plan for success, acting. While we can read and think about our success all we want, in the end, we must be prepared to do something to help us reach our lofty goals.

You don’t need to know your path to success beforehand, the right one shall manifest itself to you…at the right moment

It is not necessary to plan every step of the way, rather, the Source will provide the guidance necessary to achieve our end goal. In fact, if we keep asking ourselves how to reach our goals, we are asking the wrong question and will only have our desires pushed farther away from us. Instead, rely upon the Source to provide what you need to do to achieve success. Listen to your inner voice for the path to personal achievement.

Success is within each person’s grasp…

Reaching success in your life is not a far-fetched dream which only a few ever manage to get to, it is at the fingertips of each and every one of us, it is just our own sense of awareness that brings it to us or our lack of awareness that keeps it at arm’s length from us. Follow these few simple techniques to reach the heights of success that each of us is entitled to receive from our benevolent Creator.