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Uncontrolled imagination manifests as limited possibilities – controlled imagination manifests as unlimited possibilities

Photo by Boys in Bristol Photography on Unsplash

Controlled imagination, not just imagination, unlocks unlimited possibilities

Imagination opens the door for possibilities and all we need to do is look back upon the dreamers of our times and earlier and this is apparent. For example, the vision of Henry Ford, the thoughts of Bill Gates, the imagination of George Lucas and there are many, many more great thinkers we can list to support this idea. However, a truly successful life manifests not merely from imagination, but from controlled imagination.

Uncontrolled imagination is akin to wild horses running through the grasslands of our country

Imagination is the key to success and we must rein-in our imagination to receive what is rightly ours from the benevolent Creator. One’s uncontrolled imagination can be compared to a wild horse running erratically throughout the grass lands. While this wild and beautiful spirit is wondrous to behold, it does little to help you advance to your goals.

Idol dreamers choose new goals like they change their socks, the results are then predictable

And if a person chases one goal this week and then another next week, that person is an idol dreamer and not a determined doer. Pursuing the flavor of the week can never make you successful. This must be the case since uncontrolled imagination does not allow the universe to catch-up with your ideas, with all the necessary pieces of the puzzle needed to achieve a goal before the ideas and goals change again. 

The universe requires a certain lag time, based on universal laws, to provide what is necessary to achieve your goal

There is a lag time which is necessary and cannot be circumvented with money, fame, or charm. Uncontrolled imagination can only leave you frustrated and unhappy since you can never reach your true potential.   

The fabric of your being can be changed trough controlled imagination

On the other hand, when you learn to possess controlled imagination, you have the ability to change the fabric of your destiny. You have the future in your very hands and the means to achieve what you desire. This idea correlates with the vision many experts hold of the holographic universe where we are not spectators, but creators.

Endless possibilities equal endless means to achieve your wants, dreams, and desires

Due to the malleable universe, we have the power to change what will be. In a universe where there are endless possibilities, you have the means to direct your own future. This future can be a fulfilling one or it can be a frustrating one, it all depends upon your ability to have a controlled imagination.   

DEEP FAITH is the first step to accomplishing that whish you desire

The first step to having a controlled imagination is to have complete faith in the Creator: deep faith then manifests calmness and assuredness that you will succeed. This state of mind then permits you to access the power of the universe and when you are in control of your emotions, you are in control of your imagination. There are also daily exercises to gain, retain, and sustain control over your imagination.

Your controlled imagination unites with visualization to cerate your future

A proven method is visualization which helps you to sharpen your focus upon what you desire. Hold the thoughts of your goal in your mind and think from the future about your goal.

Meditation goes hand-in-hand with a controlled imagination

Another method to help, if you lack the ability to remain fixated upon your goal, is the practice of meditation. If you cannot commit many years of training to meditate effectively, many companies have CD’s that help to focus your mind and receive the most amount of benefit. 

Your destiny is controlled by your ability to take charge of your imagination

Control your imagination – control your destiny. In a world that spins wildly and creates many diversions for success, you hold the key to your success.

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Focus all of your attention upon I AM – do not focus any of your attention upon I WILL

Photo by Johnny Cohen on Unsplash

Would you set your goal on an absolute or a possibility?

Throughout our lives we set goals to achieve what we want to have or become or what we need to have or become. This is an important first step in the process to achieve what we want or what we need. However, only writing down and reviewing your goals on a regular basis will not produce the results you want. And sorry to say, many do not achieve their wants or needs due to these actions.

There is a huge difference between I WILL and I AM

All too often a goal setter is thinking and talking about I WILL instead of thinking and talking about I AM. The subtle difference between these two words is the difference between achieving and not achieving what you set your heart upon.        

Most set goals by thinking and saying I WILL

Think about how most set their goals: I WILL be wealthy in the next five years; I WILL have a new home in two years; I WILL double my income in 48 months and so on and so on. On a superficial level, this kind of self-talk appears that it should take the person out of their present unpleasant situation and into a fabulous future. Yet, there are two fundamental problems with this method.

You will face two problems when focusing goal achievement upon I WILL

First, we are placing our own understanding and belief of cosmic timelessness for what and when we want to achieve a goal. Second, I WILL is a mere possibility of what we want to have or become and it is not an absolute. If you should have any doubt of this idea, gauge your feelings after saying I WILL and then how you feel after saying I AM.

What is my first concern?

Let’s examine my first concern. Many experts and scientists alike now believe we exist in a holographic universe where creation is complete, thus, right at this very moment everything that we need to achieve our goals already exists and exists everywhere.

We cannot create anything new since everything already exists, albeit, some on the physical plane while others are the metaphysical plane

As a result of this condition, we do not and cannot possibly create anything new since creation is complete; all we need to do is invoke a higher plane of consciousness to receive what we truly desire. The true power of I AM occurs when we tap into the unlimited power of the universe. Thus, it is only our awareness of our creativity which brings about our results.   

Having deep faith helps drive you toward goal achievement

Second, I AM is an absolute and not a possibility as I WILL. Of course, this is if you have complete faith in the Source to deliver what you want or need. When we say and feel I AM, we have a different perspective and as a result we think and act differently right now. We are conscious of what we want and feel as if we already have it at this very moment.

I AM is an absolute, by contrast, I WILL is a possibility

Hence, this difference in thought results in the manifestation of all the people, circumstances, and situations required to achieve our goals. In the end, our imagination drives the I AM. By contrast, I WILL is a thought for sometime on the future horizon. Thinking of I WILL does not give us that same feeling of accomplishment and ownership of our wants or needs as I AM does.   

Your awareness of I AM manifests that what you truly desire, need, or want

We all exist within parallel universes where all your possibilities already exist: you can be poor or rich, or healthy or unhealthy, famous or infamous. Ultimately, it is your awareness of I AM that manifests what you become.

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You must not dream FOR your future, however, you must dream FROM your future.

Photo by drmakete lab on Unsplash

YOUR imagination is the pathway to YOUR success

It has been written that we must have the imagination of a child to truly be successful and achieve what we want out of life. With such abilities, we do not look upon the present as our absolute reality, rather, just a moment in our journey to our end goal.

Accept the reality that YOUR goal/success must be in YOUR mind long before it’s in YOUR hand

As well, we must think of ourselves in possession of what we truly desire at the present moment even though our goal has not yet materialized on the physical plane. And if we attach a date to our goals, we think the goal becomes more tangible. However, when we are dreaming FOR our future instead of dreaming FROM our future, I believe this kind of thinking is pushing our dreams further away from us rather than towards us.

There is a huge difference between thinking/saying FOR your future and thinking/saying FROM your future

Now, some may say that this subtle difference between FOR and FROM is a meaningless if not an entirely moot point. I disagree since the difference between winning and losing is seldom that great, especially in real situations such as sporting events. For example, the winner of the Women’s 400 meter race in the Summer 2008 Olympics won by only .02 seconds – 2/100’s of a second secured first place and victory over the second place runner. That is a blink of an eye or less!

Words do make a difference in your outcome/success

The same can be said about words, although there are subtle linguistic differences that exist between our choice of words in a given situation, it is much more since it is about your conscious and subconscious thoughts and therefore your conscious and subconscious actions that manifest from the words which you focus your attention upon. 

Somewhere in the future can be summed up by thinking/speaking FOR your future

As such, when you are thinking about your goal…let’s say a new home and even before you have achieved it, if you are thinking FOR the future you are comparing the size of your old home with your new home. You are thinking about what that new couch will look like in the corner of the living room and how the new refrigerator will fit in your new kitchen. This is a superficial means to view your goal and does little to bring you closer to your goal.

Thinking/speaking FROM your future plus your emotions and imagination equals your success

By contrast, when you live FROM the future you do so with a different lens. Thus, when you imagine your new home, you are in your home at this very moment, you are cooking dinner with your family around the dining room table talking about the day. Your emotions fuel your thoughts and you feel the excitement in the air as your family exchanges the events of the day. From this prospective, your imagination accompanied by your emotions place you in your new environment and to bring about all the needed thoughts and actions to manifest your home.  

Live FROM your future…the simple yet effective means to achieve your success/goals

Live your life and goals FROM the future and have complete faith that the universe will answer your dreams. It is by the thoughtful use of your imagination and your imagination alone that manifests what your desire.