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Uncontrolled imagination manifests as limited possibilities – controlled imagination manifests as unlimited possibilities

Photo by Boys in Bristol Photography on Unsplash

Controlled imagination, not just imagination, unlocks unlimited possibilities

Imagination opens the door for possibilities and all we need to do is look back upon the dreamers of our times and earlier and this is apparent. For example, the vision of Henry Ford, the thoughts of Bill Gates, the imagination of George Lucas and there are many, many more great thinkers we can list to support this idea. However, a truly successful life manifests not merely from imagination, but from controlled imagination.

Uncontrolled imagination is akin to wild horses running through the grasslands of our country

Imagination is the key to success and we must rein-in our imagination to receive what is rightly ours from the benevolent Creator. One’s uncontrolled imagination can be compared to a wild horse running erratically throughout the grass lands. While this wild and beautiful spirit is wondrous to behold, it does little to help you advance to your goals.

Idol dreamers choose new goals like they change their socks, the results are then predictable

And if a person chases one goal this week and then another next week, that person is an idol dreamer and not a determined doer. Pursuing the flavor of the week can never make you successful. This must be the case since uncontrolled imagination does not allow the universe to catch-up with your ideas, with all the necessary pieces of the puzzle needed to achieve a goal before the ideas and goals change again. 

The universe requires a certain lag time, based on universal laws, to provide what is necessary to achieve your goal

There is a lag time which is necessary and cannot be circumvented with money, fame, or charm. Uncontrolled imagination can only leave you frustrated and unhappy since you can never reach your true potential.   

The fabric of your being can be changed trough controlled imagination

On the other hand, when you learn to possess controlled imagination, you have the ability to change the fabric of your destiny. You have the future in your very hands and the means to achieve what you desire. This idea correlates with the vision many experts hold of the holographic universe where we are not spectators, but creators.

Endless possibilities equal endless means to achieve your wants, dreams, and desires

Due to the malleable universe, we have the power to change what will be. In a universe where there are endless possibilities, you have the means to direct your own future. This future can be a fulfilling one or it can be a frustrating one, it all depends upon your ability to have a controlled imagination.   

DEEP FAITH is the first step to accomplishing that whish you desire

The first step to having a controlled imagination is to have complete faith in the Creator: deep faith then manifests calmness and assuredness that you will succeed. This state of mind then permits you to access the power of the universe and when you are in control of your emotions, you are in control of your imagination. There are also daily exercises to gain, retain, and sustain control over your imagination.

Your controlled imagination unites with visualization to cerate your future

A proven method is visualization which helps you to sharpen your focus upon what you desire. Hold the thoughts of your goal in your mind and think from the future about your goal.

Meditation goes hand-in-hand with a controlled imagination

Another method to help, if you lack the ability to remain fixated upon your goal, is the practice of meditation. If you cannot commit many years of training to meditate effectively, many companies have CD’s that help to focus your mind and receive the most amount of benefit. 

Your destiny is controlled by your ability to take charge of your imagination

Control your imagination – control your destiny. In a world that spins wildly and creates many diversions for success, you hold the key to your success.

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