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You are the sole reason why The Law of Attraction manifests what you want and you are the sole reason why The Law of Repulsion manifests what you don’t want

Photo by Alexander Schimmeck on Unsplash

Our attention has been drawn to the Law of Attraction

The collective consciousness has been raised by the release of a major motion picture which focused upon one of the Natural Laws that helps to keep our universe in an orderly state, namely, The Law of Attraction. The furor is about to be ignited once more as the sequel is due to hit the big screen in the near future. Even though we have been made aware of this natural phenomenon, there are questions and doubts about how to benefit from The Law of Attraction.

Natural Laws are exact and unerring, if not, our universe would cease to exist as it is

While this Law is exact and unerring since the beginning of time, amongst the Hollywood hype, many complain that The Law has not worked for them. They have witnessed the good that has manifested for those around them, however, the benefits seem to be reserved for others and not them.

Gurus sell you on attracting enormous wealth at the expense of your spiritual and physical wellbeing

As a result, they are adamant that the Law is a fabrication of personal development gurus to make money at the naïve public’s expense. For those who have not yet received what the universe wants them to receive…do not despair since The Law of Attraction is as precise as any mathematical formula and will deliver what dwells within your mind. 

Our thoughts are energy that attract or repel what we desire

For those who disbelieve the presence of the Natural Laws and the influence they have upon a person’s present and future, it is clear that our situation has manifested from within. Our thoughts are things which are energy – energy that attracts like and repels unlike.

How can you attract positive gains when you are only thinking negative roadblocks?

If we are unwilling to let go of our negative feelings, this act results in a release of negative energy which in turn repels our goals. Hence, if we are filled with disbelief, fear, hate, and frustration, we must be sending out analogous vibrations and then attracting results that are in harmony with our vibrations. We cannot think one thing and receive another…this is incongruent with the Law. Furthermore, these negative feelings are the principle tenants of The Law of Repulsion.

Attraction and Repulsion are determined by your thoughts, actions and words

There is a fine line between The Law of Attraction and The Law of Repulsion and the separation between the two rests merely upon the thoughts and feelings harbored within your mind. The Law of Attraction is mired in positive thoughts and feelings of faith, belief, love, happiness, and courage which are the polar opposite of those thoughts and feelings that comprise the Law of Repulsion.

You are FULLY responsible for what occurs in your life

Take full responsibility that you are what you think you are and what you get is what you think you should get. Positive feelings will result in positive results while negative thoughts will produce negative results.  Harbor the positives within to enact The Law of Attraction and dispel the negatives to rid your Self of the Law of Repulsion.

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