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The ‘Woulda’, ‘Shoulda’, ‘Coulda’ dilemma can rob you of a life of success.

Photo by Jeremy Zero on Unsplash

Did I accomplish too much in my life?

When a person is taking their last breath on this earth, I wonder who would think that they had accomplished far too many things in their life? Of course not, unfortunately, it’s just the opposite where most would believe that they didn’t achieve all that they wanted in their life. However, there are a few things you can do to get the most out of your life.   

Unfulfilled dreams are those that have slipped away

You’ve probably heard it all before: I woulda’ been a great doctor; I shoulda’ finished my degree; I coulda’ traveled the world. These people have unfulfilled dreams that were once important and worthy of achievement, however, for whatever reason have slipped away with time.

We spend more time planning our vacation than our life

If you have a goal, but, never make an effort to reach it, what holds you back? When you ask most people this question, ‘How much time do you spend planning your next vacation?’ the answer will probably not surprise you. Then follow-up this question with, ‘How much time do you spend planning your life?’ Unfortunately, most spend more time planning their next vacation than their life with only 5% of the people ever writing down (and achieving) their goals.

Create a long list of goals; how to achieve them at this point isn’t important

With this in mind, create your personal goal list and write down what you want to achieve in your life. This should be a spontaneous list and you should write down a minimum of 50 things you want to accomplish.

Rank your goals of importance to you

Then break the goals down to the most important, your Number 1 goal, Number 2 and so on. Next, break down your No. 1 goal to a daily to do list. Finally, after a period of time, you can review the past 3, 6, 9, and 12 months to see what has been accomplished. With this action plan, you will quickly see where you are at and where you want to be. 

Don’t wait until everything is perfect, it might not happen

Remember, you don’t have to be an expert to achieve your goals and you certainly don’t have to wait until everything is perfect to accomplish what you want in your life either. What you need to do is set a goal and to take action, however small, to move towards your goal. Let’s hope that you’re not sitting in a rocking chair one day and thinking about your own wouldas’, shouldas’ or couldas’.

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Your blueprint for success must include awareness, decisiveness, and thankfulness

Photo by George Hiles on Unsplash

You need a destination before you start your journey

You can compare your life to a road trip: as you travel along, you must navigate around potholes, cross over bridges, and go through tunnels. If you plan to journey across the country, you would not just pack up your car, fill it up with gas, and point it down the road without a final destination.

Where’s my roadmap?

No doubt, you would take the time to find a roadmap that shows you how to arrive at your final destination. If you take such meticulous effort to plan leisure time, why not take the time to find a roadmap for a successful life?  

A blueprint for your life can help you succeed

On a road trip, you need a map and on your life’s journey, you need a blueprint. One succeeds at life by having a blueprint that has been proven to be successful by others through time, trial, and observation. After many years of experimenting with this idea, I’m suggesting the following as part of your plan for success: you need awareness, decisiveness, and thankfulness to achieve big goals in your life. 

Awareness of our creative powers changes our emotions and ultimately, our results

Many believe that they are powerless and insignificant in the universe. As a result of these feelings, they believe they have no control over their future, and thus, over their results. However, modern-day science is proving that we are both participants and creators within our cosmos. When we are truly aware of our power over our own destiny, naturally, our emotions change. As our emotions change, then our results change.

Use your intuition to make decisions quickly and change decisions slowly

Once you have awareness, you now need to have decisiveness. Many people fail in life because they cannot make a decision. They change their minds as they change their socks. Or, they hope with all hope that someone else will make their decisions for them. Research has shown that achievers make their decisions quickly and then change their decisions slowly, if at all. They react on their intuition since their gut feelings lead them rather than being led by the crowd or circumstances. As you acquire decisiveness, you must move closer to your goals.

Thankfulness for your present will change your future

Thankfulness for wherever or whatever you are at the present moment is critical for success. If you find that you have not achieved what you wish, you still must show your thankfulness. It is imperative to show sincere thankfulness since the universe mirrors back your emotions. If you send out emotions of lack, need, or want, you can only receive the same back in your life.   

Success is the result of your awareness, decisiveness, and thankfulness

When you are aware of your power, when you can make a decision, and when you show thanks, you have the blueprint to make your life a success. Follow these suggestions to achieve the life you desire.

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I think that we’re all done with 2020. Most would want this past year in their rearview mirror.

Photo v2osk (

“Positive expectancy is the driving force that changes problems to solutions, difficulties to possibilities, and adversities to opportunities.” Roger Kenworthy

This past year has been difficult for may of us, however, we cannot lose sight of the fact that we can come out on the other side of this pandemic much stronger if we look at our problems as solutions, our difficulties into possibilities, and our adversities into opportunities.

Roadblocks are not meant to end our desires; rather, they are there to instruct us.

When we set out to accomplish big goals and big dreams, we often run into roadblocks that appear to stop us from achieving what we truly desire in life. However, these are mere detours set before us to test our resolve. Although we encounter problems, difficulties, and adversities along the path to success, The Law of Expectancy can turn these into solutions, possibilities, and opportunities.

You will only achieve what you expect to achieve.

The Law of Expectancy will bring about big changes in your life as a result of your mental attitude. Because you achieve what you expect to achieve, according to the Law, your attitude sets off a chain reaction to bring about your success. So, we have thoughts of success that cause us to react in a positive manner which draws all the people and circumstances that are necessary to achieve what we want.  

Failures manifest victories if you persist and not surrender your goals

Thomas Edison certainly had the Law on his side when it took him over 10,000 attempts to discover the incandescent light bulb. And The Law was working for Sly Stallone when scores of Hollywood studios turned down his script about a prize fighter from Philadelphia. In spite of repeated failure and rejection, these men had an attitude of victory and not of defeat which helped them get around, through, and over the obstacles that were stopping them from achieving their ultimate goal.  

Positive Expectancy is a key component of your success

It must be said that the opposite is true as well, if we think we can’t then we certainly can’t reach our goals. This is evident with many people: on the surface, it looks like they should attain whatever they strive for. They plan their goal, are sure to be positive in life, and do all the right stuff, however, unless they have positive expectancy, chances are they will not reach their goal no matter how long or how hard they try. This is self-sabotage. And as they continue to sabotage their efforts on an unconscious level, they are not even aware of what or why they don’t achieve the success they want out of life. 

Clearly define your goal, visualize your results, take consistent action, and remain in a positive state of vibration.

The Law will provide for you if you do the following: have a clearly defined goal, visualize your results before they occur, never lose sight of your goal, take consistent action towards your goal, and remain in a positive state of mind. 

Expectancy of success PLUS positive thoughts will manifest your desires

Even though you maintain positive thoughts towards your goal and your success, it is not enough just to be positive. More importantly, you need positive expectancy to accompany optimism. You have to feel a sense of expectancy as well as think positively to succeed. Expectancy of success, coupled with positive thoughts, will manifest what you want to achieve in your life.

“Positive expectancy is the driving force that changes problems to solutions, difficulties to possibilities, and adversities to opportunities.”

When we set out to accomplish big goals and big dreams, we often run into roadblocks that appear to stop us from achieving what we truly desire in life. However, these are mere detours set before us to test our resolve. Although we encounter problems, difficulties, and adversities along the path to success, The Law of Expectancy can turn these into solutions, possibilities, and opportunities.

You can only achieve what you expect to achieve

The Law of Expectancy will bring about big changes in your life as a result of your mental attitude. Because you achieve what you expect to achieve, according to the Law, your attitude sets off a chain reaction to bring about your success. So, we have thoughts of success that cause us to react in a positive manner which draws all the people and circumstances that are necessary to achieve what we want.  

Failures lead to victories if you keep pursuing your goals

Thomas Edison certainly had the Law on his side when it took him over 10,000 attempts to discover the incandescent light bulb. And The Law was working for Sly Stallone when scores of Hollywood studios turned down his script about a prize fighter from Philadelphia. In spite of repeated failure and rejection, these men had an attitude of victory and not of defeat which helped them get around, through, and over the obstacles that were stopping them from achieving their ultimate goal.  

Positive Expectancy is the driving force for your success

It must be said that the opposite is true as well, if we think we can’t then we certainly can’t reach our goals. This is evident with many people: on the surface, it looks like they should attain whatever they strive for. They plan their goal, are sure to be positive in life, and do all the right stuff, however, unless they have positive expectancy, chances are they will not reach their goal no matter how long or how hard they try. This is self-sabotage. And as they continue to sabotage their efforts on an unconscious level, they are not even aware of what or why they don’t achieve the success they want out of life. 

Have a clearly defined goal, visualize your results, take consistent action, and remain positive to achieve your goals

The Law will provide for you if you do the following: have a clearly defined goal, visualize your results before they occur, never lose sight of your goal, take consistent action towards your goal, and remain in a positive state of mind. 

Optimism, when married to Positive Expectancy, manifests your desires.

Even though you maintain positive thoughts towards your goal and your success, it is not enough just to be positive. More importantly, you need positive expectancy to accompany optimism. You have to feel a sense of expectancy as well as think positively to succeed. Expectancy of success, coupled with positive thoughts, will manifest what you want to achieve in your life.

All the best in 2021

Finally, to all my readers; from our family to yours, we send love and hope for a better 2021. However, we are still are in the driver’s seat and we have the ability to change these dark days to golden opportunities.

I have reduced the price of my favorite digital book on KINDLE, A Me-ist to a We-ist: How We Can Change the World One Person at a Time to .99 (regular price is $5.99). I’m doing this to help anyone reach their goals of fulfillment and harmony with their Self in the upcoming year and many years after that. Let me know your experience after reading at

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Create your life through dedication, discipline, and deadlines.

Photo from Upsplash; Aaron Visuals

Success, in whatever form it takes for you, is not just wishful thinking

We buy a motivational book, hear a motivational speaker, or listen to a webinar and we come to the conclusion that with little or no effort on our part, except for wishful thinking, we can sit back and wait patiently for success to walk through our door. No wonder we have shattered dreams and broken lives.

Success is innate, but it still has to be ignited by your actions

Even though we harbour within ourselves the means to achieve an unimaginable level of success, we still need to take action to receive our end goal, and this is The Law.

Don’t just TRY to achieve your goals

It seems that many try to achieve their goals, but, they try until the next great idea comes along and then they try that one for a while and the cycle goes on and on. In the end, they just give up and believe that success is meant for everyone else except for them. However, when we try to reach our goals, we really are not giving it our all, it is just a half-hearted attempt and this lack of commitment keeps success just out of reach.

A simple, yet precise path for your success

Rather than just try to achieve our dreams, we need to follow this simple, yet effective formula to accomplish those lofty aspirations: dedication, discipline, and deadlines

Dedication is the STICKTIVITY in our lives

Dedication is making that extra effort when you tired, beat-down, and held-back from achieving your goals. Yet, we must endure even when things look the bleakest to accomplish what we want from life. It often happens that our greatest set-back prepares us for our greatest triumph. In order to be able to have sticktivity in our lives, it is important to make the right choice initially. This way, if there are some bumps upon the road to success, you still keep going around, under, or through those roadblocks.  

Discipline is the deal breaker and deal maker

Discipline is doing what you need to do even though you may not want to do it. It is easy to get distracted in our techno world. Still, something must be done, anything, no matter how small each and every day to move you towards your goals. When we think about sales, it is not always the smoothest talker that achieves success, rather, it is the most disciplined who do certain things regularly that succeed in a big way.

Deadlines are the crucial yardstick for success

Deadlines keep us on track, so, they are a crucial yardstick for success. Still, if you let deadlines manifest negative emotions, you only drive success further away from you. Manage your deadlines and do not allow your deadlines to manage your emotions.  

Attaining success is a easy as the three D’s

While we have to work at our goals, there are ways to be sure we keep on track when we are tired and up against it. As you pursue your lofty dreams in life, remember The Triple D’s and the impact they can have upon your achievements.

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It’s the little things, done repeatedly, that carry us to our goals.

Each journey starts with a single step

There is a well-known Chinese saying which parallels our own personal success journey. Without a doubt, everyone has heard the wise words that A journey of 1000 miles begins with a single step.

This is the same story when you set your mind on a goal and then work towards it. It’s the seemingly small steps, or so to speak, the placing of one foot in front of the other over and over again which will carry you to your final destination.

Break your goal into smaller, more manageable pieces

A very large goal may seem overwhelming due to its size, although, we can rationalize that the goal becomes more manageable when we break it down into smaller tasks. The struggle then is not placing one foot in front of the other when the mood strikes us, rather, being consistent in taking those small steps towards our goal.

Your excitement carries your goal in it’s infancy

Naturally, the first days after you’ve set a goal are the easiest since you’re excited about achieving the end results which may include a new car, a larger house, or a new relationship. However; you haven’t been tested by life and the 1001 roadblocks that can come between you and your success. Just think back to your last New Year’s resolution: after the initial excitement wore off, most likely that goal was abandoned.

Decide upon what you “really” want to do-or-die achieve

There are a few steps that will help you develop the essential habits to accomplish your goals. Before you set out on your journey, the first step is to decide what you want to achieve. This step should not be taken lightly or with little thought since you may give-up after a few difficult steps into the journey.

What pain or fear are you attempting to overcome?

Equally as important, is why you want to achieve your goal? What pain or fear are you alleviating when you reach your goal? If the pain or fear isn’t great enough, your resolve may not be strong enough to keep you striving for what you desire and hence, your goal can slip through your fingers.

When? When are you going to systematically and regularly take action to achieve your goal?

The next step is to decide when to work on the goal. This is a critical step because when you make a commitment this helps you keep focused. Lastly, decide on how long to work on your goal. So, take out a timer, set it, and then work away until the time expires.


Achieving a goal is not about profundity, it gets back to tenacity…the smartest doesn’t always succeed, but the one who never gives up does. In the end, when you follow these few simple steps repeatedly, you soon realize that your HABITS = your SUCCESS, one step at a time.

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If you can hold it between your ears, you can hold it between your fingers

Your present success is not your future success

Most people judge their future success upon their present possessions. For example, they look at the amount of money they have in their bank account, the kind of car they have in their driveway, or the size of their home to measure their chances for achieving future success. However, these people fail to realize that their present results have absolutely no bearing upon their future results.

Your present is created from your past

It is important to understand that our present results manifest from our past thinking and it is our present thinking that will produce our future results. Sadly, many may not acknowledge this fact or are naïve as to how the Natural Laws work. Still, in order to achieve success, we must allow our inner world to guide our thoughts, words, and actions rather than our outer world. If not, we will surely duplicate the same results.

We can program our Self for success

We can break free from our past thinking and present results to achieve any goal we desire if we keep focusing upon it long enough. This is possible because of our Reticular Activating System (RAS), which is located at the base of our brain. Scientific research has revealed that the RAS acts as a filter between our outer world and our inner world, however, it cannot differentiate between reality and fiction. As a result, each and every one of us can program our mind for success, long before we ever achieve it, with regular affirmation and visualization sessions.

The spiritual world should determine your physical world, and not your physical world determining your spiritual world

Seeing that we all have opportunities to achieve whatever we continually think about, allow the thoughts in your spiritual world to release your true potential. Do not rely upon your results in the material world to guide you since they can only shackle your future possibilities. Ultimately, the thoughts you have between your ears will manifest your goals between your fingers.

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This post is different than any I’ve written for quadrant of It is the result of a number of readers asking about the who’s and the what’s and the why’s of FLY ON THE WALL: DAYS OF SOLITUDE. 

How it all started

Several years ago, I was flying from the Middle East to Bangkok and then to our home (in Northern Thailand) for summer break. I sat next to a passenger and naturally, we started talking. The small talk first and then the amazing next. I was shocked as he explained he was from Iraq and had been a political prisoner in the Saddam Hussein era.

His disapproval of the regime.

He mentioned about his dissent aimed at the administration and how he paid dearly for his vocal disagreement and disapproval of the harsh conditions that his countrymen and women were living under the regime.

What price did he pay? 

He ended up as a political prisoner and was tortured over a period of time for his anti-government beliefs and practices. Considered a menace, he had to be dealt with accordingly.  However, he was fortunate to live while many others died or killed while in custody.

Inspirational meeting

I found the man’s spirit and determination to live a ‘normal’ life after what he endured inspiring. He was beaten but not beat. He was optimistic and not pessimistic. He had every right to think ill of the world. While his soul, body, and mind had survived under such cruelty, he now looked forward to his future life.

Why write the book?

His tale of torture made me sad but also proud as his great strength in such terrible times mirrored Viktor Frankl’s message of hope and dignity (Man’s Search for Meaning). With this in mind, I knew deep within that I had to write about this experience.

What occurred next?

When I arrived at home, I explained to my wife about our chance encounter.

On my computer Desktop, I have a folder labeled Books to Write. This is where I open a Word Document and write a few lines or perhaps, a few pages about an idea/experience/reading that seems interesting or valuable and should be written about. In this case, a few paragraphs were hastily typed out and archived for the future.

On January 1st, 2018, with my last book completed, it was time for my next project.  I scanned my folder and this title jumped out at me. It kept dancing around in my mind, hence, the story must be written.

The seed for this tale had germinated for a long time, and then it was time to bear fruit.

The story of “Dr. Abdulla”

I mentioned to my wife that I was extremely excited about the possibilities at hand, and explained the plot, format, and other details to her. She asked, “What can you possibly write about to help soothe this horrendous injustice?” I replied, “Honestly, I don’t know, but it’s the right time. I’m ready to honor this courageous soul and every other prisoner who has been tortured for their political beliefs aimed at a cruel regime.

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The details of the story 

I wanted to write about this tale to show how a brilliant, articulate, American-educated, university professor’s mind deteriorated over a full five years in solitary confinement. There is a deeper message to the story; surely, we must consider how one person can destroy another Self with such vile acts of cruelty, pain, and suffering.

My journey began with research about Saddam’s deeds, Baghdad’s prisons, and the political atmosphere at the time. It was fascinating and depressing to discover unnumbered acts of cruelty and suppression. At some point, many were included in the story.

The PROLOGUE opens with Dr. Abdulla being pursued through Al Zawra Park, Baghdad (pictured on the left), by Saddam’s bloodthirsty henchmen . Although he’s out-numbered, he puts up a valiant effort to remain free; still, he’s cornered, captured, and beaten. In court, his sentence is handed down. He feared facing a firing squad, but instead, received something which could be worse…incarceration for five years in a cramped concrete cell rather than being executed.

Even though he faced a long term under arrest, the ‘kind’ judge offered him a pen and paper which manifested 1,825  journal entries while in solitary confinement (over 100 are included in the 202 page book).

It was a tough decision how to record the journal entries; two possibilities came to mind. First, include a date, for example, January 10, 1992 and then March, 8, 1992 and so forth, moving forward until his ‘tenure’ ended at the prison. This way didn’t capture the feeling of being confined for five years.

Second, was to label the hundred plus journal entries by the number of days incarcerated, from Day 1 until Day 1,825. In my mind, this was a more interesting way to go since it stressed the long duration of time that he was held in jail.  Also, with this focus I could add numerology as another layer of complexity to Dr. Abdulla’s writings.

In order to paint a picture of Dr. Abdulla’s declining mental abilities, there were a wide array of grammatical, lexical, and orthographic devices used: these included, alliterations, malapropism, metaphors, narrative, pathetic fallacy, allegory, oxymoron, paradox, irony, satire, onomatopoeia, and metonymy.

The takeaway message? 

In the end, I feel that I’ve accomplished my goal to demonstrate the inhumane treatment that Dr. Abdulla endured because of his political beliefs and its effects upon his mind. Still, the man I met on that plane survived the ordeal a stronger person who only wanted to resume a normal life.

Want to experience Dr. Abdulla’s plight first-hand?

You can download your own copy of FLY ON THE WALL: DAYS OF SOLITUDE. Reviews are greatly appreciated, and if you write a review, let me know at… I have something special for you. It’s my way of saying thank-you for supporting my writing.

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While you have no choice from where you start, you have the choice of where you end.

Most don’t come from wealth or fame…most work for wealth or fame

Most of us didn’t grow up in luxury and we certainly didn’t have a say in who our parents were or what level of success they reached in their lives. Even though we had no control or say over our beginnings, many use their past as an excuse to prevent them from achieving their future.

We plot our own course in life

Nonetheless, in spite of our humble beginnings, we can make the decision and take the action to end up where we want to be in our life.

An example of BIG dreams and BIGGER accomplishments

Many years ago on a desolate beach near Barranquilla, Colombia, a young girl would spend her Sundays dreaming about her future. Those weekend trips were the backdrop for her thoughts of traveling to foreign countries and becoming a well-known celebrity.

An unlikely place for fame to germinate and grow

This seemed an unlikely place for a child to grow up and become a superstar in the entertainment world. Just a childhood thought you may say? Well, after years of holding these lofty thoughts in her mind, they manifested on a large scale for Isabel Mebarak Ripoll. Miss Ripoll, better known to the world as Shakira, became a successful singer, songwriter, dancer, producer, actress and philanthropist as a result of her thoughts. Shakira could have used her humble beginnings as an excuse for remaining in a life of poverty…thankfully, she didn’t.

Poor beginnings wasn’t an excuse

Then there’s the amazing story of the most successful jockey in history who was inducted into The National Museum of Racing and Hall of Fame in 1958. Edward (Eddie) Arcaro was born in Cincinnati, Ohio, in 1916, the son of a poor taxi driver. Although he had very poor beginnings, he didn’t let anything stand in his way of success.

100 defeats before 1 victory

When he started his career as a jockey he lost the first 100 races he entered. During his early days, he broke bones and never crossed the finish line first, nevertheless, he still hung-on tenaciously to his dreams.

An amazing career

Eddie’s career spanned 30 years and during that time he won 4779 races and notched up the highest earnings of any jockey to date. He also won The Kentucky Derby five times and The Triple Crown of Racing twice, in 1941 and again in 1948. Eddie Arcaro didn’t let his early life take away his future dreams.

Your present doesn’t dictate your future

We have read that many super stars grew-up in poverty and virtually had nothing, living in a bad part of town with a single parent and having no food, no money, and no heat in the winter time to keep them warm. If they would have let the reality of the moment take over their dreams, they never would have made it to be the legends we admire.

Create your future…by choice, not by default

Some of us are creating a future by choice while others are creating a future by default.  Don’t use the past as an excuse for your present or your future. Plot your own course for success and don’t allow excuses to get in your way for the future you deserve.

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“Your energy must guide your efforts – your efforts must not guide your energy.”

It’s more than hard work 

Most believe that hard work and sustained effort will manifest the goals they want to achieve in their life in their present physical form. However, this is far from the truth since the ones who work the hardest are not the richest or the healthiest or the happiest in this world. If your efforts alone are not the key to manifestating a life of spiritual and material abundance, this begs the question:

What will provide a happy, healthy, and fulfilled life on this plane of existence?

Your energy and your energy alone will manifest all that you desire regardless of your gender, education, or location. The benevolent Source has provided each of us with an equal opportunity to achieve our goals in life. At our earthly conception, we all are programmed with infinite spiritual, intellectual, and physical gifts.

We ‘forget’ what is innate in all of us

However, as we mature and our responsibilities increase we shift our focus upon the physical ways to live life and forget or abandon or surrender the most powerful gifts bestowed upon them by the Source – the gifts of divine creation, primordial knowledge, and supreme connection to the unlimited universal power.

Your energy guides your efforts and your results

Effort alone will not guarantee that you will achieve what you want to achieve in this life. It is important to your success to have your energy guide your efforts and not have your efforts guide your energy. Your efforts are a reflection of the energy which you emit and ultimately what you receive from the universe. When you emit positive energy, you receive only positive circumstances, situations, and results. When you emit negative energy, you can only receive negative circumstances, situations, and results.

Inconsistent efforts produce inconsistent results

The problem is that your efforts can be inconsistent or unproductive and when they are inconsistent or unproductive, you can become unfocused, disenchanted, and just plain frustrated since your goals are not any closer at hand then when you set the goal. When we make an effort and receive no compensation for our hard work and investment of our time, naturally, doubt, negative thoughts, and negative words slip into our focus and our consciousness. Our results are not in proportion to our efforts.

The universe runs on universal time, not human time 

However, we must not forget that the universe works on different time than humans – the universe follows cosmic timelessness where the past, present, and future are one…they are the inseparable which we want to separate to fit our personal and financial timetable.

Maintain a spiritual focus not a physical focus 

When we forget or abandon or surrender our spiritual focus to our physical focus, we are consciously or unconsciously putting our faith in our Self and stripping it away from the Source. How pretentious of us to believe that we can attain our goals solely upon our own expertise and without the guidance and help from the benevolent Source.

Our mansions are created within before they are created without 

Our mightiest mansions are built within our inner world long before our outer world. One singular physical effort was, is, or will never be made before we have made our spiritual effort first. Every goal that we achieve begins and then germinates as an idea within our spiritual realm – your goal is never planted or comes to fruition as a result of making and exerting an effort first. Thoughts create the efforts which then manifest the goal – this is the Law.

Align your energy, knowledge, and your sacred connection to receive your desires  

Results manifest from your spiritual realm first. It is your positive energy aligned with primordial knowledge and supported by your supreme connection with the Source which manifests your desires. This trilogy of success depends upon your focus and not your efforts. As you focus your words and thoughts upon a specific goal, the universe aligns you with your goal to manifest all the circumstances, situations, and people required to achieve that which you want to achieve. It is your spiritual focus that creates positive expectancy which then leads to positive energy which in turn provides a conduit to achieve what you want to achieve.

A number of steps help you manifest your goals 

In order to create the energy which produces the efforts that manifest your goals, there are a number of steps you can take to keep you in synch with the universal power. Having your goal written down upon a card and then carrying it in your pocket or purse reminds you to stay focused and also maintain positive energy and belief in what you are doing to help you achieve the goal. Holding a goal card in your hand is magic as you create an instant connection with the goal.

Quiet time is essential to maintain focus 

It is equally as important to find quiet time to reflect upon what you want to achieve. In today’s busy world, we often lose sight of our goals since there are so many distractions that pull us away from what we want. It is critical to stay in a positive state of energy by continuously monitoring what thoughts, words, and actions are goal achieving and what thoughts, words, and actions are tension relieving. While you may be enjoying distractions for what you want, you may then feel guilty for not focusing upon your goal and this is when the doors of negativity are opened.

Listen to your inner voice…it’s always correct 

When spending quiet time reflecting upon your goals, be sure to listen to your Self to receive what effort you should make to get closer to your goal. Often we hear the means to achieve our goals, however, we then dismiss our inner voice as just a hunch or a fallacy and make no effort to do what we received from the Self. You must never forget or lose or abandon your faith and belief in what you know is the right path to take; after all, if the Source provides you with the initial thoughts to achieve a goal, the Source provides the path to achieve the goal as well.

Faith and belief are pathways to success 

And while you are focusing upon complete faith and belief in the opportunities that present themselves to you, remember to express your gratitude to the Source for what you were, are, and will be. No matter what your present situation…either close to or far away from your goal, gratitude keeps you in a positive state of energy which then allows more of the good to be channeled to your life on universal time.

Your energy determines what you achieve in this life 

Effort alone is not the answer to achieving your goals – it is your positive energy that is the key to achieving what you set your sights upon. It is your positive energy that will keep you on track and help you to push negative energy from your Self. It is your positive energy that will guide you to the correct path and help you walk along that path no matter what happens in the outer world around you.

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“Meditating for the mind is as important as exercising for the body.”

Meditation is our connection to the spiritual world. 

For thousands of years, humankind has practiced the art of meditation. In earlier times, religion and meditation were inexorably joined and all the major world religions incorporated meditating as a means to connect with the One; a means to silence the physical world and experience the spiritual world; and a means to transcend the seen world and to reside within the unseen world.


A deeply, devoted state of thinking

And it was the monks, priests, and mendicants who mainly followed a meditative life within the confines of their monasteries and caves, thus, it appears that the conduit to the spiritual realm all too often excluded the general populace. Nowadays, there is no longer a barrier which prevents us from accessing and practicing this time honored tradition. While meditation and religious practices are still tightly entwined, most people out of the realm of organized religions who practice meditation are in reality practicing discursive thinking – a deep, devoted state of thinking.

Our mental state changes our physical body 

Whether it’s achieving spiritual ecstasy or attaining physical enjoyment from regular meditation (or discursive thinking), the scientific community as a whole identifies that a change of mental state results in a change of physical state. A body of research indicates a litany of ills including anxiety, stress, pain, and depression are substantially reduced or completely eliminated by regular meditation sessions.

Our happiness increases with our meditation sessions

There is also evidence to support the lowering of blood pressure levels, improving sleeping patterns, strengthening immunity systems, and increasing general overall happiness. In fact, a number of studies have discovered that your overall Happiness Index number may increase by as much as 20% from regular meditation sessions.

Create a stronger connection between the Source and your Self 

New Age scientists have hypothesized that habitually meditating creates a stronger connection between the practitioner and the Source which in turn releases blockages of energy which are at the heart of the many problems which we suffer from in this modern age.

You can have a healthier brain

Even though we have an extensive list of benefits from regular meditation, researchers have recently discovered other reasons to make this a regular routine in our busy and hectic lives. As we age, we naturally have a thinning of our frontal cortex. One study finds that regular meditation slows down the process and it also helps thicken this area of the brain when practiced over long periods of time. After years of being committed to this sacred act, we end up with a healthier brain.

Meditate to rewire your brain and increase awareness 

A wide number of studies also discover that regular meditation sessions rewire our brain. It seems that the rewiring of the brain results in an increased awareness and focus upon the present moment. Most of us spend a great deal of our time, scientists estimate as high as 50% of the time wandering from idea to idea, hence, there is little focus.

A lack of focus can attract negative energy 

As our thoughts race around in our minds, we most often than not are attracted to the negative aspects of our life; the bill that is owing, the car that needs fixing, the tooth that needs drilling. So, our lack of focus results in obsessing upon the negative which then places us in a negative state which then attracts more negativity to our lives.

Quiet the white noise 

However, a wide range of studies have found that when we meditate, we quiet the white noise of the outside world and become less judgmental in our worldview. This change then manifests as a more relaxed attitude that is not obsessing upon the broken this or the unpaid that. It appears that the brain is able to respond to self-monitoring and retain and maintain focus and block-out worldly interference.

Science not speculation 

This is not just speculation. A recent study discovered that meditating monks and praying nuns activated the areas of the brain that dealt with concentration and focus while they also deactivated the areas of the brain that controlled responses to worldly stimuli. Over time, the ability to control your focus upon the inner world and not upon the outer world is a direct result of the rewiring of the brain which is directly influenced by meditation.

Focus upon the purposeful not the superfluous 

Meditation is more than just a few umm’s while sitting cross-legged on the floor with sweet smelling incense burning and exotic music playing in the background. Meditation results in significant health benefits that help us to live a long and productive life. It is our ability to control our thoughts and focus upon the meaningful things in life and not the superfluous which bring about true happiness and good health.