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Your blueprint for success must include awareness, decisiveness, and thankfulness

Photo by George Hiles on Unsplash

You need a destination before you start your journey

You can compare your life to a road trip: as you travel along, you must navigate around potholes, cross over bridges, and go through tunnels. If you plan to journey across the country, you would not just pack up your car, fill it up with gas, and point it down the road without a final destination.

Where’s my roadmap?

No doubt, you would take the time to find a roadmap that shows you how to arrive at your final destination. If you take such meticulous effort to plan leisure time, why not take the time to find a roadmap for a successful life?  

A blueprint for your life can help you succeed

On a road trip, you need a map and on your life’s journey, you need a blueprint. One succeeds at life by having a blueprint that has been proven to be successful by others through time, trial, and observation. After many years of experimenting with this idea, I’m suggesting the following as part of your plan for success: you need awareness, decisiveness, and thankfulness to achieve big goals in your life. 

Awareness of our creative powers changes our emotions and ultimately, our results

Many believe that they are powerless and insignificant in the universe. As a result of these feelings, they believe they have no control over their future, and thus, over their results. However, modern-day science is proving that we are both participants and creators within our cosmos. When we are truly aware of our power over our own destiny, naturally, our emotions change. As our emotions change, then our results change.

Use your intuition to make decisions quickly and change decisions slowly

Once you have awareness, you now need to have decisiveness. Many people fail in life because they cannot make a decision. They change their minds as they change their socks. Or, they hope with all hope that someone else will make their decisions for them. Research has shown that achievers make their decisions quickly and then change their decisions slowly, if at all. They react on their intuition since their gut feelings lead them rather than being led by the crowd or circumstances. As you acquire decisiveness, you must move closer to your goals.

Thankfulness for your present will change your future

Thankfulness for wherever or whatever you are at the present moment is critical for success. If you find that you have not achieved what you wish, you still must show your thankfulness. It is imperative to show sincere thankfulness since the universe mirrors back your emotions. If you send out emotions of lack, need, or want, you can only receive the same back in your life.   

Success is the result of your awareness, decisiveness, and thankfulness

When you are aware of your power, when you can make a decision, and when you show thanks, you have the blueprint to make your life a success. Follow these suggestions to achieve the life you desire.

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