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“To manifest abundance, you must focus upon abundance at all times.”

We are magnificent manifesting machines

The Source created humankind, and as such we are magnificent manifesting machines with the ability to achieve what we want in life if we follow the Natural Laws. While each and every one of us that inhabit this terrestrial home has the capability to do so, nevertheless, some lack the ability to do so.

Lack does not originate from the Source

This lack does not originate from the Source; the benevolent One insures there are no exclusions based upon age, income, or intellect or any other variables that exist between the members of humankind. Any lack is based upon a lack of awareness in which manifesting depends entirely upon the vibrational state that you exist within; a positive state manifests progress and gain while a negative state manifests regress and loss. Ultimately, we each have in our facilities the ability to make the decision to end up where we ought to be and this is based upon our vibrational state.

There are equal opportunities for each of us to succeed 

While each of us has the opportunity to manifest wonderful things and experiences in our lives, it appears that some do not share the belief that they have the Source given capability and ability to do so. These people simply do not believe that they can create that which they focus their thoughts upon, they view abundance as something that other people have achieved by chance or fate or lack, and they have no influence upon the abundance offered by the universe as rightfully theirs to attain.

Your gain is not someone else’s loss

They may even view abundance as one person’s loss while another person’s gain. They view abundance as a limited commodity which does not include them in the equation. They view their lack in the present as a sign that they will remain in a state of lack in the future. They view trying to be other than what they presently are as a futile and childlike fantasy, hence, they simply exist to endure a life of unpleasant presents. They exist within a negative state of vibration and attract and receive that which they emit to the universe.

Consistency of thought manifests success; inconsistency of thought manifests failure

Then we have the others who succeed at some of their ventures some of the time and fail at others the rest of the time. While they have focus upon abundance for short periods of time, they lack the consistency to maintain and sustain their focus of abundance over long periods of time. These people achieve what they set out to do since they are in a positive vibratory state, however, once they attempt to reach another one of their goals, they may falter (which is only temporary due to a delay), which then results in lower level of belief and faith which helps them shift into a negative vibratory state. In a sense, they follow the proverbial two steps forward and one step back. While they mainly believe in the Laws; when things are going as they expect and want, hence, feeling positive, they have setbacks due their fear of losing what they have achieved, hence, feeling negative.

The Dream Stealers create negative feelings

It is entirely possible that the positive emotions are pushed aside by the Dream Stealers of greed and fear and other negative induced feelings. If these people had maintained their belief and faith, they would not have to go through the fluctuations in life that they experience. Rather than enduring a roller coaster ride of highs and lows, they could attain and maintain a steady ride throughout their lives with a simple shift of vibrational state.

Feel abundance before you receive abundance 

Finally, we have the ones who focus their full attention upon abundance and naturally, since they follow the Natural Laws and the Source, always appear to succeed at whatever they set their thoughts upon. They feel abundance long before they have achieved what they expect to receive. They feel abundance due to a surplus of positive feelings. They feel abundance in the face of temporary defeat since they realize that the Universal Laws are immutable and all results occur within cosmic timelessness and not human time. Since they have immovable faith and belief, they occupy a positive vibratory state which can only result in positives being returned to them – this is the Law.

Like attracts like; abundant thoughts, words, and actions manifest abundant results

When in doubt of achieving your goal, remain in a positive state of abundance. Do not wait until abundance arrives on your doorstep before you feel abundance, this is not going to take place since the Laws are precise and immutable and you can only attract that which you emit. Stay focused upon abundance and abundance shall find you.


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“The paradigms formed in your past occupy your present to form your future.”

Unrewarding, unfulfilling, and unsatisfying…

Sadly, a large percentage of us will work our entire lives in jobs which are unrewarding, stay in relationships which are unfulfilling, and accumulate objects which are unsatisfying. While most are aware of the quandary that envelops their lives, nonetheless, they have little understanding of what they can do or how they can do it to escape from their unpleasant present. They simply fail to realize that the paradigms which have formed over their lifetime have tremendous influence over what they think, what they say, and what they do.

The past, rightfully or wrongly, can influence your present and future. 

The paradigms that have formed over your past, either rightly or wrongly, determine where you end up in the future. The Source not only created a connective web between each and every object large and small, but, also created a connective web between each and every one of the billions and trillions of cells in our bodies. Hence, each and every cell within your physical body records and saves every occurrence that happens in your life.

Our cells download our daily occurrences, and then influence our thoughts, words, and deeds

So, if you wanted to lose weight in the past and failed, that is recorded. If you wanted to earn more monthly income and failed, that is recorded. If you wanted to find a meaningful relationship with a person and failed, that is recorded. Then when you are faced in the future with wanting to lose weight, make enough money to be financially independent, or find a meaningful relationship, your cells download the information found in your past thoughts, words, and actions in the form a paradigm which is consistent with your past experiences. It is of little wonder that many of us are unable to break away from our unpleasant present to achieve a wonderful future.

How can we break away from our unwanted paradigms? 

The first step to break away from the errant paradigms which control our lives is awareness. We should constantly monitor how the past affects our present thoughts, words, and actions. When attempting to change from our unpleasant present, it is imperative that we realize the past is the past and the present is what changes our future. Our future is malleable if we allow the Source to guide us each and every step of the way in our journey to happiness, health, and wealth.

Focus upon your present goal and not your past failure 

The next step to change old paradigms is to relax and focus your full attention upon your goals. Be aware that your present state cannot be changed when you are in a state of agitation, stress, or turmoil.

Relax…stress cannot and does not help you achieve your goals

Stress or anxiety about your present unpleasant situation blocks the connection between you and the Source. On the other hand, the deep positive feelings of relaxation create a strong and vital connection between you and the Source. When overwhelmed by a negative paradigm, breathe deeply and feel the positive energy that accompanies relaxation. As you deeply inhale and exhale, allow the universe to provide all that you are entitled to receive from our benevolent Source.

Expressing gratitude is greater for goal achievement than feeling anxiety 

Now, express sincere gratitude to the Source no matter what your present unpleasant is, it is the sure way to dismantle old paradigms and create new ones. When you fully accept the present and that you are truly grateful for all that you have and experience at the moment, the universe opens the floodgates of abundance to and for you. You see, with this positive attitude, the negatives are taken away and replaced by contentment which manifests true peace that helps to enrich your life as no physical object can.

Faith and belief can manifest new paradigms in your life

Finally, new paradigms can be formed by the positive feelings which are accompanied by faith and belief. When in this state of mind, you attract positive energy and repel negative energy. As you repel negative energy you overwrite negative paradigms with new positive paradigms.

You can create a new life for yourself

You are fully capable of reprogramming your past and present unsuccessful paradigms into future successful paradigms. It takes awareness, relaxation, gratitude, faith, and belief to connect with the Source to manifest magnificent changes in your life.




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“True happiness manifests from negotiation with your Self; true happiness does not manifest from competition with others.”

The new mentality 

The new mentality appears to be one where a person must win at all costs and without any regard for ethics or the wrongdoings to humankind or the environment. The media plays this one up where you are Number 1 when you beat the competition down and stand like a triumphant gladiator over a bloodied opponent in the Roman Coliseum. However, this selfish; ME at all cost attitude, can only produce ephemeral happiness and not true happiness which is sustained over a person’s lifetime.

photo-1462040015891-7c792246b10eAre you living your life by negotiation or competition? 

A person can live their life through negotiation or competition: the former being in a positive state of vibration while the latter in a negative state of vibration. In a competitive mindset, a person always must outdo their colleagues, their neighbors, their own family members. The act of beating another person is tied to and reflected by the winner’s perception of self-worth: they rationalize if I can own bigger, costlier, and rarer objects than you, then I am worth more to my Self and worth more than your Self.

Your self-esteem can be battered or bolstered  

So, when you discover that a friend or colleague has a smaller house, your esteem soars but when you find a friend or colleague with a bigger house your self-esteem takes a dive. And that goes for the model of your car, your watch, your vacations, and any of your earthly possessions. When you base your life and your self-worth upon material goods, you’ll never have the biggest, best, or brightest toy.

Negotiation manifests a higher sense of awareness 

True happiness comes when you are constantly in negotiation with your Self. Negotiation focuses upon the awareness of your thoughts, words, and actions at the very moment. As you monitor your thoughts, words, and actions along the Continuum of Awareness, you are striving to be the best you can and the best for humankind. You negotiate your current state of mind to be in a higher state of awareness.

Set aside your ego to attain your goals 

You set aside your ego to attain your goals with your life’s journey while encapsulating faith, gratitude, compassion, and ethics. You fully understand that your results occur within cosmic timelessness. You place your faith and belief in the Source to align all the circumstances, persons, and objects that are required to achieve your goal and ultimately your happiness.

How to create positive energy

Your thoughts create the flow of positive energy which effortlessly manifests goals for you, hence, no worry, no fear, no envy, no jealousy, no competition.

Material possessions are temporary, your soul is permanent 

In the end, no matter how many material possessions you accumulate in your life, you will not have a minute longer on Earth, you will not be better than anyone else, and you will not have greater happiness. The noted French philosopher Voltaire wrote ‘Man is free at the moment he wishes to be.’ You can instantly achieve the dizzying heights of an eagle and be free of negative thoughts and negative vibrations when you make the decision to be in constant negotiation with your Self and not to be in constant competition with others.

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“You are not a drop in the ocean; you are the ocean, hence, you have the power of the ocean to manifest your dreams, your desires, your destiny.”

oceanaJust a drop in the ocean? 

There are those who believe within their very soul that they are merely a singular drop in the ocean of life. And since they are just one of the billions upon billions of nameless souls being carried this way and that by the tides and currents, feel they are inconsequential in the overall scheme of the universe.

A sacred connection exists

Little do they realize that our benevolent Source has created a sacred connection between everything and everyone within this ocean of life. As such, they possess the means to participate in the creation of their dreams, their desires, and their destiny.

The inseparable becomes the separable

The qualities of the entire ocean are bound within each single drop regardless of its size, origin, or location. It must be so since every drop consists of the same elements as the collective, and if the ocean is divine, so must the drops of the ocean be divine. The sacred divinity of the whole knows only connection, not separation. However, when we lack faith and belief in this divinity, the inseparable becomes separable.

Divinity exists within every drop in the ocean 

There is a divine connection that permeates every corner of the universe. It is our feelings and our thoughts that interface with this divinity that manifest our wants and needs. We must acknowledge that it is our feelings and our thoughts and only our feelings and our thoughts of gratitude, faith, belief, and plenty that sets the universal good in motion to create our wants and needs. Since our feelings and our thoughts are congruous with our desires, we receive the good from the Source.

A wedge between our sacred connection

We must also acknowledge that it is our feelings and our thoughts and only our feelings and our thoughts of fear, envy, jealousy, and envy that drive a wedge into this sacred connection. Since our feelings and our thoughts are incongruous with our desires, we cannot receive the good from the Source.

Reality manifests from your sacred connection 

The wise ancients wrote of a sacrosanct connection in life and the numinous power that awaits each one who bears unwavering faith. There is unlimited universal power that resonates throughout this sacred connection and it supports a fulfilled life of accomplishment for each and every person; this is the natural right of humankind. Still, our modern-day world has a misconception of the connection that in the end, was, is, and will be the way to a divine life. The Source would not provide each and every one of us with our own unique dreams, desires, and destiny if these were not accompanied by the means of achievement. Believe unquestionably in the power of the ultimate connection between each drop within the ocean of life to manifest your highest reality.


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“Attaining physical health, material wealth, and the spiritual Self is an inside job.”

There is no new energy, only awareness of the present energy

energyIt has been written that at the very moment of creation, all the knowledge and experience of humankind was also created concomitantly at that miraculous moment. Hence, it is not possible to create new knowledge any more than it is possible to create new energy; it simply exists and it is our awareness that provides the opportunity to tap into the unseen and unfounded knowledge that permeates throughout the universe. And it is our degree of awareness which results in our degree of achievement.

A universal web or net

The ancients, such as the American Hopi and the Australian aboriginals, spoke of the presence of a universal net or web of energy which was created by the Source to connect the largest and smallest objects throughout the heavens. When they spoke of this net or web, naturally, they were bound by and limited to what was familiar to them at the time of their observation. One’s ability is then limited by their current language to describe a concept, an object, or an occurrence. When we in the modern world use our modern lens to understand what the ancients attempted to convey to us, perhaps it is our language that leads to our misinterpretation of their messages.

Is our DNA the true holder of primordial knowledge? 

If the Source created all knowledge and experience for the benefit of humankind in an instant, it then seems likely that the sum total of knowledge and experience should not be lost through time. However, moving from an oral to written culture, we can assume the words and then the message may change partially or completely from the original over time. Surely, it would be counterintuitive that our benevolent Source would permit the original, uncontaminated knowledge to be lost or changed at the detriment of humanity. While we in the modern era believe that the web or net of creation is the holder of worldly knowledge, it is possible that the web or net of creation is not a holder of information; rather, it is a conduit of information. The true holder of information is the DNA found in our physical bodies.

Primordial knowledge is never lost…it is rediscovered

After decades of research, scientists still only understand a meager 5% about our bodies’ DNA. It is the unknown 95% that holds the potential to store the accumulated knowledge of humankind. This being the case, the primordial knowledge from the Source would never be lost to humanity and each of us would have the same opportunity to benefit from this knowledge. After all, when we listen to our inner voice, it is not out there; it resonates deep within our very souls, deep within our DNA. Have faith and belief that success is indeed an inside job.

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“Spirituality is the key to unlocking life’s treasure chest of riches.”

buddhaheadsWhat are the true riches in life?

The true riches in life cannot be locked away within a high-level security bank vault nor hidden within an old wooden chest and buried deep beneath the glistening sands of a deserted island. Rather, the true riches in life are willingly provided to each and every one of us by a benevolent Source and securely harbored deep within our very souls. Others cannot take our most prized possession unless we allow them to do so and our most sacred gift cannot be accessed until the time when we have developed a level of awareness which allows us to do so.

The Continuum of Awareness

How we view and therefore respond to the experiences in our lives can be placed upon a Continuum of Awareness which runs from the secular quadrant of physicality to the sacred quadrant of meta-physicality. As you inhabit the realm of meta-physicality you are closer to the Source and the closer you are to physicality the farther away you are from the Source. Your position on the Continuum of Awareness dictates your thoughts, your words, your actions, and ultimately your treasures.

Un-Source-like                                                                        Source-like


Physicality (looking)                                                 Meta-physicality (seeing)

Looking vs. Seeing

Considering physicality, we look at a door as a wooden or metal object that keeps out the winter cold, protects our possessions, or allows entrance into our home. As we look upon it with our five senses it appears to be what it is and no more than that. Or we look at our job as a means to pay our bills. We can’t wait until payday or the week-end or the next vacation because we feel trapped in an unpleasant situation with no seemingly way out. This is the lowest level of awareness and is viewed as un-Source-like since we are only looking and therefore believing in what our eyes are allowing us to look at before us. There is little faith at this level since the outer world dictates our thoughts, our words, our actions, and our treasures. With this mindset, how can a person possibly be granted the true riches in life that are provided to us by a benevolent Creator?

In contrast, meta-physicality is the highest level of awareness as we see a door which signifies an opening for personal growth, ends a relationship so we can move forward, or provides a path to the future. At this level, the door is not just a wooden or metal structure; instead, it is a conduit to new experiences as the inner eye sees the opportunities on a much deeper and Source-like level of awareness. Or we see our job not as a method to meet our monthly commitments but as a means to benefit humanity, a way to uplift shattered souls, or a path to change the future. No longer are we bound by the outer world as our strength and perception of possibilities are unlimited by our faith and vision as we inhabit the realm of meta-physicality.

How do we raise our level of awareness?

How can we raise our awareness to enter and remain in a Source-like state? Begin the process by seeing your world through the lens of love, gratitude, faith, compassion, and belief. Seeing events and objects in your life with these positives allow you to receive and to retain the riches from the Source. Seeing life on a deeper level of awareness provides you with a better understanding of why things happen and how to react and cope with things that land on our doorstep. Seeing creates a stronger and more peaceful you…as the world around you spins out of control you are not drawn into the malaise since you possess a deeper level of awareness. Seeing helps you to constantly monitor your position on the Continuum of Awareness as well as remain or return to the realm of meta-physicality.

The intangibles of faith and belief and tranquility cannot be achieved or sustained by the restrictions of physicality. It is only through meta-physicality that we accumulate our lasting treasures in life.