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Listen to your inner Self to receive what you want to achieve.

Photo by Landis Brown on Unsplash

In modern times, science usurps the metaphysical world…and this is where many of our problems originate

Our modern world views science with the highest regard while often being critical of the influence the metaphysical world has upon our lives. Needless to say, with this kind of mindset, we rationalize that if we can’t see, hear, smell, touch, or taste it; it must not exist.

What we cannot see still exists

However, we cannot see electricity or gravity and we still reap the benefits of these two unseen forces. This is the same with intuition; while it has no physical properties, it can provide benefits for what we desire to attain in life.    

Let intuition guide your words and actions

We all have intuition, you know; an unexplained hunch or a spontaneous reaction from some unknown part of our very Self which can either protect us or help us. For example, you want to drive to your friend’s home and suddenly decide to take an alternative route instead of the one you always do and after arriving safe and sound, you hear about a 36 car pile-up on the freeway at the exact spot where you should have been. It could also be a word from a friend or something you read which results in one of those inspiring moments that just cannot be explained by reason alone. Rely upon your intuition to provide a pathway to your future.     

Your inner voice is always 100% correct…it derives from the Source

That inner voice that you hear is the divine connection with the Source. You receive guidance from being in harmony with the universe which results in a powerful flow of positive energy to accomplish what you desire. Although each of us has been freely given the wonderful gift of intuition, few follow this divine path to achieve whatever they want in life.

Dramatic changes occur when you listen to your inner voice

Many simply don’t listen to or have faith in their inner voice which can make dramatic changes in their situation. Still, we would have never been given the free will to determine our goals from the Source without also being given the direction to receive our goals.

How can I prepare myself to receive guidance from within?

The next time you set your mind on a big goal, prepare yourself to receive the path to achieve your desire by your intuition. The first step is to have an exact picture of what you want. Be as specific as possible, so, if it’s a new car, get a colorful brochure; if it’s a new house, draw up the house plans; if it’s a new job, do research about the company you want to work for.

Your plan for success will manifest in universal time, not human time

Remember, at this point, you do not have a plan or the means to get what you want…and if you already have the money or the way to receive what you want the goal simply isn’t big enough.  Next, sit back and relax and have daily visualization sessions that focus on what you want to achieve. Smell the new leather interior, see the children playing in the yard, and enjoy that large paycheck. Now, listen for the plan to get what you want.

Listen…your inner vice is answering your desires, concerns, and wants

If you listen carefully to your inner voice, your intuitive voice, the voice from the Source, and then follow up with consistent action, you must be successful and receive what you want to achieve.

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Love FOR and OF the Source: the direct path to spiritual enlightenment

LOVE…what makes us human

Singers sing FOR and OF love; artists paint FOR and OF love; and holy men tout the spiritual benefits FOR and OF love. To sum up; the history of humankind has clearly shown that singers, artists, and holy men believe love is the most valuable thought, word, and action that you can possibly manifest on this physical plane of existence.

A divine life manifests from LOVE.

They certainly hit the mark since the manifestation FOR and OF love creates a direct path to achieve and maintain a divine life. Surely, when a dogma from our spiritual world and our secular world agree rather than collide, this must be overwhelming evidence that the pursuit FOR and OF love is the most important pursuit you did, do, or will do throughout your life.

New possessions grow old…lose their glow

In our physical world, our physical possessions, no matter how large, how costly, or how exclusive, all turn to rust, lose favor, or lose their shine. Our big house, our expensive watch, and our special edition automobile will not last forever. And furthermore, these objects do not change you on the inside, perhaps, just the opposite can occur.

Possessions lead to illusions

While a new possession may temporarily provide the illusion that we are smarter, better looking, and more secure with our Self – our possessions cannot make us more intelligent, cannot make us more attractive, and cannot make us more secure with our Self. Our Self should not rely upon our sense of importance or self-worth manifested from a physical object; any and all physical possessions are as ephemeral as the clouds in the sky or the rain that falls upon the ground.

We strive for larger, shinier, costlier things for validation 

Ultimately, when our physical objects lose the luster and intrigue which prompted us to buy them initially, we are then driven to buy a larger, a costlier, and a more exclusive object to take the place of the ones that have lost their magic and status with us, with our families, with our friends, and with our colleagues. This being the case, and there is no circumventing the ravages of time and the effects upon our physical objects, we need to focus our lives upon the timelessness of our sacred connection FOR and OF love of the benevolent Source.

The true pathway is LOVE

The path to gaining, maintaining, and retaining our most valued gift creates a true change of our Self. And, it is our awareness, our acknowledgment, and our acceptance FOR and OF our love of the Source that is eternal.

Science proves what the ancients knew 

The ancients knew and practiced what modern science can now prove. Aristotle, the famous Greek philosopher is credited with the earliest idea of the mind and body connection. However, for almost 2500 years, we turned our back upon the influence of the mind upon the body as scientists believed that emotions and feelings were intangibles.

There’s a link between disease and our emotions

In the 1940’s, William Reich proposed the link between disease and our emotions; the result, he was persecuted and the FDA collected and burned his work which espoused such heretical views. Fortunately, we have the blinkers of ignorance removed from our eyes and science in general has now found there is a distinct and measurable relationship between our emotions, our feelings, and our physical bodies. As a consequence of this relationship, our emotions and our feelings have a direct impact upon our overall health.

Our emotions and feelings manifest chemical reactions which can be helpful or harmful to our human body. Hence, when we think, speak, and act love, there is a creation and release of a cornucopia of beneficial chemicals throughout our bodies. By contrast, when we think, speak, and act hate there is a creation and release of a cornucopia of harmful chemicals throughout our bodies. These chemicals that are rushing through us can then either prolong or cut-short our spiritual and physical presence upon the Earth.

Modern day scientists believe that a myriad of illnesses, including cancer, are linked to our own bodies’ emotions and feelings. Hence, it is crucial for your Self and your physical body to transform anger into love; impatience into patience; and envy into compassion. The transformation from negative thoughts, words, and actions to positive thoughts, words, and actions brings you closer to the Source and may possibly preserve you overall spiritual and physical wellness.

Transcend the physical world to find happiness and joy

The ancients knew and practiced what the self-development industry has been promoting for the past 100 years. The leaders of personal development openly endorse the idea that we must transcend the physical world to live in the spiritual world in order to find true happiness, fulfillment, and purpose in this life. Many believe that the Source created us as biological creatures that are wrapped-up in skin, bone, organs, and sinew who are only seeking physical pleasures.

If we believe this is our true and only purpose in life, then we are indeed suffering from a myopic illusion. When we only focus our thoughts, words, and actions upon the outer world, we are then limited since the true unlimited nature of the Self is found in our inner world and not our outer world. Even though we live within our present human form, we are much more than just pleasure seeking creatures. When we lose sight of our true purpose, then we suffer emotionally, physically, and spiritually.

We must make every effort to break the chains of our physical existence in order to escape to a higher plane of existence which begins with thinking, speaking, and acting FOR and OF love. The first and foremost purpose FOR and OF love is giving, freely giving love to all of those around you regardless of how they treat you or they think, they speak, and they act towards you. Our reaction to others prompts a positive or negative response from the universe – if we love them, we receive love back – and if we despise them, we receive despise back.

Selfless actions harvest bountiful rewards 

Treating those around you who treat you unfairly may be seen as a selfish action since we must realize that if we act the way others act towards us, we also benefit or suffer along with them. Our feelings and emotions are like a hunter’s boomerang which can provide sustenance for our spiritual Self or injury to our physical and spiritual bodies. Love changes your entire outlook upon your life and your Self.

LOVE is a divine gift, for each of us

The ancients knew and practiced what each of us in our present human form innately possesses. The Source has freely provided every last human being the ability to think, speak, and act FOR and OF love regardless of their gender, location, cognitive ability, or culture. This divine gift is encoded in each one of the trillions of cells that compose our present physical form and it is our awareness and focus upon this gift that manifests our outer world to mirror our inner world. As we have and share our feelings FOR and OF love for our Self and for others as well, we then spiritually emulate the Source.

We are One with the One.

We have compassion and empathy for our Self and for others which can only manifest positive people, positive events, positive and circumstances in our lives. While it may take time, and not on earthly but cosmic time, nonetheless, a person who possesses a pure heart which is driven by love can only receive more love from the benevolent Source. Yet, all too often we suffer from a lack FOR and OF love; we suffer emotionally, physically, and economically when we attempt to separate from the inseparable.

The disconnect between LOVE for others and our self

The problems we face in the modern world are reflected in our disconnect from the benevolent Source. We are composed of the identical basic elements that each and every one on the planet is made from; we are composed of the identical elements that the stars, planets, and galaxies throughout the expanding universe are made from, and as such, we have a divine creation with everything and everybody regardless of how small or how large that object may be.

We are stardust. We are energy. We are LOVE

While we share the identical elements, we also share the identical energies – either positive or negative – and we cannot escape the fact that we are bound to each other and to each object by this fact. As such, our Self is their Self and we must love our Self which in turn loves their Self. The innate love that we harbor deep within our Self, must be expressed and it must not be repressed, however, it must not be expressed in a forceful way, rather, a gentle way which is indeed the greater strength of the two. Living a life FOR and OF love is the Law – the Law that is innate in all things large and small.

LOVE for the Source and for each other is the one true pathway 

In the end, it is your love FOR and OF the Source that manifests long-lasting change and subsequently a fulfilling life to be enjoyed to the maximum when existing in your present physical form. The tension between your inner world and your outer world is an exciting and empowering circumstance to be faced with. It is a supreme battle to control your Self – to be a positive and loving Self and not a negative and hateful Self.

The choice to LOVE is ours

You see, you have been provided the choice to follow the path you want to focus upon by a benevolent Source. You can decide upon being enlightened or you can decide upon being unenlightened and only one state can exist in the same temporal and spatial plane. This path of enlightenment is lined with love, the love that the most valued members of humankind have espoused over the millennia. Make the choice to focus upon the path that brings eternal joy and happiness.

 Need some motivation for the day, week or month? Want to change your future? Spiritual Offerings: Volume II has fifty-two original quotes to inspire and motivate. Pick-up a digital or paper copy today. Let me know what you think.  

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Your emotions and your feelings that manifest from your thoughts are the divine elixir which unlocks the innate, universal knowledge.

Thoughts are energy

Energy can neither be created nor destroyed. And the things that are unseen or seen on this physical plane of existence are pure energy. For example, thoughts are things that are pure energy; since they are energy, they can neither be destroyed nor can they be created. Hence, at the moment of creation, all thoughts were created and the sum total at that miraculous moment are equal to all the thoughts that we possessed in the past, all the thoughts that we possess at the moment, and all the thoughts that we will possess in the future.

Energy can be either positive or negative

It is also true that pure energy can be either positive energy or it can be negative energy and it your emotions and your feelings which is replicated by the nonjudgmental energy that exists in every nook and cranny throughout universe. It is your thoughts that manifest your emotions and your feelings of what has happened, what is happening, and what will happen which results in the creation of positive or negative energy.

Your thoughts create feelings

If there is any doubt about your positive or negative thoughts manifesting positive or negative feelings and emotions, focus your thoughts for a moment upon love; how do you feel? By contrast, focus your thoughts for a moment upon jealousy; how do you feel? How you feel and what you emote are not only the products of your psychological state, these also exert a great deal of influence upon your physiological state as well.

Each of us has unlimited innate knowledge 

The benevolent Source has provided each of us, regardless of our social status, education, or location, the totality of the universal knowledge. This primordial gift lies dormant in the trillions of cells and DNA that compose our present earthly form. We only need to rouse this dormant knowledge and truthfully apply it in the searching and manifesting of our goals and aspirations.

How can we awaken our innate knowledge?

How can we rouse this sleeping bequest from the Source? The key then to your success in this life is to be able to control your thoughts which manifest your feelings and your emotions…this process then unlocks the door and that holds the methods, the circumstances, and the people to achieve your goals. The means to achieve your goals are innate in each of us and the means are locked-up in the DNA which each and every person who exists upon our terrestrial home possesses in their human form.

Let love and compassion drive your goals…not wealth and power

How do innate universal knowledge, our thoughts, our feelings, and our emotions conspire in a miraculous chain reaction which creates the elixir that manifests our goals? Due to a lack of technical sophistication at the present moment, it is impossible to identify and measure the biochemical reaction that lead to the manifestation of our goals, as a consequence, we then are forced to look at the chain of events that would lead to the creation of the divine potion that manifests our goals. For example, we want to write a Self-help book which will provide guidance to the countless millions who are presently suffering from a lack of money and Self confidence.

Money is not the motivator to reach true satisfaction in this life

As an author, you are not driven by the monetary enumeration you will receive once you have helped the countless sufferers escape from their present unpleasant situation. Rather, you possess the base desire of love and compassion to help those less fortunate than your Self and others around you. It then can be said that your thoughts and desires trigger a series of events to produce your end goal – a best seller that truly guides the masses.

There is an interface between your goals and your knowledge 

Your mind and soul are filled with a noble and honest goal which produces a biochemical reaction of the ‘proper’ kind in the trillions of cells that comprise your earthly form. A biochemical reaction occurs which then interfaces with your DNA to unlock the area of innate knowledge which has been lying dormant in those trillions of sets of chromosomes since the day of birth in your present earthly body. Now, the exciting part is that your biochemicals react with your DNA to access and then relinquish all the ideas, knowledge, words, and methods to create the book that will be the great savior of humankind.

Unlock your wants and desires and the path to receive them shall be yours

We have unlocked the primordial knowledge which manifests our goal, the Source then provides us with the means to be able to reach the people who are in dire need of our help. This wondrous meeting occurs since we, as an author and those who are sufferers, share the same vibrational frequency.

A web connects each of us as One…One love, One mind, One soul

We are connected by the Web of existence and since we are, we share the universal love and compassion that flows to those who have awareness and focus upon the relief of their unpleasant present situation. Once your book has been received, the ones who are less fortunate accept the words that are being read and this in turn initiates their journey to create their unique divine elixir that will release them from their present unpleasant situation.

Serve others to achieve true happiness and satisfaction in this life 

Once we can comprehend the enormity of the biochemical reaction which can lead us towards our goals in life, it is then our responsibility to apply our new found knowledge to best serve our Self and the lives of others as well. Have complete faith and belief that the Source has provided all the things required in this equation of freedom: the thoughts, the feelings, the emotions, the people, the circumstances, all mixed in the proper amount to produce the biochemical reaction to live a life of happiness and fulfillment.


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Let life take you to where you should be taken to.

8. Do not swim – float.

(Osho’s Eighth New Commandment)

Offer no resistance 

If we are unexpectedly thrown into the water, our natural reaction is to swim, to make a concerted effort to escape our present situation, an unpleasant present so to speak. We are conditioned to save our self, and the fundamental need to survive and escape from harm’s way is the same when in the water, on the land, or in the air. However, to experience life to the fullest: we need to let the water carry us to where we should be without any effort or resistance on our part; let the land carry us to where we should be without effort or resistance on our part; let the air carry us to where we should be without effort or resistance on our part.

header18A metaphor for your life 

In this post, the words and ideas are not about splashing in the waves of the ocean, frolicking around the streets of the land, or drifting along on the currents of the air…the reference to water, land, and air is intended as metaphors for and about your life. And since it is about life, we should always consider what plane of existence we want to live on; surely, it must be without question to seek a higher plane of life, a higher level of consciousness, and a higher vision of self…the one that was, is, and will be you. Still, this is  lost to your self if you and you alone let it happen.

Spend time alone

In order to float effortlessly upon the sea of life, you must spend time alone; time without all of the distractions we face in this modern era…our mobiles, Internet, televisions, and newspapers. For it is when you are truly alone that you silence the white noise that causes you to be distracted from the real you, the truthful you, the super-conscious you. As you separate yourself from the distractions, you feel the soothing waves upon your soul, the sweet smells  upon your senses, the warm breezes upon your body, drifting with an innate purpose to the destination that is meant to be your end destination.

When you are alone, it should be the greatest of joys; the greatest of thrills; the greatest of opportunities to reflect upon what you are, where you are, and who you want to become.  As you reflect upon your life, it is soon apparent that you can be free in every sense of the word if you focus upon freedom; as you release any chains that encumber your spiritual transformation to the real you, you feel the miracle that is you…the beating of your heart, the breathing of your lungs, the echoing of your thoughts.

Let the tide take you to where it wants you to be 

As you are thrown into the water of life, let it take you to where it knows that you should be taken. And as you swirl around this way and that, do so without resistance, without a fight, without a preconceived idea of where you should be brought to…just let it happen. As you let it happen, you soon feel the euphoric feeling of freedom; you are free of society, free from having to swim to survive, free to let the tide take you where you should be taken without any interference on your part, without any ego on your part, and without any agenda on your part.

Seekers need not seek

We are too often caught-up in seeking that which we want, however, when we do this we often close our eyes, ears, and minds to what our inner being is saying to and for us.  With closed eyes, ears, and minds we believe that we know the answer, and that answer appears to us as an illusion from the materialistic world, the unreal world, the world of untruths. As we run towards our goals, we run away from our self. We run an untrue race to nowhere. We run to a void not out of a void.

In life, the seeker cannot run away from self; furthermore, the seeker also runs within self…as such, the outer world of the seeker appears frantic, anxious, fearful; and the inner world is a mirror image of the outer world. Thus, a seeker’s inner world is frantic, anxious, and fearful. Will this lead to a happy life, a life of freedom, a life of enlightenment?

Non-seekers, by contrast, have no need or desire to run from self. They thrive on being the one true self, the self that is innate, created by the Source. As such, the outer world of the non-seeker is one of peace, harmony, and joy and their inner world is a mirror image of the outer world. Thus, a non-seeker’s inner world is one of peace, harmony, and joy. Will this lead to a fulfilled and meaningful life?

Live the journey without effort

The key is to let life take you where you ought to be taken, and as you drift along with the current and not against the current – when you go against what most of us do when thrown into the water called life – you feel an inner transformation of peacefulness, happiness, and tranquility….you have arrived at where you should be without making an effort to get there.  Be grateful that your innate wisdom has usurped the worldly non-wisdom; the truth has usurped the illusion of non-truth, and the divine has usurped the profane. The destination that always was, is, and will be your final one.