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Where do we find truth in this day and age?

3. Truth is within, do not look elsewhere.

(Osho’s Third New Commandment)

We are truth 

Each of us is the physical manifestation of a compassionate, loving Source who is the alpha and the omega, the beginning and the end, the start and the finish. As such, we are the embodiment of truth…we are created from truth and we retain the truth deep within. Our truth is not seen on the outside by others, but it is felt on the inside by each of us. And it is our truth and ours alone that helps us to live a joyful and meaningful life.

Quiet the noise 

header20Our modern technological age has many distractions; television, computers, and mobiles all get in line to take a piece out of us, as we surrender one piece at a time these cannot be replaced unless we endure a great deal of angst and difficulty. Still, we must find truth,our truth even though we face a myriad of roadblocks that blind us from the truth. How do we find truth? We must quiet the noise that threatens to smother us, takes away truth, forms barriers between us and what we know is the truth for us. The best way to turn down the white noise of modernity and make it inaudible is to meditate on a regular basis. As we face our self in quiet solitude, we face our truth, and as we face our truth we face the truth that has been given freely and lovingly by the Source.

Truth has no physical shape 

Do not look at an expensive watch for truth; do not look at a costly automobile for truth; and do not look at a spacious mansion for truth…you will be disappointed if you think these material goods will reveal the truth to you. If perchance, you do believe that these hold the truth that you are seeking, it is only an illusion, one that is able to fool your five worldly senses but one that cannot fool your unworldly senses.

Be selfish and pursue truth 

Some of us may think that it is selfish to pursue truth, this idea is as far from the truth as it possibly can be. When we pursue truth we are fulfilling our love for and the obligation to the Source to be the best we can be. This is not being selfish…this is being selfless. Untainted by the perils of modern day living, we end up at our original place of being, a hallowed place that is formed by the positive energy emitted by the light and the love of our Creator.

Truth is to be lived, each moment at a time 

We live truth, we are truth in our present physical manifestation…we cannot create it…we cannot see it…we cannot buy it…we can only live it, and we live it when we close our eyes and listen to the truth that we hold within.


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What is life?

2. The only God is life itself

(Osho’s Second New Commandment)

Misguided love 

It appears that we in this modern era have turned our love of the Source to the love of things and science. The focus of our affection and adoration has turned from a caring, compassionate entity to cold, inanimate objects of steel and gold. However, it is our new found love that has left us deeply scarred and longing for what we know is the pathway to joy and a meaningful life.

We pass with only our souls  

header16Many believe that they can find true happiness from owning the latest purse, watch, car, or mobile phone. They rush out and attempt to find their lost identity in a particular model of phone or purse, spurred on by a feeling of emptiness and want. That new purchase may temporarily fill their needs, however, it can never fill them long term…all new goods soon become out of date, old, not ‘in’ anymore and then the carousel of buying to feel whole starts again with a new one of this or a new one of that. We can never take any of our physical possessions with us when we pass to the next level of existence.

Science is not the answer 

Then there are others who rationalize that science can fill their needs, answer all of their questions about life, our reason, and our purpose to be here in our present physical manifestation. They reason that only the seen, those objects that can be measured, and quantified are the ‘real’ things in life. The unseen is not real, it is a canon of fiction and fallacy that poets write about, lover’s dream about, singers sing about, and religious people pray about. However, this idea loses it shine when analyzed critically, after all, we cannot see electricity or gravity but we enjoy the benefits from these two great forces of nature each and every day of our lives. Science may help you live more days, but in the end even this miracle no longer can keep you alive.

Nature is created by a loving Source 

The rest of us have a firm belief that there is a wondrous power in nature, a strong force, a timeless energy that has been present since the universe was formed billions of years ago. That force is life itself, and it comes in all shapes and sizes, in all places and at all times. How can we not marvel at a clear blue mountain stream or a stand of stately sequoia trees…both testaments to the oneness of nature, the miraculous plan from our Creator. And nestled in amongst those beautiful moments of nature, we find humankind; our life a miracle, a planned miracle, a marvelous product created by the Source. The belief in a force other than yourself provides long term joy and meaning to this life and those that follow.

Things and formulas cannot fill the hole that exists within your soul, these things can only temporarily mask the emptiness that exists within, they can never truly satisfy a person for long in this life.

Worship life

We should worship life; it is a miracle in whatever form it takes… an eagle, a flower or a human life. Every minute that your hearts beats or you take a breath of air, it is an amazing miracle and we should express our deepest gratitude to feel joy and purpose in our life. Life is the Source…it was, it is, and it will be.

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Moses, Osho and the New Ten Commandments

According to the Book of Exodus in the Bible, Moses led the Israelites out of Egypt to escape persecution at the hands of the Pharaoh, Ramses. Having escaped evil, they set up their camp at the base of Mount Sinai. Moses ascended the sacred mountain and returned with two stone tablets that listed the Ten Commandments (Thou shall not murder; Thou shall not steal). These were laws to help guide Moses’ people to lead a ‘good’ life.

Now, let’s move ahead in time where we find the New Ten Commandments penned by  Osho (December. 11, 1931 – January 19, 1990), an Indian mystic, guru, writer, and spiritual teacher. Even all these years after his death, his works are followed by a large number of readers for their wonderful messages. Recently, I read Osho’s words on an ancient theme of how to live a ‘good’ life in modern times. Over the next few posts, I’ll include my ideas about the Ten New Laws of Life.

1. Obey no orders except those within.

(Osho’s First New Commandment)

Our intuition is our most valued gift 

stairwayOur inner self, or our intuition is a direct link to our Creator, and as such the ideas we receive from our inner being must be accepted as the truth, the one and only truth in our present physical manifestation. Since there can be only one truth, and that truth comes from within, we should not listen to what comes from without. It is our inner world, the unseen world of feelings and intuition that manifests a life of joy and plenty. However, many shun the unseen only for the seen as a pathway to happiness and success in life. That’s myopic.

Intuition is irrational, not logical 

Those who only believe what they see, which in turn is something that they can measure, identify, and therefore analyze with scientific accuracy have a difficult time in believing that intuition exists. This is not a reason to disbelieve. However, as Osho (2001) points out, “Intuition cannot be explained scientifically because the very phenomenon is unscientific. The very phenomenon of intuition is irrational.” We cannot see gravity…but it exists for our benefit. We must experience a leap of faith – because it cannot be measured is not a valid reason to think that it does not or cannot exist.

We cannot intellectualize intuition 

Our problem is that we feel intuition and then attempt to intellectualize it, to fill the gap between what we feel and what we cannot see, touch, or smell. Still, the higher can subsume the lower, but the lower cannot subsume the lower, and so it is with intuition…it can subsume intellect but intellect cannot subsume it. When we obey what is without and not within, we cannot reach our full potential in life, it is so because our present is not our future…our future is malleable if we follow what we know is the truth. Ultimately, if we obey what comes from within,  and not what comes from without, we have mastered the first of the new Laws of Life.

Osho (2001). Intuition: Knowing beyond logic. New York: St. Martin’s

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How do we achieve TRUE happiness?

A miraculous study that spanned over 75 years!

Recently, I had the privilege of watching a TED Talk podcast by psychiatrist, Dr. Robert Waldinger, director of the Harvard Study of Human Development (

If you haven’t heard, this podcast is about an amazing 75-year study that tracks the lives of hundreds of men in America…yes, over seven decades! It’s a remarkable achievement. Think about the logistics involved in such a long-term research project.

This study survived over time and the results appear to resonate with many people…there are over 1.4 million views on You Tube in just a few short weeks and increasing daily.

When possible, I recommend you set aside 13 minutes of your time to have a listen. The results might surprise you and even change your ideas about life and the goals you hold close to your heart.

How to achieve a ‘good’ life?

Our modern media constantly tells us that we need a more expensive car, a larger home, a brand name watch and purse to be happy in life. More this…more that…more of anything and it seems many of us buy into this idea to achieve our ideal life.

A recent survey of millennials revealed that 80% of the respondents’ main focus in life was to become rich, and 50% reported that they wanted to become famous.

Pryor et al (2007), uncovered that today’s college students believe ‘being well off financially” is more important than “developing a philosophy of life”, this is the reverse of what college students from the 1960’s and 1970’s reported.

In these two examples, it appears that we have moved away from believing that intrinsic goals are more important than extrinsic goals.

What are we doing to ourselves?

Are we happier with more of everything?

Unfortunately, a number of the indicators point that our general level of happiness is decreasing; sadly, over 36,000 Americans commit suicide every year (, and the incidence of diagnosed depression is on the rise (

As we push harder for a promotion, more money or recognition, we are simultaneously pushing our happiness aside.

We’ve missed something…our values are turned upside down.

The results of the Harvard Study of Human Development

The Harvard Study did not find that wealth and fame were the most important paths to life-long happiness.

After investigating the lives of hundreds of men for over seven decades, to live a happier, healthier, longer life the researchers found that:

  • social connections are really good for us
  • the quality of your close relationships matter most
  • good relationships protect our bodies (and brains)

Our social connections help us to live a happier, healthier life. It appears that loneliness kills our spirit and our bodies. As we age, those who suffer from loneliness record brain functions that decline earlier than those who are strongly connected.

It seems that the quality of our close relationships is more important to our health and happiness than the quantity. Overall, those who have warm relationships with a few are better off emotionally and physically than those with a higher number of relationships that are not that meaningful.

‘Good’ relationships buffer us from what life can deal us; in other words, when we can count on others around us we are more secure and therefore happier.

Our brains respond positively with the feelings we have from our sense of security, our minds remain sharper and over a longer time when we have someone whose “Got our back.”

Tips to create happiness in your life

Dr. Waldinger concluded his Ted Talk presentation with a few easy to implement tips to turn your life around and create the real happiness that you deserve. Consider the following:

  • experiencing new things as a couple
  • taking long walks in nature
  • having date nights
  • resolving long-standing family feuds

If you follow these four simple yet effective ideas, your body and your brain will thank you for it!

Why do these ideas result in a happier, healthier life?

It’s about the flow of energy; happiness creates a flow of positive energy while feelings of isolation and loneliness results in a flow of negative energy.

Tip Number 1: It’s important to experience new things as a couple. After a while we may feel the routine, the grind of everyday life is stripping us of our happiness.

There are unlimited possibilities if we are opened minded and willing to explore new things. New challenges can create waves of positive energy that end up being shared between two people.

Tip Number 2: We can connect or reconnect with nature by taking long walks in the park or woods near our home. Out in the woods, we are flooded with the positive energy from the trees. How can you not be consumed by euphoric feelings in such a setting?

Tip Number 3: Then there are date nights. Research has shown that it is not our minds but our hearts that are by far the largest energy field in our body. It’s real joy when we feel our hearts share positive energy with someone we love.

In the end, our unique frequencies meet and produce this amazing synchronicity that allows each to be dependent and independent upon each other. It’s exhilarating!

Tip Number 4: If you feud with our siblings or hold grudges for other family members you are keeping yourself in a quagmire of negative energy that can and will result in a variety of physical and psychological aliments.

When we resolve family disagreements or long time misunderstandings we flush the negative energy from our mind and body and welcome the return of positive energy.

Put family feuds behind you. Take action. Do something about it right now, get on the phone or even better go visit in person to overcome the problems that have causing harm to your mind and body.

We are social beings

Ultimately, should we be surprised that relationships have been the main priority of the countless subjects interviewed for over seven decades, after all, we are social beings first and consumers second. According to the research, that is how we should live to have a happier, longer life.

Here’s that link again:

                                               “The good life is built on good relationships.”

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The Movement of Energy: Our Pathway to Success

The Movement of Energy: Our Pathway to Success

Nikola Tesla, the Serbian American physicist, inventor, engineer and futurist believed that “If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.”

Universal energy exists everywhere

According to scientists, universal energy exists in all places and at all times, there is no location and no time where and when it doesn’t exist. Since energy is everywhere we must believe that everything is energy; so, our thoughts, possessions, feelings…all consist of some form of energy with a unique frequency and vibration. This is the good news!

If everything is energy, it appears that our physical world distracts us from this truth so we seldom think of this divine omnipresent gift that surrounds our mind, body, and soul every moment of every day.

In order to reach success let’s start to think cosmically where each of us in the human family is inseparable from the universe and therefore, from the universal energy.

Universal energy is not static…it flows

Energy is not static, it exists and it flows, and it is attracted to like energy having a similar frequency and vibration and it is repelled by unlike energy having a dissimilar frequency and vibration. Where there is universal movement there is power, unlimited power that accompanies the natural flow of universal energy.

How can we tap into universal energy to help us along our pathway to success?

Success is an inflow and outflow of energy   

If there’s one thing I’ve learned after many years of reading and researching self-development and success is that success in life is the result of energy…but not just its presence, rather, the inflow and outflow of energy. This flow affects us and every part of us, and as a result it manifests paradigms in our mind that are fueled by our feelings, words, and actions.

Let’s look at the inflow and outflow of money and how it attracts or repels financial success.

If you buy a book by your favorite author that focuses upon how to achieve financial success, you create an outflow of energy – in this case, the money which you worked for. The author used his energy to create his words and receives your money, an inflow that is reciprocal with the outflow. In return, you receive an inflow of energy from the words and messages you read within that book.

If the book contains truth and a positive message, an inflow of positive energy affects your feelings, thought, words and actions which then create an outflow of positive energy that you send out to the world around you. This type of energy can only attract energy of the same vibration and frequency.

When you are in a positive state of energy, you can only attract a positive flow of energy back to you which then can help you manifest a:

  • successful business
  • fulfilling career
  • or larger bank account.

Since our success is based upon the inflow and outflow of energy, we should be careful about what we read since our interaction with the written word creates energy that we take in and then creates the energy that we put out.

The cycle of energy is infinite  

Now, let’s look at the food we eat and how it affects our potential to achieve physical body success. In this case when I refer to success, it’s not about money or fame, I mean a long healthy life within a healthy body.

All food has a specific frequency and vibration; ‘good’ food has a different set of characteristics than ‘bad’ food which then results in a different affect upon our body. For example, when we eat clean food without chemicals, low in sodium, sugar, and other harmful ingredients we are giving our bodies an opportunity to stay healthy…free of disease.

Since good food introduces positive energy into our bodies, our body reacts accordingly by keeping itself healthy, and that includes a healthy heart and a strong, fit body. The flow of positive energy created by good food can only attract positive energy, and so the cycle of energy is infinite.

We are what we eat!

Positive energy in…positive energy out. This results in a long healthy life.

Retirement, fear, and energy

This time, let’s consider our feelings and the effect they have upon our emotional success or a lack thereof. Retirement is just a few months away and fear starts to creep up upon you as you begin to feel fear for:

  • your health,
  • a scarcity of money,
  • the loss of friends and colleagues.

As you feel fear you begin to think fear; as you begin to think fear you begin to speak words of fear; and when words of fear appear then acts of fear follow.

You are responsible for the paradigm of fear that manifests within your mind and is reflected in all of your feelings, words, and actions. How can you live a happy, long retirement when fear permeates every fiber of your mind, body, and soul?

Once fear takes hold of you it takes you along the pathway of failure and can never take you along the pathway of success.

Rather than feel fear, take control of your emotional state and express the deepest gratitude for who you are, what you have, and what you have accomplished in life.

Gratitude can and will instantly change the state of the energy you attract and repel. Replace fear with optimism to receive the flow of positive universal energy.

Universal energy is the pathway to achieve success

Money, food, and feelings are charged with the primordial energy that permeates the universe.

If we understand that universal energy is the essence of life and the pathway to get the most out of life, we must use our mental ability to attract the flow of positive energy into our life.





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I’m Roger Kenworthy and I created the Quadrant of based upon a very simple idea; I wanted to share my experiences of how I reached success in my life in order to help others reach success in their life.

How do you define success?

Success can mean different things to different people; good health, sums of wealth, or the tranquility of spiritual achievement. No matter how you define success, it is achievable by the same principles and techniques.

I believe that success can be compared to a beautiful, colorful jigsaw puzzle – you know the ones that show majestic snow-covered mountains or a tropical paradise. In order to end-up with that mesmerizing picture, each piece of the puzzle must interlock with the next and the next and so on.

There are many paths to success 

It must be the same with success: there are many pieces that need to go together to complete a wonderful picture of your future life. There’s your thoughts, words, and actions mixed with massive amounts of faith, desire, belief and passion. Each must be present to achieve your goal.

You can find all the pieces for success here!

My hope is that you believe the Quadrant of has all the pieces necessary to finally complete your picture of success…no matter how you define it.

Are you ready to create a new future?