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“Each and every one of us can benefit from the multiplicities of our Self found in the countless parallel universes we all inhabit.”

q75_amcgszu-jesse-sewellDo we exist within Parallel Universes? 

Since time began, there have been mystics and prophets who envisioned that other universes existed parallel to the one we experience on a daily basis. These visionaries were held in the highest suspicion and were often alienated from society. The thought that countless mirror images of our universe, consisting of galaxies, planets, stars, human beings, and humans exactly like our Self, is the stuff that science fiction tales are made of.

It’s not sheer folly anymore

This might have remained as sheer folly in a writer’s mind until the new physics and quantum mechanics with the likes of Max Planck, John Wheeler, David Bohm, and Karl Pribram came along and helped to fill the gap between fact and fantasy. With the realization that different planes of reality exist alongside our own, we then have to ask the question How can I benefit, as well as humanity, from the multiplicities of my Self within these countless universes?

There are many roads we can travel

We can imagine the multitude of universes that exist alongside of ours as multiple roadways that lie beside, around, and ahead of us. The various roads that we can travel are the same as when we must make a decision in our life. For example, I have an opportunity to work abroad in a foreign country which I never have visited; I cannot speak the language, I am unfamiliar with its religious customs, and have never experienced their food. At the moment of decision to accept or decline this unique opportunity, we would all experience a wide number of what if situations.

What if situations? 

What if I go and end up marrying a local? What if I go and create a new business opportunity that creates enormous wealth for my Self? In parallel universes, there is one of you who has married a local in that foreign country and there is one of you who has started a new business with a large income. You can see where these what if situations are taking us – and that is exciting!

Endless possibilities and probabilities exist at this moment

The what if possibilities and probabilities of what you have experienced in the countless parallel universes that exist alongside the one we now inhabit are endless. In one universe, you are an award winning author who just penned a revolutionary theory which explained the possibility of multiple universes existing at the same moment. In another, you are a renowned painter who has the art world astounded with your talent. In a third, you are an inventor who has registered thousands of patents which have helped humankind enjoy an easier life. In a fourth, you are a successful Internet marketer who inspires lasting changes in people from your products and services. And finally, you are a real estate investor who builds eco-friendly homes and commercial sites.

Changes are possible, if you know how

Parallel universes provide a unique opportunity for those who want to make tremendous changes in their lives. If you want to be a successful writer, a sought after artist, a famous inventor, a Internet guru marketer, or a real estate investor then it is simply connecting with your Self from another universe who is successful in that endeavor and then learning from that Self how to become what your true passion in life is.

Meditation connects you with your Self from a parallel universe

How can we connect with our successful alter-ego from a parallel universe? I suggest meditation. Many companies produce CD’s that instantly bring you to the correct state to connect with your Self. When in that deep meditative state, picture your Self on a highway with many roads ahead of you. There will be signs which contain your name and pictograms of what you desire to be an expert at: hence, Roger the author; Roger the painter; Roger the inventor; Roger the Internet guru; Roger the real estate investor. Pick the one that you want to learn from and walk down that road. You will see a person walking towards you, that person is your exact Self who is successful at the task you want to learn about. When face-to-face, ask how you can develop your talent to the level of your Self since this you from another universe is accomplished at that skill. Listen carefully and then do what has been passed along to you. When you have ended your meditation session, be sure to take the necessary action mentioned to you by your Self. Do not despair if you have difficulty meeting-up with your Self, it is a skill and takes time to reach the proper vibrational frequency to make that connection.

All possibilities exist at this moment…seek your own

A wide realm of possibilities exists at this exact moment from parallel universes. When you meet your Self, your successful Self from another level of existence, your life and the lives of those around you will be changed for the better.

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“Be still within the turmoil of everyday life – how else can you achieve true success in life?”

clothesWhat is my place in the universe?

In our life, there is nothing more rewarding than the satisfaction of knowing our place in the universe, our reason for being here, and our connection with the Source. While being in a truly sacred place in life at the moment is the most gratifying and fulfilling for humankind, for most, this is an elusive goal. It is only when the noise of the outer world is blocked-out that we begin to experience the joy of the inner world.

Achieving your goal at any price

We live in a chaotic world where our purpose in life has morphed into How much can I get for myself? And without a single thought of the real cost to anyone or anybody, we run around grabbing at any means to achieve our goal with little regard of your goal. Companies design marketing programs which lead the masses to believe that they simply must have a particular product to be a somebody or a someone in the modern world.

Material goods do not make a person  

However, it doesn’t stop there; this monstrous selling machine has no conscience as it grinds out every last penny of profit for greedy stockholders and owners from consumers. It is troubling to find that a person in today’s society is measured by the price of their purse, the status of their watch, and the public’s perception of their car. And sadly, if you or a loved one cannot pay for their vision of how to attain self-worth and happiness, you are a failure. As a result of their marketing muscle, we blindly buy into their ideas how to achieve true happiness and fulfillment in life.  It is no wonder that individuals and society in general suffer so greatly.

Meditation helps us move forward to spiritual satisfaction 

It is time to break away from our modern day obsession with material goods as our only purpose and only goal in life. Rather than focus your full attention and energy upon your worldly Self; focus upon your inner Self where the true mansions of happiness and fulfillment exist. A good place to start this journey to override the need to have something or to be someone is to meditate on a regular basis.

Intuition is a true measurement of Self 

Meditation has many psychological and physiological benefits and it is not just sitting cross-legged on the floor chanting and burning incense. Rely upon your intuition to decide upon your Self worth. Just as the Source created unique snowflakes; each and every one of us was created with a special purpose in life which runs deeper than what we own. Receive inner satisfaction from nature and the everyday experiences. While we can receive material goods in life, first, experience the sacred connection with the Source to quiet the noise around you and truly experience a meaningful and happy life.

Redefine your purpose in the universe

As we enter into a new millennium, it is time we open our eyes to the injustices of mass consumerism and redefine our place in the universe, our purpose, and our connection with the Source; this is the way to achieve and sustain true happiness and fulfillment in this earthly life.


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Don’t be satisfied sleepwalking through life anymore!

7. Live wakefully 

(Osho’s Seventh New Commandment)

Cast conformity aside 

In this modern technological era, we don’t have to think, speak, or act for or from our Self, this is all accomplished for us by the mechanisms of government and society. We relinquish control over our own steering wheel and as we do this we have no need to think independently, no need to speak independently, and no need to act independently. We are lemmings racing to a future of compliance, conformity, and obedience and all the while having no idea that this is our future. Our blinders are on, our eyes are closed to spirituality, our minds are sealed from defiance, and our tongues are silenced from speaking original thoughts. Let’s liberate our Self of the yoke that is thrown over us like a net over a school of spawning salmon attempting to find their way home, and before we are trapped forever from reaching our ultimate goal of enlightenment,

header12Follow no agenda

Our elected officials, our government have an agenda to fulfill; our society has an agenda to fulfill, fed by the words and actions of our elected officials; and those around us have an agenda to fulfill.

Truth is not commercialism 

Now is the time we open our eyes to see and comprehend what is being presented as truth to us; the truth that is embedded in commercialism, the truth that is shrouded in greed, and the truth that is twisted un-recognizably from non-truth to truth. It is an arduous task since the roots of non-truth have grown deep within your soul, mind, and body. The seeds of untruths have had months, years, and possibly decades after being planted to germinate, and to bore fruit; this kind of harvested fruit is not sweet to the taste nor pleasant to the touch…fruit that ripens as an untruth was never, is never, and can never be beautiful or fulfilling to your soul or your body. This type of fruit is harmful to your being, soul, mind, and body; it perpetuates the lemming mentality. Hence, it is wise never to allow it take hold, germinate, or mature into the fruit that takes away your ability to think, speak, and act of your own volition.

Unbind the the mental chains 

In order to occupy a space of higher being, a higher level of consciousness, and a more acute level of awareness…you must cut the mental chains that bind you. You must clear away the fog that clouds your vision of what life is and what it has become at the hands of those who wish to control you through their agendas. It begins with questioning what is being fed to you, what is being forced upon you, and what is being thrust at you. Once you take that step to see the reality that modern life has become, you soon see that you have lost control and you must take control of your Self once again.

Cooperation not competition 

As you take control, you walk through the sunlight in a cooperative mind; a mind that lacks ego, is devoid of power, and shuns celebrity. You lose control when you live in the shadows of a competitive mind; it must be so since you want power, wealth, and celebrity over others…it is their loss and it is your gain. You win…they lose. This is not pure existence, being awake, and walking in higher realms of being…this is impure existence, being asleep and walking in lower realms of being.

Being awake is innate 

Experience the feeling of being awake at all times; you don’t have to chase after it…it is within you, all you need to do is open your eyes, mind, and Self to the innate beauty that is awareness, a closeness to truth and a distance from untruth. It has been provided to you by the Source; it is inclusive and not exclusive to you and only you, or exclusive to others and not inclusive to you.