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We move towards our goals while being in a state of relaxation; we cannot move towards our goals in a state of agitation.

Photo by Jared Rice on Unsplash

Emotions can be either positive or negative; however, the results of our emotions are very different

We are constantly being told by personal development experts that we must keep our eyes upon our goals and then pursue them with emotions in our hearts. This is well and true…our emotions can be a positive that leads us to our goals, however, they can be a negative that leads us away from our desires as well.

Emotions that interface with actions manifest HUGE results

Emotions are the super-fuel that powers us to our goals and we must have our emotions interface with our actions to produce big results. Just think of the opposite; a half-hearted attempt at being the best salesperson or an uninspired public speaker delivering a message, it just doesn’t seem possible to achieve much without emotions. In the end, emotions are the catalyst to success. 

Control of our emotions is key to our success or our failure

While emotions are critical for success, we must be aware of our controlling emotions. I don’t mean to throw away all your emotions, it is important to have intense emotions for your goal. It’s the negative feelings and thoughts that are detrimental to success; for example, if you are anxious, this emotion can only drive a goal farther away.

Anxiety and a lack of faith cannot possibly manifest your dreams

When you’re anxious, this means you fear that you will not achieve your goal. And when you have no faith in the Natural Laws and no belief in yourself, you cannot attract that which you desire most in your life.

Your personal barriers can and will come down with positive emotions such as faith and surrender

The key then is to pursue your goals with emotions, positive emotions, and not allow the negatives to occupy your mind and build barriers to your goals. It has been written that faith can move mountains, in contrast, a lack of faith can keep you exactly where you are at this moment. Give in to the Creator of the universe to get what you want.

Have a strong belief that you have already achieved your set goals before they happen

It is important that you have 100% belief in your own ability to achieve success. That’s not to say we must be arrogant about our own talents, rather, we must believe without a doubt that we are capable and will succeed in our pursuits.

Each goal is in your mind before it’s in your hand

Act as if you already have your goal: smell the leather of that car interior or take an imaginary walk around your expansive new house. At first, you must have the goal in your mind, and then it appears in your hand. 

Harmony and gratitude are crucial to your success

Expressing gratitude to the universe will manifest two positives. First, you are relaxed since you are genuinely thankful for what you have achieved to the moment. Second, the universe acknowledges your harmonious state and returns more of the same energy back to you.

The universe will deliver your desires and wants as a result of your positive emotions

Positive emotions act as powerful magnets that attract your goal to you while negative emotions repel your goals farther and farther away from you. Be calm and receive what is truly yours and what the universe wants to deliver to you.

2 thoughts on “We move towards our goals while being in a state of relaxation; we cannot move towards our goals in a state of agitation.

  1. Thanks for your blog, nice to read. Do not stop.

    1. Hi Mark;

      Thanks for such kind thoughts and words. All the best and I will keep writing on a monthly basis.

      Cheers, Dr Roger

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