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“Success can be narrowed down to just a few simple tasks: reading, thinking, and acting.”

xmcothgncqa-joshua-sortinoSuccess does not manifest from luck, chance, or fate

We all long for success, yet, most of us believe that success is some mysterious, hard-to-reach place which only a few fortunate ones every get to experience in their lifetime because of their luck, chance, or fate.

Success can be achieved by everyone…just follow the Natural Laws

The good news is that we can attain what we want in life since our success is subject to a set of Natural Laws that are precise and concise as any other mathematical law. And when one is aware of how the Laws work and how they truly favor our success, we can and must achieve what we set out to attain in our life without having to rely upon a stroke of good luck or a twist of fate.

The path to success can be straightforward, not complicated

When we think about our success, the means to arrive at that wonderful place in life can be narrowed down to a set of tasks which will change the direction of your life. These simple, but, effective tasks include reading, thinking, and doing. They appear to be simple and straightforward, without the complexities and mystery of other ideas, nonetheless, if you follow these ideas faithfully, they will manifest incredible changes in your life.

Take the first step…reading

The first step in our journey of success is reading. Reading can and will set you on the correct road to success. When you read a book about others’ success, it provides possibilities in your own life. The person you develop into in the future is a result of the books you read today. There is no better way to start your journey of achievement. Honestly create a plan to read and faithfully follow your personal plan for success.

Your thoughts determine your success 

The next step is thinking where your results, good or bad, originate from. There is no getting away from the fact that your thoughts and your thoughts alone determine the success you achieve in your life.

Don’t let the bad weeds conquer your mind

We are the creators in a universe that always manifests what we think about. Thus, meditate regularly and visualize daily to achieve your goals and like a careful gardener, do not let the weeds of bad thought enter your mind. Be vigilant to keep fear, hate, and envy out of your mind.

The final step…acting upon what you’ve read and thought about

Finally, we reach the last of the three steps in my simple plan for success, acting. While we can read and think about our success all we want, in the end, we must be prepared to do something to help us reach our lofty goals.

You don’t need to know your path to success beforehand, the right one shall manifest itself to you…at the right moment

It is not necessary to plan every step of the way, rather, the Source will provide the guidance necessary to achieve our end goal. In fact, if we keep asking ourselves how to reach our goals, we are asking the wrong question and will only have our desires pushed farther away from us. Instead, rely upon the Source to provide what you need to do to achieve success. Listen to your inner voice for the path to personal achievement.

Success is within each person’s grasp…

Reaching success in your life is not a far-fetched dream which only a few ever manage to get to, it is at the fingertips of each and every one of us, it is just our own sense of awareness that brings it to us or our lack of awareness that keeps it at arm’s length from us. Follow these few simple techniques to reach the heights of success that each of us is entitled to receive from our benevolent Creator.

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Search not, it already is what it is

10. Do not search. That which is, is. 

(Osho’s Tenth New Commandment)

Why do we run? 

We run here and we run there trying to find the best deal, the best relationship, the best job. However, as we frantically scurry this way and that trying to find what we think is the best deal, the best relationship, or the best job we miss the true opportunities that lie before our eyes. Our eyes remain closed to the possibilities at hand. Our energy is taken in our search for what we already have in our hand, in our heart, and before our eyes because we unable to discern between what is best and what simply is.

Why do we run towards illusions? 

Back cover 1As we run to what we think is the best of the best for us, we have our eyes and heart focused upon the wrong things…these are merely illusions of the best that are presented to us in the physical world. These are distractions of what is real, what is worthy of running towards and running after. These things are not the best, they are camouflaged by a veneer of untruths whose sole purpose is to divert your attention from what is real, what is worthy, what is.

Universal perfection

The universe is perfect…it is what it is because is it perfection; it runs on universal timelessness, and it runs on a myriad of Natural Laws that are so precise, so exact, so unerring, that it has sustained itself by these same laws for billions of years. If the universe is perfect, then all space, things, and life within the universe are perfect…the parts are a perfect as the whole, it can be no other way. Imperfection cannot live within perfection…perfection cannot live within imperfection.  Hence, all is perfect; and as such each person, animal, planet, and star that resides within a perfect universe is perfect.

Perfection is by design…not by chance, luck or fate

Since we are perfect, we must ask our Self…is it by chance, luck or fate that we are perfect. Perfection is innate in you, me, the eagle, the seashore, the sunlight…hence, it is perfection by design. The gears of the universe run as they do because they are designed to do so, and because they indicate design there must be a designer. A design is created by a designer for and to a purpose; thus, the purpose must reflect what is meant to be and why it is meant to be so.

It is perfect…it is as it is 

There is no need to search; there is no need to run here and run there; and there is no need to fear what is…it is because it is meant to be, as such not to be searched for, run after, or feared from.

Accept the is

When you accept that what is, it is the best for you, it is the outcome, it is the reality…which is not masked by illusion or untruth. Ask not why it is, rather, flow along with the is as a river does on its way to the sea. The river never asks why it flows or where it flows to, that decision is made for it; thus, it focuses upon the is of the journey, the moment, the as it is, and not the end result.


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What is the greatest source of love?

4. Love is prayer

(Osho’s Fourth New Commandment)

We commit self-arson 

The world is aflame with the negative energy that is created by envy, jealously, hatred, and fear. Our thoughts, words, and deeds provide the kindling for us to commit acts of arson upon our minds and our souls, and as we relinquish our minds and souls to a blazing pyre, we suffer spiritually, emotionally, and physically from our acts.

header19This is the scenario we face when we read the newspaper, watch the television, or listen to the news…it is of little wonder that we also face a myriad of diseases created by the ills we commonly share in our modern day life. Yet, it does not have to be the norm…these black clouds of negativity can be the exception if we return to the love of the Source, the one who loves each of us regardless of our gender, intellect, location or age. How?

Our sacred connection to the Source

Prayer is the sacred connection between the Source and yourself. It is a selfish act that flushes the negative out of your life and replaces it with the positive in your life. You are given free will to make the decision to surround yourself with positive energy or to surround yourself with negative energy…both forms of energy cannot coexist at the same time and in the same space. These possibilities present themselves to you, but in the end, it is your choice which one you live your life by.  We must lead our souls and minds down the pathway of love in order to find the love that exists at every turn and bend in our journey of life.

No need to pray on bended knees 

Many believe they need to be upon bended knees in order to initiate and experience the sacred connection between themselves and the Source, this is not the case. It is not about being in a hallowed building that houses the relics from the past or the symbols of piety…it’s the feelings that you hold inside for the Source. Words alone cannot and do not hold the answers to your prayers, you must experience the love within before it can manifest without. Hence, prayer can occur within when walking through a forest, strolling along an urban avenue, or looking into the eyes of your love.

Prayer is love and love is prayer 

Prayer creates the love that purifies, the love that sanctifies, the love that amplifies. Love is all and all is love when manifested by prayer. Prayer manifests the emotion of love that attracts and thrives on love; the thoughts of love that sustains love; and the acts of love that  retains love.

Our prayers are of love, our prayers are from love, our prayers are with love…why are we unable to see the obvious in this life. We see hate and not love. We see greed and not love. Put aside the hate and invite the love, the love that manifests as we pray of joy and purpose in this life.