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Does life only exist within the seen world?

6. Life is now and here 

(Osho’s Sixth New Commandment)

Life exists everywhere

Life is all around us; when we open our eyes and see a translucent blue sky high overhead ablaze with yellow sunshine, we come alive; when we walk along a mountain stream and hear the pure rushing waters, we come alive; and when we touch the warm cheek of our love, we come alive. These physical sensations are capable of satiating our primordial yearnings as we are constantly reminded that we are alive, one who lives in the third dimension.

blurred_linesLive within the metaphysical world 

Our five senses…smell, sight, touch, taste, and sound…act as our connection with the physical world. These allow us to navigate and survive the seen world, the world around us that can be measured, monitored, and manipulated. Although they are a multiplicity, they are nonetheless a commonality that is shared by all of humanity. Yet, it is not without a steep price; many are so wrapped up in the sensations they receive and enjoy from their immediate physical world they neglect to experience what true wonders surround them in their metaphysical world.

Life consists of endless possibilities 

Perhaps, we are half alive; permanently sleep walking so to speak when all we can conceive and believe in and of life is what we acquire from our five physical senses. We must wipe the sleep from our half-opened eyes and see what life is, it is not an illusion, but a reality that is boundless, endless, limitless. Quantum physicists are of the opinion that the unseen world of molecules holds all possibilities at this specific moment, and it is merely our focus that causes one of our many possibilities to become our one reality.

Listen to your own conductor

However, we do not need science or white-coated scientists to validate that life exists at various levels and with its many possibilities and outcomes; we only need to listen to the music that plays within our souls to validate our true feelings and innate knowledge about what it is, where it is, and how it is. Listen attentively to the music you hear within your soul, created by a conductor, musicians, and musical instruments…there is no need to look without when the answer to life, your life is within. Be yourself, but not another. That what you collect from others, read from books, or watch from the news is not real, it is but a superficial here and now and has little truth or meaning in this life.

Here is not the only now 

Be aware of the real here and now and not the unreal here and now. When we are only here and now, we are far away from truth; when we are only here and now, we are far away from the Source; when we are only here and now, we are far away from reality.  While we are far away from the truth the truth is never far away from you; when you are far away from the Source, the Source is never far away from you; while you are far away from reality; reality is not far away from you. It is living by your physical senses that keep the truth far away, the Source far away, and reality far away.

Potential is without a number 

There is not just one here and now…there exists many here’s and now’s at this exact moment, and all of them teaming with a myriad of possibility and potentiality. So, to only focus upon the seen is a travesty, one that limits your level of consciousness and awareness. We are looking at life with a tarnished mirror, one that distorts the reality of what we are looking at, what we are admiring, and what we are searching for. However, it is when we accept that there are various here’s and now’s that we truly see life as it is, not one that is shrouded by a dense fog that creates illusions. There is life with truth when we comprehend that the unseen and seen worlds are one of singularity, and each must be experienced in this life.


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Become nothing to become something.

5. To become nothingness is the door to truth. Nothingness is the means, the goal, and attainment. 

(Osho’s Fifth New Commandment)

Material goods do not make the person 

There are those amongst us who measure their self-worth, their self-importance,and their self-confidence by the size of the house they live in, the kind of car they drive, and the kind of watch they wear on their wrist. They unwisely pursue these materialistic goods in order to fill the void created when they have turned their back upon their spirituality as a pathway to their success in this life. As a result, they suffer spiritually, mentally, and physically for their selfish, self-centered thoughts, words, and actions.

header13Self-importance is irrelevant to the universe 

In their desire to be ‘someone’ above you, me, and others they chose to separate themselves by their material choices. They reason that if they live in a larger house than you do….they are worth more than you; if they own a more exclusive automobile than you do…they are better than you; and if they wear a more unique watch around their wrist than you do….then they are more important than you are.

We cannot be separated 

However, they fail to understand that the sun cannot be separated from the universe; the whale cannot be separated from the ocean; and a person cannot be separated from humanity.When the sun acts like it is not part of the universe, it begins to die; when the whale acts like is not part of the ocean, it begins to die; and when a person thinks there are not part of humanity, they begin to die. The sun is the universe; the whale is the ocean; the person is humanity. The lower can never subsume the higher….the higher can subsume the lower.

Guide your ship without ego 

The problem is…ego, and when ego gets in the way of realty, it forms barriers around, over, and between the soul, mind, and body.  In this state we are blinded and hence, fail to realize that ego creates illusions of power, fame, and celebrity. Yet, these are ephemeral as the water that runs in a stream to the sea, and so it is that living by ego is an illusion while living without ego is reality. Reality is truth…truth is reality.

In order to change our state, we must change our ways; as we change our ways, we change our destination; as we change our destination, we change our journey; as we change our journey, we change us. No longer are we guided by false ego, we are guided by nothingness. Truth is nothingness…nothingness is truth.

Truth is not an illusion 

Truth lies behind the door of nothingness; when that door is closed it is the unknown, as we open the door it is the known. You must become receptive to what you know is the truth and that truth travels in many disguises, however, not one of those is a material disguise. The disguises are yet another illusion, one that confuses your mind, closes your eyes, opens your mouth, numbs your senses.

Harmony is above and beyond ego

Abandoning ego manifests nothingness; nothingness lacks ego. As you become nothing, you become someone…a someone who brings joy to others the way an inanimate object is unable to fulfill.  A someone who is part of everything; there is no separation when we surround ourself in a state of cooperation – there is separation when we surround ourself in a state of competition.  A someone who lives in perfect harmony, oneness, single unity. Perfect unity that exists in nothingness, unity that is above ego.

Take the one true pathway in life 

Nothingness is the pathway, ego is not…nothingness is the goal, ego is not…and nothingness is the attainment of truth, and ego is not.

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What is the greatest source of love?

4. Love is prayer

(Osho’s Fourth New Commandment)

We commit self-arson 

The world is aflame with the negative energy that is created by envy, jealously, hatred, and fear. Our thoughts, words, and deeds provide the kindling for us to commit acts of arson upon our minds and our souls, and as we relinquish our minds and souls to a blazing pyre, we suffer spiritually, emotionally, and physically from our acts.

header19This is the scenario we face when we read the newspaper, watch the television, or listen to the news…it is of little wonder that we also face a myriad of diseases created by the ills we commonly share in our modern day life. Yet, it does not have to be the norm…these black clouds of negativity can be the exception if we return to the love of the Source, the one who loves each of us regardless of our gender, intellect, location or age. How?

Our sacred connection to the Source

Prayer is the sacred connection between the Source and yourself. It is a selfish act that flushes the negative out of your life and replaces it with the positive in your life. You are given free will to make the decision to surround yourself with positive energy or to surround yourself with negative energy…both forms of energy cannot coexist at the same time and in the same space. These possibilities present themselves to you, but in the end, it is your choice which one you live your life by.  We must lead our souls and minds down the pathway of love in order to find the love that exists at every turn and bend in our journey of life.

No need to pray on bended knees 

Many believe they need to be upon bended knees in order to initiate and experience the sacred connection between themselves and the Source, this is not the case. It is not about being in a hallowed building that houses the relics from the past or the symbols of piety…it’s the feelings that you hold inside for the Source. Words alone cannot and do not hold the answers to your prayers, you must experience the love within before it can manifest without. Hence, prayer can occur within when walking through a forest, strolling along an urban avenue, or looking into the eyes of your love.

Prayer is love and love is prayer 

Prayer creates the love that purifies, the love that sanctifies, the love that amplifies. Love is all and all is love when manifested by prayer. Prayer manifests the emotion of love that attracts and thrives on love; the thoughts of love that sustains love; and the acts of love that  retains love.

Our prayers are of love, our prayers are from love, our prayers are with love…why are we unable to see the obvious in this life. We see hate and not love. We see greed and not love. Put aside the hate and invite the love, the love that manifests as we pray of joy and purpose in this life.