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The Source has already provided you with the canvas, the brush, the paint to create your life.

Photo by Mike Petrucci on Unsplash

We have the innate ability to create the future

Within and around each of us is the means to create our dreams, our wants, and ultimately, our future. This idea is not the musings of a naïve optimist, rather, new physics supports this creed which the ancients knew and lived by. Their wise message is left to us through their manuscripts and folklore and only now is beginning to be understood and accepted by the scientific community and mainstream thought alike.

The founding legends contain the clues for humankind to create their wants and needs

When we examine the founding legends of various peoples, within their words, there appears an analogous thread which describes the presence of a net or a web of creation. According to the ancient beliefs of the Australian aboriginals, the American Hopi, and the Buddhist Sutras, this web or net has existed throughout the entire universe since the beginning of time. This omnipotent remnant of creation connects each of us to our past reality and to our future possibility.

An ancient web or net of knowledge and guidance permeates the universe

This web or net is what we now describe as something being out there. At one time, most believed that there was nothing but empty space within our environment and the universe itself. However, this pretense has been proved incorrect: the universe is made up of energy, energy which permeates every nook and every cranny. No matter where you are upon Earth, you are surrounded by this infinite energy.

Energy; raw, primordial energy is the key to manifesting our future

This energy field is very unique since it appears to be able to respond to our emotions. Scientific findings indicate that our feelings set in motion a series of events which manifest our wants. This net or web, whichever you prefer to call it, appears to have a sense of awareness which mirrors back our emotions. 

The ancient web or net of awareness is non-judgemental

Furthermore, this energy field of awareness does not discern between good or bad, thus, if you have positive emotions you must receive positive results in your life and if you have negative emotions you must receive negative results in your life. Ultimately, there is no escaping your inner emotions since this field of awareness, manifests in your life what you love or what you hate.

The ancient web or net of awareness is non-discriminatory; it is impartial and fair to all

It is now understood that the power of the universe is everywhere and in equal amounts everywhere. Thus, each of us has the same opportunity to tap into this power regardless of our location, age, or gender. When you accept the idea that you are connected to the universal energy, regardless of your present situation, you also recognize your ability to create your future with what you already have within you and around you.

Our Creator gave us the innate ability to manifest our future wants and needs; use your canvas, paint, and brush wisely

We are all from and of the Creator. And as such, it is innate within us to create our wants and desires; we create our wants and desires with our emotions. Positive emotions can only create beautiful, colorful canvases of our life. Negative emotions can only create ugly, dark canvases of our life. We should no longer question if this sacred field of awareness exists; rather, we must question how to use our canvas, our brush, and our paint to create the future we truly desire.

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