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The expansiveness of your inner world is far greater than the expansiveness of your outer world.

We are amazed by the Earth’s physical beauty

Most are in complete awe of their physical world. Consider the visual delights that await you when you stroll along a clear-blue mountain stream or hike through a peaceful green forest in the spring time. Surely, you are appreciative of experiencing the natural wonders given to us by the benevolent Source?

Ancient Pompeii, a snap-shot in time 

Or wander through ancient Pompeii and marvel at the architecture of our glorious past. Glimpse into a time capsule as you are mesmerized by the same colorful wall paintings that our ancestors marveled at almost 2000 years ago.

Swirling colors…a delight to our eyes

Spend time experiencing the artwork of one of the greatest artists of all time. Be in wonder at the thick, swirling colors laid-down by our beloved Vincent who never sold a single painting he labored over when on this physical plane of existence.

Social networking has shrunk the world 

And think about what social networking has done to our circle of friends and acquaintances: one minute you can be writing to a friend in Norway, the next with an acquaintance in Qatar, and then with a former colleague who has moved to China. There is also our family who often must move abroad to find meaningful employment; as such, my family is now in Canada, England, Australia, New Zealand, and Thailand.

Experience various cultures…but never leave home

In order to stay connected, we can simply access the Internet or easily board an airplane and within a few hours enjoy fish and chips in the UK, savor prawn-soup in Thailand, or delight in lamb from New Zealand. Hence, with a more mobile workforce and improved technological innovations, we can experience a wide range of cultures and traditions in virtually every country on Earth. Still, while these wonders of our outer world are breathtaking, nonetheless, they pale to the wonders of our inner world.

Some never appreciate the beauty that exists around them

Although our Earth is seemingly large and offers untold experiences for each of us, nevertheless, we share an earthly existence with others who lack appreciation for the opportunities and are instead filled with anxiety, fear, and envy. At times, the negative things that happen in the world can overshadow and even rob you of your positive words, thoughts, and actions. Think about the topics that many talk about at work – the economy is weak, the company is bad, and the future is glum. While meaning well, these people are limiting their own lives and goals by this approach to life.

We limit our opportunities in life by the language we use 

They are limiting their achievements by measuring their opportunities with the physical world that they exist within. They are focusing upon the noise of their outer world which robs them of the peace, quiet, and joy which can lead them to their earthly goals. They are living in a small world, a physical world that holds them in chains and fetters their true Self. Their world may appear to be large, but it is indeed made small by their thoughts, their words, and their actions.

Our inner world is more expansive than our outer world 

How can we immerse our Self in the expansiveness of our inner world? There are a number of paths we can focus upon to experience the hidden magic that rests deep within our very souls. In order to put the differences between your spiritual and physical worlds in true perspective, it is key to mediate on a regular basis. Meditating helps you block-out the noise of your outer world and find the peace in your inner world. In this state, you can then experience unlimited space and tranquility which you are able to leverage to achieve the goals that you have set your heart upon.

Meditation opens your metaphysical door to success

As you find quietude, you find the unlimited potential that is innate within your Self. Meditating helps you to relax and see the beauty that exists within you which can be hidden from you when you are not in a peaceful state of being. A positive perspective on life is far better than a negative perspective since this approach attracts additional positive events, people, and circumstances into your life.

The daily news is not the path to fulfillment

Most need to watch the nightly news to help them unwind before slipping off to sleep. I challenge this idea: how can you possibly unwind and enjoy a peaceful sleep when you have just experienced the latest tragedies, human and economic, just before retiring for the evening? It appears to me that watching the negative events that have horrified your city, state, country, or world is not the ideal way to wrap-up a day of your life.

Retire at night with a positive message reverberating in your mind

Rather than watch the nightly news and allow any negative thoughts to occupy your Self while you sleep, pick-up a positive book by some of the greatest authors of our past and present including Neville (The Power of Awareness), Raymond Holliwell (Working with the Law), Ralph Waldo Trine (In Tune with the Infinite), and Napoleon Hill (Think and Grow Rich). After retiring for the evening with the wise words from these renowned authors occupying your sleep time, your Self will have engaged with their words and will have cultivated increased awareness of the true expansiveness and innate possibilities within your inner world.

Subliminal affirmations help you walk down the path to joy 

There are also a number of companies that market CD’s which contain subliminal affirmations that can be listened to before or during your sleep time…these are highly effective and once again invoke positive thoughts within our Self instead of the negative images we often decide to close our day with.

Eternal connections manifest from meditating, reading and listening to positive messages 

As you are practicing meditation, reading positive books, and listening to silent affirmations, you are creating a profound and eternal connection with the Source. As you build your sacred passageway to the One and with the One, you are developing a greater sense of awareness and alignment with the immense power of the universe and the enormous power within your Self. A deep connection with the Source can only manifest a greater abundance of love, compassion, and understanding which in turn reveals the true expansiveness that is harbored deep within your Self. It is love, compassion, and understanding which unveil the infinite space, the enormous quietude, the inestimable relaxation, and unbounded solitude which are tantamount to experiencing the possibilities that abound within the expansiveness of your inner world.

 Your inner world usurps your outer world 

Regardless of the number of times you have flown around our Earth; regardless of the number of friends that you have scattered throughout our Earth; and regardless of the number of cultures, food, and languages you have experienced throughout our Earth, these physical manifestations fall short of what awaits you in your inner world.

Your inner potential is limitless when you pursue a divine connection 

The potential for your life is limitless when you spend time in deep thought in your inner world. Your inner sanctum holds divine power, divine connection, and divine unity with the Source. This divine trilogy is merely the reflection of your true potential and as such, holds unlimited possibilities for your physical health, your material wealth and your spiritual Self.

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