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A Me-ist to a We-ist: How We Can Change the World One Person at a Time

Chapter Two

Be kind to the planet

            Our Earth is populated with roughly 7.4 billion people as of August 2016, according to (World Population, https:// By the year 2100, a United Nations report estimates that number will grow substantially to around 11.2 billion. The sheer numbers of our species will put even more stress upon our world’s environment, energy resources, and food supplies. While our future may appear bleak, there is also a source of hope when we change our attitude about being a Me-ist to become a We-ist. This can be a great moment in history as H.H. The Dalai Lama writes about our present circumstance, “This crisis in bringing us an opportunity to experience what few generations in history ever have the privilege of knowing: a generational mission; the exhilaration of a compelling moral purpose; a shared and unifying cause…to put aside pettiness and conflict…and the opportunity to rise” (George, 2009). Being kind to our planet is not just buying fuel efficient automobiles and riding bicycles; turning down our home’s nightly temperature and changing to more efficient light bulbs; or recycling and buying less manufactured goods. Author James George (2009) nicely sums up our present situation, “The real bottom line, then, is to see that we are in a spiritual crisis that is widely misperceived as an environmental or an economic or a social crisis.

            Earth Mother is screaming for our help to help ourselves: we can invent all sorts of new electronic gadgets; create unlimited social sites to consume our time; and design countless video games to distract us from being who we are or why we are here on the planet. These material goods cannot and will not help our environment…we must create new thinking to manifest as new people, a world of more caring and compassionate people that are kind to our planet. The shift in our fundamental thoughts, words, and actions towards ourselves and, hence, to others, creates new behaviours and values that are helpful to our environment and to us. As we have a spiritual awakening, our hearts and souls are also changed from being a Me-ist to a We-ist. What an extraordinary life it would be. Does each one of us have to change at the same moment to impact the world around us? No. The teachings of G.I. Gurdjieff (1991) reflect his ideas about what it takes to make real change on our world, “two hundred conscious people, if they existed and if they found it necessary and legitimate, could change the whole life on earth.” Once We-ists begin to change to Me-ists, a new paradigm is formed and then the momentum from such an occurrence will carry us to a new and better world.

The idea behind becoming a We-ist when you are a Me-ist at the present moment is to shift your focus from your Self to others, and your attention can be centred upon a person, animal or the environment. Let’s consider what happens as you focus upon another individual. When you shift your focus, you can help others feel important, self-confident, and worthy of love, success, and happiness. What single word leaves the greatest impression upon others…their name. Every time you meet a new person be sure to remember and use their name, nothing else is sweeter to your ear than your own name. We can help others become more self-confident by following these few steps. If we are supportive and not critical of others, this simple act is conducive to building a person’s self-confidence. When we spend time with someone else, this is when we can reinforce what they do well and not what they don’t do so well. These are ways to refocus upon others and not focus upon your Self.   

When you shift your focus upon the creatures that you encounter on a daily basis you help that stray dog or cat by supplying them with a loving home. Millions of people world-wide agree with your decision to have a pet; surely, we all cannot be wrong. Why? You win because research indicates that owning a dog, cat or other animal companion is beneficial psychologically and physiologically (Crain, 2013). First, when you have a pet you are more active and this aids in increasing your heart rate and boosts your energy. Since you are active, you have a greater chance of lowering your chances for obesity, lowering your blood pressure, and your cholesterol too. Second, having a pet increases your feeling of empathy, a positive reaction that is flooded with positive energy as you put their needs before yours, which increases your compassion. Third, your pet needs you to feed, exercise, and water them which increase your empathy. In turn, you feel needed; your dog is never ever judgmental of your actions. Last, petting your dog or cat releases huge doses of positive hormones, serotonin and oxytocin, throughout your system which reduces your cortisol (Niven, 2007). Do you want to become a We-ist? Adopt an animal… today.      

When you shift your focus upon the Earth Mother you are helping her survive and therefore enabling your children, grand-children, and great-grand-children an opportunity to live a long healthy life upon our one and only terrestrial home. The focus of this chapter is how we can change from a Me-ist to a We-ist by being kind to our environment. Let’s start with the three R’s:  reduce, reuse, and recycle. It appears that the 3 R’s appeared on the first Earth Day in 1970, within the Environmental Handbook edited by Garrett De Bell and published by Ballentine/Friends of the Earth ( The 3 R’s are effective because they are simple imperatives, commands that leave an impression upon our minds to take action to do something positive for our environment. In the process, we benefit emotionally and spiritually from our selfless actions to save the world from pollution.     

First, according to Rob at the Green Guide for Everyday Living, reduce “…is dubbed as the mother of all 3 R’s and it should be the first rule to consider when making any task at home.” For example, it is important to work upon reducing energy, materials, and electronic gadgets where you live. Making these simple choices to reduce the waste and consumption in your home is a big step to caring for the Earth and taking the focus off of you and onto something bigger and more important than yourself. 

            Next, pay particular attention to what you buy and why you buy it; this prudent decision helps our environment. It is easy to say reduce buying clothes, mobile phones, jewellery, shoes and so forth for many of us; however, this attitude swims directly against the current of our modern-day consumer driven world. The government measures economic success by how much we spend. The neighbourhood gauges you on the size of your house, the make of your car, and the price of your toys. The media, in its many forms, pushes the idea that more is better and you are worth more because you have more. This is not true wealth and happiness in life; it is spiritual and emotional poverty that occurs when you face unbridled shopping. What can you do? If you have a problem, acknowledge that you have the problem; don’t deny it exists. Many of us have real problems and issues when it comes to being able to reduce what we buy. The problem is maybe that you are a shopaholic; but don’t feel embarrassed or ashamed of this condition because you’re not alone…far from it. The well-known New York psychologist, Dr. April Lane Benson, estimates that over 18 million Americans are shopaholics. It’s a staggering number of people who suffer from this dilemma, and this is why Dr. Benson created If you think that you or a loved one has a shopping or spending issue, you can visit the site and download their free self-assessment questionnaire to discover if there is a reason for concern as well as what to do about it. This site and its useful information could change your life forever.

You can pick-up your digital or paper copy of A Me-ist to a We-ist at Amazon. Enjoy the read and a review would be greatly appreciated to help get the word out and help save our planet and our species from the portal of extinction.

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A Me-ist to a We-ist: How We Can Change the World One Person at a Time 

Welcome to 2024 and I hope that everyone of my readers and subscribers have a healthy and prosperous 2024. This year, I’m going to do things differently than the past. If you are aware of this fact, I’ve authored over 20 books that are on Amazon and Amazon Kindle. My focus is self-help, motivational books that aspire readers to a higher level of consciousness, and hence, healthier, happier and more spiritual lives.

This month, I’ll feature “”A Me-ist to a We-ist: How We Can Change the World One Person at a Time “(2019). I’m especially proud of my work since the advice given is not just my opinion but is backed up by over 100 references from experts, scientists, and futurists.

How can my words help you in your life’s journey?

One reader included an unsolicited review about how the words affected his personal life: “A We-ist is concerned about things like peace, forgiveness, love, compassion, gratitude, humility, and spirituality. As we work on being a better person, this will naturally have an affect on the people around us. That’s how it compounds one person at a time. I have always been into continued learning and personal development. There are parts of the book that I particularly found to be motivating and inspirational.” 

Let’s get started. If you want to purchase a paper or digital copy of We-ist, travel over to Amazon and place your order.

Chapter One

Don’t change the world, change your world

I’m not asking, pleading or demanding that you change all of humanity…that is too much responsibility for any man or woman to carry upon their shoulders. The weight would be thoroughly crushing, depressing, and debilitating. All I’m asking you to do is change the world within you, and as you change the world within you, you change the world around you, and as you change the world around you, you change the world around another person and then around another and then another. Your change cannot be contained. It doesn’t stop…it’s the power of momentum. It’s like a single snowflake that starts at the top of the mountain and as it careens down precipitous slopes, it adheres to other snowflakes and by the time they reach the bottom of the mountain, the unsuspecting valley is changed beyond description. That’s from a single snowflake; imagine what a single person could do if they are focused and commit to consistent action to change the world within them?

In today’s world, we all too often look around us to see loneliness, feel emptiness, speak of insecurity and insignificance. We believe we are onlookers and not participants of the world; we have become fragments of our Self, separated from joy, happiness, and purpose. It’s little wonder then that we turn to material goods where we horde things, and collect things to find what we feel is missing in our life. As you scramble for what you think you need and want to be whole in this life, you lose empathy and compassion for others. We can then justify exploitation and suppression in order to get what we want…our piece of the pie. As it occurs individually, it then spreads out as a pandemic illness throughout our world.    

However, life is like a mirror; if you focus upon indifference, you live indifference; if you focus upon oppression, you live oppression; and if you focus upon conflict, you live conflict. In your mind and then in your neighbourhood you have indifference and even malevolence. We need to lose indifference and oppression. As children and teens, we needed to belong, to be reassured, and to be a member of a group that we identified with. As you aged, you lost that need and this created separation without because you created separation within. You don’t need a life-threatening illness or some other disaster to show you that changes have to be made and made in a hurry. Assume a new role in your life…now. It’s time to become a participant again, move past being an onlooker to achieve what you deserve in this life. A life that should be one filled with purpose and meaning and not indifference and oppression.     

How does it start? It starts with the four-letter word we all dream about; the one word that ignites our soul and causes us to sing about it, cry over it, and chase after it for our entire seventy, eighty, or ninety years that we spend upon this planet, it is…LOVE. New babies need love; adolescents need love; geriatrics need love. The famous Armenian spiritual teacher and writer G. I. Gurdjieff (1991) expressed his views to us that “love is the foundation of everything.” Scovel-Shinn (1989), expressed her view by stating that “Loving your neighbor means not to limit your neighbor in word, thought or deed” and “Regard your neighbor as yourself.” In Tao Te Chung (13), we read “Love the world as your own self, then you can truly care for all things.” This is the ‘how’ to change your world and the world of those around you.

However, be mindful of love and its true meaning; it is not something you do, it is not something you say…it is something you are. It is something you are when the world conspires against you; it is something you are when the universe aligns with you; and it is something you are when you shouldn’t be. Love must be as natural as breathing and as the act of breathing is an unconscious reaction that sustains our life, love must be natural and must permeate every one of your trillion plus cells. If a scientist looked under a microscope at your cells to find love, it wouldn’t be possible to discern between the physical and spiritual aspects that make-up your cells. Your cells are love and your love is your cells. There is no separation of the two, they are one, and as one they guide you through life and determine how you act and react to your Self, to other members of our species, and to nature.

The major religions and philosophies of the ancient and modern world espouse the same universal wisdom; it is certainly not luck, fate, or chance that the principle tenet of each institution is clearly based upon, it is love…love for your Creator, love for your Self, love for your brothers and sisters, and nature. In our today’s world, many have little faith in what the religious teachings and their words have to offer us; hence, we assume the words are false; the words are an invention; the words are concocted by man to suppress man. It’s a shame that this feeling runs throughout our modern psyche; for a moment, put aside your disbelief and suspicion about the great ancient books and look at what they are saying to us. The words and stories contain wise words that help us live today as they helped those that lived yesterday. If you are a non-believer, cast religion aside for just a moment and see the message instead…you’ll be surprised how their message can change your life.  

There you have it? Can you see the value for our species’ future by casting aside the Me-ist attitude and adopting a We-ist way of life? I do and my wish is that these few paragraphs help you in your personal journey to good health, financial wealth, and spiritual self.

I’d like to hear your response to the ideas found in “A Me-ist to a We-ist: How We Can Change the World One Person at a Time.”